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RAIL BOA TEMPERANCE HOUSE THE undersigned would respcctiully mforn the fnends of Tempranee, and i thc puU. geneyHy, ihaj the abo; e fiO'ihüa!0 ly ktmwn us thc Teinperance Hotel, sitúale on .he comer of Michigan ïïltonhL to.n sireet, near the Central Rwlroad Depot, hav ing undergone thorough repairs nnd ery grea nddi.ionn! improvements, i, nowrcad v for the re ceutionof nll thoee who niay favor him with c 11 The ïïcoLiodnuon., in "ff "W g not inferior to n.ny Temperan , Houac ín ti country; and every attenlion wrll be given t sSasbestow ihcir pa.ron.go upoa blanda b. enierpr . f n readi t0 con vey peeaengers to and from &mtoiG Detroit. May 9, TS43. 4"ly TO CtOTHiBRS, MJ1JYUFJ3CTUREKS AND MERCttJUYTS. mBE subscriben, are now rèceiving, at thci I stores, 188 Jeffarson Avenue, and corner o Rnndolph and Woodhrid-e treets, Detroit, a large and general stock of Sye Woods Se Dy Stuffs. 35 tons Logwood, Fuá'fic, ámewood, Nicar ra-ua, Hypernic Woud, in the stick, 130 bbls. arround Carnwood, 150 do Fustic 1-20 do Logwood, 100 do Red woods, 20 do Alum, G lihds Coppcras. 4 do J'.iue Vitfíol, 4 pipes Oinbre and Crop Madders, prime, 500 Ibs. Extract Logwood, C00 do Bengal, Madras and Caraccas índigo, 300 doBlueNutííalls, (Allcppo,) 250 do Powdcred Cúrcuma, 2lí0 do Verdigris. 10 Carltoys Ü1 Vitriol, 6 do Aqua Fortis. 4 do Spirits Sea Saltó, 4 do Ñtr!c Acid, 2 cases Lac J)ve, 300 Ibs. Banquo Tin. 2"0 do Cream Tarcar, ' 500 do Q lereciron Bark. Togcther with a complete nssortment of all thc minor anides in the trade, to wit: ÍVess Papers. Teazíes, Brusbes, Jacks, I ent Hooks. Dye Ketties, Pickers. Burhng Irons. Niopers. Prussiateof "otash, Sal Aioriiae, Su! Soda, Sugar of Lead, Steel Reeds, Card Cleaner?, MACHINE CARDS, Satinett Warps. Shears, &c. This entiro stock has becn purchased within the last two weeks, and selected pereonally by one of the concern, ho has been in the business for the last eleven years, and they have no heMtation in sayins that the quality of these goods is unexceptioñable. They will positivly be sold at the lowest New York jobbing prices, with the addition of transportatio only. The subscriber3 have the sole Agency in thisState for the sale of "i'ARSON'S SHEARING MACHINES," and the celebrated "LEICESTER MACHINE CARDS," decidedly the best in use. THEO. H. EATON, & CO. April 11, 1843. 5ïtf WOOLEN rilHE subscribers would inform the public that X they are now manufactunng WOOLEN CLOTH with a degree of successequal to their most sanguine expectations. With the machi n ery they now have. they are able to manufacture from 75 to 100 póunds of wool per day. The cloth they have made for the last three months is of the best qunlity. and tbat made in future will be similar. They have entireiy overeóme the difficulties of starting an establishment of mis kind in a country. Their terms are 37J cents per yard for ful led cloth finished, or half the cloth the wool will make. Ifany alteration of the terms should be determined on, public notice will be given. All wool received before such notice is given will be worked on the above terms. lf ny wish to have their wool worked without mising it with wijl 'berdone, provided they assort it themselves, and lurnish it in quantities of 100 pounds of one qiiality of wool. It is much betier tü sew up wool in sacks thanto tie it up in blankcts; the clolh should be Btrong. Provisions of all kinds will be received in payment for manuiacturing to the aniount required tor the consu'iiption of the establishment. Wool E3nt by railrond to Scio, will be properly attended to; the number of pounds should be markedon thesack withink; also the weight of the sack. - Tne wool will be worked in turn as it comrs in. os nearly as can bts done with reference to the different qualitie?. tCT Many Farmers have expressed to us their gratiñeation in consideration of our starting this branch of business, and tnany have encouraged us by their patronage during the last year. We now invite a!l to bring their wool, to the amount of 25,000 pounds. and receive the benefit of the very reasonable terms on which we offer to manufacture t. The establishment is 2J milest west of Ann Arbor, on tho Huron. S. W. FOSTER, & CO. Scio, April 30, 1843. 1-tfNlurder & Suïcide! PASSING your s'.reets a few days since, I was Vituost horror struck in noticmg a cominual protracted niurder. Cketipest Store in town - 'New York Wholesale and Retail Cteap cash Store" "Buflalo Cheap Store" led me to cali where T saw the "Kings English" lie mangled, bleeding, dying. Atanother place I 6aw a great display of "Red Rngs" and flaming hand bilis, where on examination I found that thcy claimed to have bought their goods at "Auction" and I knew ihat goodssoldat auction were of inferior quality, and Euch as would not bear the teel ol private sale scrutiny. Oh,ihought they cui their own throats in buying their goods at auction. I passed on to F. Denison's old stand where I found H. Bjscker fairly settled witb. a large STOCK OF GOODS, selected nt private saks, embracing nearly cvery thing called for in tbecuuntry, at low prices, for cash. produce, or good credit. And herel found that the pure Énelish was spoken, as Iamassured it is at lus Store in the Lower Town. VIATOR. Ann Arbor, June 12, 1843. 7 tf. GRAVE STONES MONÜMENTS, TOMJB TABLES, Sic. fTIHE subseriber ha3 a large assortment of X Marble, oí the best qnality, suitable for Grave Stokjes, Mo-nuhests. &c. which he wil] sell cheap for cash, or exchonge for produce, at his old stand, No. 90, Woodward Aveaue, Detroit. Persons wishing to buy will do well to cali, a6 thi:y wUl besold imich cheaper than have ever been aflorded in this State, and of a Quality that cannot iail to please. WM. L. PETERS. Detroit, Oct. 27, 1842. 29- ly Cash and Barter Store. C. J. GARLAND, HAVINGpurchased the entire Stock in trade of Godlrey and Allen, will be happy to wait upon auch as will give him a cali. His stock consists of a general assortment of goods, and will be sold cheap, and for rtady pay only. WANTED, In exchangelor GOODS, most kinds of country produce, and 300,000 FLOUR BARREL STAVES & HEADING, for which a fair price wül bepaid. Ann Arbor, April 19, 1843. 52-tf.VHOLESALE & RETAIL. STAP LE AJVD FAJS'CY nnHE Subscribers keep constamly en hnnd s lnrpc nnd choice sluck of DRY GOODS, ÜOQT& AND SHO ES, DRV GROCERJES, #c. $- whidi have been eclected wi;h care, oud aio of the newest siyles and best qualiücs. As ihcy nre detennined not to be undersoliJ, thoy soücit tho patronage of thosc wisliing to pu reliase. Amoiigother ihingstoo nuineious to montion, they have a Inrgc and excellent assortment of SHEETINGS, PRÏLUNGS, SU M M hit STUF FS, CA LI COÈS , FULLED CLOTÍ1S, SATINKTS. BROAD CUJTHS, CASSIMERES, GAÍW BROONS, LiNES, CAMBRICS, MÜSLIÑ& HANDKERCI11EFS, fcc. Sec Bonnet ftilfbovs, a very beuutiful cssortment. Siinids, Broehe, Siik, and Tliibet. of the ricl)C3t-p?it!ern8. Ptirasois; ï nll kinds, qunlities. and prires. Host and Half Hase, Cotton and Worp teil. Bonnets, Legliorn, Tusfan and Straw. The iibove r.ssortir.ont of GOODS will be sol f! as cicup, or cJieapèr thau can be pmchased in Detroit. Wool, Potasli, Flowr, jti and all kfntfe of' f HODUCE wili be received m paymoat. ABBOTT & BEECHF.R, 1 44, Jeñ'erson Avenue, July, 12. 1843. (12-tf.) Detroit "ÁTTEÑTION, CIiOTHIERS! JLJST received at the Genernl Depot, Sor the sale of Cloihiers Stock, Machitiery, Dye títi.ff, &c. &c., No. 139. Jtffjrson Avenue, Detroit, the following large. well assorted, and carefully eelecied stock, viz: 130 bbls. St. Domingo Logwood, Cut, g Tons u " n Stick, 150 hbls. Cuba Fiwic, Cut, 5 Tons " " in Stick, 50 bbls Nic. Wóód, Chipped, 50 ' Lima Wood, " 30 " Red Wood, - ]2) " Ground Cainwood, 10 " Quercitron Bark. 5)0 Ibs. Nutalls, 10 Cases Extract of Logwood, 3Q0 Ibs. Lac Dyc, 2 Ceroons Spnnish Indigo, 300 Ibs. SumocSicüy, 3 Casks Madder, 3 Casks Blue Vitriol, 5 Casks Alumv 2 Barrels Red Tartar. 2 Bnnels Crenm Tarior, 3 Carboys Aquii Fortis, 5 { Oil Viiriol, 3 " Muriatic Acid, 500 Ibs. Virdigris, 53 '; Block Tin, Teasels, Twine, Copper Kettles, all sizes, Pareon's Shearing Machines, Curtís' " s Screws and Press Plates, Cranks. Press Paper, Steel Reeds, Worste'd Harness. Tenter Hooks, Emery, all No's..' Olive Oil, Clothieis' Jacks, Sattinett Warp, Clothiers' Brushes. Shuttles, Pickers. Card Cleaners. &c. &c.The above, with a variety of other anieles beonging to the trade, have been purchased this ummer by the subscribers from Manufacturéis and First Hands in the New York, ihilndelphia. r.d Boston Markets, and every thing bií vipg reeived his personal inspección, he can wiih ihc tmostconfïdence cfí;r them to purchasers as iht est and most compkic stock in the country; and as it is his fixed deterniination (by the low rates '. whieh he will sell) 10 Drevent the necessi'.y of ur Clothiers and Manufa'urers leaving the State to make theirpurchases. hi would merely ay to the trade, CALL, examine the goods and scertnin prices before you say you can buy heaper any irhere e!se. He is nlso prepared to contract for CAR DING IACH1NES made in this State or East. PIERRE TELLER, Sign of ihe Golden Mortar, 139, Jefferson Avenue, [I7-tf.] Detroit. Atfention, Invalïds. iTTHO hos tried the Persin Pius and Jew FT David's or Hkerew Plastkr. and is not eady to testify that they are decidedly the best medicines now in use? The above medicines ïave been before :he public some four ycars, and iysicians at the Easi have used them extensively n their practice. and were they here, tbey could ell you of the excellent qualities of these medines. Reader! Have you ever used them? If ou have not, ask thosewho have if they are not 'hat we recommend thein to be. They are the Clieüpest as well as the best. A box of piaster ontains sufficient to spread 8 or 10 piasters - irice 50 cents. The large Boxes of conain73 pills for 63 cents: the smnll boxes 35 pills or 31 cents. No persons should condemn them ntil they have iried thein. and then we are 6ure ïey will not. These medicines are for sale by ne or more agents in all villagcs and ei ties in the Jnited States. Cali on the agent, and he will ive any iniormation wanted. For sale by J. H. Lund. S. P. & J. C. Jewi.t. C. Eberbach, Ann Arbor; D. M. Ladd, Milord: M. C. Bakin, Novi; D. H. Rowland. Forihville; J. Scatiergood, Plymouth; P. Vnnvery, Frnnklin; J. Dean, Pontiac: J. Millerd, fe Son, Dexter; Dr. Snger, Jackson. 10 - 6m.1843. WHOLESALE & RETAIL. 0. Jtl'FJimZEJY, BOOKSELLERAN3STATIONEB, SMARTS BLOCK, 137 JEFFERSOI AVENUE, DETROIT. Keeps constantly for sale a coniplele issorimenl of Misccllaneous, School and Classical Books; Letierand Cap Paper, plain and ruled, Quilla, InL. Sealing Wax, Cutlery, Wrapping Papf.r. Printing Paper, of a!l stzes; and Book, News and Canieter ink. of varions kinds. BLANK BOOKS, Full and half bound. of every variety of Ruling. MEMORANDUM BÓOKS, &c. To Merchants, Teachers, nnd others, buyfng in quantities. n large discount madft. SABBATH SGHOOL & BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITOR 51-tf. 23. DEAN'S CE LEB RAT ED CHEMICAL PLASTER. THE fcillowing is one trorn aniong the nurr.erous testiiuonials fim persone of the highest respcctability, which the proprietors have received. FROM DR. SWIFT OF PORTAGE CO. O. Messrs. H. Hapris & Co. - I hnve sold E. Denn's Chemical Piasier to a number of individuáis ïn this viciniiy for the cure of sore and infiamed eyes, nnd I am informed that it universally eflected a cure ín a short time when it has been opplied accirding to directions. Yours respectfully, 27-4w. ISAAC SWIFT, M. D. ETFor the diseases in which this Piaster is applicable, see advenisemeni in another column of this paper. E. Dean's Chemical Piaster is for sale in Ann Arbor, (Lower Town,) by ■ J. H. LUND. and W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD, ) Upper CHRISTIAN EBERBACH, $ Town 49-1 y CHARLES H. STEWART ATTORNEY ANO COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND SOUCITOR IN CHANCERY, JETFERSON AVEM7E, DETROIT. 49-tf.DR. HALSTED'S BB,ISZ PILLS. 2Ö Pills kor 25 Cents. THE Brisk Pilis answer the purpose more e icctually forany disease for wlnchany otho pill is recommenfied, and superscde then nlio gethcr in medical excellence and virtue. ]f yo doubt this, just try will cost you on!y tw sliillings - and tlien you. with me, svül bc satis lied. Ifihcyare not vvhat I recommend ihei 10 be. dènouncë them and put ihem down, for cannot conscientiously recomiuend tlietn tor cure all for every thi.-ig. But this I do say, with out fcar ofcoriiradiction, thai no pillé are thei eqtiai in removing diseases órigtaátiñ'g in tn stomach or bowels. For liver and bilious dia cuses, snel) as duin aguo, fcver and ngue. inieriniunnt and reniittant levers, tbc Brisk Pilis pos soes peculiar propei lies for their speedy rcnoval Frotn ten years experience as a practisine pliysicinn, I am convinced that none cm equal them. - Read vvhat otlier pills are good for. and what they will cure, and if the Brisk are not superior to iliem all. then discard their use. Do not beiicve i:l tliaí is said aboui an infallible pill - ihat ncver fails to cure any disease - but try the Brisk Puls - the cheapest pills in use - 2- pills for 25 cents - and hen you will have a chance to jidge oí iheir inerit or dement. As a blond cieanser. and a purifier to the diseased system, they perhaps supeiscde every pill in use. They are quick and ensy in the operation. giving lifc nnd tone to all the torpid organs: throwing offimpure matters or hmnors; leaving the system hcnlthy and clean. This is all that any oue medicine enn do.nutwi - shinding the grent síiow of wordsant] iictitiouscer tificates. We are determined to let these v'I's stand upou their own reputation, win or loose. All we ask is, for a fuir and inipartial tr'a'. They can bo taken by old and young. at nny time with perfect safety. They are an excellent medicine for children. for worms, &c. In a word, they possess all the qualiiies of an aperiem pill for family use. They havo cured niany diseases which no óther medecine could remove. In conclusión I eay. do not give up or despair of n cure until youhave tried the Brisk Puls, for they do possess peculiar properties nnd virtues. For &a!e by S. P. & J. C Jewett. C. Eberbach. Ann Arbor; D. H. Rowland, Northville; J. S. Scattcrgood, Plymouth: J. Dean, Pontiac: J. B. Dickson, Mt. Cicmens; JVInitlaud & Co.. Romeo; Sprague Sc Co., Rochester; Church & B'irchard, N. P. Jacobs, J. O wen & Co., Detroit. 10-6in TO WOQÏ. GROWSRS. W00L CARDING % CLOTH DRESSING. THE Subs'criber3 reepectfully announce to the ciüzena of Ann Arbor and vicinity, that th."y are prepared to card Vool and dress Cloth for custoiners, in ihe best style. and at the shortpst notice. Havinggoodmnchinery, experienced workmen, and long practico in the business, they have the utmost confidence tint they shall give ampie satiífact.on to those who favor them with their patronage. Woolen Factory. Thesubseribers have on hand FULL CLOTH S and FLANNELS; manufacturedby themselves. - ALSO- A large amount of Satinetts of a s psriar quality. which they purpose to exchange Jor wool. TEIiMS. One yaed of Cloth will be given for two and three-fóurth pounds of wool in the fleece: tho eloth to be óf the same qualily the wool will make. ALSO One yard of flannel for one and a half pounds of wool. Thankful for past favors, the subscribers would respectiully soíicit a share of public patronage. J. BECKLEY & CO. Ann Arbor. August 21. LS43. 17-tf.E. DE-Lüf'S CELEBRATED CHEMICAL PL ASTER, The most effectvol remedy yet discovered for Jtiheumnlism, B 'ever Sores, White Swellings, Iiifl-ammaiion in the JEyes, Steelled Throat n Scarlel Fever, Quinsey, THE CHEMICAL PLASTER is an important remedy for those wbo are afflicted with chronic and inflammatory complaints, by its easing pain. counteracting inflammation, and giving speedy relief by its active, strengtbening, anodyne. diaphoretic and counterirritantproperties - an effectual remedy (or Chronic and lmfiammntory Rheumatism, Ague in the Breast, Scalds, Burns. Bruises, Scrofula, Ulcere, Oíd Sores of almost every description, Cankered and Swelled Throat arisingfrom Searlet Fever, Felons, White Swellings, Chilblains, &c. Persons suflering fromLiver ComplaintP. Puhnonary diseases, Inflammation of the Lungs, with pain in the side, back or limbs. will find relief by the use of this Piaster. In all cases it may be used with perfect 8afety. E. DEAN S CHEMICAL PLASTER i& put up in boxe8 at fiity cents and one dollar each, with f uil direclions accompanyingeachbox. Manufactured and sold wholesale by H. HARR1S & JC. Ashlabula. Ohio, sole proprietovs, to whom all orders should bc addressed. Sold also by their Agente ihroughout the country. CFA liberal discount made to dealers and physicians. For testimoniáis and cenificates from persons of the bighest respectibility, who have used the Chemical Piaster, sec another column of this paper. For sale by the (ollowing Agents in Michigan: H. W. Rood, Mies, J. C. Larri more. " C. Skanahan, Edwardsburfeh. Win. O. Auslin, White Pigeon. Isaac Benham. Jr., Conatantine. Dan!. L. Kimberly, Schoolcraft. H. B. Huston, & F. March, jr P M Kalamazoo. James W. Cothren, P. M. Galesburgh. T. L. Bolkcom, P. M. Battle Creek, James M. Parsons, P. M. Marshall. Paul Rayrnond, Druggist, Jackson. Wm. Jackson, P. M. Leoni. Hale and Smith, Grass Lake. John C. Winans, Sylvan. J Millerd & Son, Dexter. Thomas P. Mav, Jr. Plymouth, Perin & Hall, Northville, Mead & Mc.Carthy. Farmington, Peter Van Every. Frankfin, Julius Dean, Pontine, Mack & Sprague, Rochester, James Stephens. Utica, E. C. Gaüup. Mt. Clemens, &J.G. Hill, ?Detroit. John Owen & Co. Dr. Thos. M. Sweeny, Dearbornville, E. Samsnn, Ypsilanti, J. H. LUND, ) W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD, Ann Arbor CHRIST1AN EBERBACH, ) A9-1y TARÏFF OR NO TARIFF. GOODS ARE CHEAP AT GkRLANDS. JUST received nt the Farmers and Mechnnios Store, direct ftom New York, a general as sortment of choice nnd select GOODS, consistingof all most eveiy article wnnted, euch as Sheetings Shirtings, Broad Cloths, Cassimcre, Calicóes. Drillin;s, Gambroons, Lirens, Unibrellns, Ribljons, Oravata. Moua. de Iains, Silks, Shawls. Bonneis, Hals, Sugar, Tea and Coffee, Crockery, Boots and Shoes. Looking Glasees, fee. &c. All of tvhich will be sold cheap as the cl.eapest. Goodspurcbaeers will keep in mind the Fanners and Mechanics Store C. J. GARLAND. N. B. Any goodspurchased of him not giving satisfac:ion in price and quality can be returned. Ann Arbor, (Upper Town) June 12, '43. 7tf 8,000 FLOUR BARRELS for sale Cbeap for Cash, by C J. GARLAND. 2 Ann Aibor, Upper Town, May 5, 1843WOODWOH'S HOTEL. NORTHERN, EASTEJCN AND SOUTHERN STAGE HOUSE The undersigned respectfully announces t the public, that he is now the proprietor o this 'well known establishment. The hoos liaving been thoroughly overhauled, and re fitied in a manner calculated to proniote th comfort of citizens and the travelling: public The liöus'e occupies an eligible position, o the corner of Woodbridge and Randülpl streets, in a business part of" the ciy. Those who may honor him with thoircoun tenance, nmy be assured ihat no e pense or at teniion in his power, will be sparee!, to make their sojourn ia Detroit agreeableand satitslac [48-Vy] S. D. WOODWORTH. River Haisin Institute THE winter lerm of this insiituuon wiil commence the fust Wednesday ot November hext, nnd continue 15 weeks. It is pleasontly situaled in the town of llaisin, onc niile cast of the direct road from Tecumseh to Adrmn. Rooms.- 'I here ore now on the premis-es suitable rooms for the nccommodntion of forty students. whichare designed tobo ocenpied for private study and lodging. Other necessary buildings areprovidcd ior recitnlion and boarding.- Most students will probubly board therr selves. Exi'esses. - Tuition for filteen weeks, common branches 4 dollars. Higher English branches, including Greék and Lmin, 5 dollars. Room rent 8 cents per week. Incidental expenses 50 cents per term. Studente ure expected to turnisii whníever they wish to use in their rooms excepi andirons. Students who have to by their books wul do well to defcr so doing, and buy ihem hcre. The school is open to all appücants of suitnble age and moral character irrespective of compUx'on or condilion. It is very dcsirable that nll who design to atond school should be ready to commence with he term, otlierwise there o.nnot bc a regular classification of the students. and without such classification comparatively little advnncement can be mnde in study. Any iurther information especting the Instution can be obtnined by addresing, post paid, JOHN PATCHIN, Princi)ol, llaisin, Leiawee Co.. Mich. llaisin, Oei. 3, 1843. S4-3w. TAILORING. WIW. W1LKI!TS]V, piLAIMS the attention of the inhabitants of O Ann Arbor and the surrounding country. nd inlorms them he has located himeelf the North stde the square, near the Vo6t Office, opposite the rear door of Court House, where he s always on hand to wnit on thosc who vvish to oblige him with a cali. The farmers are sure o be suitcd wi:b good conifortable fits. All who re more fashionably inclined can be accornmouted. having received the latest Pashiofas for Fall nd Winter. Cutling done on the shortest notice, and waranted to fit if made upby experienced liands. Ann Arbor. Oct. 1, 1843. 23-tf.P A 1MTIMG. T. LAM BERT, BEGS lcave to inform tbe inhabitnnts of Ann Arbor, and the surrounding country, that having located himself in ihe Loicer' Villagc, with the view of carrying on the above business in all its branches, (some of which are HOUSE. SIGN, and ORNAMENTAL PAIJYTIJYG, GILDING and GLAZING, GRAJNING, imitiuion of all Woods, MARBLEÏZING, TRANSPARENCIAS, BANKERS, &c. respectfully solicits a share of public patronage, as his prices shall be low to conform to the times and hie work done in the best man. ner. T. L. would say to Farmers that he is particularly desirous to attend to their calis, as produce is the best kind of pay. Ann Arbor, Lower Town, March 6. 1843. 45.- ly. R. BANISTER'SCELEBRATEDFLVEIi AGÜE PILLS. -Purchj Vegeabli, A safe, speedy. and sure remedy lor ever and ague, dum ague, chili fever, and the uliouB diseases peculiar to new countries. These pulsare designed fox the affections of heliver and other internal organs which attend the diseases of the new and miasmatic portionsof our country. The proprietor having iried them in a great variety of cases confidently believes that they are superior to any remedy that has ever been offered to the public for the above diseases. It ie purely Vegetable and perfectly harmless, and can be taken by anyperson, maleor female with perfect safety. The pills are prepared in two separate boxes, marked No. 1 and No. 2. and acecompanied wkh full directions. A great number of certifícales might be procured in favor of this medicine, but the proprieter has thouht fit notto insert them, in as much as hedepends upon the merits of the same for its reputaiion. The above pill is kept constantly on hand by the proprieter and can be had at wholcsale. and rotail at the store of Beckley & Co. Orders from the country promptly attended to. Ann Arbor, (lower town) May 29 1842. 9 L. BECKLEYBLANK DEEDS, MORTGAGES, &c for sale at this office. Ann Arbor, August 1, 1843. 1ÏRE! FIRE! FIRE! THE members of the Kalamazoo Mutuai Insuranee Company are hereby noiified, thai he following assessments have been made by the directora, on all noies in force on the following days, to wii: January Ist, 1843, 1 per cent. February 20th, ( 1 " " Maren 22d. J " " April Hih " " May Ist, " 1 " " SepU lat. " IJ " i Making,' 7 per cent. Said per cent to becast on the original amountof the premium note, without reference to any previous endorsements, and to be paid on or before thefirstday of November next, either at the office of the company. or to n duly authoriztd agent who will bsiurnished with the ioII under theseal of the compnny. All who neglect to pay tlieir assessments are referred to Seclion 2d of Amele 2d of the By Laws attached to each policy, for the consequenccs. It ia confidently expected thnt the members will bo prepared to pay their assessmonta prompt! y, as by eo doinjr, the compnny can relieve them selves of iheir present indebtednes, and increase their future usefulnes3. Should any one negleci or reftise to pay when callea npon, suits willbe institvtid for the amoum of the premium notes,, which in all cases will be collecied. Office of the Kal. M. Ins. Co., ? Kniamazoo, Sept. 25, 1843. S A. T. PROUTY, Sec'y. [CTTo be published in all the newspapersprinted in this State for three woeks and the eaiiors of said papers are requested to end a copy of the paper contnining the same to the oflice of the company durir.g the continuonce of tho advertisement, asa voucher in the adjustment of their accounts. 25-3w. IVIiSlinery &, Dress zinking-. Mr?. C. BUFFFINGTOty TJTESPECTFULLY announces to the inJlV habitanls of Ann Arbor and vicinily,lhat she has opened a sliop, midway, between the upper and lower vil]oges,vhere the business of MILLIJYERY $ DRESS MAK1NG vill be arried on, in all fs branches, with lunctunlity . despatch, and in the best and most ashionable style. Ann Arbor, April 3, 1843. 50 ly For Sale. ONE yoka of WORK1NG OXEtf. Enquire at the Hat Store of H. BAGG, Lower Town. Ann Arbor, May 29, 1843, 5-tfLvlrlíd JÊk iLEJLs 'Tis íuu ihcysay to get woll whh them, ALL mankind througbout tbcir wide and im menso circuluiion, that ever try them continue to buy thcm. Peters' Pilis are purcly veg etable; they werk no miracles, nor do thoy pro f'ess to cure all diseases, becnuse they are the scientific compound of u regular physician, who has ufa'de lus profession the study oi his life. Dr Poters is a gradúate of Yale College, also of the M.tsaarhusclts Medical College, und has sotno whatdislüuunbhcd hiniselr'iis n man of" science nnd genius among the fainUyof the Inte Gjv. Petere. Petera' Vegetable Pilis are simple in their preparación, mild in their f-.etion, thorou;h in theiroperation. and unrivallèd in iheir results.- Tho towiï and 'country are alike filled with their praise. The palace and the poor house alike echo with their virtucs. In all cümatcs they wil] retain their wonderful powers and exert them unaltcrcd by age or siiaution, and this the voiceof'a gratelul communlty proclaimed. - Poters' Pilis prevent - keep oft' diseases it' tiniely used. and have no rival in curing billiousfever, 'ever nnd ague,dyspepsia. liver complainls,croup, sick headache, juundicc, nsihma.dropsy, rheumasm, enlargement of the eplêen, piles, coliu, fenale obstruetion, heartburn, furred longue, nausea, dislention o'fthe stomoch andbowels. incipient diarriioea, ílatulencc, habitual costiveness, oss of appetne, bloched. or sallow complexion, nd in all cases of torpor of the bowels, whcre cathartic or aperienf is indieated, producing neither nausea, griping or debility; and )ve reeatall who buy them continue to try tliem. The most iriumphnnt success has ever attened their use and ehough is alrcady known of terft to immortalize and hand ihem down to pos erity with the improvements of the age in mcd. cal science. Dr. Peters was bred to tho healng art, and in order to supply deirunds,'he has riginated and called to his nid the only steam riven macbincry in the world for pill yirorking. Tis perfect, and its process imparts to the pill ssential virtue. because by bcing pcrfectly do you hear that! while a host enn testify ïat they believe they owe their salvation (rom isease and death to Peters' Pill, and if calomel ndknivesnre getting partially into disusewe re only mistaken. Ckrtikicates. - This paper could he filled with hem by residents of Michigan, by your friends nd neighbors - ask ouragents. It is now well inown that the people wül have Peters' Piüs, nd to hinder would be tostop the rushing wind. 'rice 25 or 50 cents per box. The resistless torce of these truths - their nniersal reception, added to the testimony of millons, "keep it before the pcople'' must and will je heard throughout this vale of tears. Their happy influence on joung ladies while uffering under the usual chati ges of life as diected by the laws of nature, they impart a buoyncy of heart, feeling and action, an elastic step, elvet cheek, lillyand carnation complexion by ieir action on he chyle, &c. and ladies in del; cato situations aiways admit their power and in ocencc, and take them two or three at a time without in the slightest degree incutring the hazrd of an aborlion; whichfacts are of the utmost mportance. Pimples; a young lady sent her ove to Dr. Peters, and snysshe feels more grateijtó liim for the restoration of her beauty thati fhehad saved her life. 'Tis fun to get well vith Peters Pills,for they cause the blood to couree sliinpid and gentle through the veins as a mounain rivulet; 3 or 4 is a commoli dose, henee the atient is not comelled to mnke a mea!. TROUBLE IN PLUTO'S CAMP. [uiteastonished Oíd Piulo carnet o New Ycrk. Iearing Peter6 bad got his Pill Engine nt work,) o resign his commission, his hour glass and scythe; have come to deliver them all up to yon - ir. my callingis over - my business is through; have been for, three years in a terrible siew, nd I really don't know what on earth l'am to do;- ot of your nnglity sire do I come to complain. Jut a tamal New Yorker, one PETERS by name; 'he diseases my aids, in this war of mankind, re subdued by this Peters, what help can we ftnd? would yield him N. York, air, if there hc would stay; ut, 8ir. Peters will have the whole world for his sway. Vhile mueingin council what course to pursue. That Engine of Peters broke forth into view. The King of terrors looked a while, As though his soul was tumed to b;le, At that unsparing scourge of lis. By all men known as Peters' Pilis. These Pilis of Peters' stop the slaughter. And leaves the b!oofl as pure as water. Now Peters makes, I've heard him say, Ffve hundred thousnnd pills a day; So that the chance is very small Of people dying there at all; For soon the cheeks, so marked for doom, Begin like any rose to bloom. 'jook hsre! all tcho try ihem continue to bny tTtem. For sale as follows, by Messrs. Beach & Abel, G. Grenville. F. J. 13. Cranc, Maynard. fc Co.. G. Wurd, S.P. &J. C. Jevvett, J. H. Lund, i. Becker, Dickünsofi &- Cogswell, and S. ÍC ones, Ann Arbor: Geo. Warner &, Co-, and J. .lillerd & Son, Dexter, Wm. A. L. Shaw, Lima; J. C Winaiis, Sylvan, Hale, & Smith; GrassLake; W. Jackson. Leoni; D. T. Mem', man, Jackson; M. A. Shoemalier. Michigan Centre; Brotherson & Co., L. B. Kief & Gilbert. Manchester; D. S. Haywood, Saline; Snow &Keys. Clinton; J. Scattergood & Co., Plymouth; Stone. Babcock &Co., and Julias, Movius&Co., Ypstlanti; Pierre Teller, Detroit; J. & J. Bidwell, and Dr. Underwood, Adrion; ïart & Mosher. Springville; Harmen & Cook, 3rooklyn; Smith & Co., Jonesvillc; L. M. Soyce, Chicago - and almost cvery whercelse. Oef. 19. 1842 27-1 yIfoun? liadies' Seminary. MISS E. PAGE, Principal. Miss West, Teacher in Music. Mrs. Hoghs, " Drawing and Painüng. Mrs. Sauniiers, ': French. do do " Mathematica. Miss L. Ward, " ThePrimary Dcpart'nt THE ensuing term of Miss P'fe. Seminary commenceson Tuesday, 29ïh iust. TERMS OF TU1T1ON. In the English branches, from $2 50 to 4 50 perqunrter of twelve weeks; Lessons on the Pimo, with the use of the instrument, $10; Drawiug and Painting, $4 50; Latin, $3 00; French, $300; Fancy Work, 30n; Bonrd. 1 50; Washmg and Ironing, 37 cents per dozen. No pupil will be reccived fori ess than one quirter, and no deduction will be made for absence except in cases of ill heahh. Among the Books used in School are - Paley's Natural Theology and Evidences of Christianity - Abercrombie on the Intellectual and Aï-iral Powers - Kame's Elementsof Criricisin - VVhately's Logic - Jnmison's Rhetoiic - Mrs. Lincoln's Botany - Parker' s Naturnl Philosophy - Comstock's Clientistry and Pliysiology - Burriu's Geography of the Heavens - Phelp's Legal ClassjcB - Hollin'8 Áncieñt Hisiory wiih Butler's Ancient Atlns - Playlairs Euclid - Davie's Algebra and Arithtnetic, with Colburn'e - Mitchell's Geography - Goodrich's History U. States. All the friends of Education are requcsled to visit the school on Thursdays, when tho lessons of the past week are reviewed, and compositions read. The Superintendent of Public Instruction, the Professors of the University, and the Clergy of Ann Arbor hnve consented to act asa visiting committee to the School. As the most decis've tcstiniony in favor of any institution. is to be obia;ned from those who are best acquain'.ed vvith ihe suhjecis upon which it operates, JVliss P. refers for information to the parents and guardián of her pupils - a catalogue of whose nanies will be iumished to those interesled in thcenquiry. 18-tf. OF all kinds neatly esecuied at the bigna. Office, at the shortesl notice, and on the moet reasonable terms. Sooks Pamphets Circulars Eíandbill3 Wl11 Ot) P"iued to order, a. any time, wiih the utmost accuracy. 07 Orders by mail promptly fíllecL WOOD! WOODÜ WANTED immediately, any quantitv of DRY WOOD in payment for the Signal of Liberty. Come soon.YPSILANTI ACüDEBflY, AND TEAaHE&S' SEMENAR? H. H. GRIFFEN, Pwncipai,. Miss. E. HAMMOND, Assistant. THE winter term of iliis institution will coni menee on Monday, Nov. 20. and contin uell weeks. While this school iseilually open lo all of both sexos, who wisho ncquire n good cducation, particular oltentioñ wlll be given to ihose who are preparing lo tcarh. The exelu siVa nnd uninterrupten' attention of (he principa will bc si'vcD to impart n priicticol knowlcdge o tho Englieh brnnches. Uc occupics nboui hal iin hour daily in iecturing, with the aid of ihe uppaiaius, minerals, or otherwisc. Ari'ARATUs.- The Institmion is furnishec wuh Chemical, Philosophical, and Astronómica apparatus, Surveying Instruments, Geométrica solida, &c., to the amount of S3ÜÜ; also, a good Cabinetof Minerals wortli $50. Tüitio.v in the cummon English bra'hchcs, including Composition and Declnmation Trom $2,00 to $',50. In Philosophy. Chemistry, Astronomy, History, Rheturic, olnny, Algebra, Geometry, Surveying, &c. from $4,50 to $5.00. Mezzotinto and Chinese or Theorem painting, .$3.0 J each lor 12 lessons, tauglu by Mrs. Griffen. The tnition is to be paid nt the middlc of the term. No deduction lor absence will be made, oxcept for protiaeted sickness, and no one will bc ïcceived forless than fiveand a half weeks. - Books may be had of the principal nt Detroit prices. Board, Including room nnd washing, from ,$1,00 to $1,50 per weck; forfurther particulars nquire of' the principal. Rooms can be hired cheap for scholnrslo board themselves. Rcv. I. M. Weaa, Rev. H. P. Powers. Rev. O. F. North, J. Fairchild, M. D.? J. C., Allen, M. D., G. and E. M. Skinner, Esqrs. have kindly consented to form a visiting committce, to be present at the Week reviews on Thursday, and nt the public examination of the school. Ypsiianti, Oct. 16, 1S43. 5- ïy GRASS LAKE ACADEMY, A N D TEACHER' ÍS SEMIJYARY. THE winter term of this Instimtion will commence on Monday the sixth of November ext. 'Ihe Trustees in view of the opening erm feel that it mny not be amiss to lay before ie public their testimony in its favor. For the ast year it bas been under the care of Mr. BARUS. During that year, we have watched its rogress, and though on account of its youth it nny be inferior to mnny of its sister institutions s to numbers, yet its course of study, management, aiid discipline have been such as to comnend it to our cordial approbation and that of its atrons generally. TUITÍ0N. For the common Engüsh branche?, $;3 00 The Natural and Maihemaücnl Sciences, $'4 00 Latin. Gieek and Civil Engineering, ,95 00 Board may beobtained in the vicinity at $1 00 er week. the term to consist of eleven weeks. The Trustees are about erecting their buildina. ie Chnpel, andRecitr tion Rooms, whichwill be inibhed for the succedi-ngterm. i students apply as near the opening of the erm as possible. FOSTER TÜCKER, Secretary of the Board. Grass Lak e, Oct 23, 1843. 2ii-4w. GREAT BARGAINS IN READY MADE CLOTHING ! !" HALLOCK Sf RAYMOJVD "TTOULD respectfully inform the citizens or r V Ann Arbor, and tiie Siate generally, that iey have now on hand the LARGEST and CHE A PEST stock of READY MADE CLOTHING" o bc found at any establishment in this State, 'hich they are deteynined to sell at piices lover ian were befure oñeretí, and they eonfidentlv nvite all perpons in want of "Rcady JIide Cl.olhing," visiting Dotroit, to cali at their asïblishment, "Corner of Jefferson and Woidoard Avenues," in the new brick block, Phoeix Buildings, where they will find every vacty ofgarments suitable for gcntlemen's Fall or Winter wear, and they believeat prices from 15 0 25 percent cheuper than they can obtain them n any other way. Also, a very choice selection of 'Broad Cloths, Cassimeres, and estings, vhich they are prepared to manufacture to ordor 1 a superior manner and st-e nol to be êkcelled i ihe City of New York or elsrwhere. Garient3 ahvays warranted to fit and -picase or no saldi Also. a very heavy Stock of DOMESTIC CLOTHS. PILOT and BEAVER CLOTHS. BELGIC CLOTHS, SATTINETS, WINTER TWEEDS, and every variety anddescription of goods suitable lor genilemen's wearing apparel, all of which shali be sold varylow for cash, or exchanged tbr Productat raarket prices. All those wishing Bargains in any of the above artielrs are invited to cali at the "FASH1ONABLE CLOTHING EMPORWM" of the subscribers, Cor. of Jefferson and Woodward Avenues, Dctroir. H ALLOCK & RAYMOND. Detroit, Sept. 28, 1843. 23-tfStrayed F ROM the subscriber, in the town of Snline about ll-e 2üth of July last, two yoke of Red OxenT One yokc vvere ot large size, and one of them a palé red, w'ith a rope nround bis horns when they went awny. The other yoke were of niiddling size, and one of ihem had r white spot in the torehead, and somc white on one of bis liind leg. They are about ten years old. Whoever will return snid oxen, or give inlormation where they may be found, to Mr. Tori, or to Mr. Van Husen, in Saline vil- lage, or to the subscriber in the town of Highland, Oakland county, shnll be liberally townrded. HIRAM BARRETT. October 2, 1843. 23. Administrator's Wotice. THE undersigncd having been appointed by the Judge of Probate for the county oi Wnshtenaw, administrntors on the estáte of Jo8iah Beckley, late of said county, deceased. and having given bonds as required by law. hereby give notice to all persons indebted to sakJ estáte to make immediate payment to ihem, and all persons having claims agninst said estáte to present them properly attesied for adjustment. MINERVA BECKLEY, Administratrix. LUKE BECKLEY, Administrator. Ann Arbor, Sepl 28, 1842. 23-6w. Strayed or Stolen F ROM the Subscriber in Manchester, Washtenaw couniy. about the temh of July lasi, a faint sonel or roan colored mare, to iio eleven years old, medium size, white back feet with a largo 6cnr on one hoof, made by a split, and asmallswelüng on her back. causcel by riding; mouth much bit-worn, and white mark in her fnce. Any information concerning snid mare will be thankfully received, or nesistnncc in securing her to the owner shall bo liberally rewarded. GEO. J. BARKER. Manchester. July 23, 1843. 19-3w. BOOK BINDSR'ST. AT TH.K l'APKR MILI, (l.O WKR TO'k) ANN AEïOR. EBOOTH would respectfully inform the inhabitanlsof Ann Arbor and vicinity that he continúes the business of BOOK BINDIftft, at the old stnnd, in the Paper Mili. Oíd Books svili be neatly rebound on short notice. All kinda of RULING done to order.- Country produce taken in payment. April 19, 1S43. 52-tf. Cheese. FOR Sole by C. J. GARLAND. Ann Arbor, Upper Town, May 5, '43. 2KEEP GOING AHEAD. Now is the Time for Great Bargains, and no Mistak e. Ro B ANKS, WOULD respectfully nform his oldcusiom. ers and oihers visking Detroit, that h has removed to the corner of Jefferson and Griswold streef, opposite Michigan Insurance whcre he has on hand n large Stock of READY MADE CLOTHIJVG, consisting in part of Occr Coats, Box Coats Dress and Froik Coals, Vests, Partís, and everv anide in the clothing line, cheaper tlmn th cheope3t. A quick eixpence is Letter i)an slow shilling. Only give us a culi and we wilt satisfy every ene; thnt is our niaxini Detroit. Öct. 7, 1843. ' 2,-,_3in "FRESE ZiÁBOR." MARCU8 STEVENS L SAMUEL ZUG HAVE taken the rooms in the lower end of the White Block, directly opposite the Mi chigan Exchnnge, where they will keep nn tensive nssortment of of every kind, quolity. and desuription, of their own mnnufnctunug, and warranted to Leas fash onable, good, and chenp as can bo J)ad West of New York. Purchasers ai e requested to cali and examine our extetis:ve assortment before hnvinir Any anicle of Furniture made to order anii IVarravtcd to please. UPHOLSTERING done in all (8 variou, branches, and at the shortest notice CHA1RS, LOOKING 6LASSES ANn WiLLOW WARE; also, MahoganylBoarZ and Vcnetrs - as cheep as the cheapest. WA2tfTEI, In oxchange, CHERRY, WALNUT AND MAPLE LUMBER, kp.%. $c ' D '■ . STEVENS & ZUG Detroit, April 17, 1843. 5i_3ni A DMIJMSTBATOiïti IvÖTWËT THE undersigned having been appointed by the Judge of Probate lor the county of Washtenaw. Administrntrix on the euate of Joel R. Hidden, deceased. late of snid coun'y and ïaving givcn bouds as required by law. hcreby gives notice to all persons indebfed to said estáte o moke immcdiate payrneni to her, and 11 persons having claims against snid estáte to present hem properly attested for adjustment. LAURA HIDDEN. Ann Albor, Oct. 17, 1843. 26-6w JAMES G. BIRIVEYJ iTTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. SA O A NA W CITY, MICHIGAN. JG. B. will also act as Land Agent in the Land District in whiéh ihis (Saganaw) Dounty is; he will make investments for others ands, pay over for non-resdents their taxes, and give information generaljy to persons intereated n ibis part of the country, or desirousof becomng immigrants lo it. BROKE out of the enclosure of the subscriber on or about thenight of the 28th uit. asiuall gray Mare. four years old, not shod. Any person who wil) give notice to ihc owner by letter or otherwise where said Mare may be found, hal] be rcwardtid by CHARLES HUDSON. North Lake, Wash. co. Oct. 14, 1843. 4fi-3wTimothy Seed, WANTED on accounts, or in exchango for GOODS, by J. B-ECKLEY & CO. Ann Arbor, Aug. 15, 1843. 17-6. SAL ERATUS. WHOLESALE and Retail. by H. BECKER. Ann Arbor, Aug. 2, 1843. 15-tf. Anti-Slavery Books. AQUANT1TY f Anti-Slavery Books ore for sale nt this office, very chesp. Cnll soun, before they are gone. SHEEP SHEARS, ' FOR Sale by C. J. GA RL AND. Ann Arbor. UonerTown. May 5. 1813. S. PJËTTflBONfi, ' SüIiVEYOR, MAKER, AND LAND AGENT. . Office in Court House Square. Ann Arb.r. June 19, 1843. 8-ii. Ases FOR sale, Wholesale or Ketnil, by J. BECKLEY & CO. Ann Arbor. Aug. 15. 1843. 17-6w. BLANK ÜEEDS. MORTGAGES, EXECUTIONS, SÚMMONSES, &c. juat pnntedand for sale at ilie STSIGNAL OFFICE, j FASHIONABLE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. JR. WALKFR woukl annoume to lus friends and the public in general, thai he is now in the receipt ot" tlie fall and winter foshions for 1843-4, which have been selected and furnished by iwoof the best establishments in llio United States, on the first of the present montb, alter the kinds of gooiis and fashions for the season had become pcrniancntly established, which is beautifully illustiated by tvo of the most splendid fashion platee ever presentcd to this community. Any gentlemen who wish to have the "s:mon pure," enn find it here furnished at a scason when there can be no mistake as to what is or 3 not fashionable. Gentlemen, please cali and examine for yourselvcs, and if wecannot exhibitsometbing that will satisl'yyou that thestyle of gouds and fashion ofgarments are chaste and beautiful, theu we are much n)isiaken. Mr. Walker would take this opportunity to return his sincere thanks to all who have hit her' favored hitn with their patronage, and hopes ho has given general satisfaclion. All who fcel disposed to have an easy, at the samo time n fashonable garment, can be gratified by cajing at the shop of J. D. Insh, one doorsouih of Beach fe Abel's old etorc, whcre for the conveniencO ofbimseÜ nnd cuotoiners he has loca'.ed for the season. whero all demands in his line wijl be cxecuted'wiih neatnessand despatch, on reasonable terms for cash or country produce, but posit'vdy no credit. c .c N. B. Cutting done, and warranied to nt ij properly ïnade np. Octoberll.1843. tf. TYPE AT REDUCED PRICES. GEO BRUCE &CO. Typeíounders. at No. 13. Chambere slreet, near the Post Office New York, have on hand a untisually Iarge stock Óf their well known Types, Ornaments, Borders, Rules, fee. oTthe best material, cnst m original matrices, and very accurately iinishcd, all of which they have deicrmincd to sdl at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES: placin tho book and newspaper fonts as follows; Pica. at ?2ct8aJb' Small Pica, 34 Long Primer, " { Bourgeois, q{f Sf 54 ? Minion, f . - (, Nonpareil, it Agnte, LQ (t Pearl 5' u for approved paper at six months, or at 6 por "woïdTyPrinting Ink, Preeses, Case.. Gaileys, Brss Rule, Cö Sticks, Chases, ünd oitór Pnnting miterials, furnished with prompiiiudeand at the lowest pnce. Printers of newspupere, who will pubhsh thi ad ertisement, with this note, threo timea before the fint of June, 1843, and send oneof tho papcrstoihetoundry, will be emitlod to payment of their bilí, on buying four limes tho amount of it. '.Oct23, 1843. ______----. ÑOTICE. ALL those tndebted to the firm of J. Becklkt & Co. are requostod to mnke payment immediately. Oct. 23, 1843.


Signal of Liberty
Old News