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Military Convention

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At a convention of the orhcers, non-commissioned officers and musicmns of the third Brigade of Militia held ut the village of Ypüilanli on the 6ih October, inst., Brigadier Genera! Clark wa6 called to the Chair, anti N.R. Ramsdell was chosen Secretary. On motion of Mnj. Sulherland, a Committee was appointed to draft resolutions expressi ve of the sense of the convention on the subject for which 't was called, which had been stated to be a reform in the militia system. The following wcre appointed said committeer Col. Bowers, Capt.'Eddy, Mnj. Suth erland, Lieui. Col. Wilcoxson, Cap. Gale. On motion Geu. Clark was added to the commiUce.On motion of Cul. Bowere, said commiltee cport to-morrow at 3 o'clock, P. AT. On motion of Col. Bowers, a commiltee of wo, be appointed by the Chair to question andidates in the county of Washtenaw, for he House of Representatives, whether they re in favor of a reform in the militia sysiem f this state, and if elected, wbether they will xert themselves to procure such reform. - ÁeuU Col. Wilcoxson and Maj. Sutherland vre appoioted said conunittee, By Col. owers- Resolved, Trmt as officers of the third Briade, we cannot and will not support those vho refuse to answer, oranswor unfavorably. On motion, the convention adjonrned. Oct. 7th.- Convention met pursuant taadournment The Secretary being absent,, S. G. Southerland was chosen as such. The ommittee, by Cul. Bowers, their chairman, cported the fWlowing prearwble aDd resoluons, which wore unanimously adopted: Whereas, The present militia system of )ia State is, in the opinión of the officers of lis Brigade, entirely deficiënt and inadeUBte to effect the purposes for which it was ntended; And Whereas, the Consaitution of ïis State declaros that the Leglslature shall rovide for the efficiënt discipline of the offiers, commissioned and non-cornmissioned and musicians, thereby rendering it obligatory upn that body to act in the premises; And Wheress, a convention of the offleera f the Miïïtia of this State, held in the city f Monroe in the_month of October last, and djourned to, and held in the city of Detroit n January last", did respectfully recomtnend. o the Legislature, for their consideration and action, a system which was incorporaed in a bilí and presented by theee oí me riouse or zvepresemauves, ana enitled a Bill for the more efFectual organiza - .ion and discipline of the Militia, which blll pour committee have understood aud believe, was spurned, ridiculed and rejected by that body - Therefore, Reeolved, That we, as officers of the Militia, and as independent electora of the State, will consider it our duty, as well as our privilege, to withhold our support m future frorn men as candidates for the Legislatura who will ridicule the idea of improvementin our militia Bystem, or who refuse Jo pledge their support in its favor. Resolved, That the present eystem under which we arn compelled to serve does not provine fur the efficiënt discipVming of the officers, non commissioned officers and inusicians of the Militia. Resolved, That the bilí entitled "A Bill for the more effecual oranization and disoipline of the Militia," No. 31 of the Session of 1842, meets our approbation. Resolved, That we are entitled toa sy9tem equal to the im portance attaclied to a well organized and disciplined militia. Resolved, That the militia will be like the system under which they serve - if one is ridiculous, the other wi'l be ridiculed. Resolved, That the only way to have aa efficiënt militia, is to give to it a good system of laws. Resolved, That we approve of the joint resolutions attached to the militia bilí No. 31 of the session of 1843, and deern them but as a means of carrying into effect the 2d section of the 9th article of the Constitution of thia State. On motion, The proceedings of the convention be signed by the officers, and a copy of them forwarded to the Adjutant General; also thatthey be published in the three papers in Ann Arbor. On motion, The convention adjourned. EDW. CLARK, Ch'n. S. G. SoUTHERIiAND, Sec'y. Anm Arbor, Oct 9th 1843. Gentlemen: - We were appointed a committee by a coftvention of the officers of tho 3rd Brigade of Militia recently held at the Village of Ypsilanti, to ascertain your views with regard to the Militia. Are you in favor of a permanent militia? Are you in favor of the present militia system? Is it your opinión that the present system needs reibrming? If elected will you exert your influence to effect a change in the present system? We desire your answer for publication in our County newspapers. J. II. WILLCOXSON, S. G. SOUTKERLAND. To the candidates for the Legislature of Washtenaw co. Ann Arbor, Oct. 27, 1843. Whe at sells in our village at 53 cents. Flour retails for $-3,25.


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