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Peters Pills

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'TÍ3 íun they sny to gct wcll with thein, ALL mankind througbout thcir wide and im monte circuición, that evor try them conimue to buy ihci.i. Peters' Pilis aru purely vegetable; they tvoik no miracles, iior do they profess to cure tul diseasee, becnuse they are thc scientific oompounclot ;i regulnr physieia. whc has made bis nrofessíon tiie study oí bis lile. Dr. Puteis is a graduate of Yule College, f.lso o!' the Massachusetis Medical Cón'cgéj and luis son:cwhatdisünguifchcd iiiinss Has a man oL science nnd genius tl.c íawüy oí' cie late G v. Petcis. Peters" Vegetable l'iüs are simple in :!ieir preiiaiatíotí. mild n their ociipn, tbor'outch in iheir oper;uion. ;ind unrívaiTed in iln?ir lesulis. - The tósvnand country are alikc filled wilh their pruise. Tiio paluce and iIjc poor house olike echo wiiii i!:: r ni;es. In nll clíntaies ;!.c) ii rétain ilicir wonJerful powoiy and exèfi thein unaltered by age or situaiiori. nnd ibistiie woíceofa gratefuí cpnunii'niiy píoclaimed. - Peters' Píüs prevent - hecp oíF (iiseases if tirñely jsed. nad hnvc no rival ii ciiriij biüious iever. fever ar.u ge,ïypepsja; liver eoap!ainí.cró.up; sick hc.uiachc. jnuiulico, asthmnjdrópsy. rhemsiíiisni, tíñíártíiiiput ol tiie ;;[■ pgllc, female o!)struc!Íon. hénri i)un. forrCTtóngueÖnausea, disiemion ofthe sloniach and!ovfls. ineipieni diuriha'-i. fintulcnce, habitual costiv eaéas, ossoi apjetitCj bfdtne'doV snllow ot'opli töh, aiuiin;i.i r of tbe boweta, wlioit' ■ cnthrtrlic or aporten ;s indicated. producing nei!!)'-r nonsoa, gripiftg or debiltfy ; aiïd tve reeat all who buy tiiem con:inue to try tíiem. The most triuniphaut success bns over attenIcd tlieir use and emnigh is aírendy kuown of l:em to imrnörtafiiê dna hnnd ffieni downto pos ei:ty with the iinpmvenients oí t!ie age m medcal science. Dr. Poters wafc lnod to the hcalniíart.mid in ödorto siippl'J rJctmnds, he has riginated and c.dlcd to iiií ;iiii tiie only sienni nve.i uKichinei ;y in ihc worid Cor pill Vorking. Tis fieríbc, and i.s ocess imparts to the pill sseniial yirtue. beeanae, by being perí'ectly - do yon !;r;:.'r thnt! lii!c! a liost c:m tesiif'y íat they beMoifO il?' owe their srdvniion fronidiseasQ. írticl uêdth t&PètcrsPil!, oud if cn'omel and Knivesnre setting partially into disusewe are only rnisïaken. Ci;r.Ti:-icTi;s. - This paper ctfu'ïii bc fïüed witb them by rcsidcms of Michigan, by your friends and neigliburs - mk öuragentsi It. is well known the pchplo wil! hnve Poters' PiJ's, nnl to hinder vould bétostop the rushing wind. Prirc 2ö 6r W-'Cefitè per Kx. The resislless fbree %i these truths - thversnl rècj'ptiun. nüed to Uie [estitnpñy ofjrtfll ións. "ke-p ii heiyré tUo pciplê'" must and wil! bc henrd throughotii ibis vale of tenrs. Their happy irrffófsnee 04 oung Indios v.lnle sufferfng ïni'er :!ie u'snnl changos of liíe as diroctod by the i.iws of nrnure. iluy inipaft n buoyancy of henn, iVelin? and nciion. an einstic step, vclvet cheek, til ly and cainniion complexión Hy ■tbèir nctioa o:i ilie chylc. &c. and udies in deliCTtc si.fu:nions niways adnu't ilicir and in lioccnce, n:id takc thótn -lwo or thrce nt n time without in he sügiirest degree inemring the !n:z ard of nn r.bor;ion: whichfácta nroofíi.o aten si importauce. Piir.p'es: a youtür Indy sent her lovoto Dr. Pe;cre. -mid says she fnels nore gratei'u' ro fiiR) lor ihc restoraüóri of her beauty ihnn Thöhad snvca her iife. 'Tis fun to get ve!l witfa Peters ihey cause the blood to coursc aslimpid and gentle througb ihc veins as a ninuiitain rivuler; 3 ov 4 is a commoii dose. henee the p-i'ient is nol comelled to mnke a nio.-d. TROüDLE IN PLUTO'S CAMP. Quite astonished O!d Phüu c;in;cto New Ycrk. ■{Hearing Peters !ind got his PiiLtvrigine nt work.) ïo ïesign his commission, his hotir glass and scy:he; F liave come lo deliver them all rtp to you - 8r. ):iy calling is over - ïny business isthrough; l Kive been f8r ihree years ín u terrible stew. And Í ïeaily dojjli know what on earth J'am tö riot of your n-igbly sire úo I como to comnlnin. But a tarnnl New Yorker, one PUTEKS by nniüc; The diseases my aiefs, in this war of mankind, Are siib'diïéd by i!::s Peters, whát he'p can we " find? I would yietd him N. York, sir, if there he WÖuId si;;y ; But, sir: Peiers wilt have the wliüle world For his sway. Wl)ile inusingin cpuncil wliat course io pursue. That Engine of Peie-vj brolg, forth mro view. The Kipg of terrors looked a v.hilc, As tho'.ig'i l:is soul :is tur' ed to bile, At tint unsparing seaurge óf ifts, r?y all men known as Peters' Piüs. These Puls oi Peters' stop thé slaughter. And leaves the blood na pure as water. Now Peters makes. Fve heard liim say, Fve huirlred ihousnnd jíills a day; So ihnt ïlie chajico is very'smdll Of pttople nyine there al all; For soon the cheeks, so marked for dooin, Begin like nr.y rose to b).ooni. Look Jure! uil icko try them continue to bvy llicm. Forsnlc as follows. y SJessrs. Eeacli & Abel. G. Grcnvilli?. F. J. B. CrariG. Mnynard. & Co.. G. Ward. S-'P. & J. C. Jewctt, J. H. Lund. II. JJecker. Dickenson & Cogsv.-eil. and S. KJones. Ann Arbor: Ceo. Warner cc Co-, nnd .1. MiHerd & Son. Dexier. Wm. A. L. Shaw, Lima; J. C. Winaus. Sylvan, Hale. & Snuitíj Grass Lake; W. .lackson. Leoni: D. T. Mftrá". 'nnn Jackson; 1VÍ. A. Sbucmaher. Michigqn Cenlro; Bruiberson & Co.. L. -13. Kiel L; Gil bert. Maneliester; D. S. Hnywood. B'.ïline; Snow &. Keys. Cliiücn; J. Scaitefgaad & Co.,P!ymOiKhí Stpae. Babcock & Co., nnc Jiiüns. T'.IoviiisJtCo.. X,pgilanu; Pierre Teller. Detroit: J. ■Sc J. Iiflwe!l. and Dr. Underwood. Adrioij; Mait & M'Jh'h'. r. SprBgi : i 1 e ; Ilavmen & Cook. Brooklyn; Smilli Co.. Joncsvilie; L. M. Boyce. Chicnso - and alniost every whereclsc. Öci. 10. 1S.!2 27-1 y


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