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Literary Events

Book & Poetry Readings, Publication Parties, Writers Groups, etc, are listed in the Literary Events Calendar (page 16).


Visual Arts

Art Exhibitions, Workshops, Artist Opportunities, etc. are listed in the Arts Agenda Calendar (page 17).


Unless otherwise noted, all events in these Calendars are FREE and open to the public.


Peace & Justice Calendar

Meetings, protests and rallies, film showings, lectures, benefits, etc., related specifically to politics or grassroots actions are now listed in the Peace & Justice Calendar (page 18).


To publicize October Calendar events, send information by September 15 to Agenda, 220 S. Main St, Ann Arbor, Ml 48104.


Unless otherwise noted, all events listed in the Calendar are free and open to the public. All locations are in Ann Arbor unless otherwise noted.


1 Tuesday


Support Group for Lesbian & BisexuaI Graduate, Professional and Working Women: Common Language Bookstore call for time, 215 S. Fourth Ave. Every Tue. 741-8434


Living With HIV: HIV/AIDS Resource Center (HARC) call for time & place. Every Tue. & Wed. Support group for men & women. 572-9355


Swimmers: A2 Queer Aquatics Swim Team call for time & place. Coached work-out; all swimming abilities welcome. Kelly 663-0036


Apple Games Days: Pierpont Commons 11 am-4 pm, Atrium, 2101 Bonisteel Blvd, N. Campus. Fun with computers; try out a morphing program, synthesize music, play with demo software from Apple. 764-7544


Free HIVAIDS Testing: HIVAIDS Resource Center (HARC) 6-9 pm, HARC offices, 3075 Clark Rd., Ste. 203. Walk-in, confidential testing. 572-9355


Frontrunners/Walkers 6:15 pm (walkers) & 6:35 pm (runners), Furstenburg Park, every Tue &Thu. Runners and walkers, various paces and distances. Call to confirm location. Don 434-4494


Lesbian Survivor Support Group: SAFE House 6:30-8 pm, 4100 Clark Rd. Weekly meeting for lesbian survivors of domestic violence (for immediate assistance, 24-hour crisis line, 995-5444). 973-0242 x201


Foster Parenting Information Meeting: HelpSource7-8 pm, 27676 Cherry Hill Rd, Garden City. HelpSource is looking for motivated people to help change the lives of children. 480-1800


Meeting: Cleptomaniacs & Shoplifters Anonymous (CASA) 7-8:30 pm, First Baptist Church, 512 E. Huron. Weekly support group. 913-6990


"The Governess": Michigan Theater 7 & 9:30 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


Herbal Wisdom Series: People's Food Co-op 7:30-9:30 pm, 216 N. Fourth Ave. "Distinguishing Between Nourishing & Medicinal Herbs" with Linda Diane Feldt. Sign up at Co-op or register 769-0095


Salaciously Intellectual: Gypsy Cafe 8 pm, 214 N.4th Ave. Poetry, Hip-Hop DJ and Open Mie; all are invited to read, $3. 994-3940


Explosion Cerebral: Bird of Paradise 9 pm, 207 S. Ashley, $5. 662-8310


2 Wednesday


Liturgist Round Table: Shining Lakes Grove–A Druid Fellowship call tor time & place. Plan the Fall Equinox rituals. 487-4931


Living With HIV: HARC call for time (see 1 Tue)


Apple Games Days: Pierpont Commons 11 am-4 pm (see 1 Tue)


Gay Radio Hour WCBN 88.3 FM 6-7 pm. Closets R 4 Clothes (6 pm) & Radio Q (6:30 pm). News and more for the Les/Bi/Gay communities. 763-3500


Free HIV/AIDS Testing: HIV/AIDS Resource Center (HARC) 6-9 pm, Community Family Health Center, 1230 N. Maple Rd. Walk-in, confidential testing. 998-6117


[Image caption: Former member of Zap Mama, Sally Nyolo, will be at The Ark (see 8 Tuesday).]


"The Governess": Michigan Theater 7 & 9:30 pm (see 1 Tue)


Shamanic Journeys: Magical Education Council of A2 7:30 pm, ICC Ed. Ctr, 1522 Hill. Weekly gatherings for trance-like visits to other worlds, to the accompaniment of the shaman's drum. 665-3522


Kirkland Teeple: Mainstreet Comedy Showcase 8:30 pm, 31 4 E. Liberty, $7. 996-9080


Ron Brooks Trio: The Bird of Paradise 9 pm-1 am, 207 S. Ashley. With Brooks (bass), Riek Roe (piano) and Pete Siers (drums), $3. 662-8310


Solar: Blind Pig 9:30 pm, 208 S. First. Techno and House with area DJs, every Wed., $5. 996-8555


3 Thursday


Information Fair: Pierpont Commons 11 am-4 pm, Main Concourse, 2101 Bonisteel Blvd, N. Campus. A fair of N. Campus resources, and a taste of programs offered throughout the year. 764-7544


Apple Games Days: Pierpont Commons 11 am-4 pm (see 1 Tue)


Frontrunners/Walkers 6:15 pm & 6:35 pm (see 1 Tue)


"Face the Music": WCBN 88.3 FM 7-8 pm. Radio show with the one-and-only arwulf arwulf. 763-3500


"Sexuality & Spirituality–Exploring the Connections": LGBTA 7-8 pm, Guild House, 802 Monroe. Weekly discussion group. 662-5189


"The Governess": Michigan Theater 7 & 9:30 pm (see 1 Tue)


"Open" Open Mic: Oz's Music 7:30-9:30 pm, 1920 Packard. With hosts Lili Fox and Shell. Perform or listen. 662-8283


Stewart Francke: The Ark 8 pm, 316 S. Main. Boston songwriter Merrie Amsterburg opens the show, $8/students free. 761-1451


"Marcus is Walking–Scenes from the Road": Purple Rose Theatre Company 8pm, 137 Park St., Chelsea. Joan Ackermann's comedy takes a look at the great American pastime of automobile travel (thru12Sat), $20/$25. (313) 475-7902


Kirkland Teeple: Mainstreet Comedy Showcase 8:30 pm (see 2 Wed)


Swing Dance Night: Pierpont Commons 9 pm, Leonardo's, 2101 Bonisteel Blvd, N. Campus. 764-7544


Ron Brooks Trio: The Bird of Paradise 9pm-1am(see2 Wed)


SolElements: Club Heidelberg 10 pm, 215 N. Main. With DJ AMI (#1 battle DJ in the Midwest); hip hop party dedicated to Street Beat Culture & hosted by resident DJ Miguel, $5. 663-7758


4 Friday


Swimmers: A2QUA call for time & place (see 1 Tue)


Apple Games Days: Pierpont Commons 11 am-4 pm (see 1 Tue)


Paul Klinger's E-Z Street Swingtet: Bird of Paradise 5-8 pm, 207 S. Ashley. Dixieland to swing, $2. 662-8310


"Hey Locked Boy": Michigan Theater 6:45 & 9:1 5 pm, 603 E. Liberty.  Admission free with ticket to the following feature film. 668-8480


Mart Camp: PJ's Records & Used CDs 7-8 pm, 617B Packard. Live & free. 663-3441


Welcome to Michigan '98 Shabbat: Hillel 7 pm, 1429 Hill. Reform, Conservative and Orthodox services precede the home-cooked Shabbat dinner. 769-0500


"Next Stop Wonderland": Michigan Theater 7 & 9:30 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


Benefit Concert: HERO - Homeless Empowerment Relationship Organization 8 pm, The Ark, 31 6 S. Main. With comedian Louie Anderson, $25/$75 reserved seats. 761-1451


Dean Haglund: Mainstreet Comedy Showcase 8 & 10:30 pm, 314 E. Liberty, $12. 996-9080


"Marcus is Walking": Purple Rose Theatre Co. 8 pm (see 3 Thu)


Bishr Hijazi: Espresso Royale Caffe 9-11 pm, 214 S. Main. Virtuoso performance on the Arabic oud & Flamenco guitar, accompanied by Glenn Bering on percussion. 668-1838


Vint & Mathilda: Gypsy Cafe 9:30pm-midnight, 214 N. 4th Ave. Gypsy flavored music; Louis Rogers opens the show, $4. 994-3940


Ron Brooks Trio: The Bird of Paradise 9:30 & 11 pm & 12:30 am, 207 S. Ashley, $5. 662-8310


Friday Dance Jam: People Dancing 10:30 pm, People Dancing Studio, 1 1 1 Third St. Eclectic, recorded dance music (bring your own tapes). Smoke- and alcohol-free, all ages welcome, wheelchair accessible, $3. 459-8136


Dancehall Reggae Bashment: Club Heidelberg 10 pm, 215 N. Main. Every Friday, $5. 663-7758


"Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery": Michigan Theater 11:45 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


5 Saturday


Frontrunners/Walkers 9 am, Furstenburg Park, every Sat. Runners and walkers start at 9 am; all abilities welcome. Call to confirm location. Don 434-4494


Free HIV/AIDS Testing: HIV/AIDS Resource Center (HARC) 10 am-2 pm, HARC offices, 3075 Clark Rd., Ste. 203, Ypsi. Walk-in, conf idential testing. 572-9355


Canoe Instruction Clinic: A2 Parks & Recreation 10 am-noon, Gallup Park Canoe Livery, 3000 Fuller Rd. Learn basics, $7.50. Register 662-9319


Creative Expressions Group: LGBTA 1pm, Ozone House, 1 705 Washtenaw. Teens interested in exploring issues of sexual orientation and gender identity; no artistic experience necessary. Every Sat., allies welcome. 975-9841


Community & Family Dance: A2 Council for Traditional Music and Dance 1-3 pm, Pittsfield Grange, 3337 A2-Saline Rd. Beginner- and child-friendly dance party, live music, no partner needed, $4 person/$8 family. 769-1052


A Picnic in the Park: A2 Council for Traditional Music & Dance 3-7 pm, Gallup Park picnic shelter. Biking, canoeing & open folk music jamming; free admission, $4 food donation. 665-7214


"Marcus is Walking": Purple Rose Theatre Co. 3 & 8 pm (see 3 Thu)


"Next Stop Wonderland": Michigan Theater 4:45 & 9:15 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


"Monty Python & The Holy Grail": Michigan Theater 7 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50-$6.75, free for students. 668-8480


Big First Saturday Contra Dance: A2 Council for Traditional Music & Dance 8-11:30 pm, Pittsfield Grange, 3337 A2-Saline Rd. Live music, no partner needed, $9. 665-7704


Dean Haglund: Mainstreet Comedy Showcase 8 & 10:30 pm (see 4 Fri)


"Hey Locked Boy": Michigan Theater 9 pm, 603 E. Liberty. Admission free with ticket to the following feature film. 668-8480


Havdalah and Stucchi's: Reform Chavurah 8:30 pm, Hillel, 1429 Hill. Celebrate the end of Shabbat with a creative Havdalah service and an ice cream at Stucchi's. 769-0500


Dave Boutette: Gypsy Cale 9:30 pm-midnight, 214 N. 4th Ave. Original tunes; Enzo Garcia opens the show, $4. 994-3940


Ron Brooks Trio: The Bird of Paradise 9:30 & 11 pm & 12:30 am (see 4 Fri)


"Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery": Michigan Theater midnight, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


6 Sunday


Meeting: Overeaters Anonymous call for time, Friends Meeting House, 1420 Hill. For lesbian & bisexual women and their friends; every Sun. Meghan 434-5851


Swimmers: A2QUA call for time & place (see 1 Tue)


Shape Note Sing: A2 Council for Traditional Music and Dance 10 am-noon, The Ark, 316 S. Main. Fred Todt leads a session of 19th century church harmony singing; sing or listen. 665-7704


Free Swim Lessons: A2 Queer Aquatics Swim Team noon, Mack Pool. Learn to swim or refine your stroke; A2QUA wants to help. 663-0036


Silent Meditation: Essence Point noon-1 pm, Guild House, 802 Monroe. Join with others to share this special time and space. 913-9830


Sur: Borders 1 pm, 612 E. Liberty. Music of the Andes. 668-7100


Dancing in the Streets - A Benefit for Food Gatherers: A2 Council for Traditional Music and Dance 1-3 pm, Main St. A variety of music and dancing to live bands in locations around Main St. , and the world's longest contra dance line at 2:30, free, all donations go to Food Gatherers. 665-8863


Meeting: Zen Meditation Group LGBTA 4-6 pm, e-mail for location. Meditation, a Dharma talk, discussion and socializing; every first & third Sun. '


Interfaith Worship Service": Guild House 4-4:45 pm, 802 Monroe. First Sunday of the month. 662-5189


U-M Jazz Composers Orchestra: Ford Montreux-Detroit Jazz Festival 4 pm, Hart Plaza, Detroit. Premiere of Ed Sarath's "Rites of Passage." 764-0594


"Next Stop Wonderland": Michigan Theater 4:45, 7 & 9:15 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


Barbecue Bash: Hillel 8:30 pm, 1429 Hill. Food and fun; walking groups to Hillel will leave from East Quad, Alice Lloyd and South Quad. 769-0500


Services for Lesbians, Gay Men & Bisexuals: Tree of Life Metropolitan Comm. Church 6 pm, 1st Congreg. Church, 218 N. Adams, Ypsi. 485-3922


Swing-a-Billy: Blind Pig 7:30 pm, 208 S. First. Swing and Rock-a-Billy with DJ Del, $5. 996-8555


Meeting: Ypsilanti Lesbians, Gay Men & Bisexuals' AA 7:30 pm, 1st Congreg. Church, downstairs (back entrance), 218 N. Adams, Ypsi. 721-2081


Tennessee Schmalz: The Ark 8pm, 316 S. Main. Klezmer with a Southern twang, $11. 761-1451


Big Sunday Night Contra Dance: A2 Council for Traditional Music and Dance 8-11 pm, Community High School Gym, 401 N. Division. Music by the Contrapreneurs, no partner needed, $8. 665-8863


Jim Roll: The Sunday Series 8 pm, Arbor Brewing Company, 11 6 E. Washington. Guitarist/singer/songwriter; a blend of stark folk balladry and alt-country rock. 213-1393


Paul Finkbeiner's Jazz Jam Session: Bird of Paradise 9 pm-1 am, 207 S. Ashley. Perform or listen. 662-8310


7 Monday


HIV & Recovery: HIV/AIDS Resource Center (HARC) call for time & place. Every Mon. For HlV-positive men & women who are in recovery from chemical dependence. 800-578-2300


Job Hunters Networking Group: Soundings - A Center For Women 10-11:30am, 4090 Packard. Ongoing drop-in program; meet with other job seekers, $5. 973-7723


Bible Study Group: Guild House noon-1 pm, Bethlehem UCC, 432 S. Fourth Ave. Led by Diane Christopherson, minister at Guild House; first & third Mondays. 662-5189


An Afternoon In the Arb: Hillel 2-5 pm, 1429 Hill. Meet at Hillel to walk to the Arb. 769-0500


"Lawrence of Arabia": Michigan Theater 5 pm, 603 E. Liberty. Free. 668-8480


Support Group for Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Youth: Ozone House 6:30-8 pm, 1705 Washtenaw Ave. Meets every Mon. 662-2265


Meeting: Unscouts 7 pm, Zingerman's Next Door (upstairs), 422 Detroit St. Bisexual women's support and social group for ages 21 and over. Stephanie 913-8895


Rehearsal: Out Loud Chorus 7:30-9:30 pm, A2 Civic Theater, 2275 Platt Rd. A lesbian/gay/bi/trans community chorus open to all. Every Mon. 973-6084 or


Lesbian Social Group: LGBTA 7:30 pm, Aut Bar, 31 5 Braun Ct. For professional lesbian singles and friends, every 1st Monday. 747-7322


The Meat Purveyors: Arbor Brewing Company 9 pm, 116 E. Washington. High energy mad bluegrass from Austin Texas; with special guests the Ghetto Billies. 213-1393


The Bird of Paradise Orchestra: Bird of Paradise 9 pm-1 am, 207 S. Ashley. Big band jazz, $3. 662-8310


"Next Stop Wonderland ": Michigan Theater 9:30 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


8 Tuesday


Meeting: Lesbian & Bisexual Graduate, Professional and Working Women call for time (see 1 Tue)


Living With HIV: HARC call for time (see 1 Tue)


Swimmers: A2QUA call for time & place (see 1 Tue)


Tyke Program - The Very Busy Spider: A2 Parks & Recreation 10 am-11:30 pm, Leslie Science Center, 1831 Traver Rd. Science Center staff will lead children (ages 4-5 yrs) on an exploration after reading Eric Carle books, $30 residents/$36 non-residents for 4 sessions. Register 662-7802


Domestic Violence Project: SAFE House noon-2 pm, SAFE House, 4100 Clark Rd. Seminar in an ongoing series on domestic violence. 973-0242


Canoe Instruction Clinic: A2 Parks & Recreation 5:30-7:30 pm, Gallup Park Canoe Livery, 3000 Fuller Rd. Learn basic canoeing techniques, $7.50. Register 662-9319


Free HIV/AIDS Testing: HARC 6-9 pm (see 1 Tue)


Frontrunners/Walkers 6:15 pm & 6:35 pm (see 1 Tue)


Running 101 Novice Clinic: A2 Parks & Recreation 6:30-8:30 pm, Gallup Park Meeting Room, 3000 Fuller Rd. Beginner running class; every Tue for 6 wks, $25. Register 769-5016


Lesbian Survivor Support Group: SAFE House 6:30 pm (see 1 Tue)


Introduction to Homeopathy: The Holistic Midwifery Institute 7-9 pm, WCC. Four-week course offers CEUs for nurses, $50. 663-1523


English Country Dancing: A2 Council for Traditional Music & Dance 7-9:45 pm, Chapel Hill CondoClubhouse, 3350 Green Rd. Workshop and dancing, live music, no partner needed, $4. 662-5158


Billy Bragg: Majestic 7 pm, 4140 Woodward, Detroit, $20. 99-MUSIC


"Next Stop Wonderland": Michigan Theater 7 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


Meeting: CASA 7-8:30 pm (see 1 Tue)


Snacks and Schmooze: Hillel 7:30 pm, East Quad Residence Hall. Meet other students. 769-0500


Sally Nyolo: The Ark 8 pm, 316 S. Main. Former member of Zap Mama, $12.50. 761-1451


Salaciously Intellectual: Gypsy Cafe 8 pm (see 1 Tue)


"Get Curious w/Safety Girl & Butch Curious": CTV Channel 9 9 pm. Public access live call-in TV show. 975-9975


Funktelligence: Bird of Paradise 9pm, 207 S. Ashley, $5. 662-8310


"Post Coitum": Michigan Theater 9:15 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


9 Wednesday


Living With HIV: HARC call for time (see 1 Tue)


Volunteer Workday: A2 Parks & Recreation 5:30-7:30 pm, Greenview Park. Help remove invasive plants while learning about native plants. 996-3266


Foster Parent Training: HelpSource 6-9 pm, 27676 Cherry Hill Rd, Garden City. HelpSource is looking for motivated people to help change the lives of children. Training is the first step in becoming a licensed foster care home; 15 hr training, thru 12 Sat. 480-1800


Gay Radio Hour: WCBN 88.3 FM 6-7 pm (see 2 Wed)


Free HIVAIDS Testing: HARC 6-9 pm (see 2 Wed)


Stabbing Westward: Blind Pig 7 pm, 208 S. First, $15.99-MUSIC


"Next Stop Wonderland": Michigan Theater 7 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


Shamanic Journeys: Magical Ed. Council of A2 7:30 pm (see 2 Wed)


Undergraduate, Graduate and Professionals Open House: Hillel 8-10 pm, 1429 Hill. A chance to learn about the 25 Hillel-affiliated groups. 769-0500


Open Stage: The Ark 8 pm, 316 S. Main. Perform or listen; sign-up begins at 7:30 pm, $3. 761-1451


U-M Jazz Ensemble: U-M School of Music 8 pm, Britton Recital Hall, N. Campus. 764-0594


R. Bruce: Mainstreet Comedy Showcase 8:30 pm, 314 E. Liberty, $7 Wed. & Thu., $10 Fri. & Sat. 996-9080


Ron Brooks Trio: The Bird of Paradise 9pm-1am (see 2 Wed)


"Post Coitum": Michigan Theater 9:15 pm, 603 E. Liberty. $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


10 Thursday


Business Meeting: Shining Lakes Grove–A Druid Fellowship call for time & place. 487-4931


Meeting: Business Network International A2 Chapter 7-8:30 am, Jonathon's Family Restaurant, 4389 Jackson Rd. 397-9939


Masterclass: University Musical Society 11 am & 12:45 pm, U-M Dance Department. 764-2538


Dinner for the Homeless: Volunteers in Action/Hillel 3-5 pm (cook food), 5-7 pm (serve food), First United Methodist Church (across from Frieze). Walk-in help needed. 769-0500


Frontrunners/WaIkers 6:15 pm & 6:35 pm (see 1 Tue)


Childbirth Preparation Classes: The Holistic Midwifery Institute 7-9:15 pm, 2120 Pauline, #214. Six-week series taught by a midwife, emphasizing informed choices and drug alternatives, $165/couple. 663-1523


"Wild Man Blues": Ann Arbor Blues & Jazz Festival 7 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


Sexuality & Spirituality": LGBTA 7 pm (see 3 Thu)


"Face the Music": WCBN 88.3 FM 7-8 pm (see 3 Thu)


Songwriters Open Mic: Oz's Music 7:30-9:30 pm, 1920 Packard. With host Jim Novak. Perform or listen. 662-8283


Shabbat and Holidays Committee Public Forum: Hillel 7:30 pm, 1429 Hill. Open forum. 769-0500


Mass Meeting: Jewish Law Students Union 7:30 pm, Lawyers' Club, Law Quad. 769-0500


Stephen Fearing & Ray Bonneville: The Ark 8 pm, 316 S. Main, $11. 761-1451


"Marcus is Walking": Purple Rose Theatre Co. 8 pm (see 3 Thu)


R. Bruce: Mainstreet Comedy Showcase 8:30 pm (see 9 Wed)


Ron Brooks Trio: The Bird of Paradise 9pm-1am (see 2 Wed)


Robert Bradley's Blackwater Surprise: Blind Pig 9:30 pm, 208 S. First, $10. 99-MUSIC


"Next Stop Wonderland": Michigan Theater 9:30 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


Sol Elements: Club Heidelberg 10 pm, with Bizarre (see 3 Thu)


"Get Curious w/Safety Girl & Butch Curious": CTV Channel 9 10 pm (see 8 Tue)


11 Friday


Swimmers: A2QUA call for time & place (see 1 Tue)


Brown Bag Lunch: University Musical Society 12:10 pm, Rackham Institute for Humanities. A discussion of Eiko & Koma's "Environmental Trilogy" videos: Land, Wind and River. 764-2538


Paul Klinger's E-Z Street Swingtet: Bird of Paradise 5-8 pm (see 4 Fri)


Kickoff Shabbat: Hillel 8-10 pm, 1429 Hill. Reform, Conservative and Orthodox services precede dinner. Reservation 769-0500


Welcome Back Shabbat Service and Dinner: Reform Chavurah 7 pm, Hillel. 1429 Hill. Reservation 769-0500


Bardic Night: Shining Lakes Grove–A Druid Fellowship 7:30-11 pm, ICC Ed. Center, 1522 Hill. An evening of drumming, singing, poetry and stories. 487-4931


Fall Festival Benefit Concert: Catholic Social Services 7:30pm, St. Francis of Assisi Church, 2250 E. Stadium. Benefit concert for Catholic Social Services featuring hymns, secular music and African American spirituals performed by Detroit's Cantata Academy as well as classical music and New Orleans jazz gospel arrangements, $25 concert / $150 benefactor. 971-2826 / 971-9781


Faculty Recital: U-M School of Music 8 pm, Britton Recital Hall, E.V. Moore Bldg, N. Campus. With Ramón Parcells, trumpet, and Robert Conway, piano. 764-0594


Maceo Parker: Ann Arbor Blues & Jazz Festival 8 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $20-$35. 747-9955


RFD Boys: The Ark 8 pm, 31 6 S. Main. Bluegrass, $10. 761-1451


"Marcus is Walking": Purple Rose Theatre Co. 8 pm (see 3 Thu)


Eiko & Koma "River": University Musical Society 8:15 pm, Huron River in Nichols Arboretum. Dance performance in the river, $25. 764-2538


R. Bruce: Mainstreet Comedy Showcase 8 & 10:30 pm (see 9 Wed)


Five Guys Named Moe: Espresso Royale Caffe 9-11 pm, 214 S. Main. Acoustic swing. 668-1838


Lou Donaldson Quartet: Ann Arbor Blues & Jazz Festival 9 & 11 pm, The Bird of Paradise, 207 S. Ashley. With Dr. Lonnie Smith on organ, $20. 662-8310


One Fell Swoop & Brian Lillie: Gypsy Cafe 9:30 pm-midnight, 214 N. 4th Ave., $4. 994-3940


Dancehall Reggae Bashment: Club Heidelberg 10 pm (see 4 Fri)


Friday Dance Jam: People Dancing 10:30 pm (see 4 Fri)


12 Saturday


"Celebration of Community" Benefit Concert: Ypsilanti Freighthouse call for time, E. Cross at River St., Depot Town, Ypsi. With Kathleen Moore, Elise Bryant, Jeanne Mackey & other performers; proceeds will benefit local nonprofit and community groups, including Ozone House. 975-8791


Babysitting Training: A2 Parks & Recreation 8:30 am-3:30 pm, Bryant Community Center, 3 W. Eden Court. Youths ages 11-17 are trained in child care guidelines, emergency procedures and children's play. 994-2722


Frontrunners/WaIkers 9 am (see 5 Sat)


Vintage Dance Lessons/Vintage I: Grand Traditions Vintage Dance Academy 10 am-noon, Pittsfield Grange Hall, A2-Saline Rd. Learn vintage ballroom dances; mthly lesson thru Nov., $32 for three lessons. 429-0014


Free HIV/AIDS Testing: HARC 10 am-2 pm (see 5 Sat)


Free Outdoor Contra Dance: Herb David Guitar Studio/A2 Council for Traditional Music and Dance 11 am-1 pm, Liberty Plaza, corner of Liberty & Division. Live acoustic music, all dances taught, no partner needed; one of a series of concerts at Liberty Plaza. 665-8001


Ann Arbor Blues & Jazz Festival: Gallup Park noon-8 pm. With Groove Collective, The Atomic Fireballs, Olu Dara, Michael Ray & The Cosmic Krewe, Poignant Plecostomus and the Rick Roe Quartet, $12.50-$18 One Day Pass., $22-$30 Two Day Pass. 747-9955


Delicious Movement Class: University Musical Society noon, Dance Gallery/Peter Sparling & Co. Studio. A class for dancers, musicians, singers, actors and visual artists. Register 747-8885


Creative Expressions Group: LGBTA 1 pm (see 5 Sat)


Vintage Dance Lessons/Vintage II: Grand Traditions Vintage Dance Academy 2:30-4:30 pm, Pittsfield Grange Hall, A2-Saline Rd. Learn vintage ballroom dances; mthly lesson thru Nov., $32 for three lessons. 429-0014


"Stardust ": Michigan Theater 2:45 pm, 603 E. Liberty. Free. 668-8480


"Marcus is Walking": Purple Rose Theatre Co. 3 & 8 pm (see 3 Thu)



"Next Stop Wonderland": Michigan Theater 4:45 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50$6.75. 668-8480


"Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss": Michigan Theater 7 & 9 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


Second Saturday Swing: Grand Traditions Vintage Dance Academy 7:30-11 pm, Pittsfield Grange Hall, A2-Saline Rd. Workshop & swing dancing to recorded music, $5 workshop/$5 dance. 429-0014


Nils Lofgren: The Ark 8 pm, 316 S. Main. Songwiter & guitarist, $17.50. 761-1451


R. Bruce: Mainstreet Comedy Showcase 8 & 10:30 pm (see 9 Wed)


Eiko & Koma "River": University Musical Society 8:15 pm (see 11 Fri)


Lou Donaldson Quartet: Ann Arbor Blues & Jazz Festival 9 & 11 pm (see 11 Fri)


The Gepetto Files: Gypsy Cafe 9:30 pm-midnight, 214 N. 4th Ave. A back to school special from Ann Arbor' s adult puppetmasters, $4. 994-3940


Original Brothers and Sisters of Love: Club Heidelberg 10 pm, 215 N. Main. With the Las Vegas Tumbleweed Connection and Jim Roll, $5. 663-7758


13 Sunday


Guild Day–Seers, Warriors, Healers: Shining Lakes Grove–A Druid Fellowship call for time & place. 769-5971


Swimmers: A2QUA call for time & place (see 1 Tue)


Meeting: Overeaters Anonymous call for time (see 6 Sun)


Vintage Dance Lessons/Basics: Grand Traditions Vintage Dance Academy 10 am-noon, Pittsfield Grange Hall, A2-Saline Rd. Learn vintage ballroom dances; mthly lesson thru Nov., $32 for three lessons. 429-0014


Ann Arbor Blues & Jazz Festival: Gallup Park noon-8 pm. With Bo Diddley, the New Orleans Klezmer All-Stars, Paul deLay, Rosie Ledet - The Zydeco Sweethart, Root Doctor and Robert Jones, $12.50-$18 One Day Pass., $22-$30 Two Day Pass. 747-9955


Picnic in the Park: Grads and Professionals/Hillel noon, 1429 HilI. Meet at Hillel at 11:45 to walk to Burns Park; in case of rain the picnic is at Hillel. 769-0500


Free Swim Lessons: A2QUA noon (see 6 Sun)


Silent Meditation: Essence Point noon (see 6 Sun)


Kids Concerts: Oz's Music 1 pm, 1920 Packard Rd. Open stage for the young ones. Perform or listen. 662-8283


Jeff Cannon: Borders 1 pm, 612 E. Liberty. Live acoustic rock. 668-7100


Bugfest: A2 Parks & Recreation 1-3 pm, Leslie Science Center, 1831 Traver Rd. A day dedicated to insects with activities and exhibits for all ages, $4/$15 families. Register 662-7802


Tango Workshop & Informal Dance: Grand Traditions Vintage Dance Academy 1-5 pm, Pittsfield Grange Hall, A2-Saline Rd. Come-as-you-are couple dancing for all levels of dancers; no partner required, $6. 429-0014


Classic Silents: A2 Silent Film Society 3 pm, Clarion Hotel, 2900 Jackson Rd. Showing of "The Boat" (1921), "The Kid" (1921) and "Safety Last" (1923), $4. 677-1359


Meeting: Queer Fiction Book Club 4:30-6 pm, Common Language Bookstore, 215 S. Fourth Ave. Every 2nd Sun. Tim 668-6553


"Raging Bull": Michigan Theater 4:30 pm, 603 E. Liberty. 20 Fabulous Films series, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


Kol Hakavod Auditions: Hillel 6 pm, 1429 Hill. Kol Hakavod is the U-M Jewish a capella group. 769-0500


Services for Lesbians, Gay Men & Bisexuals 6 pm (see 6 Sun)


Kickoff–United Jewish Appeal Half Shekel Campaign: Hillel 6:45 pm, 1 429 Hill. UJA at U-M runs the Half Shekel Campaign to unite Michigan's 6000 Jewish students in a common cause of reaching out to the world Jewish community. 769-0500


"Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss": Michigan Theater 7 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


Israeli Dancing: Hillel 7:30-10 pm, 1429 Hill. Instruction and dancing; beginners and advanced welcome, $2.50. 769-0500


Meeting: Ypsilanti Lesbian, Gay Men 6 Bisexuals' AA 7:30 pm (see 6 Sun)


Swing-a-Billy: Blind Pig 7:30 pm (see 6 Sun)


Iris Dement: The Ark 8 pm, 316 S. Main. Country music, $15. 761-1451


Pipe Organ Recital: American Guild of Organists 8 pm, First United Methodist Church, 128 Park St., Chelsea. Concert performance by internationally renowned Organ Recitalist and UM faculty member Dr. James Kibbie, $10/$7 students. 930-9940


The Ghetto Billies: The Sunday Series 8 pm, Arbor Brewing Company, 116 E. Washington. Three-part harmonies exposing the lighter side of trash culture. 213-1393


"Next Stop Wonderland": Michigan Theater 9 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


Jazz Jam Session: The Bird of Paradise 9 pm-1 am (see 6 Sun)


14 Monday


HIV & Recovery: HARC call for time (see 7 Mon)


Seniors Time On-Line: A2 District Library 10 am, 343 S.Fifth Ave. New computer course, $30 for 6 classes. Register 327-4550


Job Hunters Networking: Soundings 10-11:30am (see 7 Mon)


Birth Basics: The Holistic Midwifery Institute 1-4 pm, 2120 Pauline, #214. An introductory class for a spiring midwives (thru 23 Wed), $120. 663-1523


"Macbeth": Michigan Theater 4:10 pm, 603 E. Liberty. Orson Welles Series, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


Israel Returnee Dinner Hillel 6 pm, 1429 Hill. Exchange stories and ideas from a recent stay in Israel. 769-0500


Support Group for Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Youth: Ozone House

6:30 pm (see 7 Mon)


"Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss": Michigan Theater 7 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


Mass Meeting: Consider/Hillel 7 pm, Welker Room, Michigan Union. Join the staff of "Consider," U-M's weekly forum for serious discussion of local and national issues. 769-0500


Mass Meeting: Ahava–The Jewish Lesbian, Bisexual and Gay Collective 7:30 pm, Hillel, 1429 Hill. The Collective is primarily a social group that provides a relaxed atmosphere for bisexual, lesbian and gay people from a wide spectrum of Jewish backgrounds. 769-0500


Mastering Meditation: Sri Chinmoy Centre 7:30-9:30 pm, 617 E. University. Basic techniques of relaxation and meditation taught by Kapila Castoldi. Register 994-7114


Lecture: Alliance for the Mentally III of Washtenaw County 7:30-9:30 pm, St.Clare/Temple Beth Emeth Building, 2309 Packard. "Dual Diagnosis of Mental Illness and Substance Abuse," presented by Kirk Brower, U-M Associate Professor of Medicine. 994-6611


Rehearsal: Out Loud Chorus 7:30 pm, call for location (see 7 Mon)


Gender Explorers: LGBTA 8 pm, call for location. Social/support group for transgenderists, transsexuals, crossdressers, Third Genders, intersexuals, those questioning their gender, and all others who live outside of society's gender expectations. 2nd and 4th Mondays. 763-4186


Mondays in Leonardos: Pierpont Commons 8-10 pm, lower level, 2101 Bonisteel Blvd, N. Campus. The Randy Napoleon Quartet swings the night away. 764-7544


"Next Stop Wonderland": Michigan Theater 9 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


The Bird of Paradise Orchestra 9 pm-1 am (see 7 Mon)


15 Tuesday


Meeting: Lesbian & Bisexual Graduate, Professional and Working Women call for time (see 1 Tue)


Living With HIV: HARC call for time (see 1 Tue)


Swimmers: A2QUA call for time & place (see 1 Tue)


Tyke Program: A2 Parks & Recreation 10 am-11:30 pm (see 8 Tue)


"The Movies Begin": Michigan Theater 4:10 pm, 603 E. Liberty. Silent Film Series; live organ accompaniment, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


Canoe Instruction Clinic: A2 Parks & Recreation 5:30-7:30 pm, Gallup Park Canoe Livery, 3000 Fuller Rd. Learn basic canoeing techniques, $7.50. Register 662-9319


Parsha and Pizza: Hillel 6-7 pm, 1429 Hill. Torah study and pizza. 769-0500


Free HIV/AIDS Testing: HARC 6-9 pm (see 1 Tue)


Frontrunners/Walkers 6:15 pm & 6:35 pm (see 1 Tue)


Lesbian Survivor Support Group: SAFE House 6:30 pm (see 1 Tue)


Meeting: CASA 7 pm (see 1 Tue)


Mass Meeting: Prospect/Hillel 7 pm, 1429 Hill. Join the team that puts out the Jewish social/political critique and literary review; several staff positions are open for 98/99. 769-0500


Auditions: Hillel 7-9 pm, Wedge Room, West Quad. Auditions for "Res Rep," the Residence Hall theater troupe, and "Talk to Us," U-M's interactive theater group; no prior acting experience is necessary. 769-0500


"Next Stop Wonderland": Michigan Theater 7 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


Mass Meeting: Volunteers in Action Hillel 7:30 pm, 1429 Hill. VIA Hillel is a community service continuing the Jewish tradition of helping those in need. Activities are centered around working with the homeless, children, the elderly and the environment. 769-0500


Meeting: Reform Chavurah 7:30 pm, Hillel, 1429 Hill. Help plan upcoming events or just hang out and have a good time; all are welcome. 769-0500


Mass Meeting: Israel Michigan Public Affairs Committee/Hillel 8 pm, 1429 Hill. IMPAC is a student organization committed to fostering a strong relationship between the U.S. and Israel. 769-0500


Greg Greenway & Carrie Newcomer: The Ark 8 pm , 316 S. Main. Folk music, $11. 761-1451


Salaciously Intellectual: Gypsy Cafe 8 pm (see 1 Tue)


Explosion Cerebral: Bird of Paradise 9 pm (see 1 Tue)


"Get Curious w/Safety Girl & Butch Curious": CTV Channel 9 9 pm (see 8 Tue)


"Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss": Michigan Theater 9:15 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


16 Wednesday


5% Day to Benefit the Ark: Whole Foods Market all day, 2398 E. Stadium. 5% of the day's sales go to the Ark of Ann Arbor. 971-3366


Audition: A2 Symphony Orchestra call for time and place. The A2 Symphony Orchestra announces auditions for the following positions: Assistant Concertmaster, Section Violin, Section Viola, Section Cello, Section Bass, Second Flute, Third Horn and Principal Harp. 994-4801


Living With HIV: HARC call for time (see 1 Tue)


Gay Radio Hour WCBN 88.3 FM 6-7 pm (see 2 Wed)


Free HIV/AIDS Testing: HARC 6-9 pm (see 2 Wed)


Introduction to Aromatherapy: Whole Foods Market 7-8:30 pm, Tappan Middle School, Rm 106. The history, therapeutic properties and usage of essential oils presented by Linda Greene. 971-3366


Mass Meeting: S.H.O.U.T./Hillel 7pm, 1429 Hill. Students Honoring Outstanding University Teaching is the group that organizes the Annual Golden Apple Award lecture. 769-0500


"Picnic at Hanging Rock": Michigan Theater 7 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


Shamanic Journeys: Magical Ed. Council of A2 7:30 pm (see 2 Wed)


Paperboys: The Ark 8 pm, 316 S. Main. Celtic rock, $10. 761-1451


Claudia Sherman: Mainstreet Comedy Showcase 8:30 pm, 314 E. Liberty, $7 Wed. & Thu., $10 Fri. & Sat. 996-9080


Wide Open Mic: Gypsy Cafe 9-11 pm, 214 N. 4th Ave. All musicians, poets, comics and performers welcome. 994-3940


Ron Brooks Trio: The Bird of Paradise 9pm-1am (see 2 Wed)


"Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss": Michigan Theater 9:15 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


Solar Blind Pig 9:30 pm (see 2 Wed)


17 Thursday


25th Anniversary Celebration: Women's Studies Program 4 pm, Rackham East Conference Room, 915 E. Washington. Lecture by San Francisco scholar and activist Gayle Rubin, the first graduate of the U-M Women's Studies Program. 763-2047


Shulchan Ivrit: Hillel 5:30 pm, Cava Java (lower level), S. University. Practice Hebrew in a fun atmosphere. 769-0500


Bake Your Own Challah: Volunteers in Action/Hillel 5:30-8 pm, 1429 Hill. Bake the traditional round challahs for Rosh Hashanah. 769-0500


Frontrunners/Walkers 6:15 pm & 6:35 pm (see 1 Tue)


Mass Meeting: Jewish Women's Forum/Hillel 7 pm, 1429 Hill. 769-0500


Introduction to Naturopathy: People's Food Co-op 7-8:30 pm, 216 N. Fourth Ave. Presented by Suzie M. Zick, a naturopathic physician. Sign up at Coop or register 769-0095


"Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss": Michigan Theater 7 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50-56.75. 668-8480


Bim Skala Bim: Magic Stick 7 pm, 4140 Woodward, Detroit, $8. 99-MUSIC


"Face the Music": WCBN 88.3 FM 7-8 pm (see 3 Thu)


"Sexuality & Spirituality": LGBTA 7 pm (see 3 Thu)


Blue-Green Open Mic: Oz's Music 7:30-9:30 pm, 1920 Packard. Acoustic blues, bluegrass, old time country & folk, with host Sid Rosenburg. Perform or listen. 662-8283


Peggy Seeger: The Ark 8 pm, 316 S Main. Folk music, $12.50. 761-1451


Claudia Sherman: Mainstreet Comedy Showcase 8:30 pm (see 16 Wed)


"Next Stop Wonderland": Michigan Theater 9 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


Ron Brooks Trio: The Bird of Paradise 9pm-1am (see 2 Wed)


Sol Elements: Club Heidelberg 10 pm, with DJ Indiana Jones (see 3 Thu)


"Get Curious w/Safety Girl & Butch Curious": CTV Channel 9 10pm (see 8 Tue)


18 Friday


Layne Redmond: Courthouse Square call for time, corner of 4th Ave. & Huron. Slide lecture & concert with Layne Redmond, percussionist and author of "When the Drummers Were Women," $10 door. 761-9148


Swimmers: A2QUA call for time & place (see 1 Tue)


Paul Klinger's E-Z Street Swingtet: Bird of Paradise 5-8 pm (see 4 Fri)


"She Was In Love Once": Michigan Theater 6:40 & 9 pm, 603 E. Liberty. Admission free with ticket to the following feature film. 668-8480


Even More How to Meet a Girl: Common Language Bookstore 7-9 pm, 21 5 S. Fourth Ave. An Out and About Workshop for unattached lesbians. Registration preferred, but walk-ins welcome, $5. 741-8434


"Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss": Michigan Theater 7 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


Guy Clark, Gillian Welch & David Rawlings: The Ark 8 pm, 31 6 S. Main, $17.50. 761-1451


Kurt Elling Quartet: Pease Auditorium 8 pm, U-M campus, $20. 99-MUSIC


Claudia Sherman: Mainstreet Comedy 8 & 10:30pm (see 16 Wed)


Oneg Shabbat: Hillel circa 9 pm, 1429 Hill. Special shabbat celebration and desert. 769-0500


Salero de España: Espresso Royale Caffe 9-11 pm, 214 S. Main. Flamenco music and dance. 668-1838


Fridays in Leonardos: Pierpont Commons 9-11 pm, lower level, 2101 Bonisteel Blvd, N. Campus. Caribbean music with Panchita. 764-7544


"Next Stop Wonderland": Michigan Theater 9:20 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


The Still: Gypsy Cafe 9:30 pm-midnight, 214 N. 4th Ave. Folk rock steady, groove solid music, $4. 994-3940


Jeft Hamilton Trio: The Bird of Paradise 9:30 & 11 pm & 12:30 am, 207 S. Ashley, $15. 662-8310


Dancehall Reggae Bashment: Club Heidelberg 10 pm (see 4 Fri)


Friday Dance Jam: People Dancing 10:30 pm (see 4 Fri)


"The X-Files ": Michigan Theater 11 :30 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


19 Saturday


Drum Workshop: Layne Redmond call for time, Courthouse Square, corner of 4th Ave. & Huron. Intensive frame drum workshop all day, and Sunday morning; frame drums provided, sliding scale $125-$175 for both days. 761-9148


Frontrunners/Walkers 9 am (see 5 Sat)


Volunteer Workday: A2 Parks & Recreation 10 am-1 pm, Maryfield and Wildwood Park. Help remove invasive plants while learning more about native plants. 996-3266


Tailgate Time: Whole Foods Market 10 am-2 pm, 2398 E. Stadium. Sampling of items suited to beginning and seasoned tailgate revelers. 971-3366


Canoe Instruction Clinic: A2 Parks & Recreation 10 am-noon, Gallup Park Canoe Livery, 3000 Fuller Rd. Learn basic canoeing techniques, $7.50. Register 662-9319


Free HlV/AIDS Testing: HARC 10 am-2 pm (see 5 Sat)


Nature Photography: A2 Parks & Recreation 1-3 pm, Leslie Science Center, 1831 Traver Rd. Photographer Albert Anthony will instruct on line, shape, proportion and contrast, $8. Register 662-7802


Creative Expressions Group: LGBTA 1 pm (see 5 Sat)


Meeting: Lutherans Concerned 6:30 pm, Lord of Light Lutheran Church, 801 S. Forest. Lutheran group for lesbian, gay and bisexual people; every 3rd Sat. Scott 663-6954


Preconcert Lecture: Beethoven Festival 7 pm, Michigan Theater, 603 E. Liberty. 994-4801


Ray Bryant: Kerrytown Concert House 7 & 9 pm, 415 N. Fourth Ave. Jazz in Concert series, $10-$25. 769-2999


Campfire Stories with Barbara Schutz-Gruber: A2 Parks & Recreation 7-8:30 pm, Leslie Science Center, 1831 Traver Rd. Watch the sunset, roast marshmallows and listen to folk tales, $5/$20 families. Register 662-7802


Richie Havens: The Ark 7:30 pm, 31 6 S. Main, $17.50. 761-1451


Beethoven Festival: A2 Symphony Orchestra 8 pm, Michigan Theater, 603 E. Liberty. Program: Overture to the Creatures of Prometheus, Piano Concerto No.4 with pianist Anton Nel, and Symphony No. 4., $16-$29. 994-4801


Third Saturday Contra Dance: Cobblestone Farm Dancers 8 pm, Pittsfield Grange, 3337 A2-Saline Rd. Live music, no partner needed, $7. 665-8863


Claudia Sherman: Mainstreet Comedy Showcase 8 & 10:30 pm (see 16 Wed)


Lisa Hunter: Gypsy Cafe 9:30 pm-midnight, 214 N. 4th Ave. Singer songwriter, $4. 994-3940


Jeft Hamilton Trio: The Bird of Paradise 9:30 & 11 pm & 12:30 am (see 18 Fri)


20 Sunday


Monthly Meeting: A. Lorde Collective call for time, Affirmations Community Center, 195 W. Nine Mile Rd., Ferndale. Promoting the needs and interests of Black lesbians in the metro Detroit area; every 3rd Sun. (313) 862-3396


Guild Day–Artisans & Bards: Shining Lakes Grove–A Druid Fellowship call for time & place. 487-4931


Magicians' Guild Meeting: Shining Lakes Grove call for time & place. Study of magic and its use in Druidry. 487-4931


Swimmers: A2QUA cali for time & place (see 1 Tue)


Meeting: Overeaters Anonymous call for time (see 6 Sun)


"Free Swim Lessons: A2QUA noon (see 6 Sun)


Silent Meditation: Essence Point noon (see 6 Sun)


Rene: Borders 1 pm, 612 E. Liberty. Live New Age/New Music from Chicago. 668-7100


Bicycle Maintenance Clinic: A2 Parks & Recreation/Campus Bike & Toy 1 -3 pm, Gallup Park Meeting Room, 3000 Fuller Rd. Learn basic bicycle repair skills, $5. Register 662-9319


Fall Harvest: A2 Parks and Recreation 1 -5 pm, Cobblestone Farm, 2781 Packard Rd. A window into the past as the farm prepares for winter, $2/$8 families. 994-2928


Meeting: Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians and Gays/PFLAG Ann Arbor 2-5 pm, First Unitarian Universalist Church, 1917 Washtenaw. Topic: Bisexuality. 741-0659


"Gone With the Wind": Michigan Theater 3 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


Michigan Chamber Players: U-M School of Music 4 pm, Britton Recital Hall, E.V. Moore Bldg, N. Campus. 764-0594


Meeting: Zen Meditation Group/LGBTA 4-6 pm (see 6 Sun)


Services for Lesbians, Gay Men & Bisexuals 6 pm (see 6 Sun)


"Picnic at Hanging Rock": Michigan Theater 7:30 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


Meeting: Ypsilanti Lesbian, Gay Men & Bisexuals' AA 7:30 pm (see 6 Sun)


Swing-a-Billy: Blind Pig 7:30 pm (see 6 Sun)


Vasen: The Ark 8 pm, 316 S. Main. Music from Sweden, $12.50. 761-1451


Jo Serrapere: The Sunday Series 8 pm, Arbor Brewing Company, 116 E. Washington. Acoustic blues to 40's style swing crooning. 213-1393


Jazz Jam Session: The Bird of Paradise 9 pm-1 am (see 6 Sun)


21 Monday


HIV & Recovery: HARC call for time (see 7 Mon)


Seniors Time On-Line: A2 District Library 10am (see 14 Mon)


Job Hunters Networking: Soundings 10-11:30 am (see 7 Mon)


Bible Study Group: Guild House noon (see 7 Mon)


Meet Your Local Witch Night: Magical Education Council of A2 6-8 pm, Gypsy Cafe, 214 N. 4th Ave. Gathering from all Wiccan traditions. Kami 761-1137


Support Group for Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Youth: Ozone House 6:30 pm (see 7 Mon)


Meeting: Unscouts 7 pm, Eastern Accents, 21 4 S. 4th Ave. Bisexual women's support and social group for ages 21 and over. Stephanie 913-8895


"Gone With the Wind": Michigan Theater 7 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


Rehearsal: Out Loud Chorus 7:30 pm, call for location (see 7 Mon)


Mastering Meditation: Sri Chinmoy Centre 7:30 pm (see 14 Mon)


Faculty Recital: U-M School of Music 8 pm, Britton Recital Hall, E.V. Moore Bldg, N. Campus. Chris Buzzelli, guitarist and jazz artist. 764-0594


Mondays in Leonardo's: Pierpont Commons 8-10 pm (see 14 Mon)


The Bird of Paradise Orchestra 9 pm-1 am (see 7 Mon)


22 Tuesday


Meeting: Lesbian & Bisexual Graduate, Professional and Working Women call for time (see 1 Tue)


Living With HIV: HARC call for time (see 1 Tue)


Swimmers: A2QUA call for time & place (see 1 Tue)


Tyke Program: A2 Parks & Recreation 10am-11:30pm (see 8 Tue)


Free HIV/AIDS Testing: HARC 6-9 pm (see 1 Tue)


Frontrunners/Walkers 6:15 pm & 6:35 pm (see 1 Tue)


Lesbian Survivor Support Group: SAFE House 6:30 pm (see 1 Tue)


Liturgist Round Table: Shining Lakes Grove 7-9 pm, call for location. Plan the Fall Equinox rituals. 487-4931


English Country Dancing: A2 Council for Traditional Music & Dance 7-9:45 pm, Chapel Hill Condominium Clubhouse, 3350 Green Rd. Workshop and dancing, live music, no partner needed, $4. 662-5158


Meeting: CASA 7 pm (see 1 Tue)


Ziggy Marley & The Melody Makers: Michigan Theater 7:30 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $22.50. 99-MUSIC


Freight Hoppers: The Ark 8 pm, 31 6 S. Main. Old time music, $11. 761-1451


Salaciously Intellectual: Gypsy Cafe 8 pm (see 1 Tue)


"Get Curious w/Safety Girl & Butch Curious": CTV Channel 9 9 pm (see 8 Tue)


Funktelligence: Bird of Paradise 9 pm (see 8 Tue)


23 Wednesday


P.I.N.E.S.: A2 Parks & Recreation call for time, Leslie Science Center, 1831 Traver Rd. Projects Investigating Nature and Exploring Sciences is a program for young naturalists ages 6-9 yrs, $30 residents/$36 non-residents for 4 sessions. Register 662-7802


5% Day to Benefit the A2 Symphony Orchestra: Whole Foods Market/Merchant of Vino all day, 2398 E. Stadium. 5% of the day's sales go to the A2 Symphony Orchestra. 971-3366


Living With HIV: HARC call for time (see 1 Tue)


Gay Radio Hour: WCBN 88.3 FM 6-7 pm (see 2 Wed)


Free HIVAIDS Testing: HARC 6-9 pm (see 2 Wed)


Introduction to Yoga and Meditation: Whole Foods Market 7-8:30 pm, Tappan Middle School, Rm 106. With Emma Stefanova. 971-3366


Mass Meeting: Reform Chavurah 7 pm, Hillel, 1429 Hill. Bring your suggestions for planning an exciting year; free pizza and snacks. 769-0500


"Picnic at Hanging Rock": Michigan Theater 7 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


Adult Support Group: Alliance for the Mentally III of Washtenaw County 7:30-9 pm, St. Clare Temple Beth Emeth Building, 2309 Packard. Support group for relatives of family members with mental illness. 994-6611


Shamanic Journeys: Magical Ed. Council of A2 7:30 pm (see 2 Wed)


Martin & Jessica Simpson/Christine Collister: The Ark 8 pm, 316 S. Main, $12.50. 761-1451


Wednesdays in Leonardo's: Pierpont Commons 8-10 pm, lower level, 2101 Bonisteel Blvd, N. Campus. Open Mic night for U-M students and friends. 764-7544


Chris Titus: Mainstreet Comedy Showcase 8:30 pm, 314 E. Liberty, $7 Wed. & Thu., $10 Fri. & Sat. 996-9080


Wide Open Screen: Gypsy Cafe 9-11 pm, 214 N. 4th Ave. All film & video artists invited to screen their film or video projects before an interested audience; VHS, S-VHS and 16 mm formats. 994-3940


Ron Brooks Trio: The Bird of Paradise 9pm-1am (see 2 Wed)


"Next Stop Wonderland": Michigan Theater 9:15 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


Solar: Blind Pig 9:30 pm (see 2 Wed)


24 Thursday


"How To" Stop Making Excuses: Center for Empowerment & Economic Development 6-8 pm, 2002 Hogback Rd, Suite 12. From welfare to economic well-being. Register 677-1400


Frontrunners/Walkers 6:15 pm & 6:35 pm (see 1 Tue)


Meeting: Southeast Michigan Naturists/Michigan Nude Beach Advocates 7-8 pm, Gypsy Cafe, 214 N. Fourth Ave. Monthly meeting. 475-9198


"Face the Music": WCBN 88.3 FM 7-8 pm (see 3 Thu)


"Sexuality & Spirituality": LGBTA 7 pm (see 3 Thu)


"Picnic at Hanging Rock": Michigan Theater 7 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


Acoustic Jam: Oz's Music 7:30-9:30 pm, 1920 Packard. With host Michael Northrup. Perform or listen. 662-8283


David Roth: The Ark 8 pm, 316 S. Main. Singer/songwriter, $11. 761-1451


"Come Back to the 5 & Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean": P.T.D. Productions 8 pm, Riverside A1s Center, 76 N. Huron St, Ypsi. Twenty years after his death in a fiery auto crash, the Disciples of James Dean hold their reunion in a worn-out five and dime in a parched, forgotten town in West Texas. A bittersweet comedy-drama, "Jimmy Dean" is a study of the power that belief, desire, dreams and self-deception have over our lives (thru Oct. 3), $12/$9 students & seniors. 483-7345


"On Golden Pond": A2 Civic Theatre 8 pm, Playhouse, 2275 Platt Rd. Play by Ernest Thompson; a family drama dealing with generational issues (thru Oct. 4), $16/$14 students & seniors. 971-AACT


Claudia Sherman: Mainstreet Comedy Showcase 8:30 pm (see 23 Wed)


Ron Brooks Trio: The Bird of Paradise 9pm-1am (see 2 Wed)


"Next Stop Wonderland": Michigan Theater 9:15 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


Sol Elements: Club Heidelberg 10 pm, with Da'Ruckus (see 3 Thu)


"Get Curious w/Safety Girl & Butch Curious": CTV Channel 9 10 pm (see 8 Tue)


25 Friday


Fire Watch: Shining Lakes Grove–A Druid Fellowship at dusk, Botsford Preserve. Kindle the fire of the Fall ritual. 487-4931


Swimmers: A2QUA call for time & place (see 1 Tue)


46th Annual Book Sale: American Association of University Women/Ann Arbor Branch 10 am-8 pm, Morris Lawrence Bldg, W.C.C., 4800 E. Huron River Dr. More than 40,000 books at rockbottom prices; sale thru 27 Sun. All proceeds from the sale go to fund scholarships for women students. 973-6287


Paul Klinger's EZ Street Swingtet: Bird of Paradise 5-8 pm (see 4 Fri)


"Seal of Approval": Michigan Theater 6:35 & 9 pm, 603 E. Liberty. Admission free with ticket to the following feature film. 668-8480


"Slums of Beverly Hills": Michigan Theater 7 & 9:30 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


Nite Lite Golf: A2 Parks & Recreation 7:30pm, Huron Hills Golf Course, 3465 E. Huron River Dr. Play seven holes of golf in the dark; hot dogs and chips provided, bring your flashlight, $15. Register 971-6840


Slide Show & Talk: Michigan Amigos de Guatemala 7:30-9 pm, St. Mary's Student Parish, 331 Thompson. Peace workers talk about refugees returning to Guatemala. 663-3338


A Parisian Soirée: Kerrytown Concert House 8 pm, 415 N. Fourth Ave. An evening of chamber music, cabaret and frothy French moments with the UM Student Saxophone Ensemble, $10-$25. 769-2999


Cris Williamson & Tret Fure: The Ark 8 pm, 316 S. Main. Heroes of women's music, $11. 761-1451


Fourth Friday Fling Advanced Contra Dance: A2 Council for Traditional Music and Dance 8 pm, Pittsfield Grange, 3337 A2-Saline Rd. Music by the Contrapreneurs, no partner needed, $8. 665-8863


"Avenue X–an a capella musical": Performance Network 8 pm, 408 W. Washington. Set n a 1963 Brooklyn neighborhood torn by racial violence, this musical strips its characters down to their most basic human capacities: love, hate, anger, fear and hope (thru Oct. 18), $15/$12 students & seniors, Thu is pay-what-you-can day. 663-0681


"Come Back to the 5 & Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean": P.T.D. Productions 8 pm (see 24 Thu)


"On Golden Pond": A2 Civic Theatre 8 pm (see 24 Thu)


Claudia Sherman: Mainstreet Comedy 8 & 10:30 pm (see 23 Wed)


Sur: Espresso Royale Caffe 9-11 pm, 214 S. Main. Music of the Andes performed on traditional instruments. 668-1838


Fridays in Leonardo's: Pierpont Commons 9-11 pm, lower level, 2101 Bonisteel BIvd.N. Campus. Live music. 764-7544


P.W. Long with Reelfoot: Magic Stick 9 pm, 4140 Woodward, Detroit, $6. 99MUSIC


Vandermark 5 & Explosion Cerebral: Gypsy Cafe 9:30 pm-midnight, 214 N. 4th Ave. Improvisational jazz, $8. 994-3940


Bill Heid Trio: The Bird of Paradise 9:30 & 11 pm & 12:30 am, 207 S. Ashley, $5. 662-8310


Dancehall Reggae Bashment: Club Heidelberg 10 pm (see 4 Fri)


Friday Dance Jam: People Dancing 10:30 pm (see 4 Fri)


"The Beyond": Michigan Theater 11:30 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


26 Saturday


Healthy Foundations: Planned Parenthood 8:30 am-12:30 pm, Washtenaw Intermediate School District, 1819 S. Wagner. A workshop to help parents and child care workers learn about normal sexual development, $20. 973-0710x161


Frontrunners/Walkers 9 am (see 5 Sat)


46th Annual Book Sale: American Association of University Women 10 am-8 pm (see 25 Fri)


Free HlV/AIDS Testing: HARC 10 am-2 pm (see 5 Sat)


Creative Expressions Group: LGBTA 1 pm (see 5 Sat)


Fait Equinox Ritual: Shining Lakes Grove–A Druid Fellowship 2-5 pm, Botsford Preserve. 487-4931


"Mulan": Michigan Theater 3 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50. 668-8480


"Slums of Beverly Hills": Michigan Theater 4:30, 7 & 9:20 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


"Seal of Approval": Michigan Theater 6:35 pm, 603 E. Liberty. Admission free with ticket to the following feature film. 668-8480


RFD Boys: The Ark 8 pm, 316 S. Main. Bluegrass, $10. 761-1451


Morcheeba: Majestic 8 pm, 4140 Woodward, Detroit, $10. 99-MUSIC


A Parisian Soirée: Kerrytown Concert House 8 pm (see 25 Fri)


"Avenue X–an a capella musical": Performance Network 8 pm (see 25 Fri)


"Come Back to the 5 & Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean": P.T.D.Productions 8 pm (see 24 Thu)


"On Golden Pond": A2 Civic Theatre 8 pm (see 24 Thu)


Claudia Sherman: Mainstreet Comedy Showcase 8 & 10:30 pm (see 23 Wed)


"Hey Locked Boy": Michigan Theater 9 pm, 603 E. Liberty. Admission free with ticket to the following feature film. 668-8480


Jo Serrapere: Gypsy Cafe 9:30 pm-midnight, 214 N. 4th Ave. Dale Osborn, fingerstyle guitarist, opens the show, $4. 994-3940


Bill Heid Trio: The Bird of Paradise 9:30 & 11 pm & 12:30 am (see 25 Fri)


The Triggers: Club Heidelberg 10 pm, 215 N. Main. With Lovesick and Something Retarded, $5. 663-7758


"Gone With the Wind": Michigan Theater 11:20 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


27 Sunday


Swimmers: A2QUA call for time & place (see 1 Tue)


Meeting: Overeaters Anonymous call for time (see 6 Sun)


46th Annual Book Sale: American Association of University Women 10 am-3 pm (see 25 Fri)


Free Swim Lessons: A2QUA noon (see 6 Sun)


Silent Meditation: Essence Point noon (see 6 Sun)


Adam Druckman: Borders 1 pm, 612 E. Liberty. Live music; acoustic folk & rock. 668-7100


AIDS Walk Michigan: Arm Arbor 2 pm, meet at Detroit Edison parking lot, corner of William & Main. AIDS Walk Michigan Ann Arbor is a pledge walk for AIDS and one of ten walks happening statewide on this day; call for pledge form 572-9355 or 761-2535


Gender Free Contra Dance: Pittsfield Grange 2-5 pm, 3337 A2-Saline Rd. With David West & Donna Baird, and caller Becky Hill. 663-6954


"Mulan": Michigan Theater 2 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50. 668-8480


"On Golden Pond": A2 Civic Theatre 2 pm (see 24 Thu)


"Avenue X–an a capella musical": Performance Network 2 & 7 pm (see 25 Fri)


Classic Silents: A2 Silent Film Society 3 pm, Clarion Hotel, 2900 Jackson Rd. Showing of "Ben Hur" (1927) and "Bending Hur" (1928), $4. 677-1359


San Francisco Symphony: University Musical Society 4 pm, Hill Auditorium. A centennial tribute to George Gershwin & Mahler's Symphony No.1. 764-2538


"Dirty Secrets": Interfaith Council for Peace & Justice 4:45 pm, Michigan Theater, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


Services for Lesbians, Gay Men & Bisexuals 6 pm (see 6 Sun)


"Slums of Beverly Hills": Michigan Theater 7 & 9 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


Meeting: Ypsilanti Lesbian, Gay Men & Bisexuals' AA 7:30 pm (see 6 Sun)


Swing-a-Billy: Blind Pig 7:30 pm (see 6 Sun)


Rory Block: The Ark 8 pm, 316 S. Main. Blues; special solo performance, $13.50. 761-1451


Original Brothers and Sisters of Love: The Sunday Series 8 pm, Arbor Brewing Company, 116 E. Washington. Appalachian-style soul music and gospel-tinged folk rock. 213-1393


Tiny Town: Magic Stick 8 prn, 4140 Woodward, Detroit, $10. 99-MUSIC


"Come Back to the 5 & Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean": P.T.D. Productions 8 pm (see 24 Thu)


Jazz Jam Session: The Bird of Paradise 9 pm-1 am (see 6 Sun)


28 Monday


HIV & Recovery: HARC call for time (see 7 Mon)


No School Days on the Farm: A2 Parks & Recreation 8:30 am-5:30 pm, Cobblestone Farm, 2781 Packard Rd. Children ages K-5 are invited to the farm for full days off from the A2 Public Schools, $28. Register 994-2928


Days Off Outdoors: A2 Parks & Recreation 8:30 am-5:30 pm, Leslie Science Center, 1 831 Traver Rd. Children ages K5 can spend their school day off exploring the great outdoors, $35/$30. Register 662-7802


Seniors Time On-Line: A2 District Library 10am (see 14 Mon)


Job Hunters Networking: Soundings 10-11:30 am (see 7 Mon)


Support Group for Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Youth: Ozone House 6:30 pm (see 7 Mon)


Hugh Blumenfeld: Borders 7 pm, 612 E. Liberty. Live music; progressive folk. 668-7100


"Cops": EMU Communications & Theater Arts Dept. 7 pm, Michigan Theater, 603 E. Liberty. Live organ accompaniment and post-show lecture, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


Mass Meeting: American Movement for Israel/Hillel 7:30 pm, 1429 Hill. 769-0500


Rehearsal: Out Loud Chorus 7:30 pm, call for location (see 7 Mon)


Mastering Meditation: Sri Chinmoy Centre 7:30 pm (see 14 Mon)


University Symphony Orchestra: U-M School of Music 8 pm, Hill Auditorium. Conducted by Kenneth Kiesler. 764-0594


Gender Explorers: LGBTA 8 pm (see 14 Mon)


Mondays in Leonardo's: Pierpont Commons 8-10 pm (see 14 Mon)


"Slums of Beverly Hills": Michigan Theater 9 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


The Bird of Paradise Orchestra 9 pm-1 am (see 7 Mon)


29 Tuesday


Living With HIV: HARC call for time (see 1 Tue)


Swimmers: A2QUA call for time & place (see 1 Tue)


Tyke Program: A2 Parks & Recreation 10 am-11:30 pm (see 8 Tue)


Silent Film Series: Michigan Theater 4:10 pm, 603 E. Liberty. Silent shorts, with live organ accompaniment, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


Free HIV/AIDS Testing: HARC 6-9 pm (see 1 Tue)


Frontrunners/Walkers 6:15 pm & 6:35 pm (see 1 Tue)


Lesbian Survivor Support Group: SAFE House 6:30 pm (see 1 Tue)


"Slums of Beverly Hills": Michigan Theater 7 & 9 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


Meeting: CASA 7 pm (see 1 Tue)


Salaciously Intellectual: Gypsy Cafe 8 pm (see 1 Tue)


Dada: Blind Pig 9 pm, 208 S. First, $8. 99-MUSIC


Explosion Cerebral: Bird of Paradise 9 pm (see 1 Tue)


30 Wednesday


Living With HIV: HARC call for time (see 1 Tue)


Gay Radio Hour: WCBN 88.3 FM 6-7 pm (see 2 Wed)


Free HIV/AIDS Testing: HARC 6-9 pm (see 2 Wed)


"Slums of Beverly Hills": Michigan Theater 7 & 9 pm, 603 E. Liberty, $4.50-$6.75. 668-8480


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