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Exprnsivc Head Dress. - Some of our rea (Iers may be cunous to know the composition and estimated valueof the crown of Victoria, Q.ueen of England. The crown itself wein-hs about three ponnde, and 8 composed of hoops of silver, enclosing a cap of blue velvet. The?e hoops are studded witb preciousstones; and upon t'ie crown is a ball set also with preeious etones, and sumounted with brilliants in the form of a Maltese cros. The rim is flowcred with Maltese crosses and the Jleurs dn lis. in the centre of the lare Maltese cross, is a splenrlid sapphire, and in front is the immense ruby once worn by Edwasd the Black Prince. Nnmerous other preeious stones; rubies, penrls, and emeralds are intermingled with these gems down to the rim, which is fonned of ermine. The following is ils estimated value:Or half a million of dollars iu rounct nunjbers. We take the above from an instructive articlo on the commercial value of gems, in Ilunt's Mércban'w's Magazine. A Superb Akticle. - Averycurious and superb article was exhibited at the recent Fair of the American Instute, at New York. It was an Ottoman, to 1I appearances, but on a lady attempting to sit upon it, it flew open, the cushion settled down and ít became a superb armed chair. Touching a spring, up flew a reading desk and a gilded branch for candles, Touching another spring, the reading desk disappeared, and lo! a dressing mirror presented itself, reflecting back the lovely features which looked into it. But rise a moment while we smooth the cushion. Another spring is touched, and now it is a bed fit for a princess to repose on! As the Brother Jonathan observed, "it was amanufactured coquette, done in silk and mahogany, changable as the wind, and beautiful in every change". - St. Louis.Beauties of Public Ereculion. - The Upper Marlbro' (Md.) Gazette says that there were probably one thousaiid pereons present in tJiat village on Friday lasi to witness the execution of Negro Daniel, and that in Iess than two hours after the criminal, was executed one fourth of that number were intoxicated, and behaved in a beaetly and disgraceful manner. Some of the spectators were fighting, nnd cursing and swearing in tho most profane manner, while the corps was suspended on the gallowa.Dialogue. - "I suppose you are go'ing fi.r our friend Clay, ain't you Michael," said an officer of a Clay club to a working man tlu; other day. Why do you think so," eaid Mike. "Because he is a farmer,"said the Clay man, 'and is such a friend of laborers." "Slave laborers, I suppose you mean," 6aid Mike, "for he has upwards of 50 'sleek, well fed' onee, as he boasted to Mr. Mendenlnll." The Clay man had'nt time to continue the conversation! - Free Press. Golden Dollar. - Many of thé papers are strongíy urging upon Congress tö pass an actauihörizing the issuing from our mint a gold coin of the valué of one dollár. We hope they will do so, and we aïso hope our legislatüre WiJl prohibit the circulation of all bank bilis af a less denomination fhan five dollars. Thís can be done without any injury to the business of the country. It can injure none but banks, and not them, if they thought so. - Argus.Importaiit Discovery. - A discoveYy has been mode of a wny of hardeninjj wood, so as togiveit almost the compactness of iron.- Thid il ia said, is done by exhausting the air from the wood by an air pump and then saturating it with iron and lime in solution.- Wood submitted tcf. Ihis proces?, has been usod for sorne time on Railroads in England, and found so firm as to have been scarcely markcd by the whrels of the cars- Cin. Gazette. Interna! ïmprovemenl Lmds.-The receipts for sales of Inlernal Improvement lands at the State Land Office at Marshall, up to the SOth of November last,mounted to $61,941,81. These lands are a portion of the 500,000 acres received from the General Government under the Dislribution act. The above re ceipts for sal consisting almost entireiy of evidence of indebtecüness.- Fret Press.The New York Courier and Enquirer says: "Our banks are with money: their deposils are heavy and the difficulty of obtaimng mercantile securities has induced tbem to Joan freely on stocks. Money on temporary loans is easily procured at Ja3 per cent., and those of Jonger duraüon S a 6 per cent according to the mature of the eecurities. The Prefident's Message announces the fact that the Revenurs of Government the current year, will fa]] short of the expenses about five millions of dollars! Thüa the income from Tnriff duties and all other revenues, is about $18,000,000, whiie the expenditares have reached $23,000,000. There was an exlraordinnry arrival, at Cincinnati lait week - the tvvo' mastedechooner Dolphin, Capt. Doyle, from Bnffalo, N. Y. loaded with white fish, and bound for New Orleans. Sho entered the Oliio,via Cleveland, through theOhio CannJ; and is probably the firat schooner that has ever floated from the waters of Lnke Erie to the Ohio.- Cleveland Plain Dealer.Wealthaccumulated by fair competition in honesl pursuks, is the right of cvery man; but that which is derived from advan.ages wiiich the !aw givrs one over another, legatized rohbery .- J3mos Kendall Intolerancc. - A curate in England recent) rfifused to nerform the burial service over the body of an unfortunate girl who was kiüed in a cotton factory, and oven to aclmit the corps within the precincts of the churcb, bocause she was at the time of her denth, a tnenjbfr of the Society of Friends, and had not receiVed baptism


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