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Goldsmith Responds

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Agenda Publications
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If you had addressed this to me instead of the newspaper in general, I would have phoned you up, invited you out for a beer at the Heidelberg and we could have had a perfectly nice chat about the state of the local scene, your groundbreaking history as a hip concert promoter and what you've been up to since your return to town ... but ... NO ...

Funny, I agree with some of what you say. If I had my way AGENDA would be have loads of articles covering the vast range of cool stuff taking place in A2 vis-รก-vis the local music scene, l've kicked around the idea of starting a local music newspaper even because there is so much going on from metal to noise to surf to even "trite mainstream pop muzak" (to borrow a phrase) that the thousand words or so I get to do each month in The View From Nowhere only scratches the surface. I know Ted Sylvester (the editor of AGENDA) would be way way happy if more hipsters such as yourself would submit articles on some of this stuff (note: Ted was a rock and roll drummer at one point for gods sake though please don't tell anyone, OK?) Maybe you would like to take on that task (ril take your word on Perplexa. That might be a good start). My comments and review of Kari Newhouse stand on their own. Do what you want with them. I have no desire to be "in touch" with anything whether it be my "feelings" or "to what's really going down" in town, which is silly in the assumption actually, like there is one big truth or something when it come to art. Give me a break. And equally silly is using the misogynist claim that my comments on Newhouse were based on anything other than her talents as an important American musical artist. It would be like me charging you with having a fetish with young white boys in flannel shirts because you booked so many Sub Pop grunge bands into Club H in your days as a music business type. Both changes are dumb as hell. If you still want to go out for a beer, give me a call.


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