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TAI L O R I W G . WILLÏAM WILKINSON, CLAIMS ihe ntteñtion of the inliabitants oí Ann Ail.r nnd the surrounding country, nnd ilorms ilicm Jie lias locnmd himself the North su!e the square, rteár ihe Post Office, opposiie the runr door of Court IIoupc, whcre lie s alwnj's on hand to wait un ihose who lyish lo obüge Iiirn wiih a cll. The .'hnncrs nre snre to be suíted whh good confortable AI1 who ne moic fnshionnk'y iucLnecl can be acconimod.-MCíl. having received the laiest Fíisliións for Fafl ni VVjuter. Cutting done on the shortest notice, and warramed to íii if made uphy experienced hands. Aun Arhor. Oci. 1. 1843. 23-lf. T. L A M B E R T, BEGS loave to hífoTriJ the iiihabitnnts of Ann Albor, and ihe surroumling country., that having locoied himselfin (he Lower VMagi!, Wilh ihe view ol' carrying on ihe ibóVé business ín ni! its brnncliee. (some öf which nre HOUSE. SÏGN, nnd' ORJVJMEJYTJlL PJIIjYTIJYG, GILDING and GLÁJKIXO. GRALNING, mituiion of nll VVoods, MÁRBLEIZJNG, TRANSPARENTES, BAWAKIíS, &c. espectfuüy solicita n sharc of ))ullic patronage, os his prices shall be low to conform lo lie times and his work done in the best manner. T. I. wonldsüy to Farmers that he is parücularly desirous to rittend to their calis, as )roduce is ihe best kind of pay. Ann Arbor, LowerTown, Morch 6. 1843. 45- ly. DR. BAN1STER'.S CELEBRATED FKVER.AGUE P1LLS.- Purely Jegettihlt. A safe, speedy. and sure reniedy ior 'ever and ague. dum agüe, chiií fever. and the ilious disensps peculiar to ntw coi:ntrics. Tiiese pills are designed for ihe afFections of heliver and other internal organs which ntend the diseases of the new and niiasmatic portionsof our counuy. The proprictor having tried them in a great variety of cases confidentlv helieves that hey are superior to ar.y k medy thai hns ever leen ofleted lo the public for the aboye diseaf?fs. It is purely Vcgcttiblc and perfectly harmess; and can he taken by any person, riialeor :emale with perfect snfcty. The nillsnre prepared in two sepárale boxes, marked No. 1 and No. 2. and ucecompaniedwi'vh full directions. A grent nuniber of certificntes might be procured in fovnr of íliis medicine, hut the propriéter has thourln fit notto inscrt them, ' n as much as hedepends upon ihe merils oí the same for its 'pputau'un. Tlie above pill is kept consfnntly on hand íjy the proprieter and can be hadat wholesnle and rotail at the store of Beckley & Co. Grders from ihe country prompily attended to. Ann Arbor. (lower town) Mny2 J842. 9 L. BECKLEY LAiNK DLEDöT MOKTGAÜhÖ, &c (Vrsnle üt this office. Ann Arbor. August 1. 1843. FIRE! FIREÜ FIRE!!! THE nicinbers of the Kalamnzoo Mutual Insurnnee Coihpnny are hereby nolified, thfii ihe íollowing assessnients have been made by ihe directors, on all notes in forcé on the following dr.ys, to wil: Jnnuary lst, 1843, H per cent. February 2()th, " ] " " Mn'rch 22d. í: h " " April 1T-Ch " l " " IVIny lst, í Ï li " Sept. Ist. ( 1 " " Making, 7 per cent. Said per cent to be cast on the original amountof he prc.nium note, without relerence to nny ondorsemen :s. :md to be paid on or hefore the firs! diiy of November nuxt. either at the office oftho compnny. or n ñ duly nmhoriztdngeni who will ba íurnished with the ioll undèr iheseü! of t'ne compnny. All who neg'ect to pay their assessments are refened to Seciion 2d of Amele 2d of the By Lawe altached to caca policy, for thp consequenecs. It ís confidentlv expeoted ihat the mcmberswil I be preparec] lo, na y ,her asscsstnents promptly, ns hy so doing, ihe compnny can relieve íhem sel ves of iheir present indebtednes-, nnd mercase ibeir future usefulness. Should any one neglect or rénisè to pay vvhén calleó upon, suits wíll be nsfili.tul for the amount of ihe premium notes, which in all cases will be cnlk'ded. Office or ihe Knl. M. Ins. Co., ? Kaiamazoo, Sej.í. 25, 1843. S A. T. PROUTY, Sec' y. EPTo be published in all the newspapersprinted in this State for ihree weeks and ihe eaiiors of suid papéis are requested to snd a copy of the paper coutninin" the same to the ofiice of the company durir.c' ihe continuance of the advertistiinnni, asa voucher in the adjustment of their account. 25-3w. ÜËifilincry fc lrcss NSakiiíg". Mríf. C. BUFFFINGTON, RESPECTFULLY announces to the inhabitanis of Ann Arbor und vicinity,thnt she hns opened a shop, michvay, between thp upper and lower villnges,vhere the business of MLLIJYERY $ JDRESS MAKIJVG will bo rarried on, in all ifs branches, with ptinctiialitv , despatch, and in the best and most lusbionable style. Ann Arbor, Aprils, 1843. 50 ly For Sale. ONE yoke of WORKING OXEN. Enquire at the Hat Store of H. BAGG. Lower Town. Ann Arbor, May 29, 1843. 5-tfWHOL.ES A LE & KETAIlr. S T 4'gL$'"1L$f D FJ1 .V C Y DRY C&OODS. Tlit: Sub?cribeis kccp conítnntly on hand s Isreennd dioico stock of DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SU OES, DRY GROVER058 frc. ;. which Imve bren selecied c;uc,'niul';ne of ihe newrst styles and be si qunlities. As they are rfetermiiied not to be uridérsold', theysoficit tito patronage of thosc wishing to pu rehuso. AnWñg oíher ihingsloo numerous to mnntion. they linve a larsje nnd cxeúllont nssortniMit.of SHEET! NtíS, I)RJ M#!8& SI) M M i-:R STUFFS, CA I . COh-h, CLOTIIS, gClKïJp BROAD CLüTHS, CASSJMfcRLS, GAMBROONS, k2S52fe CAMBRICS, MUbLINfe, HANDKERCMIEFS, fcc. &. Bonnet. Ribbons, a yery b.autirul snániócóí. Xhuich. Iírochc: Silk, nnd 1 hibet. oi tifo ricltesi ñutiólos. . (ír.-f ls: of al! kiiuis. qualiuca. nnd pnces. lose ond Half Coiton nnd WorMcd. j?qni J,elioin; Tiiftn nnd Suaw. The above assortmeni ol" GOODS will be eold -,s chea: or cAc?cr (han can be purchased ín Delroit. et WooL Potash, Flour5 n and all kinds oJ PRODUCE will bc received in PaymelltABBOTT &BEECHER, 144, Jeíiurson Avenue. July, 12. 1843. (12-tf.) . ''roit. "at'teñtioñ, JUST icceivodat thc Gonon.l LVp.n, íorthe sale of Clo-hicrs Stock Mnch.uery, Dye BiufltiCc. &c, No. 139. Jcff.rsou Avenue DeiroU, ibe following large, weil ussorted. and , carefully 6elec:ed stock, viz: 100 bbls. St. ■Domingo Logwood, Cut. I 5 Tns ' " inSuck, . 150 bbls. Cuba Futic, Cut, 1 5 Tons li '; mStick, DO bbls. Nic. Wood, Chippcd, 50 " Lima Woud, " '' 30 Red Wood, ]20 " Ground Camwood, 10 if Qucrriiron Bark, 5)0 Ibs. Kutgalls, 10 Cnses Extract of Logwood, 300 ]bs. Lac Dye, j 2 Ceroons Spriniéh índigo, 300 Ibs. SuiTinc Sicily, 3 Casks Mndder, 3 Cnsks Bine Vitnol, ' 5 Casks Aium, 2 Bands Bed Tnrtnr. o, 2 Barréis Cieam Tartnr, ' 3 CarboysAqun Fortis, ( 5 ' : Oil Viinol, ' 3 '' Muriatic Acid, ' 500 Ibs. Virdigris, J 53 " Black Tin, l Teasels. Twine, Cupper Kctllcs, all sizes, Parsoivs Shearing Machines, Curtis1 " " . Screws and Press Plates, Cranks. Press Paper, Steel Reeds, Worsted Hnrness, Tenter Hooks, Emery, all No's., Olive Oil. ] Cloihiers' Jacks, Sattineit Worp, Clothiers' Brushi's. Shuitles, Pickers. Cnrd Ctenners. &c. &c. f The above, with a variety of other anieles ( onging to the trade, have been purchased this t jUirTmer by the subscribers from Mfntíuíabtureís ind Firsl Ilnndsin the New York. L hilndelphia. id Boston Mnrkels, and every thing having reeived his persono! inapecüon. he can with the l ítmost conrjdenoe cffor ihem to purchasers as ilic est and mest rompíate stock n the country: and l s it it his h'xed determiiiaiion (by the low rales wliich he will sell) to nrevent the nccessi'y of 3ir Clothiers nnd Manufn'-urern leaving the State to make iheir purchases, hfl wouldnierely y to the trade, CALL, examine thc qoods and is'certnin pricos before you say you can buy iheaper any vhe-e else. He is also prepoied to contract for CARD1NG I MACHINES made in thts State or Enst. PIERRE TELLER, Sign of the Golden Mortar, 139, Jefferson Aenue, [17-tf.] Detroit. Attewiioii, lnvaiids. WIJO has iricd the Peiisian Pilis and Jew ' David's or Hkbrew Pla-stkr. and is not ready to testify ihat t!ey are decidedly the best medicines now in use? The above medicines have been before :he pnblic some four ytars, and pliysicians at the Easi have iised ihem extensively in iheir praclice. and were they here. tliey could lell you of the excellent qualities of these medicines. Reader! Have you over used ihem? li you have not, ask those who have if they are not wiiat we recomtnend them to be. They are the Chrcp'sl as well as the best. A box of' piasier ooniaiüs tiiiricienl tp spread 8 or 10 piasters - price 50 cents. Thc largc Boxes ol Pilt.s contain 7'.' puls fi)r 63 cents: the smal! boxes 35 pilU (or 31 cents. No persons ahould condoinn them unlü ihey have iried them. and then we are surc hey will not. These t;iedicines are for sale by one or morengrnts in all villajes and cities in the Uniied States. Culi on thc agent, and hc will give any inlonnation wnnted. For saté by J. H. Lund. S. P. & J. C. Jeweit. C. Eberbaeh, Ann Arbor; D. M. Lndd, Milfoifl: M. C. Bakin, Novi;.D. II. Rowland. Nórihvilte; .7. Scattersood, Plymouth; P. Vannvery. Frnnklin; J. Dean, Pontiac: J. "Millerd. &. Son, Dexter; Dr. Sacer. Jackson. 0 - 6in.


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