Herbert R. Fowler
YPSILANTI - Herbert R. Fowler, 57 years old, resident of this city and Ann Arbor for many years, died Monday afternoon at the home of Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Wright, 417 W. Cross St., following several years of failing health. For the past several weeks Mr. and Mrs. Fowler have been living at the Wright home, Mrs. Fowler and Mrs. Wright being sisters.
Mr. Fowler was born Dec. 12, 1886, in Wisconsin, and was educated at the University of Wisconsin and the University of Michigan and the Detroit School of Design, and for 15 years was head of the decorative design program at the University of Michigan. He also had a studio in Maryland, where he and Mrs. Fowler, who is also an artist, made many paintings, and in the summer they lived at their home near Sleeping Bear sand dune in northern Michigan.
Surviving are his widow, the former Catherine C. Chapman, of this city; and a brother, Harry Fowler, Allentown, Pa.
Friends may call until Sunday night at the Moore funeral home here.