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DENTISTR Z DR. JEVVJETT. would respecdully givenotice that ho performs all operations for the permanent prcscrvUion of theTEETH. He would invite aitention to his new and peculiar I method of plugaing Teeth, by which the fiilings almost invariably remain, rendenng them durable ns long as needed. The best METALLIC INCORRUPTIBLE j TEETH. nserted on pivots or gold piale so as to combine all the requisites of beauty nnd utiüty. I Diseases of }he gums and sochtts scientifically treated. and Tootli Ache cure:! without the pain of extraction. All operations warranted vice gratis. Undoubted and satisfactory 1 enees given. Me may be found at the office of Dr. Wells, or enquire at Col. Geo. W. Je.weti's. upper Town. Ladics will beattended attheir dwellinfs ifeo dosired. Ar.n Arbor, Nov. 24, 1843. SI-3w.FJotice. A Gentleman, educafed in the city of New York, wishes occupa'.ion as a School Teacher in the neighborhood of Ann Arbor. - He hns permission to refer to Drs. Denton and Oomstock of this town. Any letter addressed to A. B. C. through the Post Office, will receive prompt attention. Ann Arbor, Nov. 27, 1843. 31-1 w. Chancery Sale. Philip Fi. Reeves, Daniel H.' Scully. IS cakckrt, 2d circuit. and Mary Scully. In pursuance of a decretal order issued out of the Court of Cbancery, in and for the State of Michigan, I shall expnse to sa!e, to the highest bidder, nt the Coiirt House, in the village of A nn Arbor, Washienaw county. on the fifteemh day of Jnnuary next, at 10 o'clock. A. M. of that day, the following described premises. "to wit:" "All that certain tract or parcel of land lyilig in "Webster, and described ns follows. "to wit:" "7'he west hail of the somh cast quarter of spc::iion thiriy six. in township onc south. of range "five east, containing eighty acres, more or less "Also the east half of the north east quarter ol '■'seetion thiny six, in township one south, of "range five east, containing eigbty acres, more ;'or less," or ëo much tlinreof na may be sufrí - cient to raise the amountdüe to the complninani for his principal, mierest and costs in this cause. GEO. DANFORTH. M aster in Chancery. Geo. Miles. Comp'ts. Sol. Nov. 24, 1S43. 31. Wesleyan Hymn Books, JUST received and for sale by G. BECKLET. Ann Arbor, Nov. 18, 1843. 30 Attention Ladics. SPINNING WHEELS, QÜILL WHEELS. REEI.S and SPOOLS. for salo by C. J. GA RL AND. November 18, Ï843. . 30 Strayed F ROM tlie subsenber, in the town of Green Onk, Livingston Co., on the Inst of August, a medium sb.ed Red Ox. 12 years old last Spring, high horns. whicd have been bored for disremper. Whoever will give information whcre aaid Ox can be íound, will be reasonably rewarded. HANNIBAL LEE. Green Oak, Nov. 13, 1843. 3ü-3v. ' WILLIAM WILKINSON CLAIMS the attention of the inhabitants of Vy Ann Arbor and ihe surrounding country, and informe them he has located Irniself the North side the square, near i lic Pest Office, opposite the rear of the Court House, where he i= always on hand to vvait on those who wish te obiige him wilh a cali. The farmers are sure t' be suited with good comfortable-fits. All who are more fasliionably inclined eim o nccommodated. having received the latest FablüonsforFail and Winter. Cutting done on the shortest notico. aiu! warranied to fit if made up by experienced hands. Ann Arbor, Oct. .1, 1843. 23-tf. V00SWOHTH'S HOTEL. NORTHERN, EASTERN, AND SOUTHERN STAGE HOUSE. HHHE undersigned respectfully annonncos to JL the Public, ihat he is now tbc Própri'etpr of this veil . kriown establishmenti The FJousc having been thoroughly overhauled, and refitted in n manner catcr.lated to prornoto the couilbri of citizens and the travelling public. The liouse occiupies an eligible position, on the corner of Wdodbridgc anc! Randulph struetp, in a business part of the city. Those who may honor him with fheir countenance, may bc assured that no expense or attention in his power, will be spared. to make their sojourn in Detroit agreeable and satisfactory. X46-1J-] S. D. W00DW0RTH.ABBOT & BEECHER . DETROIT WHOLESAÏ-E .AND RETAIL DEALERS INT DOMESTIC STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODSJUST njcdved a larger Stock thaii ever of Heavy I5rown Sheetings. Shiriingsr.ndDnllínafs, lílenclied Gooo's. Calicóes, Aproa Cliecks. Bóggíngs, JJurhips, Diapera, Cra;!i. MusTjn, Fnsiinns. Slolo Skins, Sattineis. Slipi.-p's Giay Cloth, Bucltslvin Cloth, Funcy Cassïiiieres, Wdlverine Coatings, Alnpaca Lustre. Clinngeable Stripc Do. Fancy Alipines, Crnpe Delaines.lndiaCloih, ATouslin De Laines. Pnfisinri3. Chtians. Shnl. Rob Royp, Cardinal, Dnmnsk Shawls, Binck. Bluo ' Bíncíc, JBrown, and Blue Broad Cloihs, FeJt and Püot Over Coatinca. Bhnkc-rs. Flnnnels, and Superior BSAVER CLOTHS, Leathcr, Cotton Yarn, Tea, vSugar, CoíTee, Rice and Tobacco. All ot ' which Goods will beiold at the LOVVEST PRICES that they can be bofgghi for West of New York Citv, and vre wtsh o"ur Fricttda to give us a Cali before Buying. VANTEDr POT ASH, WOOL AND FLOUR, For wliich we wilt pnv the highest pnces eitbcr in CASH or GOODS, at ihe CHE A PEST CASH P RICES. JN'o. 144, Jtfierson Avenue, Corner Bates Street, Detroit. Detroif, Nov. 13, 1843. 29-tf. LEATHER.' THE undersigned has just received froni tho Manufacrurer. and wil! continue te be suppliedwith n General Assortmcntmenr ofEASTERN TANNICD LEATIIMR. which be will spII at dccidedly Low Pricea, f ir CASH or i Hl DES. He will coniinually have on hand Spanish and Slaughter SOL.E LEATMEK, of Liglit. Midflle and Heavy Weighls; Upper Lentber. Oak and Hemlock Tanned Calf Skins. Pntna and Slaughter Kips, Harnesa and Bridle Loather, Bindings, White and Colored Linin"s. Shoe Thread. &c. .All persons desirous of nurchasinir arequested to cali at the ONE STORY BRICK BUILDING, No. 39, Woorhvard Avenue, and examine the quality and pricesbefore purchasing elsewhere. N. B. The hishest Market Price will be paid inCASHFORHIDES. J.D. BALDWIX. Detroit, Nov. 13, 1843. 29-Gm. UMÏT1T OSMïlTEaEST. NOBLE AND SPRAGUE, WOULD cali the auention of the citizens of Ann Arbor. and the community in general to the Tact that tliey. believing that two heads are better than one, have formerj a co-partnersbip for the purpose of'cnrrying on the TAILORING BUSTNESS, in all its brunches. The wiU bealwnyson ham two doors West of the Washtenaw. in the Lo er Villago of Ann Arbor, wliere all wKri iav I them with their patronage niay be snre of sati I faction. No pains will be spared in maki their garments fashionable, comfortable, and c I rabie. Tliey feel confidem from paet experience. and fro:n the attention which they pay to iheir busiI ncss. that tliey ennno'. fail o! giving tudyer$sü satisfaction, and they are deiermined not to be outdorce byanv establishment west of New York. N. B. CUTTING dzne on short n.otjce. and strict attention will be paid to the orders of the customer. P. S. We like to haveforgot by the way to mention, that we too are in the receipt of the New York and Boston Fashions for the Fall and Winter of 184 3-4, 28-3. NOBLE & SPRAGUE. Ann Arbor, Lower Town, Nov. 3, 1843. Notice. AM. NOBLE would respectfully remind his customeT3. that as he has taken a part ner, and is making new arrangéments in his business, he wishes for an immediate settlement with all who are indebted to him. Ann Arbör, Nov. 6. 1343. 2S-3m. NEW GOODSÜ HAVING retired, not from business, hut to the old stand of G; Word, 1 will seH GOODS Cliev]. My stock is entircly vcw, and embraces a good variety, well selected, and the coods cannot fail to satisfy those who wish to pu reliase. I have spent most of the summer and part of the ffill. in New Engiand. where the Goods are made, nnd I have been ab!e to ourchase such üoods as I wanterl: and at such prices, as will pnable me to se!l thm about as low ns they have been sold in New York, from Jöbbing 'Houses Huring thipsenson. Espc;ia!ly Icansell Woolen CSottis, from the coirscst to superfino. 3-4 & 6-4 Cloths. Satinetts. Cassimeres. &c. &c. at low prices. More: I have on hand a good stock of Combs, Thrend. Pins, Needies. Sec. &c. which I can, and will sell to auy, who wish to buy by the iraantity at very low rates. [ wül take ASHES and BLACK SALTS, or PEARLASH at my Ashery; and will sell SALERATUS in quantities 10 snit purchasers. TERMS. - Cash, Product, or good Credit. I ain, Geiülemon and Lidies, Resprctfullv )rours. F. DEN1S0N. Ann Arbor, Upper Town. Nov. 7, 1843. N. B. Cash paid for FLOUR, or Pot and Penrlash, or advancecd on the same and soUl as usual. 29-tf. FASHIONABLE HAT STORE. WBÁRNÜjVÍ, would rcspectfully inrorm the citizen9 of Defroit. and surrounding country that he has consUintly on hand a valuablc nssoriment of Hats, Caps? Fors &c. which he oilers for snle on tho most reasonable terms atNo. 75.. Jefferson Avenue. Gentt-fmen nnd Ladits from abroad on visitinsr the City will do well to give hiin a cali before purcasing elsewhere. Detroit. Nov. lOth, 1S43. 29-Gm $25,000 WORTH! Whew! They must be dear, Sir. $70,000 W4RTEi ! ! Wor.e vet, jtidying from npwnnnoes. $75,000 WÖETOü! Thm is it. judetog iiom prices. C ALL at G Word'a old sanil; whore ihey tnlk nnderstüiidinsl.V. nnd Sell Goods so ïhai n good siock will anonnt to Ics3 than .$10,000 uuder the present sysiem. VIATOR. Ann Arbor. Nov. 7. 1313. 27-tf. mss. "buffzmgtokt RESPKCTKULLY informs ladicsof Ann Arhi f ;md its vicinity, thnt öhe bas jnst receivid her laiest Pat terna for Hai?,Cap3. Clonks. and Drisses; nnd she respeclfully invites tbem to cali and examine for ibeniselves. She likewise renden them her smeeio thariks for iheir oatronage ifor the past year, nnd hegs a coniinua tion 1 !cr csrnbiishnicnt wil! be found midway between the Upper and LownrTown. Ann Arbor. Nov; 2, 1S43. 28-tf. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, OF superior quahty, just piinted and for Sale at this Office. Ann Arbor, Xov. 2, 1843.RAIL ROAD HOTEL 1843. BY 1843, FATRICK Se lDKEWS. OPPOSITE THE WESTERN AND JNOHTfiERÍI RAÍL ROAD DEPOTS, DETROIT, MICH. rrtHE above Hotel has been greatly cnlarged, JL and fitted'up in a style equal to any public liousc in Detroit, for comfort nmJ convenienec. - Irs localic-n is in a healthy and plensnnt part uf the city. being 8Ítuaied on the Public Square. nnd in thc immed-iate vicinity of ihe Central arjd Nunhern Rail Roads, and convenient to the principal STAGES ROUTES divergingio tlio diil'erent parts ot ihe Statí. Thavki.krs wishing (o tnke the Cars or Boata cannot find a more convenient plaoe than thj. heina near the Cars on both Rail Roads, and in immedime eonnecrion with the Boat. The Proprietoie iissure the public, thot no paíns will be spared to furniph their TABLE with the best the ftlarkct aflbrds, andtheir custbmere th everv attention in their power, requisito to thftir comfort. CAIIMAGES BAGGAGE WAGONS ahs'avB in readinessto convey Passengera to and from the Boats and Cara free of charge. TERMS - 75 cens per day, or cent per meal. fe PATRICK & ANDREWS. Nov. 6. 1S3. 28-6m. 1843, '2 W II O LES ALE & RETAIL. eeOKSSLLEB&MDSTATIOHEB, SMART S BLOCK, 137 JEFFRRSON AVENUE, DETROIT. Keeps constantly for sale a complete assortment of lisccllancous, School and Claesical Books; Letter and CapPoper. plsin nnd ruled Quills, Ink, Sealing VVax, Ciulerv, Wrapping Paper, Printjng Paper, of all slzéa; aud Book, News and Canister Ink. or var:oi)R kinds. BLAKTZ BOOZa Full and half bound. of every variety 0 RuliflgMEMORANDUM BOOKS, &c. To Merchaivs, Teachers, nnd others. buying in quantities. a large discount nade. SABBATH SGHOOL & BI8LE SOCIETY DEPOSITOR 5l-tf.STAP LE AJVD FjIJYCY DRY GOODS. Tïirl Subs-cnheis keep constan tly en hand a lnrge nnd choice stock of DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, DRY GJROCER'ES, S?c. which have been selected with care, and are of ihe newest styles and best qttnli- es. As they are detennined not to be undersold, thcy solicit the patronage of those wiöhing to purchase, Among other tilinga too numerotts to mentíon, they have a large and excellent assortment of RHBETINGS, DRILLINGS, vSUM MER STUFFS, CALICÓES, FÜLLED CLOTHS, SATINETS. BROA O CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, GAMBROONS, LINENS, CAMBRICS, 51USLTNS, HANDKERCHIEFS, foc. fcc. Bonnet Ribbons, a very beautiiul sssortment. Shawls, Broche, Silk, and Thibet, of iha richest palíeme. Parasols: of uil kinds, qualities, and priees. Hose and Half Hose, Cotton and Worrted Bonnets, Leghorn, Tusran and Straw. The abüve assertment of GOODS will besold ris cuöjtfi or -ekenper than can be purchased in Detroit. t Wool, Potash, riour, ro and all kinds of PRODUCE will be received ia payment. ABBOTT & BEECHER, 144, Jefferson Avenue, July, 12. 1843. (12-tf.) Detroit. MORTGAGE 3ALE. DEFAULT having been made in the payment of a certain gum of money with the interest thereon, secured to bepaid by a certain indenture of Mortgage, bearing-date the tliirty-firat dsy of October, in the year of onr Lord one thonsand eight hnndred and forty, executed by Eli Granger. of Seio, in the county of VVashtenaw and the State of Michigan, to Samuel Clemens, of Lima, in the county and State aforesaid, which Mortgage was recorded in ihe Regisier's office, of the county of Washtenawaforesa'tl, on ihcoecond day of April, A. D. one thousand, eight hundred and forty-two, in Liber ter. of Mortgagos. at page one hundred and sixty-one. and default having bem made in the condition of said mortgage, and no suit or proceeding at law having been instituted to recover the whole or any part of the money nosv due on saitï mortgage. - By virtue of which defaujt there is now claimed to be due on said mortgage, the sum of threa hundred and fifty one dollara and twenty cents, fr principal nnd interest. Notice is iherefore herebv given. that in pur6uanceof a power of sale ín snid Jndenture of mortgage contained, will be sold nt publicauction at tbe front door of the Court House, in the villageof Ann Arbor. in the county aforesaid, on the seventh day of February next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said doy, all the premises cribed in said mortgage, or so mach thereof as may be necessary to 6at sCy the amounl due for principal and interest on said mortgage, as well os cosis for foreclosing the same. and described as follows: "All that certain tract or parcel of land lyinf in the Smte aforesaid, known, bounded and described as follows, tu wit: The sonlh half of the soulh west quarter of section seven, two soutli, of range five east, except fifteen aerea on the north side of said quarter section, beinp one half mile in length running east and west.' Dated at Ann Arbor, this sixih day of November, && SAMUEL CLEMESS, MortgageO. By O. Hawkiss, his Attorriey. '2M2 w MORTGAGE SALE. DEFAULT having been made in the payment of a certain sum of money with the "interest thereon, secured to be patd by a certain indenture of Mortgnge", hearing date the twentieth dny of November, in the year ofonr Lord ono thousand ïglit hundred nnd thirty-erght, executed by Eli Granger of Scio, in the county of Washtenaw, and Slate of Michigan, to Rhoda Phelps of the same place; which mortgnge wa recorded in thiiregistef's office of the county of Washtenaw, aforesaid. on the twenty-sixih day of January. A. D. one thousand eight hundred nnd thirty-nine, in Liber ttumber seven of mort- gnge?, at pnce three hündfed and seventy four, and defauli háving been made in the condition of sa'.d mortgnge, and no suit or proceeeding at Iaw having been instituied to recover the whole or any part of the money nowdue, on said Mortenge, by virtue of which defuult there is now clnimed to be due on said Morteage, the sum of one hu:idredand thirty-three dollars and fifty -six cents for principal and interest, which mortgaga hn? been duly uestgnéd to Samuel Clemens. Notice is thcrelbre hereby given. that in pursuancc of a power of sale in said indentur ai" mortg.ipe coniaineil, will be sold nt the front door of the Court House, in the villageofAnn Arbor. in the confity aforesaid. on the se-renth day of Februnry next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of snid iliy, at public auction. all the premises described in said Indenture of Mortgage, or so much thereof as mny be necessary to satisfv rhe amonnt due for principal nnd interest, ort said, morlsnge.ns well as costs for foreclosing the samev nnd deseriïied as follows, to wit: the south halfof the west half of tho sotuh-wcst quarter of eeciion seven, town two south of range fivo cast, cotx- taininii forty acres, be the same more or less. Dated. Ann Arbor, November G, 1843. SAMUEL CLEMENS. Assgiet of RHQDA PHELPS, Mcrtgaeee. By. O. HawSPns, his Attorney. 29-1 2w FIRE! FIREH Fr RE! f! D. Hill, Agenl of the yElna Insurance Co., VJT will propertv agninst loes or damageby Fire on. te,a5onable terms. Oct. 25, 1613. Sr-tf


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