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SCHOOI BOOKS EVERY varieiy of School Books in use in this State, for sale at Detroit pi ices at the New Book Store, for CASH, by W.M. R. PERRY. December 13. 184& 34.NEW BOOK STORE. (ANN ARBOR, LOWER TOWN.) THE Subscriber has just receivea a genern) assortmpnt of SCHOOL BOOKS, sucli is ore in use in Common Schools in this State, togethcr with a variety of Religious, Scienlific and Miscellar.eous works, such ob Qaarto B'b'e?, Pulygk t & Common, do. Pocket Ldiii.n, Fa n:!y, do. School, do. Pocket Testamenta. 3 sizes. Prayer Books, 4 sizes,. The Psalmist, a new Baptist Hymn Bonk, Methodist IJymn Book. Waas' Psalms and Hymns, Annuals for 1844, Cowpers Pncms. Osáians, do Campbells, do. Bani8'f do. Milton's Worke, Scott's Works, Albums, Ta'es of n Grnudfather, íácoti's Napoleon, Beauiful New Ifear's Presenta, View of nll Religions. Molliers Friend, Fi.eside Piety, Genis af Piety, Meditation on Prayer. a valuable work, The Taak, Berquins Works. Chrietian, Baptist, Church, Washingtonian and Farmer' Almanacs, Boston Acadcmy. Sacred Lyro and Mnnhaitnn Colleciion Singing Books, Blank Day Booka, Ledgers, Jourrials and Bloiters, Justicos' Dockets; Toy Bibles, Primers. 100 kinds, ' Song B.K!k-s;20 kinds, nn'l s oh?r Book.. togethr with Wafers, Sealing Wax. Ink. Quills, Sttel Pens, Letter Paper, (nn excellent article. ) and common. Cnp P;ipfr. Ink Stands, Leid Pcncils, Drnwing Pnci!s. B. B. & H. B. nnd Prepared hidin Ruliber. AH of which will be sold at Detroit prices for Cash. The subscriber Imp mnde his arrnngements so that almost nnything in the line of Books and Stationary which :s not on hand can be fuinished flt a short noli ;e. He intends to make the sale -of Books a permanent business and will there.fore do wlmt he can to keep his assoriment cood. Don't forget the place, Ann Arbor. Lower V.llage nearly oppositc the Flouring Mili. ÏÏM. R. PERRY. Janunry P, 1344. 37-3m.WOOX.! WOOX.! CLOTH! CLOTH!! THE Subscribers would inform the Public thnt persons hnving wool 10 be manufactured, cnn have il done at tlieir Manufactory wiihin a short time. as the large qunntity of wool fmnislied them by fnrmers nnd othcrs the past senson is nealy completed. nnd will te finishec! witliin n few day?. We have manufacUirec! cloth iliis pe-ison Kir ahout onz hvndred and t'.cmt[ificc custoviers. to whom we have reason to believe. we have given general satisfaciion. With ihis Gticouragemeiit, we hope lor future patronage. TERMS. Hnlf ihecloth the wool wiU máo. or 37J cent? por yard. We wiH ulso exchange Cloth ƒ rr Wool on rersonnbfe lerms. Wool eent by Rail Road to Scio will be properly artended to. SAMUEL W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, Washtenaw Co., Dcc. L5. 1843. 3fi-tfBristol's Sarsaparilla. TH1S valuable medicine so justly celebra'ed as a certain cure for Scrofuln or Kings Evil. or nny disease arising from inipurity of the blood, has become sq well knpwn as to need no publ'cation of the nuincrcus cenificates now in our possession. of the extraordinary cures lately perfurmed by il. hut fearing there may be some persons afleclcd who have been gulled by usins the imitations got up by others, we would respectfully request thírh to cali on us and satisfy themse'.ves of i's many cures in similar cases. - By puruhasing of ustliey can rrly npon the genuititness" of the artick, which thry shotild be careiul to do. as we are told tliere is a spurious anrcle of the same name for sale in ibis vicinity. Be careful to observe thnt ''Brisioi 8 Extract ui Sarsaparilla, Buffalo." isstnmpel upon the bottles, atid "C. C. Bi stol" written in his own hand over the Cork. W S. & .T. W. MAYNARD. Arm Arbor, Dec. 25, 1843. 36DR. OSGOOD'S INDIA CHOLAGOGUË, AMONG the most valunhle qualitis of this medicine, is its restoring infiuence upon cnsiitutions impaired and injured by previous aitacks o( biHious lever, or fever and arue: or by a lonf residence in those climates which produce them. are mnny constitufions which hecomc grradually iindermined by a m;asmt.l influence. wirhoul even a day's actual confinement. ín such cases, the Cholagogue acls like a charm - the sallow complexion, loss of appetite, languor, weariness and depressïon of spirits, with oiher unpleasant symptums which render life n burdon, all vield to this remedy w-hen faithfully use.d accordinc to the directions of the accompanying pamjihlet. It is rntirely a vegetable piep arati'in, nnd moy be taken w;th perfect s.fety under all ciirumstanccs of the systoni. Fot sale by 86 W. S. X J. W. MAYNARD. feole Agent, for Ann Arhor and vicmiiy.THE TRÜE PAIN EXTRACTOR SALVE, WH1CH euros likea chann all BURNS !y fire ïr water, and evory esternal SOR E. PAJN. INFLAMMATION. ACHEorlTCHING ever .vet found npon the humnn fnni'üy. to wbJch t lms been appiïed, must alwavs besought genuine from Comstoc-k an'l Co., of New Yok. or their authonzeu agent All a:e cautioned ngninst any spuriuu? articlcs, wïiïch may ntways bc avoiJed by knowing ihe one you buy comes from Cornstock & Co , who are now ihe only propru-tors and inanufiicturtírs. Inquire for Connel'8, which is warrnnied to dö all it ever wpuld when called hy any other name, or thn prict shall be refundcd in any case ii it does not piense. To phee it within reach of all, the price has been reduced moro han four fold, and is now sold for 25 cents, the forme price bcing tno exorbitant. The 50 cent siy.e now doiuuins foiir time.' as much as the lormerj and ihe $1 s:ze ne r ten times as much. No fnmily that bas any title to humanity. will fai! to have Cónnel's Pain Extractor Ointment a'wavs at hand. to adve life, all scars. and reduce all agony from any burn ili five minutes, proyiiled they s?en it üsed, or will believe those who have used it. COMSTOCK&. CO.? dl. Courtiand Street. (TF Be sve thereforp. and ask foi Connkis, as our plate wiih Da!ley9 nhine oh ii lms been stolen, and ihe nirious niny appenr wiili thnt nnme en it. KrioÁv. tliereforc. ihnt it comes drpctly f.o;n Ccnstock & Co., or shnn it. WM. S. & J, W. MAYNARDt 36 Agent for Ann Arbor.SALËRATUS. WHOLESALE and RETAIL by F. DEÑÍSON. December 20, 143. 33-tf. SÏONE-WARE. OF EnPtern mnnuliicture, for salo cheap. Wholesale ör Retail. by F. DENISON. Déc. 20, Í843. 35-tf.FIRE! FHiËH FIREÜ! GD. Hill, Agent of the JEtna Insurance Co.. will Insure property nsraifist loss or damage hy Fire on rcasonablc tèfms. Oct. i3. 1843. 27- tf Wesleyan Hymn Books, JUST received and for sale by G. BECKLEY. Ann Arbor; Nov. 18, 1813. 30ABBQT &■ BEECHER. DETROIT ■WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS HST DOMESTIC STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODSJUST received a lorger Siock thart ever ot Heavy Brown Sheeiings, Shirtings-and Drill-nis, Bleached Gooqs, Calicóes, A'pron; Checks. Baggings, Buriapa, Diapers, Crath, Mislia. Fustiaris, MoleSkins. Sattinets. Shecp's Gray Clotfi; Buckskin Cfóth', Fancy Cassimeres, Wolverine Coaiings, Alnpaca Lustre, Chanrreable St'ripe Do. Fancy Aiapihes, Crape Delainee, India Cloib, Mouslin De l-o nes. Pnribinns. ChusanPBhnvl8. Robg Itoys, Cardinals, Dámask' A Shawls, "Blnck. Blue Brown; and Blue Broad Clotbs. Felf andPiTof Over Coatinss. Blankets, Flánnels. and Superior BE A VER CLOTHS, Leather, Cotton Yarhr Ted, Sugar, CofFec, Rice andTobacco. All of whir.h Goods will be sold at?fí(? tOW- EST PRICES ihat thcy cart be boughr for West ■ïf New York Ciiv. and vía wish our Fri.ndsto íive us a Cali before Buyinr.WANTED, POT ASH, W00L AND FLOÜR,For which we will pav the bighest pnces either in CASH or GöODS, at ihe CUE AP EST CASII P RICES, No. 144V Jetterson Avenue. Corner Bates Sireet, Detroit. Detroit, Nov. 13, Ï84& 29-tf. ÜNITY OF IRTTEREST. NOBLE AND! SPÉAGUE, WOULD cnll the nttention of the citizens of Ann Arbor. and the community in general tp the fact thnt they.' believing thnt two head3 ire better than one. have formeJ'acopartnership '"or the piirpn?e nfcnn-ying on the TAILORING BUSINESS,. in all its branclie8. They will be alwayson hand two drtors West of the Washtcnaw. in the iowcr Villnge of Ann Arbor, whefc all whr favor them with theiT patronage may be eoreof satÍB-" faciion. No pnins: wiiï be sarerl ín moèin thcir garmcnts fashionaDle, comfortable, and durable. Thcy feel confider.t from past experiewce. and fro:n the attnntion whieh they pay to tbeir busHness. thnt ïhey cannot f;iil o! giving universal atisfoction, and they are determined not toBe óütdone bynnv establishment w est of New Yorii. N. B. CUTTING drne on short noiicc. and strict attention will be paid to the ordera of the cusomer. P. S. We like to havefcreot by the way Ut Tiention, we too in the reeeipt of tfie N -w York nnr Boston Fashions, for the Fall'aná WirupT of 18'.3-4, 2P-3n. NOBLE & SPRAGÜKr Ann Arhor. Loyer Town, Nov. 3, 184SNATU RE'S GRANDHESTORATIVE TUIS vnluable vegetable medicine st.mds unrivalled for the iullowing.oomplainis, viz: Dispepsia or Indigestión, Diseased Liver, Bil. ons Disorders, Dropsy. Asthma, Costiveness, VYorniö and loss of Appelii, and by cleansing iheetomach nnd bowels, cures pains-in the side. Stomach and Breas', and Cowghs of long standing, Hoarseness. shorincss of breath. Nervous complaints, Src. i frequenily 'the effect of disease. 1 ts virtues surcas any rhing heretoforeknown in removing S"t. titu Dance; - two bolties have lieer, knoftn f.) care rbis afflictiiig disease, after havi-ng Imffled eve'ry exernon for four ye.irs. Jt has a most powerful innuence. in removinp nervous complainis. It is pleasant to Utkél nnd so easy ín its operaiian, ihat ,t may bc atlministerdd to the iniant witb safety. For sale by W. S. &J. W. MAVIfARD, Antt Arbor. Numerous certif:cn:es might be given were it deenied necessary. Let theTalIoiging safiice: CERTIFÍCATE, This ceriifirs thnt J have tested -the beffeficial eflecisofiHjB#fr's N itvrcs Grand Itesfora. tire m my fnmily. (hnv:ng used ii foryears,) nnd witnesstid rg healínir properties in nomrons instancpsamong others. Í most cheerftilly reeommend it n?an invalunble medicine; and if hy sn loing the (ii?eased are inducèd to iry it. I hare the satisfnetion of believing that Í have rendered them an important service. a l t Cr BECKLEY. Ann Arbdr, Nov. 24, 184:3. 32-Zvr. FASHIONABLE HAT STORE. WBARNUM, would rcspectfully inirm the citizens ofDotroit, hd ürrounding country that he has constatitly on hand a valuable assortment of Hats, Caps, Furs &c. wliich he oílers for sale on the most reasonablo termsfttNo. 75, Jefferson AVenue. Gktrkhkn nnd Ladiks from afaroad oh visiting the City will do well to give him ö oall before puroasinor elpewhere Deiroit, Nov. lOtb, 1843. ' 29-6m$25,000 WORTH ! Whew! They must be de&r, Sip $50,000 WORTH !! Wor?e vet, judirmcr froa, appëaranfcps. $75,000 WOBTHÜ! Thui is t. judging ironi priees. C ALL at G. Wnrd's oh! s and,, where ihey talk ..nderi.iand.ngly: nnd sell Goods eo thnt a good siock will amouiu tó leia ihan AiO 000 under tlie present syatem. ... ,- VIA TOR, Ann Arbor, Aov. 7. 184H. 27-tf. "PROM .liosubscufthe townof GreeH J. Onk, Liyinpjon Co., on thé Jast .f Ainmet a medium Sizcd Ren Ox; J2 yenrs oídlas fc.pi ing , high horns, whicn have been bored for distempër. Whoever wjll give inormn.ion where sa,d OX can be found: will be reasonably . HANNIBAL LEE. Green pak, Noy. 13 1843. sq„. RS. BurriGToiM T) ESPFXTFULLY informs the iadiesof Ann XV Arbor nnd its vicihity, that shehsjust received her latest Pptierns for Hnfs.Caps, Cloaks, auc presses; and she respeetfully invite hem tocall aiíd examine for themseJves. Sbe Hkewiso rf-nders them her sincere ihatiks for thoir pr.ronasre for the past year, nnd begs a cuntinua tion. Jler establishment wilJ )e found midway between the UpneT and Lowor Town. Ann Arbor, Nov. 2, 1Ö43. 2S-tfItfotice. AM. iÖBLE would respectfally remind lus customèrs, that as he hns taken a partner, and .8 mnking new arrangements n hia business, he wishes for on immediate settlement wiih all who nre indobted to him sctuement Ann Arbor, Nov. 6, 1843. 28-3m. ivLVRRIAGËCËÏRTlFICATËsr 0-tXá?- printcd audfor'Sale Ann Arbor, Nov; 2, 1843, Ti7AN?oiTyïr W hRY'VoTn!me]y ny q"nmifv of of LiboV.v ? " Páymeit for ihc Sigoal )i ijibcrty. Come oou.


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