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Foreign News: Ireland

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We cut the folluwing intelligence from an exchnngs paper. Mr. O'Connkll has issued another address to the people of Irelund, recommending peaceful but persevering effort. We quote the concluding partion. My advice is twofold: I ad vise perse veranee in two diffeient but eseentially connected topics- First, foremost, and above al], I advise perseverance in peace nnd order - perseverance in avoiding any species of riot or violencr whatever, no matter what the provocal ion rnny be, no matter what the irritalion may be, no tnntter vvhai thevexation, etill, pence, order, total absence of all violence. In all nnd every even!, peace, order.and absence of violence: and especia Hy I sa y - whatever bo the event of the pending proeecutions - peace, oider, and no violence. Indeed, this advice is a superfluous prees ution. In every event, I reiierate- peace, order, and no vioience. The second lopic upon which I require perseverance is the continued exertion in all legul and constitutional souroes lefi open to procure the Repal of the United Statute. That Repel must not be abandoned. On the co:i'rary, every event that is taking place proves more clearly the absolute neecssify of a local Parlinment, 6nuctioned hy her Majesty, & connected in an inviolable bond wiih her British dominions by the golden and unonfirous link of the crown of our revered b'overeign, Queen Victoria. Persevere in peace, order, loyalty, and alíegiance. Persevere in constitutional exertion for obtaining the rëpeal of the obnoxious statu te.Tosecution9 never yèt extirfguished great public causé, Prosecutions may or may not rotard, but they cannot termínate the strugglesto obtain amehorated institutions. There were severa) prosecutións in order lö exting'iish the stiujgle for emancipntion. Yef emanciparon was triumphantly carried. Theré were unnumbered prosecutions to extinguish the cause of parlianïenlary reform, vet a large instalment of parüaméntary reform" was never theless triumphantly The present proectitions may be intertdéd to extinguish the cause of répèol. Aa woll niuy a schoolboy's rattle be tised to overpower the thunder of the orean waVe Dropping frgurative language, I can asseYt in firm sobrièty arfd truth, ütat the pending prosecutions, even shouh) they delay, yet they cannot possibiy prevent tlie atlainment by the Irish natióñ of their rignt to a domestic Parliament; but on" the contrary, their effect must be to inercase the nceeslty for the existence of thé Irish LegÍ3lature- -in'otlier words, for the repealofthe atatute f the 40th óf George IIÏ, c. 2f8. Peoplè of f rclandj be patieitt - 'ho perseverf tig. FoHow oüt the experiment in which we are now engaged, to obtain our political objectö by peaceful tneans. It is a noble experiment, t'h at of éndéavoring (b obtninthé restoration of political francoises' and rights by the use of means strictly and exclusively peaceful and legal. Rally round me itvthis noble, experiment - this glörious struegle. Bè nof ash n.ieü - be not (oh ! need ï eay it?) be not dismayed.- Peace, order, tranquility -these are our arnis. Wilh these we aré certain of success. Persevere and your dountVy will be a riation ngain, tndissolubly connecléd with Great Bnllain, biit législating' for heríelf. Persevere, firmly and peaceably, and thé rppetri is certain. I anri, atid alWoys wilfbe, your ever faltliful servant, ÖANIEL O'ÓONNELL." MEXICO. Imporïanï moa JVIexico.- 9í óalton óf Santa Anna'. The Courier des E ats Unis,' has dates from Mexico to the LOth uit. from whidh it learns that Santa Anna ïesigned the Pre6idency of Mexico on the 23. fhe eaine' - ' - paper contains extracte from his letter written ai Tacubay, in which he announces his resgnatio and abdication. He assigns various reasons for the act, among which are decline ofhealth. Santa Anna made over the executive power to Gen. Canalizo on the ld October, and the laitertook (heoath on the 4th as provisional President. Santa Anna wkI rernnin at Munpa de Clavo till after the election for President. Agreeably to the constitutionthe proviMonal President has appointed 32 members of the senate the first of whoni is that Paredes, whotn the enemies of Santa Anna accu?ed liirn of hoving poisoned. The same pereon is abo appointed a Major General by the provisional President.


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