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Liberty Party Papers In The United States

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TIip list of Liberty party papers n the United Stntes is afready quite respectable, and 5 constantly increasing1. We believo ihere are Mverol new ones which are nol among1 our exclianges, but ve give faelow the names of thofe wereceive. Frke Labor Advoca tr. New Garden, Jadiaría. A weekly paper, filled with substantinl matter.Western Citizrn. Chicago, Illinois.- An excellent weekly. Hos (!one miTch wilhin the past two years to spread anti-slavery jnformation in tbat State. Signal or Libertt. Ann Arbor, Michigan. Weeklv. VVell conducted, and we bove ao doubt woll sustained, Cincinnati Heraxd. Cincinnati, Ohio. - Daily and weekiy. Formerly Philanthropist. Liberty and bnsiness pnper. Conducted with as much talent as any other paper In the country. It is o'mg grreat pood in Ohio. Lxbkrtt Warren, Trumbull Co. Ohio. Weekly. Justestablil:ed. Ablyconducled, and bids fair lo be one of our most ef■firipnt nnnprs.Spirit of Libkrty. - Piltsburp, Oliio. - Weekly. Oneofour best papers. Has aL ways been edited wKh much ability. Coustbyma Perry, N. Y. A email wcekly sheet, filled with unti-slavery and other matter. LibertyPrkss, Uticn, N. Y., Weekly.- Verv able conducted. lts editors and contributors are eecond to those of 110 paper n the United Stntes. I Albant Patriot. Albany, N. Y., Week]y. A most able paper. It is undtr the control of C. T. Torrey. No editor wields a keener pen. Voice of Frekdom, Brandon, Vt. Wcekly. A very pooü paper.Thk Peopib's Advocate. Haoover, N H. Weekly. An excellent paper. Edjfed wilh a great deal of talent. Essex Transcript. Ameebury and Salisbury, Mass. Weekly. A Liberty and buiness paper. Ably edited. The Emancipator. Boston. Weeekly. No paper in the United States is conduetec with more ability. It was the first Liberty party paper established in the country, and its influence has been feit from one end of the (Jnion to the other. Some evil dipposfd persons are endeavoring to destroy the influence of its editor, R v. J. Leavitt, by circulating Btories discreditable (o him; but his character is too well established to be effected by them, excepling among people to whom he is unknown, and who do not have anty to team all the facts. Chrístian Frrebian. Hartford, Conn. - Weekly. Very ably conducted. h ranks amorg the first anti-slavery papers of the land. Libertt Standard. - Hallowell, Maino. - Weekly. This paper is also very ably edited. It was ihe first Liberty pariv paper in this State, and since its establishment has been a very efficiënt anti-slavery paper. These pupers, wilh our own, constitute nearly all the Liberly papers in the United States; and we do not believe there is any class of papers in the County -managed with more ability. We are not exictly "disinterested spectators," to be sure, but we think disinfereíted spect-itors willsayso. Will some of the above papers "that knows" add to Iheabove list the names of the Liber ly papers we have omttteW, and render it


Signal of Liberty
Old News