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:TheJjist arrivals, from Europe have brought no news of special importance. - A bloodless revolution has taken place jn Greece, and King Otho has been obliged to concede to his sübjects a constitutional government. Another great eruption of Mount Vesuvius has taken place, exlñbiting a beautifiil appearance. Mr. O'Connell pursues Iris Repeal agxtation with unabated vigor. President Boyer and suit have arrived at Falmouth. Trade in Eugland in all departments had considerably revived. We gather the following items from the details of foreign papers. JVicmher of the Clergj.--Yrom a return just laid before the House of Oommons, and printeJ, we cóllect the following particulars pneerning the 6tafTof the church of England: Number of benefices, 10,087 Resident incumbente, 6,G99 resident incumbents, 8,736 Vacancie8 fc recent inslitutions, 199 Scquestration?, 37 No returns, 316 10,937 The number of curates serving beneflees on which the incumbents are non -resident, is 2,711. The number of curates assistant to resident incumbents, 's 2 032. Total number of cúrales, 4,743. The curates receive smal! etipends: Undér L&0 a year, Í312 L50 and undcr L60, 575 L00 and under L70, Sá6 L70 and under L80 482 L80 and under L90, 642 L90 and under L100, 184 Total under L100, 2521 ThÍ8 shows a monstrous inequality in the salaries of the clergy; fo.r whilst 2,521 of the working curates are receiving less than L100 3'ear, some of the bisbops nnd archbishops are L12,000 or L15,000. - Leeds Mercwy. Jtetruiling m Ireland. - The Cork Exami nr contains the following: - lA recruiting party of the 55th regiaient, accompanied by the full band, scoured the streets of this city on Saturdoy, in quest of any persons who might be vvillbg tojoin their ranks. Their fibrts proved quite unavailing, asa decided antip&thy was manifested to join the army . - Indeed, eevernl wcre heard exclaiming, that jio repealer ought to list." Prize Essay on Educalion. - We understnnd that the sutn of one hundred guineas has been placed at the disposal of Rev. Dr. Vnughon, President of the Lancashire Independent College, os a prize for the best essay on and improvement of the people of Great Britain. The adju dicators will be imparlially selected. - Manthesttr Times. More Dueliing. - On the 5th inst., a hostile meeting took place, on the bank of the Necker, between Prince Jerome Napoleon, and Countde la Roche Pouchin, a general in the service of Lucca. After a combat, which lasied ten minutes, the seconds separated the combátante! Prince Napoleon received a sword wound in üis right arm, which opened avein; and Count Pouehin two ivounds, oue through the hand.Forcign Wheal. - It is understood that duty wili be paid this day, on all the ibreign wheat now in Great Britain, computecl, by that time, to atnount to about 800,000 quarters, on which a duty of 14 shillings per quartet will bring more than half a million to the excbegugr. Spoiling ilie ProUs - Two individuáis -were very heavily ifined at the Town Hal), ShefSeld, recently, for Staving made a quautity of cast iron 'knives, a-d etamped thein with the v.ods kiast steel," and "sliear steel." - Tfee penalties exceeded L1,800.


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