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General Intelligence: Monroe Edwards Again

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This notonnus scoundrel, says the N. Y. Couner and Knqtiirer.has again attempled e6ctping from Ring Sing, Itut tliis time his plans were laid ui such a marnier as evinced his determination to faciifice human Iife, rathr thnn be foilrd m bis attcmpt and had t!iey not heen discovrred, every soul in the hospital of tie prison must have been burned aüve. The details of his plan as communicnted to us, are so charactenetic of the man, that wegive Uem more at length than we would under ordinary circumstancps. On Thursd-iy, J. W. Edmunds, President of theComiiissioners, was at the priton, and ■ome of the conïicts made known the fací Ihit there was a conspiracy to fire the prison tnd escape. As this was a story verv commonly got up by convicts eilher to teaze the keepers, or to make capitBl ior themselvee, little attentinn was at first paid to it, bot onreceiving additional infornmiion the prisonnrs implicated ,vere searcJied, Eduards amon thetn. On bim were found n long1, sharp pointed knife, a pair of spurs made ofJeather with 6hoe-tacks for the rowels, a heavy loadded leather thong and a qunntity of íoco foco matches, also letters written with a pewter plummet and on wrappmg paper for bis cocon8pirators. This occurred on Friday, and all the details of his plnti hoving been made known, the keeper made his dispositions to thwart them. It appears ihat he lias two correspondeos inthis city, (who are knówn to the officers) and they were in tlie practice of letters for Edwards, in the Windows ofthe shop where he was at work, which are accessible for any person at nitrht. The spot at which the letters were to be left was designa; ed by a coil of fine wire, which the prisoner bft on the window. The party outside, by feelíng at tbe different windows, would comf ncross the wire nd there leave the letter. The plan arran ed, was to hava a sloop out iu T.ippnn B:iy. The conspirators were to fire the prison, and in the confusión which would be croated, tbe pnrties on the outside would come in as if to assist and to carry off the convicts, who were to be lundfid in Rockland county, whore thv would sieal horees und mnke their wny off The main difllculiy in carrying out th's.was to fix definitely the time. This wns tinallvarrangpu m this wise; a number of rroins o: wheatanö corn to beleft on one of the win dows- eacb rrnin of corn to siwnify a week, and the wheat a day. Ttie plan vv:ts tlion to be carried out ,n the first nijjlu wlien a high oMh wind was blowing1, fier the cxpintion of the weeks or doy signified by the corn and wheat. The object of vUing until a mith■west wind wos blowing, was, that when th coopera shops, which it was iniended to fire, were turnii;?, the wind would blow theflarnpG diroetlyon the roof of the Chapel and Hospitn!,ancRl)e inevitable consequence must hnve ben that every one of the convicts in the hospital, rnust havo perished in the flame6. The whcat and corn were left on thp window, bui on opening the shop door in the morning, the wind scaltered them about eo that it was imposible to know the exact number left, nnd tdus this plan was loiled. - They nxt determined to fire the prison oi the first dny of a South-west wind, and seize the sloop which belongs to the prison, and f ter Crossing the bay with her, sink her, and make their way in the mountnins. On Friday this sloop, us Juck woold havo it, camp from New York, and in the nfternoon a high S. W. wind was blowin. Fearing that the attempt would be made that night an extra tfuard was put on, and three kegs of powderwere carried into the chapel,so that if it should catch fire it would be blown up, and communicatjon thus cut oflTfrotn the hospital and frison. The eick convicta were also arranged that tbeir beds could be rulled off from (langer at a rnonient's warning . Friday night passed over, and all had remoined quiet, and in the morning Edwards was brought into the keeper'e room, where he at one began lo beg and make a full confessioo of hia accomplices. Afler hearing his story, Mr. Lynds infbrmed hirn that he was now too late that all the men whom he wished to betray. had been beforehand with him - that they knew all about his coil of wire, the sloop, the wheat and corn, and in fuct every thing. Mr. Lynds then spoke to him for soroe time, Bhowmg him how ulterly futile it was for him to lay any plans of escape; that he cas surrounded with spies; Üwt every thing he said or did was known, hnd in fine, that there was not a single convict in the whole prison who had not a better chance of escape than himself. Finding every thing thus effictually discovered and all his plans foiled, Edwords be gan to beg most piteously for mercy. He wns reminded, however, that he had pjayed his game with a full knowledge of the stakes at issue, and haviug lost he ouht not to expect to huve the stakes paid back. His coñdnct in begging so for mercy, when it was evident that he inlended to sacrifice the life of any persoa who should offer to stop him, nnd when he had laid plans which would have resulted ie a certa in destruction of some twelve fiick men, was so thoroughly contempuble that he was hardly thought worthy of punishment," and but for one thing he would ns it was, escape that. This wae that n few days ago a gentleman from La. while on n visii to the prison, 6aw Edwards, and staed that he knew his mother; Ihat the had been lel't ni! independent fortune, but by the villainy of her son 6he is now reduced to abso Inte want. On béannor tlp last remarlt, Edwards covpred his face with his Innd ■, aña bowinor his head as the tears carne from his eyes, he said lMr. Lynds, 1 des-erve to die, I know I do." - As this was the first exhjbition of feeling, he had seen on the part of Edwards, hedeiermined to see what effect this would have on his future conduct. He was accordingly allowed o escape without punishment, and if he really has any feeling, the remembrance of his mother's sufferings, broupht on by his own villainy, will cause him many nights of sleepless remorse.This second attempt of Edwards was plann ed with an ncuteness worthy the man; ann but for the fact all around him are ready to betray every movcment, thfre isevery probability that he would have accompiithed his ends. Rvnaway. - A negro woman belonging to one of our citizpns, mnde her escape to Galena, on board of one of our steamboais a few daytsince. She succeeded then in procuring a passage further North. The owners of the boat have discovered that they carried an expensive passenger, as they uil] have to pay her full valne, with the expenses incurred in endeavoring to apprehend her. - St. Louis Repxth. We underslnnd that this ie the same woman wliose case lately made considerable exciiement in Wisconsin. She was foilowed by a couple of wornan-hnnters, who discovered their prey in Milwaukïe. Fortuna) ely, however,- the girl found friends, nnd with great difficulty she was delivered from the power of her enemies; she was eecreted by beingheaded up in a barrel, and fed fpr several days on crumbs, which she received througii email holes bored n the head. She is sixteen or eig-hteen years of agre, and has but little, if any negro blood in her veins, but nevertheless is a slave; and she had been guilty óf the atrocious crime of pretending to be free, ani passinjr herself off as a white person! Wbat depravity ! That's i he way liberty ie protected nWisconsin - headed up in a barrel! She was considered a valuable p'ece of property, on account of her color and genteel appearance; the hunlers declaring that she cnuld be sold for $1200, for the purpose of prostitution;wiuie a common blnck wench is not worth more Uian $400. We understand that in Milwaukie a good deal of uympathy was man ifested for the master, who was so nnfortunate as to lose such a prize; and the kind-hearted '-eople of that town turned out by dozens, and scoured the woods, in pions horror of malgamation, to hunt down this young, Inleresting, and defenceless white girl - to return her to slavery and prostitution? This is the wav female dependance, delicacy, nnd chasti.v, are protected in the land of the free and home of the brave'- -hnnted like a wolf through the woods and over the prairies, and at last only snvect from the g rasp of lust and cruelty by )eingf headed up in é bnrrel! Don't Let excited wlien you talk about skvery!- Western Citizen. Mexico.- Lntcr advices from Mexico contírm i he rumor of h difBculty bet ween Rngluad nnd Mexico nrHnír out of the placing, on n féhtívaj diy, amone crtnin ffoga laken froai íh Trxnns, a Britten fliíg, whk-h it w;s said had bnrn takerj (rom tle Texins. A proirme to remove it. not boing complied with Mr. Doy le, the Eritfsh charo p, i a note to Santn Anna closed his diplomutic relations wiih Mexico until he received further advices from England. To tbis note it appears that the Mexican Government has replied in a very insultingcommunication. There waa a rumor in Vera Cruz that an angry correspondence had tnken place betvveen our Minister and (fie Mexiean Government on lite subject of the annexation of Texas to this Union.Rnnarkablc- Tn neither brnnch of Congrrsswill therebe a member from Illinois wlm vas ever in Connrress before. All are new menibers both in the Senate and House. From Mrxico - Our New Orleans papers, received yesterday brings news that Admiral Depetit. Thours had hauled down the Brilish flag at Honduras, and raised the color in its place. More trouble brewing?From Campeacky. - By ao arrival at New Orleans on tho 20th, news from Yucatán had beenreceivcd os laleas the lOth inst. The Comnnseioners sent to Mexico, for the purpose of entering into a treaty of peaco and amity vvith that government, had not yet retuine'd- It was thonght tbat nnother wnr between the two countries would be inevitable, at quite a belligerent feeling hnd bcgun to manifest itself among :he Yucalecoes, in consequence of the tordy movements of the Mexican Government in relat ion to the proposed treaty which bad been increased by a late proclama tion from the Mexican Government, doping the port of Laguna against all vessels belonging to Yucatán. Mexico and Yucatán.- The Jatest accounts from Yucatán, as well as those from Mexico, have a tendency to confirm the rumors whicb have heretofore reached us, that there 6 Iittle proba bility of an amicable settlement of the difficulties which at preeent exist between these two States, and that hostililies between them are likely, ere long, to be renewed. We have not observed, however, that the Yucatán Commist-ioners who went to Mexico to negoíiate a treaty have yet retumed to theii homes; so that notwithstanding these unpropitious rports, there may yet be some ground to hope for a reconciliation without again ap pealing to the arbitrament of war.- National Intelli geneer. Cranberrics. - This pleasant fruit is now received in krge quantities from the Weet .-■ The crops at the East are said to have been ent off in a great measure by frost; and the market is now supplied by the westward; and no doubt Michigan cranberries wil) be eaten in the very head-quarters of cranberries, Barnstable, Mass. We had no idea, until to-day, of the qtiantity sold in this city. One house in Front street, eold within a few days. 250 burrels, rereived from Michigan, at $6 and $6 50 per bbl., and have had npplication for more thnn thoy can snpply. Of ihe sume lt, .-5000 bblö. went over the western rail-road t Boston, and were tljere sold as Boon as received.-JV. Y. Tribune.Tempcrancc in Gmnany.-A letter from Rev. Mr. Isling,to the Secreiary of the American Teraperance Union, etates that the lemperance movement lias taken a strong hold n pon the Germán mind, and that elpquence nnd poetry and muaic are uil vieing with each other to promote ite advncement. The pross too, has bepi) enlisted, an' made on efficiënt engine in the work. In May last, mare than four thousand persons crowded the market Square of Onabruck, and the cause wa8 ndvocated before them in songs and spe( ches, and bv the exhibition of the plates of the human stomach, received from America. Mr. Isïmg state that the consumption of intoxicating liquors has been red'iced one half, in Osnabruckjand in some of the surrounding vil- leges, there is "almost uo drinkine: of brandy." JYew S tone war e Factory. - We have just returned from an inspection of the New Stone ware Manufactory of Mr. Elisha Tatlor, of thie city. It is the only one in the State, and the work is of the very best quality. He ohtains his clay from Ohio, aad employs 6ome eight ur tf-n in hls factory. Thus we flourish in Michigan, and facíory after factory, of one kind or nnolher, is dotting the face of our fertile? plains in every direction; and yet there is room for more: - More buisness and hard working men, and for the safe Hivestments of millions of capital. - Detroit Magazine.CENTRAL RAILROAD. Am't ofreceipts uponthis road f'or Oct. 1843 are ns follows: From Passengere, $8,906 82 For Freight, 22,968 43 " transportaron U. S. Mail, 837 73 $32 732 98 Am't rec'd for the ' oaonth in 1842, was $24,779 17 Henry Clay. - The Advertiser copies from the R och ester Democrat, an article which commences as follows: "The third party organizaron in the Northern States, is mostly composed of men who are actuated by warm impulses and generous emotions. Their professed object is noble and philanthropic. It is a stain upon our escutcheon - a black, damning sin - that slavery is tolerated in our country;and we are not surprised that men speak strongly and act warmly in a cause which aims at a total extinction of a curse so infernal-like and devilish." This is complimentary, very, to Mr. Clay, who owns about fifty "sleek, wellfed" slaves, as he told Mr. Mendenhall. - Free Press.Since 1839, there has been a steady reduction in the amount of ardent spirits iniported into the port of Boston and Charlcsiown. In that year, the quantity was, 427,623 gallons; in 1842, 218,295; while in the first three quarters of this year, up to Sept. 30th, the quantity has been only 73,070. Cotton Faetones in JVorth Carolina.- There are twenty five. The capital invested about a million and fifty thouso.nd dollars; the number qf spindles about 50,000: persons employed from 12 to 1500, and number of bales of cotton consumed are not less than 15,000."Vineyard, who sliot down Mr. Arndt in the Wisconsin Legislature has been triedand acquitted of the murder! So states the Milwaukie Democrat. The murder was committed on the fioor of the House, and was flagrant & atrocious,and not done in self-defence. Were the jurors men? The number of Trishmen in the British Army, in 1831, according to an offical paper, was above forty thousnnd.I - - i _ Chicleen Hatcking - Some enterprising per sons in Brooklyn, New York, have established un institution in that city for the purpose of hatching chickens on a largo scale, which is dignified wnh the name of Poloiokion. It couipr6es fivo or six long buildings, and severa) acres of land. They have simular affairs in iKngland called ihe Excalebeion, wliich is in euctessful operation, and turns out 100,000 chickena a day.- The practice hos long prevailed in Eyypt, and htis recently been introduced into France.- Be8umur, we believe, firat succeeded in raieingr chickens by means of the common oven. The modern apparatus consiets of a series of flues supplied with hot water. A good deal of care is neceseary in raising the youngMers, as they do not prove very healthy. It is said they have to be taken care ofby oíd hens for at least a month after they are hatched. Prussian Mission to China The Prussian Government has diwpatched a misión to China, for the Diirpose of making invest:gationB into the nature of the tmde, comraerce, and commercial regulations of the empire,of taking the preparatory steps for the establishment of consuls at the variouB ports, and of ascertaining what kinds of goods are in demand there, and how the people of Prussia, and the Gerncan Customs Union, mar best avail themselvea of ihe new avenue which China opens to the trade of the civüized world. The turf of Great Britejn is an annual tax of L1,000,000, a 1000 horses were in training last season; L150,000 was distributed among the winners. Such was not the race that Paul ran, when he said "so run that you may obtain." British Herring Fishcries. - These fisheries, the past year, have flourished more than ever before. They now employ 13,475 boats, mannedby 53,000 fisherroen and boys, the total number of hands engaged being 83.688. Without female society,it has been justly said, that the beginning of men's lives would bo helpless, the middle -without pleasure, the end without comfort. Fatal Ajfray.-Wm' G. Btinham, of Lousville, Ky. was murdered in that city recently by a yong man named Oldham, who etabbed him twice with a bowie knife. Tbe parties were quareling, tut Benham was entirely unarmed. Oldham immediately fied.Rotes of Taxation. - The rate of taxation in Boston, this year, is 62 cents on the $100. In Philadephia the rate of taxation is just twice as high as in Boston. ín New York, the rate is 79 cents on the $100. The first Methodist Church erected in Ihe United States, was that in John St. N. York, yhe walls oí which are now rtanding. It was built in 1769. Dorr .flTMÍ f.- -Thomas W. Dorr, was arrested at Providence, on the SOth instant, and committed to prison. He carne to the city publicly,ei)ter ed 'us name on the Register of the Hotel, and doubtless intended lo be arrested. Among the articles broughtby theChusan, at Boston, from Rio Janeiro, are 180,000 toothpicks for the Tremont House! Death of Senator Linn. - The Hon. Lewis Linn, U. S. Senator from Missouri, was found dead in his bed at his residence in St. Genevieve, on the 3d inst. A new Export. - The Lynn Freeman saysthat Frederick Tudor lately sent, from Boston, 100 dozen of peaches to Calcutta, carefully packed in ice! Odd Fellow Lodges have been establishep in twenfy.four of the twenty-six States of tbe Union, in two Territories, and one separate district.Bishop Ondordonk announced to the late Convention,that unless hi8 income is increascd, lic will be obliged to leave New York, and re tire into the country. His present salary is $6,000 ayear. Fossil bones of the lizard, twenty-four feet in length (equal to tbs dragons of anliquity,) have been found in Bavaria. The Legislature of Tenessee,after much discussion, have fixed the seat of government at Nashville.


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