Classified ad

Help Wanted
Graphic Artist Needed
Looking for an EMU student who is skilled on a MAC computer, has graphic art experience, can work independently, and likes to be part of a high-energy team. 10-20 hours a week. $7.00/hr. For more information please call 487-2226. Hurry, before we start using clip art!
Everlasting Saints Services
Weddings and Ordinations
Call Dave 734-481-1731
Gay Men's Therapy Group
Contact Robert Dargel, ACSW, at 313-975-1880. Insurance accepted.
Spiritual Channel and Counselor
Energy Healing
In-Person – Home Visits – By Phone
Music Instruction - Rentals - Repairs - Rehearsal Space - Oz's Music, 1920 Packard Rd. M-W 11-7:30, Th-F 10-7:30, Sat 10-5. Check out our free Open Stages, Thursdays at 7:30pm. 662-8283
Problem Pregnancy Help
Abortion alternatives. 975-4537
Let us help you choose life.
Dave's Fatherly Massage
Out/45 Phone 734-481-1731
Adrian's T-Shirt Printery
Ann Arbor's fastest & finest.
For Sale
Wolff Tanning Beds
Tan At Home
Buy Direct and Save!
Commercial/Home units from $199.00
Low Monthly Payments
Free Color Catalog
Call Today 1-800-842-1310
Clothes, Housewares, Furniture
**Ann Arbor PTO Thrift Shop!**
Tue-Fri 11-7, Sat 10-5, Sun 11-5. Closed Mon. 1621 S. State at Stadium. 996-9155
Declassified Order Form
Instructions: (questions? call 996-8018)
- $2 a line or fraction thereof (30 units per line).
- Deadline: September 21 for October publication.
- Payment (check or money order) must accompany ad.
- Mail order form or stop in at our office at 220 S. Main St. (in back of Elmo's T-Shirts).