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NATU RE'S GRAND HESTORATIVE THiS voluable vegetable medicine stands unrivolled ior the followins complaints, viz: Dispepsia or Indigestión, Discased Liver, Bil - ious Disorders, Dropsy. Asthma, Costivenesf. Worm8 and loss of Appetite, and by cleansing the stomnch and bovvels, cures pains in the side, Stomach and Breas', Colds and Coughs of Jong standing, Hoarseness. shortness of bre.ith. Nervous complaints, &c. -vrhich is frequenily the effect of disease. lts virtups 6urpass any thintr lieretofo'-eknown mremovingSt. Vitos' Dancel - two bottles have beer. known t. curè this afflictine disease, after having baffled evcry exertion for four years. It has a most powerful influence, n removing nervous complainta. Tt is pleasant to take, nnd so easy in its operation, that t may be ndmintstered to the inaiit with safety. For sale by W. S. &J. W. MAYNARD, Ann Arbor. Numerous certificntes might be given were it deemed necessary. Let the foifowing suffice: CERTIFÍCATE. This certifi-9 that I have tested the beneficial effects of "Holmuns Nalvres Grand Restora tire" in my family. (having used ii foryears,) and witnessed i's healing properties in numerous instances among oihers. I mostcheerfully recommend it as an inválnnblé medicine; and if by so doiner the diseased are iñduced to try it. I have the satisfaction of believing that I have rendered them an important service. G. BECKt.EY. Ann Arbor. Nov. 24. 1843. 32-3w.DR. JEWETT. would respectfully givenotice that he performs nll operations for the perviavcnt preseivztï'n of the Rn sn vï pwi gaf ■5b Aal d dl AA O He would invite attention to his new and peculiar mcthpd.of plusruing Teeth. by whïch the fillinge a) most invariably rcmain, reiidcnng ttiem Jural)le as long a's needed. The best METALLIC INCORRUPTIBLE TEETH. ineerted on pivots or gold píate so as to combine all the re qu si tes of beauty and utiüty. Diseases ot, the gums nnd söcktts scieniifically treated. and ToofA.Acke cured without the pin of extraction. All operations warranted Advice tndoubied and satislñciory references ryen: Fíe may be found at the office of Dr. Wells, or enqüire at Col. Geo. W. Jewett's: Upper Town. Ladics will be at tended at Üieir dwellings if so desired. Ann Arbor. Ñóv. 24, 1843. 3J-3w. Strayed TTllOIVi tiie subscriber, in the fown of. Green J? O;ik, Livingston Co., on the last of August, a mediiim sized Ren Ox, 12 j'ears old lust Spiing, high horns, whicá have been bored for distempër. WTioever will give information where s;iid Ox can be found. will be reasohably rewarded. HANÑIBAL LEE. Green Oak, Nov. 13, 1843; 30-3w.E. EAT8 CEL EB RAT ED CHEMICAL PLASTER. THE following is one i'rojn among the numerou6 testimoniáis from persons of the highest respectability, whicli tlie proprietors have received. Read the fottowing aslonishing cure of a Fever Sorc : FROM JOSEPH LEE. WxsTLKïvn.LK. Eriecb..Pa. ? May. 27. 1640. J II. IIauris V Co. - Sirs: This mny certify ;hnt I have beon fjr iwenty-t-o yeais afflicied with o iever Sorc on one of rny legs( and liavrIreque'jtly npplieo to meJical gemlcmcn íor medicine tocure it, but Í mvc never fomid any thing lo effect the desiretf ohjnct muil [ oblaincd a box of De.n's ChemJed Piasier. Sits. 1 can now sny to you (hal in onc hour the Plisier reüeved the pain and in IcsS than two weeks il eflectcd a curo, My leg is now perfectly sound, nnJ í can mos: cheerfully reconunend t!.e Plnsier tobe a safo and valuable reméiTy for Fcver Sores, and would ndvise alf thar are afllicted as I have been io try for thènse!ves thé hcaling virtues of this nvaluablè Piaster. Ytíurs reápcc'tfoTíy. 3i. " JOSEPH LEE. EFFor the dise'asea in whiV.h this Piaster is applicable, áee advertiseniènt in anoiher co.'nmn of bis paper.E. Dean's Chemical Piaster is for sale in Aun Arbor, (Lower Tnwn.) by J. H. LUND, and W. S. &. J. W. MAYNARD, ? Upper CHRISTIAX EBEHBACH, Town 49-1 yABEOT ■_&, BEECITER. DETROIT WHOLESALE A&Ú' RETAIL DEALERS UW DOMËSTIC STAPLE AND F ANC Y DRY GOODSJUST received a larger Siock tiran erer f Heavy Brotfn Sheeting8,ShirtirfgSTnd'Onilings, Blcachcd Gooos, Calicóes; Aprön Baggings, Burlaps, Diapersj C'ralli; Müefiiii Fustiiïhs; 5ïb!ö SJiins. Sattincts, Sheup's Gray CJoth, Buckskin Cloth, Fancy Cassimeres, Wolverioe Coatings, Alapaca Lu&ire. Changeable Siripo Do. Faucy Alnpmes, CYape Delmnes,]ndia Clob, Mauslin De Laiaeo, Parisians, , CÉósnu8, Shawls, Rob' Royjy Cadinali, Damnsv Shawls, Black. Blue Black, Browri; nnd Blue Bread Clorha, Feit and PiioOver Coatinss, Blankets, Flannels, and Süperiof ÖEA1TJER CLOTHSf Leaiher, C of ton Yarn, Tea, Sugar, Coííbe, Rice and Tobacco. All ot which Goode will besold at the tOW EST PRTCES that thcy can be botoghffor West of New York C'nr, and wc WiaU oút Frièrida to give us a Cöll before BuyingiWANTEb; POT ASH, WOÖL ANDFLOUR, For which we will pav the highest prices either in CASH ot GOODS, avth' CHEAFEST CASH PhlCËtf, íío. 144, JefFerson Avenue,Cöriier Bate 'Streef, . . , Detroit. Detroit, Nor. 13, 1848; 29-tf. ügflTY Or IIMTERESf NOBLE AND SPRAG-tJÈvWOULD cali the aiten:ion ot the'citizfertffof Ann Arbor. nnd the commtihity ïttgétveral to the fact that tbey, beiieving that tWo feda are bet ter thaw one, have formed a co-pannepsliip for the pnrpoee of cnrrying on the Taïlöring business, in all as branclits. They will be alwayson blind, two doora Went of the Washtenaw, in tb Ïmüer Vilïage of Ann Arbor, where M whh avor theih with iheir patronage may be'aure of eatie- factíon. No pains will be epATéH n makiWg their garmcuts fashionabte, comfortabie. &ríú arab)e. Tbey feel eonfident from past experiencia, a'rtJ from the nttention which ihey pay iy tbeir ÜUsine88. thnt they cannot fail ol giving1 universal a lisiad ion-, and they are determined noï tfr'ba outdone by anv establishment west of Néw í'oA. N. B. CUTTNG done short and mrict nttention will be pakl rtf ttit orrfers öf &e customer. i P. S. We like to tevé forgof by th'e wa fo mention, that we too are in the receipt of ún New York and Bostotï Fasfeiona fox the Fatí af&á Wïnie.r of 1842-4. 28-3 n. NOÖLE & SPRAGÜÊ. Ann Arbwr, Löwèr 'í'o'wn, Nov. 3, 1843.üïotice. AM. NOBLE would respeetfulfy rerrrind his cuatomerí, th'at o he bas faken" n; art nsr, and is making1 new nrrangements in èi business, he vrishes for an immedfiale scftíement with all ho are indebted to him.Ann Aíbor, Ñov. 6, Í84& 28-3'm. S. PETTIBOHE SÜRVETOR, MAKER, AtÍD IÁND A6EJTf. Office in Court House Square, Adit Arbor. June 19, 1Ö43. &-({. BLANK DEEDSr MORTGAGES, EiXECÜTIONS,. SUMMOÑSES, &. frat printedand for sale at the ÏZTSIGNAL ÖFFICÈ-xS BAL ÈRATÜS.W" 'HOLESALE and Retail. by . . . Ü. SÈCÏCEtt. Ann Arbor, Aug. 2, 1843. 15-tf. MRS. BUFFIJVTGTOrJ ü ESPECTFÜLL Y informa the ladies of Atm Xv Arbor and fis vicinity, rhat shè fos just teceived her iatest Patternéfor Hats,CapS, Cltfaks, and Uressea; and èhe repectfally invites tjieru to cali and éXamitsk for tHenirelrei. She likewise rendérs thèm lier einc'efè tharfks fcfr their oatronage for the past yéar, ánd bègs a contííina tion lier estabiishment wil! be fotínd midtay between the Upper and LowerToton. Ann Not. 2 1843. Ö8-lf. "$25,000 WORTH! Whew! Thèy must bë dear Sir $50,000 woRTn ri Vorse vet, fusring frpni nppenrances4 $75 000 WORTKÜ! Thai is it, judgmg Irom piices. C ALL at G. Ward's old e and. #here they talk untlerstandingly, und sell Gopds eo ihnt a good filock wil! ámouiit td lelS tháff $10,000 under the preSent systerii. VIATOR. Ann Arbor, Nov. 7, 1843; 27-tf.Strayed F ROM ihc subscriber, in the tófrh of Saline abcüt tl-e 2üth of July last, iwo yoke of Red Oxen. One yoke were of Jarge mxe, nnd one of tbern a palé red, vfith a jope around his hnriis when they went away. The other yok were of middling size, and orre óf them bad a white spot in ihe íorehead, na omo wb.ite on one of his hind leg They are about ten year oíd. Whoever wili rettttn ftffcl oxen, or give intormntion wherè they may bè íound, to Mr. Ford, or to Mr. Van in Saline vil- lage, or to the efubscriber in the' town of Hjghland, Oakland cotinty. sIibII be fiberally ivrsrd llt HIRÁ&Í BARRETT. October 2, 1 84?. , 23. Uses ITOR sale, Wholesale or Rctail, hy J. BECKLEY & CO. Ann Arbor, Aug. 1% 184á. 17-6w.MARRÏAGB CÉRflFICATES, OF superior quaüty, just priuted and for Salo at this Office'. Ana Arbor, Nov. 2, Ï843. FIÈË! FIREÜ FIREU! r D; Hill, Agemof the .Etna Insurance Co., r' will ti5i.rè property against loss or damage hy Fjr on reasonable teruis. Oei. 25, 16 Í3. 27- tf FASHIONABLE ' HAT STORE. WBARNUM, would respeetfalJy irorm the citizens ofDctïoH, amf Mirromncnng country that he has constantly on hand a valuable assoritnent of Hats Capsv Furs &c. which he offers for sale on the most reasonnble termsatNo. 75, Jcfferson .Avenue. Gextlkbes and Lidies from abroad on visïtmg ihe City wiB do well to gift him n eall bctore purchasing eisewhére. Detroit. Nov. lOth, I843. W-6m Wesloyan Hymn Books, J'UST received and for sale by Ann Arbor. Nov. 18, 1S13. 30 Attention Ladies. SPINNING WHEELS, QUILL WHEEI S REELS and SPOOLS, for sale L w u ,o . . C' GAÏILAND. OTembeí 18? 1845. 0


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