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AGENDA wants to know what you think! Send letters by the 20th day of the month preceding publication of our next Issue to: Editor, AGENDA, 220 S. Main St. Ann Arbor, MI 48104. Please include your address and phone number (not lor publicatíon). AGENDA reserves the right to edit or reject any letter. We give preference to letters under 400 words.

Questions for Mr. Dole

   I am a conservative Christian who reads your paper out of open-mindedness.

   In your July 1996 issue, as you attempt to depict Rush Limbaugh listeners as Klansmen, you attribute to him a statement which I'd bet my last dollar, if I were a betting man, he never made.

   Regardless, I have no affection for Limbaugh. He is as much a humanist as you at AGENDA. To me, a conservative humanism is not better than a liberal humanism, and may actually be worse. But if you'd like to deal in reality, your paper might actually be useful to someone like me.

   Why don't you try investigating the connection between the Ku Klux Klan and the Masonic Lodge? Since the apparent Republican nominee, Mr. Dole, is not only a member of the Lodge, but holds the highest rank in it (33rd degree), I believe the connection is relevant in this year of presidential politics.

   Should you, or any of your employees, or any of your readers wish to pursue this, let me clue you/them in on the connection: Albert Pike.

   Go to the library and investígate Albert Pike. You will find that this Confederate Army General: 1) founded the Ku Klux Klan, and; 2) Wrote "Morals and Dogma," the de facto by-laws of the Scottish Rite (which uses the numbered degrees, and is the prevalent form of Masonry in America) is a whites-only organization, I think it would be an entirely fair thing to ask Mr. Dole: "Sir, since you want to be our President, could you please explain to us why you not only belong to, but hold the highest rank possible in the largest "whites-only" organization in America?"

   Another good question: "Sir, given the secrecy of both the KKK and the Masonic Lodge, and the Albert Pike connection, is there really any possibility that the KKK is actually the militant enforcement arm of the Lodge?"

   Let me state, however, that you should never expect to hear the mainstream media ask such questions. Many media outlet are owned, in whole or in part, by lodge members, that is why George Bush (another 33rd degree Mason) could run for Vice-President twice, and for President twice, and never hear such questions.

   It would take an "alternative" paper such as your to ask such things. Furthermore, a commitment to truth, and intellectual honesty, are qualities I place for above ideology.

David M Divelbiss



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