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RIVER RAISIN INSTJTüTE. THE winter term of iliis insntuiion wi 1 commenee llie first Wednesdny of November next. mul continue J5 weeks. It is pïeasanily siiuaied in the town of Raisin, one mi Ie cast ol' he direct rond froni Tecumeeh To Adrián. Romts. - '1 liere are now on the preñases suitnble rooms for the accoinmoriation ot forry stulents. which are designed to be ncc.upietl ior pn ■ate stiuiy and lodging. Oiher necessnry b'iiildngs nre provided for reci lotion and Ki.irding Must students wili pro.b.ib)y bnnrd tlic.i eelves. Expenses- Tuition lor lifteen weeks, comnon branches -1 dollars, FJigher F.nlish branchs. nicludiiig Greek and Latin. 5 dolfars. Jloom ent 8 eente per week. incidenial expenses 50 eiits per term. Siudents are cxpected to furish whaiever they wisli to use in thcir romns xcept antlirons." Siudents who hnve to buy tlieir books wili do well io deler eo doing, and buy iliem here. The school ia open to a applicants of suitnble ge and moral characler ii respectivo of covip.'ecm or condition. Ii is very desirnble that all whp, design to atend schoei sliould bc ready io cömmence witli ie tortn. otheruise there Ci.nnot be a regular iMassifïcatioi; of ibe BtfdenfSj and without siu-i. classiflcalion coiiïpnrauvelv little ndvancen-cii; :an be made in sttidy. Any further Information respecting Uie Insuition can be obtained !v adiresint:, post paid, JOHN PATCLliN, Principal. Raisin. Leiaweo Co.. Mictí. Riiïin. Oei. 3, )Si:j. ' 24-2v. Attcsitioia, lsivalaiZs. WHO has tried he TinsiAN Pn.r.s and Jew David's or Hkbrjiw 1'lastkr. ond is not ready to testify ihat they are dtcidedly thti best iiedicines now in use? The above rnedicineá iave been before he public sorne Tour ycars, and ihysicinns ai ihe East have used them extensively iri iheir prooiice. and-were they here. mey could oll you of the excellent quaiities of these medicines. Rkaukk! Have yon ever used iheni? W .-uu have not. ask fhose who have ifthey aro not .vhat we reconirnend them to be. Thev are the Chepp-M ne we!l ns the best. A box óf fi'lnltcr :oni;uns fuíHcieni io spread 8 or 10 plüg.-ers - irice 50 r-erits. The Iarge Buxcs r Piils conain 7t! pills for f53 cents:" the smal! boxes .T pilfg or 31 cents. No persons shou!j condemn thein inti! ihev havo thed iheni. and then we aro snre hey wili not. These i. cdieines are for snle by ineor moreagrnrs in all vil!:iL-esand:ciiit;s in the Jnited States. Cail pn the agent, and he wïll (ive any inlormntion warited. - For sale by J. IJ. Lund. S. P. & J. C. Jew:'t. C. Eberbach, Ann Arbor; D. M. Ladd. MÍÍ■rd; M. . C. Bakin. Novi: D. M. Rowhml. Vorihviüe; J. Scatieraood, Plyrnouih; V. Vanivery. Frrinklin: .T. Dean, Pon Mac: J. Millerd. fe Son. Dexter; Dr. SiLrer. Jnckson. 10-fim;ftlurder & Suicide! PASSING your sreeí9a few dayssincp, I wns nlmost horror struck in notícírt',' a cowitmal proiraeted nmrder. Clinripisl Store in luwn - "New York TVtolasiIe-mii Retnil C.'icap cash Store" "Buffiilü Clieap. Sroio" led :ne fo c;ill whern T saw the "Kings English" lie man'gTerf, hleeding. dying. Atunoiher pluce I-saw a jre.-it display of 'Kcd Hags" ;nd fl.imnsg hand iiillt--. where on exaniirintioii I fi;uiitJ iliat tlioy claimcd to have bouglit tlicir jroods ju "Aaction" J kncw 'hat poods sold nt auciion wore of nrer;or quaüty. nnd guch as would not tear t!ie léi oí prívale sale scrutiny. Oh.ihoiiíj;!u they ;ut tlieir own ijiro!H6 in Iciying iheir goods nt nurtion. I passed on t F. Dfiiison's old stand wliere I found II. Bkckkh fairly settled wíth a large STOCK OF GOODS, selected at privalp snlf tí. fmbracing neirly every iliing called fir in thepdunttyj at luw piicos. foi cnsh.. produce, or pood credit. AndhcroJ fqiind ihat the pure Enplish jvag spoken, ns Ia;nassured it is at lus Sloffe in the Liver Town. VÍATOR. Ann Albor. June 12. I8P. 7 tf. RAIL ROAD TEMPERANCE HOUSE. Til 1 undersicned would rcspcctlully iniorni the friendo of Temperancr. and thp. [ublic ienerally, that ilieaboe nanied House, fornierlyknown ns üie Teniperance Ilotcl.and simatcd ju the corner of Michigan tvenueand Wnslii.'igto;i stree, near he Central Railioad Depot, hav'tier nndergone thorouuh icpairs nnd very great nddiiionnl improvements. is now rody for the receiition of all thuse who may favor hini wiih a cali, The acconimodntion?, in cvery respect, artnot inferior to ny Tomperance House in the. country, and evpry atteniüm will le (ivcn to such as bestow thcir patronage upon tliis laudable enterprisp. N. B. Carriages always in reaóiness to convey passerigers to and from Boars ond Ciirs. WM. CI1AMP. Detroit, Moy 9. 1843. 4-1 y NOTICE. ALL those indebted to the firm of J. Becki.ey & Co. are requesied to mnke payment mmediately. Oct. 23, 1843,C L O C KSI CLOCKS! T. K subscnbor rinvinjr j,lf)t recifeived evru c.isesof ÏÏRASSand VVOOI) CLOCKiS. o vnnous descnpiiops. is pn-pnred to scll tliem Uicap for ef&h. Also. n sjei.rral n-sorlmeiK ol jra-ws&n v, consistinc in pair of Gold Kinirer R-nss, and Eosoni Pms. lie.-ir:s;u)(i Crocos. Silvor ad Cömmon Thimules. yatch Chains ind Eeys, Peiu-il Oéftfesi afta, Spi.ons, ■ Supar Bowis. Btuicr Knives, Tooth and liair Prushes, Pockt-t Bouksr, Vjoiin Sirinss. Needies, Pms. U ook s, and Eyes. Spccmclos. Fine CtfiV.bsVDressiWg Comí)?, Si(!e Comlis, Bnelt Cotnbs, Pocket Comba, Water Painls. Marking Cortón, S'ecl Pms, nnd ïAvenscrs. Snuft' &,Tolncco jïoxos. !;:in9tiCg. &c. -vil of whicli wi he pold os (AeaojM at any'othur cstnl.lislrcnt i!,is sidTe of New York. N. B. 'í'Iip suitsorüier tlrinklii! Corso lnrge ■i fhnro ,f pnhlic pstronagB. wil) sglJcJtójn CíyMjñ, nrnco of :h snine. CLÖHKS1 AND W.ITC'l! ES of evory depcription np:iire; ;iik wnrrnnted. Also, JKVE!,RY rep.-iirfid on short noiice.- Shop nt lus old stand directly opposite the Court ilousa. C. BIJSR. Ann ArKor, Ivm f. 7S4. 28-Tv. Gash aad Bsrtc.r Store. C. J. GAR.LA.ND, HAVITGpurcln8Cf! i he entire Stock in trado of Godlrey ond Allea. vi!l be luippy to wait upon such os will give hiin a cal!. His stock consisis of a aeneral aisortment of gooda. and wül be so!d chcap, rctuly pmj only. WANTED, In exchanire Itfít GOODSj most kinds of country produce, nnH 000,000 ■ FLÓÜR BAItilt:L STAVÈS fe FIEADING. i'or v.hicli a fair prico wili be'paid. Ann Aibor, April 19, 5843. f2-tf. TgiSSiBses'y k Brcss .fSakiitgr. Mks. C. BUFFFINGTON, üESPhXTFULLY nnnouncos ro the in-C' liabitanls oí Aun Arlior nd vicinity,tlin'. she Jms opencd n shop, mifUvay, between the-upper and lenver yiJaees,wljere tlie business o! MILUJYERY $ DRESS MJ1KLVG w] bo rarried on, in nll its branchos. ivitli piiDctiiiility, desputc!), :md in tiiebest and mos: l'af-hioDiH'le slylo. AnnArbor, Aprils, 1C43. 50 lyB'OOK BXCTOXSXLS'. Af TUK l'AI-j n .Mil.I. ! I.'J .KK'tUWNJ A.V.N AKBOTt 171 J5OOTH would respect f'iiÜy niórm iIk Li iii!Ki!i;;uiis"f Arm Arhor and viciniiy thai ie continuos th hnsims il' ES OOK BUIDING. it t!ic ol 1 .-land. in the Paper Mj!I. Ol.d Eookf wijl ho ne;uly rebouud on sboji noiicc. Al! kin ■! 3 of UUUNG done to order.- Country produce taken in paynetn. Apfil 11, lrfi.l. 52-tf. Clatcsc. FOR Sale by C. J. GARLAXD. Ann Arbor, Upper Toivn.' May. 5. í WOO23WOSTZS'S HOTZ2L. NOR.THEHN, EASTF.R.X, ANO SOUTHERN STAGE JIOUPE. TitE undersi'tied resp'eciluliy annonncps tt the Public, Üi.'ir he n now the Proprietor o ;his veil known cslaMishmenr. 'l'lic H'iiS( fmvjng been iboróugh'ly överlmuléd, and rcfiiiecl ii n mnr.ner ealénlíífed tb protno'e the eoinfori l 'ci'izcnii nnd tbf irirveUing. public. The honsfc occupieè ;in eügible posilion, on Ukcorntir of VVoo(lbridc a(] llandolph streets, in i !)usi:iess pari of city. wím m'ñy fiiinor him witn thcir ebunt'e 'innce, may be ns3ure] mat no expenac or ut ten - ion i u hia power, will bc spired. lp, in:ikc iheir iojonrn ti Detroit a'greoaMeruv! sitis!;iotory. [4G-ly] 'S. D. WOODVVORTFÍ. TAIZiO.RXXrGWILLIAM WILKINSON Cïs Al MS the nttention of ihe inlinbitnnts of Ann Arlior and the surrotinding country, -mil infbrmg them lie Una locnicd )i mself th .N'orthftiiie ii)e gqunre, ncnr ilie Pst Oflïce. opp.isite ihe renr of the Court House, where'he inlwnys on hsml in wait on tlmse wlio wish t .ie him will a ea!I. The farmers are shre t ■ :ie suited with good comfortnblc fits. All win. nre more fásJiionnbly inclined enn bo accortvno lated. Imving reeeiyed latest Fashionsfor Fall and W'mler. Cutting dune on the sliortest notice, and warranied to fit if made up by experienced lmnds. Ann Arbor, Oct. 1, 1S43. 23-tf.RAIL ROAD HOTEL. 1843. BY 1843. PATRICK & ANDREWS. OPPOSITE THE WESTERN AND NORTHERN RAIL, ROAD DEl'OTS, DETROIT, MICH. TME nbovc Hotel has boen greatly enlarged, uod fitted up ín a style cqual to nny public hou3(i in Detroit, for comfort imd conveniencc - Ir8 location is in a healthy and plensunt parí ul tlio city, being sitnaied on the Public Square, aurl in the imnicdiate vicinity of the Central and Northern Raíl Ruada, and conveniem to the principal STAGE ROUTES diverging to tlie diiiérent parts oí the Stnte. Travei.kks wiahing to takc the Cars or Boats cannot find a moro convonicnt place tlian this. being near the Cfirs on both Rml Roads, and in itnmedinte connection wilh the Boats. The Proprietors nssure the public, that no pains will be spared to furnish their TAB1K with the beet the Markct afiorda, and their customere with everv nttention in their power, requisite to their comforf. CARRÍAGES L BAGGAGE WAGUNS alwny8 in readiriess ti convey Passengers to and from the Boats and Cars free ofcharire. TL2RMS - 75 cents per doy, or 25 cents per meal. PATRICK & ANDREWS. Nov. 6, 1813. . '2S-6m. 1843. WHOL EsTlË&R ETÁIL. mÊ. Jfl'FM ii lili Y, BSOKSELLERAN'STAT!ONER, SMART S BLOCS, 137 JKFFIÍKSON AVKNOK, DETKOIT. Kei'ps cmst nitly lor salo a oinpieie iissortnjeiii oi JMisccHaneous. Sciiool and Claísical Bu'ok9; Lim and Cap Paper, phiin and ruled. Quills. hik. Sealin Wax, Cirlery, VVraiipins I'upor. Printing Paper, jí nil stzcs; and Bóok, V'ewsnnil Canister Juk i( vaBLAWÏ.B002S, Ful atí'l hüli boiuiJ. al every vaneiy oí fiulin0'MRMOUANDUM BOOKS, &c. To MerölibtHS. Tencliors. and odiers. buying irí qii-iirifies. n ntsc tiiscoiint ínrfde: SABBATH SGHOOL & BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITOR 51 -ti.IVHOLKSAIilB Sc RETA1L . STAPLB AjYD FJUYCY Tiirl Sub.-erhers kt;ep tonüanily on hand ; largé ;ir] choicfi atvck of DRY GOODS BOOTS AND SHOKS, DRY GROCERÍES, pc. 4-j. whic.h have been selected wi.h umi ;ire of' ihe newest s'yles and btat quilines. As thry nre ikterminei not to be uncleriold, ihtty solicit the patronage of those wishing 10 purchasc. Amona otiier thingstoo numerous to men:iun. hey h.ive a large and excellent aesortmtm of SUEET1NGS. DRÍI.MNGS. S U M VI V R Sf U F i% CA I ! COKS f'ULLKD CLOTHS, SATÍNKTS. BROAD-CLOTHS, CASSJMERES. GA M HROONS, Li NJfiNS, CAMBRICS, MU.SLÏNS, HANUKERCHIEFS, fcc. Sic. Bonnet Ribfovs, a ory beuutit'ul sseottment; Si.airl.-i, Broche, Stik, and Thiliet, of the richrst pjitterfis. Purasolg; ei a!l kinds, qanlities. nnd prices. Hoi-b r.nd Half Hp$, Collón and Woivtcd. Bonnet?, Leghórn, Tlíácnü and Stryw. Theabove nssort-ment of GOODS will bcsold ia chcap, or chcaper iliijn can be puichased in Detroi'. e? Wool, Potasli, Floiir, ju and all kinds ol PRODUCE w;ll bc received in paynitiit. ABBOTT & BEECHER, 144, Jeflèrson Avenue, July, 10. 1840. (12-tf.) Detroit. KEE]P GOING AHEAD. iWo-v s the Tizno ffbr Great Bargains, astd eo B23tak ?. R . BANKS, W'OULD respectfully"inf..irni liis oldciistomers ind oihers visi.ins De;ro;t, tlmi b lias removed lo the corner of JelKerson Avenue ind Grissvolil street, opposile MféKigóri Insurance vvhere le has on hfiinl a hire Stock of READY MJJDE CLOTULYG, consistjng in pr.rt of Orrr Conts, Box Coats. Dress mul Frotk Coats, Vcsts, rcn'.s, and ever-, natiele in the cloihinir line, cheuper than thif:heane3t. A quic-k sixpence is better th;;n n élow shilling. Oii'y give us a cn!l and we wil! satisfy every-r-ne; thnt ieour maxirn. Detroit. Öet. 7, 143. 23-3mrPA ÏKTIMG. ï'. LAMBE KT, BEGS lcave to inform the inhabitanis of Ann Arbor. and i]r siirroumiin country, 'bat hnvin located himsdf in ilic ,?L■- ar W.lage, with the view of cnrrying on the ib'ove hu?iness in nl! its branches, (some M' whicli nrp HOUSE. PTGN.nnH ORJWUIEJVTjJL PAIJYTLYfí, CiILWNU and GLAZING. GRA1N1XG, imituuon df II Woods, MAR Bf.EiZlNG TRANSfARENCIES, BANJSKRS, Ac. respe.ctfiully soiicits n shnre of' uublic p.'itronii;c, ns priccs stifill be low to conform !o :ho linies and lis work done n the bust rnanner. T. L. onlfl sny to Fnrmcrs thnt heis p;iri.(;u!arly dí-sirous to atti'nd o tlieir calis, as jrodnce g the brst kind of pay. Ann Arbor, LowerTown, Mnrcli 0. IP43. 45. - ly. DR. B AMSTER'S 'C'KLÏM'.flATKl) FJ? '- WAL AGÜE P1LLS- Pwrtly Ve-jeí'ibli. A safe, specdy. and sure ron.edy lor :'ever an.'l auun, duin none, clnllfevor, and (fié 'lilmus diséñete peculin) to ik w cm nti if f. These puls are designeel ror the iffcciions of r'ieüver ;i!id other inferna! orgnns vvliich tiend the diseases of lï.e iiew und niiasmatic ;MriioiiS!foiu country. THö proprietor hav:ngr 'ried them in a :ro;it viiieiy of cases beüfves.thnt iiey are superior to aity rem'edy tluu bas ever een ofieiud to the public I'or the nbove dislases. Itispnrely Vr.gctnllc and pe-fectly lianness. nnd cin be taken by ntiy person, tnaleor 'einnle with perfect safety. Thé nills ire prepared in two sepnrnte boxís. rnarlced No. 1 and No. 2. and acecomjanied wt!.h full directions. A t ninnber of ceriiflnates might be íroourerl n Favor ÓT this tnedicitie. but the lrorieter has tlionht fit. notto insert them; n ns mueh as lie de['cnds upon the merite of ■.he snnie for its 'ejiiuniiun. The nbove pillis kept oonetontly on Jinnri y the proprieter and can bo had at wholesale ili.fl rotriilal the tore of J3eokliy &. Co Orlor from tl; c country pr.'dmp'lly at.'ended to. Ann Arbor. (lower town) Mny 'u 14Í. 9 E. I5ECKLEYOF n!l kiruis neatly ext-cu ad at :he ISigna. OiTicft, at the sbortesi notice, and on the most re;isona!)io terms. 8ooksM3Pamihets Circnlarfi mi unie. vviui iiie utmost a'cötlr.ri cv. Ifr" Orders ly mail promptly filfed". .. - SAL ERATUS. WHOLESALE and Reuil!, by H. BECKER. Ann Arbor, Aug. 2, 1843. 15-tf.MORTGAGE SALE ' DEFAULT baviitg been made in the pavrn of a certam eum ol money with the il , tliereon, secured to bepaid by a certain „Y of Mor.gogo, hearing date .ho tS-fiT"" October, in the year ofour Lord one , y ol cight hundred and forty, executed by Fli r"" ger, of Sao, in the county of Wanhfen n' IhS Sta.e of Michigan, t Sannlel SS Luna, in the county and State aíoresnid" i'í Mortgage was recorded in the ReKS 1Ch ofthe couniy of Washtenaw aforoea.d 1 „ fficc ondday of April, A. D. one ZÍbZ '"T hundred and forty-two, in Líber ,„ of M C'ght es, at page one hundred and sixty-ónr. ig'1g' (bult having Bn made in the conditioó o" mortgage, and no suit or proceedinffat i d mg been insututod to recover the who 7or pnrt of the money now ({ue on said Z y By virtue of which deiault rhere ïï ort??e- to be duo on. said mortgage, hè 8UnT i8',"1 hundred and fi'ty one dollar aml Z f thre for principal and interest. tWenty c"t, Notice is therefore hereby gven th auance of a power oí sale in aaid ín i '" pur' mortgage contained, will be sold at 2"""e of nt the front door ofthe Court JIo ,. a.Uctïon IngeofAnn Arbor, in the countv r' thcA' the sevcntb day ofFobruary next n. Jd' on in the forennon of said dav 11 tl.Á ten.(l clocit cribed in said morigage, or só muchTh1' ? "' nmy be necessary to sat sfy the amó,, . i tt principal and interest on said nio S du 'Or ns costs for forcclosing the ,nm" 2 , f ' -,8 eIi foüows: "Allihat certain SÏSl ' des?nbf:(l lyhy in .heS.nte H í1 ,Vand dencribed as foïiowa, to w t tT ' vS and south wMt quarte; of ectfoï S'' hi'lfof lh9 two south, of range five ens 1 ?' '" tow on ,he no'rth S%jSKSSS9 one half inile in lerigth runnin" e„8 nZ ?' e'"7 ----- - - ■- - _J -H- u W MORTGAGETSALk ' " DEFAUL-'J' hnvinij been mudo n .u n.cntofacenoin J„oTl!ny K nterest fhereon socured to be n,id hv , in.leiturc of Mongc, bearin, P Th rUll-n thday of November: U?TeSíSíh ted by Eli Grangcr of Scïo i ' S ' eWciN WnshrenaHVm,State SÈfc ÍB o"" f Phelp, of the sn-ne place;,Vrtnwia; on lile fweñly.eixrh dav aa.d inortgage,:on.i no suit ojr proceecding at aw hoving hoen institued to recover ihe whol ín? part ai the moncy nowdaé; on snid Mort rage, by virtue of whioh d.-fault .here is „ow iMaimed ro bc dne on said Moricn(j thesum Tf une hundreel and thirty-three doffere and fifty 1 cents tor principal and mterest, W,CH mortgmm lias been luly nseigned to Samuel Clemens. INouee is therelore hereby given. that in purStfhnée of a power of snJe in saiJ indenture of ■'ortg.jre -tomnmeJ, will bc sold a[ ,:ie front door vfiheCüun XJouee, u the villageofAnn Arbor , in ihe county yforesaid. on the seventh iiay of Fetirunry nexr, at ten o'clock in the forenoon ofsatd duy, at public auction, all the prentises desenhed in soit) Inden;ure of Mortgage, or so much Ihereofas nmy bc necessary to satisfy fhe ntnount due principal and interest, on said well ns costs for foreclosing the same nnd deaenbed ns foüows, to wit: the south halfof tbó west h.ilfof the eoutli-west quarter of sectioh seven, town two snuih of rango five en8l, contaminff forry acres, be ihesaine more or less. Dated, Ann Affior, November O, 184Ü SAMITKL CL'ÉnVIE?iS. Assinee, of RifODA 1'HELrS, Mongaeee! By. O. Hawicins. his Attoincy. 2i)]'2rr Claancery Sale. Philip [I. Reeves, 7 Dnnid ÍÍ' Scnlly, ) tt cfIA:fRT, 2d circuit. ;nd iMary Scully. S In puiEuince of a decretal order isBimd out of the Court of Chüncery, in and for the State of Wclrignn, I fhnl! exposé to ea!e, to the highest bidder, at the Court House, in the villnge of Ann Arbor, VVüshienaw cotmty, on the fifteenth dny of Jan aar v next, Rt JO o'cluck. A. M. of tlwt ■Inv. the followintr described premises. "to wit:" ♦-All that certnin tfact or pnreel of land lyin? in :'Welster, and described as follows. wto wit:" 'The u-est half of the south east quarter of sec'liun thirty six. in township one south. of rnnge i:five east, containing eighty ocres, more or less. ';Al90 theeast halfof the norih east quarter of "section thi'ty s'i.x, iri townsbip one soutli, of rnn'se five east, conmining eighty acrep, more ;!or less," or so much ihereof as may be sufli-. cient to raiae ihe ámountxJue to the complninaiu for his principal, interest and coss in this cause. GEO. DANFOItTH. M aster in Chancery. Gr.o. Miles", Conip'ts. Sol. Nov. 24, 1843. il.NEW GOODSH H AVINO retired, not from business, hut to the o!c! stand of G. Werd, l wül sell GOODS Clicap. My stock 13 'cntircl.y 711, and embraces a good variefy, vvell selocted, and rhe gunds cannot fait tó satisfy those who wish 10 purchaso. J linye spent most of lie suramer nnd part of he füll. in New Erfland, where the Goods nro ,-nfide, and I have been able parchase such aoods 'os I wnnted; and at euch prices, as will enable me to se!l them ahout as low ns ihcy hnve heen eold in Ntv.v York, from Jobbing Mouses during thits sensrm. K?pR3nlly Icanfolí Woolen Cloths, from the coirsest to snperfine. 3-4 & 6-4 Cloths, Satinctte, Cnssimeics, &c. &c. at low iriccs. More: I have on íiand a good stock oiCoirb, Tlirerwl. Pins. Needies. &c. &c. which I cnn, anti will sell .10 auy. wbo vsh tö buy by the quriniir y at very low rntes. Í wül i.ike AÖIIES and BLACK SALTS, or PEAKLASH at my Ashery; and wil! peil SALERA TIJ.4? in q'jíintitii'í) f snit pnrchnsere. TERiMS - Cash, Pro.iuw, ur good Credit. I ain, Genilemcn nnd Ündiesï liesp' ctfully yours. F. !)F.:I80N. Ann Arbor. Upper Town. Nov. 7, 1813. N. B. Cash paid for FLOUll, or Fot nnd Pearlasb, or udvjncecd on the saino and sold as 29-tf. LEATHEE. TUI1' nmlcisigned hns just received from tho' Manuf:ic;uier. nnd wül continue te bosMpolied with n General Assotmentniont of E AST -■ KUN TANNF.D Í.F.ATHKR. which he will sell Ht dccidwlly Low Priees, fr CASH.or UIDES He will oontinuaüy bave on hand Spanish' 'ind Slfiuchter SOLË LEATHEB, ■f Liht, IVli'liile and Heavy Weiglifs; Upper Lfiftlier. Oak and Heml jek Tanned Call'Skins, Púíhn and Slaughter Kipa, Harnt'ss and Bridle Léather, Bindinga, White and CoFored Liriings; Slioe Thrend. Ac. AH persons desirous of purrhnsinc nre re■Iiiented ro cal! 'at the ONE STORÏ" BRICK BUILDING, No. 39. Wooclwanl Avenue, and examine the quulity andpriuosbefore purchasing ülsewlif-re. Nt lï. The hip.hpst Markot Trice will be paid in CASH FOR tilDES. J. D. BALDWliV. Detroit, Nov. 13, 1843. 29-fim.Anti-Slavery Books. AQUANTITY of Anu-Siavcry Books are for anle'at chis office, very chcap. Cali siHin, before tbey nrccone. 3,000 FLOUR BARRELS for silc Chenp for Cnsli. by C j. 6ARLANO. 2 Ann Albor, Upper Tiwn. May í IH4Í EHR8,E II. STE WARXV ATTffRNEY ANIT COUNSELLOR, AT LAW ANO SOLICITOR IN CHANCLR. JBFf EBSON AVENUE, DETKOIT.


Signal of Liberty
Old News