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GREATB ARC2 AIRIS "BEAPY MADE CL0TH1H0 ! ! " HALLO CK S' RJlYMOJVD WOULD respcctfuily nl'üiin the citizens of Ann Arbor. n:ul the State rnerally ilmi they have now on hand iho LAUGEST nntl CHE AP EST stock of" READY MADE CLOTHINC' to hu found at r.ny establishment in this State, which they are determined to sell at pi ces lover than were befo re ofFcred, and ihey confideml invite all persons in want of "Ready Made Clothivg," visitihg Dotroit, to cali at ttièir establishment, "Corner of Jcffcrstui tmd Wo'dtcard Arenues," in the new briclv block, Plioc■niz Buildings, vvhere they will Hmi evi-ry vtftffty ofgarmenta suitable for ccntleinen's Fall or Winter wear, and they beüeveat prices from 15 to 25 percent c'teaper than they can obtairi them in any other way. Also, n very clioice selcction of "Broad Cloths, a ss i me res, and Vestings,"" ■wliicli they are prepared to nianuí.icture to order in a superior manner and siyle nol to be exceiled in the City of Nnc York or elaiwhere. Garments always warranied to fit and p'.cuse or no sald! Al'o. a very heavy Stock of DOMESTÍC CLOTHS. PILOT and BEAVER CLOTUS. BF.LGIC CLOTHS, SATTIXETS. WINTER TWEEDS. and every variety anddescription of goods suitable tor gentlemen's wearing npparel, all of which shall be aold viry low for cash, or exchanged lor Produce at market prices. I All those wishthg Bargains in any of the nbove orticlfis are invited to cali at the "FASHiOX ABLE CLOTHING EMPORIUM" of the subscribers. Cor. of Jeflèrson and Wuodward Avenues. Detroit. HALLOCK & RAYMOND. Detroit. Sept. 28, 1843.Strayed F ROM the subscrilier, in the town of Salin about il-e 20th of July lasi, two yokc o Red'Oxen. Ono yoke were ot ïarge size. an( one of them a palé rel, witli a rope aroiind li horns when they went awoy. The other yok were of size, and one of thein had white spot in the torehead, and some white o one of nis hiud leg. They are dbout ten year old. Whoever will return said oxen, or giv intormatiün where they may be found, to Mr Ford, or to Mr. Van Husei, in Saline village, or to the subscriber in the town of High land, Oakland connty. shall be liberally iivard ed. ' H [ RA M BA R RETT. October 2. 1843. 23. Administrator's rioticc. TUK undersigncd liaving been appointed b the Judge of Probate for the connty o Washtenaw, administrntors on the estáte of Josiah Beckley, late of s:iid cuuniy. deceased. and having given bonds a3 required by law. hereby give notice to all persons indebted to said estáte to make immediite pnyment to theni, and all persons having claims igninsi said estnte to present them properly attested for adinstment. MINERVA BECKLKY. Adnunisiratrix. LUKE BECKLEY, Administrator. Ann Arbor, Sept 23, 1842. 23-6w.FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! THE inembers of the Kalmnazoo Mutual Insuranee Oompany are hereby noiifieil, that the following assessrrrettts hv kou juaJ U iImj directois. on all no;es u force on the following days, to wii: January Jst, 1843, H per cent. February 2th, il ï " " March 22d. " i " " April llih ;; 11 " '; May lst, " 1 ;i " Sept. lst. " IJ '; " Making, 7 per cent. Said per cent to becast on the original amountof the premium note, without reierence to any previojs endorsements. and to be paiii on or before thefirstday of November nest. either at the office of the company. or to a duly authoriztd agent who wil! be furnished witli the roll under the seal of the company. All who neglect to pay tlteir assessments are referred to Section 2d of Article 2d of the By Laws attached to each policy, for the consequences. It is confidently expected that the members will be prepared to pay their assessments promptly, as by so doinsr, the company can relieve themselves of their present indcbtednes, nnd incrense their future usefulness. Should any one neglect or refuse to pay wherr called upon. suits will be instiivtid for the amount of the premium notes, which in all cases will be cullected. Office of the Kal. M. Ins. Co., ? Kalamazoo, Sept. 25, 1843. A. T. PROUTY, Sec'y. ILTTo be published in all the newspapersprinted in this State for three weeks nnd the eciuors ofeaid papers are requestetl to snd a cupy of the paper cont'iming the same to the office of the company durir.g ihe continuance of the advertisement, asa voucher in the adjustment of their accounts. 25-3w. TAILORÏG. CLAIMS the attcniion of the inliabitants of Arm Arbor and the surrounding country, and intorms them he has located hiniself tlie North 8idc the square, near the Post Office, opposite the renr door of Court Hou3C, where he is always on hand to wait on those who wish to obligo him with a cali. The farmers are sure to be suited wi:h good comforiable fits. All who are more fashionably inclined can be accommodated, having received the latest Fashions for Fall and Winter. Cutting done on tlie shortest noticc, and warranted to fit if made upby experienced hands. Ann Arbor. Uct. 1. 1843. 23-tf. WOOD! W00DÜ WANTKD immediaiely, nny quantitv of DRY WOOD in payment for the Signal of Liberty. Come soon. Checsc. IjOR Sale by C. J. GARLAND. Ann Arbor, Upper Town, May 5, '43. 2 CHARLES H. STEWART,! ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY. JEFKERSON VBMTJfe, DETROIT. 1 f. Tor Sale. O XE yoke of VVQRKl.NG OXEIÍ. Fnouire at the Hat Store of H. BAGG, Lower Tov.n. Ann Arbor, May 29, 1843. 5_tf 0900Ö FLOUR BARRELS for sile Cheap for Cash, by C J. GARLAND. 2 Ana Albor, Upper Town, May 5, 1 á 133PetOrs Pilis. 'Tis (uu thcy.sny to get well wtih them, A! L mankind thioughout tUoir J. and Oiinuiisc ciicuUtion. that ever tïy :hei;i coniuiuo ihei.i. reicis' l?illa.aic put Ij w.--erablé; thy w'örk no imeb. hor do they profeasto' cure all disea?s, bécüUse; tïïey are thtí, süieaiifio boinpound oiia regular plwsicuin, who tiaa made hls profcssfon tlie study ?i hia IiTe. Dr. Peters is o gradúale ol Ya!c ( !ol gé; ;ilso o! thi' Ü0éáJacbu$Btt8 Medical Cúrllog and ;ü sonie whatdietingiiished bunielf.ns a_ iikui ol gcieuci and genius amonit the laiiiily of the Ihte G iv Peter.?. Peters' Vegeiab'.e l'iilsare sifriple in iheii prefyotion, mild in their nc.ion, thoioush " tri'eif operntiortj pnd unnvalled in t hei r resulta.- The town mul country are altfee fiHéd with their praise. The palace and the poor house nlike echo with their virtues. In nllchniates thcy wil! return their wonderful powors and exert them unalttMed by age or siurition. and this the voiceofa grateiul conimuniiy pruclaimed. - Peters' Pilis prevent - Uecp off diseases ii t.imely tistn!, and hflve nö rival iti cörnig billious fevcr. lever mul auCjtiyspepsia, livor complaints.croup. siek headachejaundïce, asüima.dropsy. rheuniatism, cnlnrgement of the spleen, piles, colic. female ohstrueiion. heart bui n. fuired lonpue. nausea, djstemion of the stoniach andboweltí. incipient diarrheea, íiatulence, habitual costiveness, i loss of appetue, bloctíed.ur sallöw complexión,; and in all cases of torpur of the bowels, where n cithartic or aperient is indiented, producing iHMtber nausea, griping or dtbility; and n-e repeat all who buy thoi continue lo try tlieni. The most triutnhant succes? hns over attended their use and onough is already known of. them to inimortalize and hand them down to pos terity WÏÏH the improvenients ofthe age in medical science. v Dr. Poters was bred tö the healingart.aml in order tp SORply dem.inds, he has origináted nnd cntled to his aid the only steani dr i ven pQchinery n ihe wor]d iör pil I woikintr-Tis pt'rfect, and its procesa imparts to the pil! essemial virtue. because by being perfectly - do you liear that! while a host can testify hit tlu-y beüevo they owe their salvation froin lisease and death to Peters' Pil', and il' calorhél nul knivcsare setting partially into disusc we ire only mistaken.Certikicatks. - This paper coulfl lic filled with rhem by residcnfs of Michigan, by your friends ind neighbors - ask curagents. It is now wcll known thnt the prople will have Peters' Pil!s, nnd to hinder would betostop the rushing wind. Price 25 or 50 cents per box. The resistless Ibrce of iliese uuths - their universal reception, nddcd to the lestimbhy of miliions. 4ikeep it before the people'' must and will be henrd ihrougboiit this vale of tcars. Tlieir happy ini'uence on }oung ladies wliüc suffering iriiJer the usual changos of life as directed by the laws of nature, they import a buoyancy of heart, fielinii and action, an elnstic step, velvet cheek. lilly and carnation complexión by their action on ihe chyle, &c. and ladiea in delicate si'uations niwnys admit their power and IQ nocence, nnd take tliem tivo or three at a time without in the slightest degree incu rinií ihe haz ard of an abortion; which facts nrc ofilie utm si mportance. Pimples; a young Indy sent her ove to Dr. Peters, and says siie feels more grateïïltrt'hirrt for the restora'.ion of her beauty than f he had saved her Ule. 'Tis fun to get well vith Peters Puls. for ihey canse theblood tocourse slimpid and gertrié through the veins as a inounain 3 or 4 is a common dose. henee the atient is not comeüed to make a ineal. TüOUBLE IN PLUTO'S CAMP. . uiteastonished O!d Pluto c:mieto New Ycrk, ïlearing Peters had eot his Pili Engine nt work,) resign his commission, his hour glass and scythe;I have come to deliver them all np to you - ir., my calling is over - iny business isthrough; hávebeen fbr threeye.irs in a terrible stew, nd I reaily don'i know what on eartli J'am to do:- -fTrjroT yaur n-rgTiTyiTe cío r come ;o complnin. ut a tamal New' Yorker, one PETERS by name; 'he diseases my aids. in this war of mankind, Are subdued by this Peters, what help can we findi I would yic-Id him N. York. sir, if there he would s:ny: But, sir. Peters will have the whole world for his swny. While musingin council what course to pursue. That Engine of Peters broke Ibrth into view. TheKmgof terrors looked n while, As thaugh his soul was ed to bile, At that unsparing scourge of ills, By all men known as Peters' Pilis. These Pilis of Peters' stop the slaughter. And leaves theblood as pure S water. Now Peters makes, I've heard him say, Ffve hundred thousand pills n t!ny ; So that the chance is very smnU Of people there at all: For soon the cheeks. so marked for doom, Begin like any rose to bloom. Look htre! uil uho try them continue to hvij them. For sale as follows. by Me.srp. Beach & Abel. G. Grenville. F. J. B. Crane. Maynard. & Co., G. VVard, S. P. & J. C. Jewett. .1. H. Lund, H. Becker, Dickin.son& Cogswell. and S. KJones. Ann Arbor: Geo. Warner & Co-, and J. Millerd & Son, Dexter, Wm. A. L. Shaw. Lima: J. C. Winans. Sylvan. Hnle, & Smith. GrassLake; V. Jackson. Leoni: D. T. Merri. man. Jackson; M. A. Shoemalier. Michigan Centre; Brotherson &,Co..L. B. Kief & Gilbert. Manchester; D. S. Haywood, Sïlme: Snow &.Kevs. Clinton; J. Scattergood & Co., Plymnuth; Stone. Bnbcock & Co., rmr Julins, Movius&Co.. Ypsilanii: Pierre Teller, Denoit: J. & J. Bidwell, and Dr. Underwood. Adrion; Hart & Mosher. Springville; Harmen & Cook, Brooklyn; Smith & Co., Jonesville; L. M. Boyee,Chicngo - and almost every whereelse. Öct. 19, 1842 27-1 yHaver Rsisin ïnstitate THE winter term of dus lgaütuiion will commence the first Wednesday of November ncxt. and continue 15 weeks. It is piensantly situated in the town of R.nisin. one mile cast ot the direct rond frorn Tccumseh to Adrián. Rooms. - There are now on the premises suitable rooms for the ccommod.iiion of forty studcnts. which are designed tobo occupied for private study and lodging. Other necessary buildings provided ior recitntion and boarding. - Most student wili prob.iMy board then sc-lves. Expenses. - Tuüipn for tifteen weeks, conimon brnnches -I doilnrs. Uilinr Enlis!i branches, induding Greek and Latin, 5 dollars. Room rent 8 cents per week. Incidental expenses 50 cents per term. Students are expected to furnisti wliaíever they wish to use in their rjoms except andirons. Students who Iiave to ony thnir books will do well to di-Ser so doin:, and buy iliem here. The schoiil is opcn ti) all nppUcanta of suitnble age and moral cliaracter irrespeciive o i' 1 ion or condition. Itis very desirable that all who design to attend school should be ready to commence with the term. otherwise there c.nnot bc a regular classificatioi; ol' ihe studenis. and without such classification compáraíively Iittle advrnieement can be made in study. Any fuither Information respecting the Instution can be pbtnined by addresintr, post paid. JOHN PATCIILN", Principal. Raisin. Leiawr-o Co., Mich. Rnisin. Oc. 3, 1843. 24-3w. Sai Eratus. WHOLESALE and Rctail. by H. BECKER. Ann Arbor, Aug. 2, 1843. 15--.f. Anti-Slavery Eoks, AQUANT1TY of Anti-Slavoiy Bookfi nre for sale at this ofiiee, very cheap. Cali soon, beiore tlcy are gone.MLÏÏPA(3TOE7. TTlJ K substcr beis wou ld inform the public that JL tliey aro now rnanuïacturïng WOOLEN CLGTli wnli a degr'ee of sueccssequal to thcir moat 8nguipe expcetntions. Witli die macliin .tv they now have. they are ablo to manufacture frorri 75 ( 100 pounds of wool per dny. The clriih ihiy have made tor the last tlirco tnontlisis of the best quality. and that iiindo in tuturo will be similar. They have entirely overeóme the diificuhies of starting an es a'ülishment of t lus ■tind in a new couniry. Their ternis are 37J :en(a per yard lof fullcd clotli finiahed. or hall the cldlh ihe wool will makc. 11' niiy alteration of ihe tJims should bc dcternr.nod on, public notico will be ven. All wool reccivcd before such notice ia given will be worked on the above lerms. lf .ny wish to have their wool worked without niixing it wilh will be done, provided tliey assort it thenisolves, and hirnisii it in qunnïities of 1(10 pounds of one qualiiy of wool. lt is much betier lo sew up wool in sacks ihnnto tic it up in blanketè; the clotli should be strone. Provisionsof all kinds will be reccived in payment for nianufacturing to the amount requiied lor iheconsuniptioh'o.fthe establishment. Wool scntty railroad to Scio. will be properly attendi'd to: the nuniber of pounds should be markedon [liesack witli i tik ; also the weiirht of the sack. - Tho wool will be worked in turn isit conirs in. is nearly ns can be done witli reference to the Jiflerent quolities, ICF Many Farmers have expressr-d to vis their jratiöcation in consideration of our storting ihis )raucli of business, and many have encouraaed us y iheir patronage during the last yenr. We now nvite n!l to bring their wool, to the amount of lñ,Q('O pounds. and receive the benefit of the very ■oasonnble tennson which we ofier to manufacureit. The establishment is 2J milest west of Ann Arbor, on the Hurnn. S. V. FOSTER, &CO. Scio, April 30. 1843. 1-tfWOODWORTH'S HOTEL. SOllTHERX, KASTEEN AND SOUTHERN' STACE HOUSE. The nndersi?ned respectfully nnnounces to the public, that he is now the proprietor of this well known The house been thoroüghly overhauled, and refitted in a mnnner calculated to promote the comfort of citizens nnd the travelling1 public. The house occupies an eligible position. on the corner of Woodbrido-e and Randolph stroot?, in a business part of the city. Those who ma)' honor him with tliPircountenance, mar be assured Ihat no e?. pense or attpn'ion in his power, will be pared, to make theirsojourn in Detroit agreeable and satisface lorv. [JG-ly] S. D. W0ODW0RTH.TARIFF OR NO TARÏFF. GOODS ARE CHE4P AT GARLANDS. JUST'received at the Farmers and Mechnnics ' Store, direct ('rom New York, a general assortment of clioice an.1. select GOODS. consistingof all most every arricie wanted. puch as Sheetings Shirtings, Broad Cioths, Cassimcre, Calicóes. Drillinírs, Gambroons, Linen8, Umbrellns, Rilibons, Cravats. Mous. de Jains. Silks, Shawls, Bonneis, Hats, Sugar, Tea and Coffee, Crockery. Boots nnd Shoes. Looking Glnsses, &c. &c. All of '111011 vvill be sold cheap as the cheapest. Goods purchasers will keep n mind the Farmers and Mechanica Store C. J. GARLAND. N. I. Any gootUv"-"'-" "■! '■(". hin. n,y .: rt'j, sntisiaction in price and quality can be reurned. Ann Arbor, (Upper Town) June 12, '43. 7tfBOO1S BSMDERY. AT THE l'.r.'-R MILL (l.O VVKB. TOWN) ANNARBOIt EBOOTH would respectfully tnfo'ni tli inhnbitanisof Ann Arbor and vicinity tha ie continúes tlie business of ROOK BINDIUÍ&, at the old stand, in ihe Paper Mili. Oíd Book will he neaily rebounti on short notice. Al! kind3 of RULING done to order.- Country produce taken in payment. April' 19, 1S43. 52-tf. OF all kinds neatly execuied at :he Signa Oflice, at the shortesl notice, and on the most ronsnnnhio terms. !d3J Famphets Gircnlars ïiaildbiilS V.c will Dei primed tu urder, aanj uiue, vynh the utmost accurncy. ITT Orders hy mail promptly fiïled. S. PÜTTIBOJVE, SURVBYOR, MAP' BIAKER, AND LAND AGENT. Oitice in Court House Square. Ann Arbor. June l'J, J 843. tl. pain iraa. T. LAMBERÍA, BEGS Ieave to inforni the iuhabitnnls of Ann Arbor, and the snrrouniüng country, that having located himself in the Lotoer Villagc, witli the view of carrying on the above business in all its branches, (some üf whieh ars HOUSE. SIGN. nnd ORNAMENTAL PAINTIJVG, GILDING and GLAZIJN'G. GRAINING, imitaiion of nll Woods,..M ARBLEFZJNG, TRANSPARENCIES, BANNERS, &c. respectfully solicits n share of public patronage, as his prices 8hn!l be low to conform to the times and his work done in the best manner. T. L. would say to Farmers that he is part i o 1 1 1 n r ) y desirous to attend to their calis, as produce is the best kind of pay. Ann Arbor, Lovver Town, March 0. 1843. 45.- ly.DR. BANJSTER'SCELEHRATEDFEVKR AGÜE P1LLS.- Purely Vegetabli, A safe, spcedy. and sure reedy lor lever and agüe, dum apue, chili fever, nnd ihe bilious diseases peculiar to néw conntrics. These pil Is are designed for the ffections of the liver and iuher interna! organs which attend ihe diseases of the new and miasmatic portionsof our country. Tho ]roprietor having tried them in a great variety of cases confidently believes that they are superior to any reniedy thai ha8 ever been ofiered to the public for the above diseases. It is purely Vegetable and pcrfcclly harmless, and can be taken by anyperson, maleor female wiih perfect safety. The pills are prepared in two sepárale boxes, marked No. 1 and No. 2. and acecompaniedwiih full directions. A íjrcnt niiniber of certifícate might be proctired in favor of tliis medicine, but the proprieter hns thouglit fit notto in6ert them, n as rnucli as he depends upon the merita of the sonie for its reputaiion. The above pill is Uept constnntly on hand by the proprietor oud can be had nt wholesnle nnd rotnil at the store of Becklcy &. Co. Orders from ihe country proniptlv attendcd to. Ann Arbor. (lower town) May 2l 1842. 9 L. BECKLEY BLANK ühJ'TDS, iMOltTGAGES, &c for sale at this oflicc. Ann Arbor, August J, 1843.DR. HALSTED'S BEISK PILLS. 28 I'im.s kou 25 Cents. rTIHE Brisk Pilis answrr the purpose more ef JL lecmally for nny disease for whidi nny other pill is reoonunended, and supersede iliem olto gcther in medical excellence and virtue. If yon doubt his. just try will cost yon only iwo sbillinga - and tlicn yon. with ido, wül be sntisficd. I f they are not Whot I recomniend ihem lo bc. denounce theni and put thom down. for I cannot conscientionaly reconwnend ili;m for a cure autor eveiy 1 1 ï n But 'his I do sny, without fenr ofcont:ad;cun. tliat no pills are their cqual n reinó'vitïg disenses orïgirïaiing in tlie slomach or bowcls. For liver and bilious diseases, such as dum aguo, ('ever and ngue. intermitïant and ïeinittani ('evers, tho Brisk Pills possc83 peculiar propenios for their specdy removol. From ten years exi)cricncc as a practising pliysician, I ani convinced that none c.m equaj iliem. - Reod what other pills aio oood for. and wHot ihey will cure, and f the Brisk are not superior to thein all, then discard tlieir use. Do not bolieve all that is said nbout an infallible pill - that I er fails to cure any discase - but try the Brisk Filis ! - the cheapest pills in use - 23 pills for 25 cenis - and then you wül have a chancu to judge of iheir inerit ordomerit. As a bloud cleanser. and a pürifier to the diseased systcm. they perliaps supersede every pill in use. They are quick and easy in the operatiun. giving lile nnd tone to all the torpid orgatis: llirowing uffinipurc matters or humors; tenvfng the system heahhy and clean. This is all that any one medicine can do.notwi tstandingthe grëntahow ofwordsanl lictitious cér tificates. We are determined to let ihese ills stand upon their own reputation, win or loose. All we ask is, for a fair and impartial tra1. They can be taken by old and young, at nny time wi'th perfect safety. They are an excellent medicine for children. for worms. &c. In a word, they possess all the.qualities ofan aperieni pdl for family use. They have cnred mnny disea?es whieh 1 nn other medoeme conld remove. In conclusión i í say. do not ive up or despair of a cure until yon have tried the Brisk Pilis, for ihey do possess peculiar properties and virtues. For Sale by S. P. & J. C. Jewett. C. Eberíiach, Ann Arbor; D. II. Rowlninl, Nortliville: T. S. Scattergood. Plvmouth: .1 Dean. Pontiac: J. B. Dickfon. Mi. Clemens: Maiiland & Co.. Romeo; Sprag-ue & Co.. Rochester; Church &, Burchard, N. P. Jacobs, J. Owen & Co., Deroit. 10-OmTO WO0Ï. GEOWERS WOOL CA li DING L? CLOTH DRESSING. THE Subseiibers respectfully nnnounce to lbo citizens of Ann Arbor and vicinity, thnt tlvy nrc prepared to card Wool nnd dress Cloth for cusiorners, in the hest style, and at the shortcst noticc. Having good mnchincry, experienced worknien, and long praciice in the business, they have the utmost confitíevce ihii tlxy sliall give ampie satisfnct.on to thoso who favor then with iheir patronage. Wooieii Factory. The subscribers have on hand FULL CLOTHS and FLAiVNELS. inaiiulactiired by iheniselves- ALSO- A large amonnt of Satinetts of a s'periorquuliti. which they purpose to exchange lor wool. TER MS. One yard of Cloth will be given for two and tliree (ourth pounds of wool in the fleece; tho cloth to be of the same quality the wool wil inake. - also - One yard of flannel for one and a half pounds bers wdiild respectiully sulicit a share ot public patronage. J. BECKLEY & CO. Ann Arbor, Aucrust 21. 1S43. 17-tf.CELEBRATED CHEMICAL PLASTER, The most effeclual remedy yet discovercd for lilitumalism, Fever Sores, Whjjte, Swtllings, Infldmrnntipn in the Eyes, Swelled Throal in Scarht Fever, (uinsey, y-c. $c. THE CHEMICAL PLASTER is an important remedy for those wlio are ofrlicterl with chronic and inflammatury complaints, by iis casiug pain, CQUnteracting inflninmation, and giving specdy relie.'" ly its nctivc, strengthening, anodyne. diaphoretic and counterirrit;int proporties - an effect ual remcJy for Chronic and lnifluinmatory Rheumatism, Ague in the Bieast, Scalds, Burns. Bruiscs. Scrofula, Ulcers, Old Sores oi' almost' every desc-ription. Cankered and Swellcd Throat arisins fioni Scartet Fever, Felons. White SweHingO) Cliilbiains, &c. Persons sufióring from Liver Complaintf, Pulmonary diseascs. Inflammation of the Lungs, with pain in the side, back or limbs. wül find relief by the use ot this Piaster. In all cases it may be used with perfect 80 JS. p.EÁjyk C HEM 1 CAL PLASTER is put up in boxes at filty cents and one dollar ach, with ín 11 directions accompanyinji each box. VInnufactured and sold wholssale by H. IIARIIS & CO.. Ashtabula, Ohio, sole proprietors, o whoni all orders should be nddres3ed. Suld lso by their Agent6 throughout the country. OA liberal discount made to dealers and physicians. For testimoniáis and cenificntes from persons of the hlghest respectibility, who have used the Chemical Piaster, sw anothcr column of this pajer. For sale by the following Agents in Michigan: H. W. Rood. Mies, J. C. Larrimore. " C. S!anahan, Edwarrlsburh. Win. O. Austin. White Pieon. Isaac Benhnm, Jr. , Conatantine. Danl. L. Kin.berly. Schoolcraü. H. B. iluston, &, F. Mareh.jr P jM Knlamazoo. James W. Cothren. P. M. Galeshurgh. T L. Bolkcom. P M. Battlc CreekJames M. Parsons, P. M. Marshall. Paul Raymond, Druggist, Jackson. Win. Jackson, P. M. Leoni. Hale nnd Smiih. Grass Lakc. John C. Winans, Sylvan. J Millerd &. Son, Dexter. Thomas P. Wnv. Jr. Plymouth, Perin fc Hall, Northville, Meadfc MnCarthy, Farmingtbn, Peter Van Every, Franklin, Julius Dean, Pontiac, Mack & Spragtie, ilocliester, Jamos Stcphens, Utica, E. C. Gallup. Mt. Clemcn8, John Owen & Co. f Uetr01tDr. Thos. M. Sweeny, Dearbornvillc, E. Samsnn. Ypsilanti, J. H. LUND, ) W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Ann Aibor. CIIRISTIAN EBERBACH, ) -19-1 yJAMES . BIRNEY, 1TTORNEY AND COUNSELí. pR AT LA TV. SAGANAW CITV, MICHIGAN. rG. B. wilt also act as Land Agent in tbc Lnnd District in which this (Snganow) ounty is; lic will innke investments for others ands, pay over (br non-resident8 thcir taxes, and ve Information gcncrally to persons interested n this part of the country, or desirouaof becoming immigrante lo U,E. DSAN'S CELEBRA TED CHEMICAL PIASTER. TH F folïtfwtng ia ono fróin oniong the nuiT.crcu.s testimoniáis from persons of ihe highest respectabtlity, which ihe proprictors havo received. FROM D. K. UNDERWOOÜ. Aur.ivN', Micli.. June 15, 1S40. Messrs. H. Haukis & Co: - E. Dean's Cliemicnl Piaster, of whiuh I hnvc sold ö considerable quantU}' during two or lluec yenrs past, has in all cases t ia t híivo como to iny kno wiedde, giveh saiialnciion to the purchnsi-r. [ can 'a! so odii my ojjtn icstimony 10 iis elficacy iis a rcniedy (or Rhqumatism, nd I have 110 doubt it will be found cqitolly bonclichil in other chronic inilammatory affections. 23-4w EFFor tho disenses in which this Piaster is applicablc. sec advertisemcnt in anqiher cummn of this pnpér. E. Denn's Chemical Piaster is lor sale Aun Albor, (Lower Town.) by .1. H. LUND. and W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD. ? Upper ( CHRISTIAN E13ERI5ACIJ, S Town 49-1 y RAIL EOA D TEMPERANCE HOUSE. THE undersigned would respectiully inforni the fuends of Temperance. and the public gcnorally, that theaboe nanied House, formerly known as the Teinperance Hotel, und situated on ihe cor.-erof Michigan avenue nul Washington streel, near the Central Railioad Depot, havng nnderone thorouch repairs and yery reat addi'ionid nnprovements. is now ready foï ihe reception ot all thuse wlio inay favor hini with a ciill. The acconimodations, in every respect, are ■ not inferior to any Temperance House in the country, and eveiy atteniion will be given to such as bestow their patronage upon this laudable enterpriso. N. B. Carriages nlwnys in readiness to convey passengers to and fioni Hoats and Cars. WM. CHA MP. Detroit, May 9. 1343. 4-1 y ülurder & Suicide! PASSING your streets a few dayssince, I wns nlinost horror struck in noticing a coniinual protracted niurder. Cictipast Sioie in town - ;Nev York Wholesale and Retail Chcap cash Siore" "BuiVido Cheap Store" led me to cali where I saw the "Kings English" lie mangled, bteeding, dying. Atnnother place I saw a great display of "Red Rags" and flaming hand bilis, where on e.xamination I found that they claimed to have bought their goods at "Auction" and I knew ha t goods sold ut auction were of inferior qiiiility. and such as would not bear the test ot private sale scrutiny. Oh.thought ihey :ut tliL'ir own throats in buying their goods at anction. I pnssed on to F. Denison's old stand where I ióund II. Bíxkeu fairly settled with o large STOCK OF GOODS, selected at private snles. embracing nc.irly every thing called for in the country, at low prices, for cnsh. produce, or good credit. And herel found ihat the pure English was spoken, as I am assured it is at bis Store in the Lower Town. VIATOR. Ann Arbor, June 12, 1843. 7 tf. I !TO CIjOTII ERS, ,x-,-cf-x-w . iiKii jiism jil:kCHAJVTS. npHE 8ubscribers are now rcceiving, at thoir X stores, 188 Jcffrrson Avenu. md corner of Randolph and Woodbridge streets, Detroit, o laree and gmeitil stock of Bye Woods Sc Bye StufFs. 35 tons LdsLvoo(I. Futtic. Limewooci. JN'icarrnaua, Hypernic Woud, in the stick, 130 bbla. ground Camwood, ]"() do Fustic 120 do Logwood, 100 do RedvvoodB,. 20 do Aluin, C hhds Copperas. 4 do P.luo Vitiio!, 4 pipes Ombrc and Crop Madders, prime, 500 Ibs Extract Logwood. 600 do Bengal, Madras and Caraccas Indigo, 300 do Blue Nutgnlls, (Alleppo,) 250 do Powdered Cúrcuma, 2)iO do Verdigris. 10 Carboys Oil Vitriol, G do Aqua Fortis. 4 do Spirits Sea Salte, 4 do JXitric Acid, 2 cases Lac Dye, 300 Ibs. Bnnquo Tin. 2."0 do Creani Tartafj 500 do Qnercciron Bark. Togetlier with n complete assnrtment of all the minor anieles in the trade. io wit: Pess Papers. Tenzle., Rrusbes, Jneks, Tent Ilooks. üyeKettles, Pickers, Burling Irons, Nippers. Prussiaieof "otash. Sal Amoniac. Sal Soda, Sugar of Lend, Steel Reeds. Card Cleaners,MACHINE CARDS, Satinett Warps. Shcnrs, &c. This entirr stock lias bccn purchased within tlic nst two weeks, mul fttlaated poroo.mlljr by onc l the cnnceni, wbo has been in the business tor he last eleven years, and they have no IicMtation n sayinL' that 1 lic qunlity of these eoods is unexceptionnble. They will positivly be sold at the owest New York 'jobbing prices, with the adJition of iransportniion only. The subsciibers have the solc Agency in this ' State for the sale of "l'ARSON'S SIIEARING MACHINES." ind ihe celobrYted "LEWÉSTER MACHINE CARDS." dcidedly the best in use. THEO. II. EATON, & CO. April II, 1643. 51 tf GRAVE STOÏVES MONUMENTS, TOWB TABLES, kc. THE subscriber has a large assortment of Marlde, of the best qunlity, suitable for Grave Stonks. Monu.mknts. &c. which he will 3ell clieap ior cash, or exchange for produce, at bis oíd stand, No. 90, Woodward Avenue, Detroit. Persons wishing to buy will do well to cali, as they will he sold much cbeaper thun havo ever been afforded in this State, and ofa Qualny that cannot tail to please. WM. E. PETERS. Detroit, Oct. 27, 18-12. 29- 1 yCash and Barter Store. C. J. GARLAN D, HAVINGpurchascd the entiro Stock in trade of Godlrey and Allen, will bc bnppy to wnit upon 6iich as will givc him a cali. His stock consista of a general assortment of goods, and will bo sold clieap, and for rcadij paij only. WANTED, In exchango lor GOODS, most kinds of country produce, and 300,000 FLQUR BARREL STAVES & HEADING, for which 8 fair I'ricc will be paid. Ann Arbor, April 19, 184o. 02-tf.WHOLESALE & KETAlí. S TAP L E A jVD jljyc Y DRY OODS. TUE Subscnbers keep conitnntly on hnml a Inrgc and dioico stock of DRY GOODS BOOTS AND SHQES, DRY GROCER. JES, fyc. wlncli liavc been selecled vi;h care, mul ure of iho newest styles and best qu;ilities. As tlicy are detennined not to be underso!d, they soücit the patronage of those wisbn to purcliaso. Aniong other tliingstoo numerous to mention,. they hove n large and excellent ossortment of SHEETINGS, DRILLINGS, SU MM Hl STUF FS, CALICÓES, PULLIÍD CLÜTIiy, SATÍN KTS. BROADCLOTHS, CASSIMERES, GAMRROONS, -LINENS, CAMBRICS, MÜSLINS, HANDKERCIJIEFS, &c. &c. Bonnet Ribbons, a vcry benutiful seèurtmcnt. 8iaicis, Broche, Silk, and Thibet, of the richest pfitterns. Paraatls: of nll kinds, qunlities,. and priees. Jlose and Half Hose. Cotton and Worctcd, Boniiets, Leghorn, Tusoan and Strnw The nbovc nsáortment of GOODS will besolij na cicip, or cktaper (han can be purchased in Detroit. id "Wool, Potash, Flour, m and all kinds of PRODUCE wili be received in paynient. ABDOTT & BEECHER, 144, Jeíferson Avenue, July, 12. Ï8i:?. d'i-tf.) Detroit.ATTENTION, CLOTHIERS! JUKT ïfceived at ilie Genoiul Depot, for tho pnle of Clo'hieis Stock, Mncliincry, Dyo Sii.ffs &c. &c, No 131). Jifforson Avenue, Detroit, the followmg large, well assorted, and carefully se'ecied stuck, viz: 100 bbls. St. Domingo Logwood, Ctif, 5 Tons " " in Stick, 150 bWs. Cuba Fiihtic, Cut, 5 Tons " (i in Stick, 50 bbls Nic. Wood, Chipped, 50 " Lima Wood, " 30 " Red Wood, ll 1 21 " Ground Cumwood, 10 " Qucrcilion Bark, 5 .10 Ibs. NirfgnUs', 10 Cases Extract of Logwood, 300 Ibs. Lac Dye, 2 Ceroons Spnnish Indigo, 300 lts. Sumac Sicily, 3 Cnsks iMiidder, 3 Ciisks Blue Vitriol, 5 Casks Aluin, 2 Barrels Red Tartnr. 2 Barrels Cream Turtar, 3 Caiboys A qua Foitis, 5 li Oil Vitriol, 3 " Muriatic Acid, 500 Ibs. Virdigris, 5) '' Block Tin, Teasels. Twinc, Cupper Kettles, all sizcs, Parson's Shearing Machines, Curtis' " " Screws and Press Plates, Cranks, Press Paper, Steel Reeds, Worsted Harnees, 'IVntcr Ilooks, Emery, all Nu's.. Olive Oil. Clothieis' Jacks. Sattinett Warp, Clothiers' Brushi's. Shuttles, Pickers, Card Clcnners, &.c. &c. The above, witli a variety of other anieles belonging to tho trade, have been purchased this summer by the subscribers from Manufacturera and First Hands in the New York, Fhilad'p''-anti Boston Markeis. and cvnrv iluncr hnvins rceiveu nis personal ïnspection. ne cnn wnh the utmost conlidence ofïer ilieni to purchasers as tht fctt and mrst comj.lste stock 'm the country; and Ji8 it is his fixed detcrmination (by tlie low ratea a: whtteh he will sell) to Drevent the necessi'y of our Clolhiers nnd Manuf'"urerB leaving the Stnte to mnke their purehases. ho would merely say to the trnde. CALL, examine tho ijoods and ascertain priccs befure you say you can buy cheaper nnj trjtere else. He is nlso prepared to contract for CARD1NG MACHINES made in this State or Enst. PIERRE TELLER, Sign ofthe Golden Mortar, J39, Jcflerson Avenue, [I7-tf.] Detroit. Attention Invalids! WHO hos tnci! ihe Persian Pn.ts nnd Jew David's or Iü.biikw Pi.aster. nnd is not reudy to testify tlmt they nre decidedly the best medicines now in use? The above medicines ïave been before :lie public some four years, nnd )hysicinns at the Easi have used ihem extensively n their practice. and were they here. tliey could ell you of the excellent q'uiilities of tlu-ec medicines. Read'érI IJnve you ever used them? It you have not. nsk those who have if they are not vhat we iccomniend them to be. They are tlio Chei-jnst as well ns the best. A box of piaster conuiiiis sufllcicni to spread B or 10 plnsters-price 50 cenis. The laige Boxes o! Pir.r.s contain 7:? puls fór 63 cents: the smnl! boxes 35 pilla for 'M cents. No persons sliould condemn them until they hnve tried tlicin. and ihen we are sure they will not. These medicines are for snle by one or more agt-nts in all villnges and cities in theUnited Siatee. Cnll on the agent, and lic will give nny inlormation wanted. Tor sale by J. IJ, LuncL S. P. &, J. C. Jere't. C. Eberbach, Ann Arbor; D. M. Lndd, Miiford: M. C. Bakin, Novi; D. H. Rowland, Northville; .1. Scnttcri'ood, Piymouth; P. Vannvry. Frnnldin; .7. Dean, Pontinc: J. Millerd, & Son. Dexter; Dr. Sasrer. Jnckson. 10-6m. "T843T WHOLESALE & RETA IL B80KSELLEBAM SláTIO.ER, SMARTS BLOCK, 137 JEFFF. HSOfí AVKNUE, DETROIT. Keeps cmst.iinly lor sale a .omplete issortment of Misccllaneous. School and Classici Eooks; Letter and Cap Paper, plaih and ruled, Quills. Ink. Senling VVax, Cu:lery, VVrapping Piipfr, PiiiUjng Paper, f all stz s; nnd J3ook, News and Cap,-1 ister Ink. oí va r:ou; kinds. BLAK BOOKS, . Full and lialt bound. o( every vanety o Ruling MEMORANDUM BOOKS. &c. To Merchants. Teachers, and others, buying in qunntities. n lnrge discount made. SABBATH SGHOOL & BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITOR 51-MiüHnery Ac Breas ülnkingr. Mns. C. BUFFFINGTON, RESPECTFULLY announces to f hö Jfíhabilanis of Anii Arbor and vicinity,t hot sho hna opened a sliop, midwny, between tno upper and lower villnges.wl.ere the business of MILLIM'ERY $ J)RLSS MAKING will be enrried on, in all its b"cie pimctuaiity.despatch, and in the best and most iaeliionable stylc. AnnArbor, April SÏSOJj Ases. pOR sale, Wholc.ule ojg & c0. A..n Arbor, Aug. 15, 1843.


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