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Public Schools In Kentucky

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Detroit. Nov. 8! f), 1843. Mkssrp. Bkcklky k Fostkr: - Tn ymir pa per of Oct. 3 til, í Cfime a cross a piece heul ed "Slnve Power ,'" in whicii it a statrd tliat in tlie State o'' Kenturky there nre only 429 scholars nt the public charg-e. Havinsr lived mnv ypars in tlmi SialeJ atn prepare'! to conirndicMlio h-tatrmpnt, for to mv eer'ain knovvlodtro thore is. in the city of Louisvillr, Ky.. nlotie f orne mx or eirht Public fcliools, contnininr .Tjarlv 1000 srholnrs, all stipporterl bv the public. Fortlie honor of üld Kontiick. T hope yon wiü conrradict this statement Tmt h nlone can advance the interest of a good cause. N. HASVVELL. The statement referred to is a pan of an Address to the rlectors ofthe second ConCressional District of ühio, and rea(!o thus: "By the last census, there are fewer scholars at the public rharg-e in the thirteen Slave Stntes that in OI)io alone. They have 35.530: Ohio has 51.812. Keniucky, just across the river from us, has 429." We have not seen that part of the census here alluded to, and we supposed this statement to be correct. ïf Mr. Haswell wil! inforni us what is the exact number of scholarB al the public chnrge in the state of Kentncky, as reportad in the cmsus returns, we will pnblish it, and stand corrected. Uniil he does that, our statement is literally correct, for anght that oppears to the contrarv. We merely said that according to the census, the number was 429. We cannot vonch for the accviracy of the census. Perhaps the tchools in Louisville aresupported by the city alone, and were not estaMished by any State Lavv, and consequenlly the scholars are not considered as a'fpiblic cliarge." The town of Providence, R. I., formerly supported seven public schools from its own treasury, when public schools were not estnblished by any law of the State. We are not acquainted with the basis upon which this part of was taken, conseqnently we cannot expiain Mr. Haswell's difficnlty.


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