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-We mentioned that onrnday evening, some seven hundred persons toök the Temperancé plèdge, at the French Catholic Church in fhis city. We learn that on the succeeding day, this number already so large, was increased to about nine hundred. We are told that the number who have taken the pledge, at this single church during the past year, is about eleven hundred. Few churchcs of any denominatiön, in this country, we apprehend, can show such a goodly arra.y.-Dét. Adv. 05 The easter'n papers contain full particulars respccting the robbery of the iron trunk of Pomeroy & Co's Ëxprèss, from the deck of a steamboat, on its passage from Albany to Nbav York. lt contaitóéd about $45,-000 ín cash, and notes ánd drafts tö the amount of $#00,000 more. lt was lost through the sheer carelessness of the person who had it in charge. Pomeroy & Co. has offered a reward of 13,000 for the recovery of the trunk.05a" The Secretary of the Navy recom mends a modification of the spirit ration in the navy as follows: "I respectfully sugg-esta modification of the ration, eo a to dispense mth the spirit portion now allowed. That the frequent and habitual use of ardent spirits iujuriously aflècts the human system, ia a truth believed to be now gen?rally tinderstood and admitled by all intelligent physiolosfiets. lts evil influences ire not less on the moial thnn on the physical condition of man. A Jarge proportion of the punishirif'nls inflióted upon the ueamen is for drunkennesp, or the immediate effects of drinking ardent spirit - insubordinaron in its various forms. In abolishinfr the spirit ration, punisbments and disease will be less frequent, and the -hole moral and physicnl condition and character of the men wilJ be improved. - I Iherefore cannot too strongly recommend that no spirits be allowed in the rations of those who enlist in future, and that tSe right of commuting the spirit rnticn for money be continued lo those already enlisted.ff5 The Secretary of War proposes that a small mm out of the Treasury, be nllowed to the professors of civil and military engineering of the West Point Academy, to pay thetr expenses while travelling aboutthe coun try to inspect the roade, bridges, loeksf, &tc. &c; and these travels are to be undertaken so thot the cadets mny be tetter inlsructed. Such a lieu on the Treasury would be vastly convenient to the professors, no doubt! (E? The Tribune has a eummary of the Report of the Secretary of the Treasury. by which it appears that the Government was in debt nbout $4,000,000 when Van Buren's adminislration expired, and it has now ncreased to twenty-five mülions! The receipts for the fiscal yearof 1842 were a little short of $20,000,000: the expenditures $25,000,000.{EMessrs. Burke, Norris and Reading-, of Kfw Hampshire, were the only New England members of Congress who voted for the Gag Rule. They cali themselves Demoer ais! Ann Arbor, Dec. 29, 1843. The weather has been moderate for the last two weeks, with abundance of rain, and the roads have been nearly impassable on account of the mud. But they are now freezing solid again. Pork comes in more plentifully. Tt sells for 2J to 31 cents per pound. Wheat is worth 62 cents.


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