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Congressional: Congress

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We receired by to day's mail Washington papers of Mondaj evening, nnd we give below tho Piibftance of the doings of the two llouses of Congress on that day: Mojjdat, Dec. 4, 1843. Sj'NATE. The Ist séssiön of the 23th Congress convrncd at 12 o'c.Vk; and ihe President pro. lem. havinjr taken the Cimir, the newly elcc 'cd Srnntors vvere sceraüy qualified in tlte usual form. Thirty one Senators appeared in their seats. Mr. Cdaenden moved that the Senatenow proceed to business, as a quorum were in attendance. Which was asrreed lo. The mual numbor of newppnpers for ihe n-e f Senators was then orderc', and the daily hour of meeting was fixed at 12 o'clock oniil otherwise ordered. The Senate at half past 12 o-' clocfc arljourned. . HOUSE OF REPRESENTA TIVES. Monda Y, Dec. 4, 1843. The house was es lied lo order by Mutthew St. Clair Clarke, Ec:q. tlie Cierk, at 12 o' clock, when theClerk proccedr-d to rail the ro!l of the mnmbors by Siate.-1, and when he arrived at the State of New Ilampyliire, Mr John Campbfl], of South Carolina, amseand inquirod whe'Jier the law 'jud been com)!;cd w;th in relation to the elwlion of Mernbers? [Here the cry of "r0 on?' procceded from ve ry qnarter of tlie House;] and several Members inquired of the Clerk whether he intended to proceed in tlie cali oft'ienames? He aaid he intended to cali nll those a-hófè nam(s had been presenfed to hitn t'fficially as havingr been elected Members lo the 28th Congresa. The Clerk procended in the cal!, when 180 members answored to their name?. M'. Barnard snid he did not rise to interrupt ihe orgniiizfition of the House, but he wished to read a paper. Mr. Dromgoolo objected, and the genUeinnn's oWn rood sent-e oug!t to leach !im beUer afier the roll of the members had beon called. Mr. C. J. Tnofr.coll ri.licnlc.l the idea of thr?emlman Trom Now York, [Mr. Darnard, awl denied his r.ght in tolo to read a paper at tliis Btage of the proceeding.s; as 'an act of courtesy. Ijc had no olj"ction for the readmjr f ihe paper, bdt denied it as n right. Mr. ütincan, of Olilo snid he would uot consent to the ier.d':n:r of an pappr. The CU-rk said he would not takc the responsibilty of readingr the paper,but would submii the qijestion to the House. [Mere severa! menibers rose and ohjectd to snch a roceedinor on the part. of tlie C'erk.] Mr. Holmes, of Socth Carolina, contended that the paper should be read as un act of jastice. Mr. J. R. ]n?erpoll said ho hoped the Herk would itllnw llie jjonilcrnan froiu New York, [Mr. Bíi'nard.] ti) road the paper. Mr. Wise said he would inquirn if the paper propasfd to le rend would bé ronde a par! of the journal, if so, he would objecf, nof from any d :prespcct, hut bccause he did not wish the individua! opinions oí' members made a part of the journals. The queion wás then put pon the reading of the paper nnri decided in the negative yeas, fQ - nays, 124.Mr. Barnard theu rose cnd said he shonld Hot press the of paper, but heobjpcíed t the members who hd not"ccraplied with tJie law, taJüng iheir seflis. The Clcrk tben asked ?he House wfcethor fhéy would prcceed t vote for a Speaker by ballot or v''va voce - u-litn tlie Honte decid, d t vote vica voce- and the C!erk proceedod focítü the mil. and Lhe following s ihe reduit nh reporfed by the tellers - Messr?. Uopkins, tf Va., Vanee, of Ohio, CarupbelJ, oí' South Cu rol i na: For Hon. J. W. Jon?., 123 " John White, 59 " Win. Wilkins, 1 Mr. Jnnes was iherefore deelared to be dnlv elected Speaker. He was t!n cpnduclcd tn he chair by Messrs. Coles or.rl Adam?, v.hen ■he oaih of office uas idministerod :o hija by Dixon II. Lewú?. Tiie members present vvere (hen sworn in, includinj those elected by general tlket. Resolulions were thrn in:erchar,ged belwern the House and SenauLh:il their respective hous'es were orgrinized md ready toprocirèd to business. A resohitun pasíed the House, ihat a joint cóíninince f the House ond Señale be npp'inted to wait ipon the President, and infurto hjm thaft they .veré ready to rèceive the Message. The House then adpted tbc rulés of the ast sesion for lbeiig-uvernmet with one 01 avo modificatidns. A raolioiï Vvas mnde 10 ïxcept the one kentr rule, but it was ]ost bv __


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