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HALSTEAD'S 'BRISE PILLS. 26 PlLLS FOK 20 CtiNTS. THE Brisk Pilis answer the purposc inore ef'fectually tbr any disoise"fbr which nny other ill is recommendod, and supersede thcm alto ether in medical excellence and v.rtue. Jf you doubt liiis. jiwt try will cöst you ouly iwv abillinga- and then you, willinie, wi.l be saus fied irthcy are not what I recouimend then to?be. denounce them and put them down, (tit J cannót conscientiously recommend them for o cure all for every iliing. But tlus I do say, without fear ofontradiction, that no pills are their cqual n removmg discases originaiing n the eioniach or For liver and biliotis diseases, uch as dura aguo, fever and nguc. imermiitant and remittam fevers. thè Brisk Pilis pos, sess peculiar properties for thcir speedy removai. From ten yenrs experience aá a practising physic;-,n I am convinced tbat jone c;tn equal them.- llead what ther pills arelöcd for. and what they will cure, and if the Brisk are not superior u. them all. then discard their usc. Do not helieve all ihat ia said abüu; an ïnfallible pill- ihat never fails to cure any discase-but try the ViUs - th chenpesi pills in use- 23 pills lor 2$ cents -and Uien you will have a chance to j.idgc of thcir tnerit or dement. As a blond cleanser. and apurifier to the diseasedBysiem, they perhaps supcvsede evry pill in use. They are quick and eopv in the óperation, giving lite and tone to all the torpid organs: throwing off impure matters orhumors; lcaving the system kealtliy and clean. This is all that any oue medicine can do.notwi hKtanding the great show of worde and fictitious eer' tificatea.-We are determined to let ihese yills stand upoii their own reputation, win or loose. All we ssk is, for a fair and impartía! ira'. They can be taken by old and young, at nny time with perfect safety. They are an excellent medicine for children, for worms, &Ci In a word, they possess all the qualines ofnn npencni pill for family use. They have cured ruany diseases which no other meden'ae could remove. In conclusión I sav do not give op or despair of a cure unti! you "haye ttïed the Brisk Pilis, for they do poseess peculiar properties and virtues. For Sale by S. P. & J. C. Jewett.C Eberbach. Ann Arbor; D. H. Rowland, Northv.lle; J S. Scattergood, Plymouth: J. Dean, Pontiac: J. B. Dickson. Mt. Clcmena; Maitland & Co.. Romeo; Sprague & Co., Rochesrer; Church & Furchard, N. P. Jacobs, J. Owen & Co., Deiroit. . 1Q-6mFASHÏOMABSiE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. Jlt. WALKFR wou ld announeo to his friends and tlie public in gañera!, thnt hc ia now n the receipt of the fall and winter fashions for 1843-4, which have been selected and furnished by twoof the best establishinents in the tTnited States, on the first of the present montii. nftcr the kinds of goods and fashiona tbr the season had heeome pcrmanently esiabüshed, which is beautifully illustratcd by iwo of the inosi eplendid fashion plates ever presented to tliis cominunity. Any gentlemen who vish to have the "simo.v pure." can find it here furnished at a acason when there can be no mistake as to whai s or is not fushionabJe. Gentlemen, piense cnll and examine ibr yourselves, and if wecannot exhibitaoWetbíng that wiil satisfy you that ihe style of goods and fashion ofgarmenis are chaste aud beautiful, then we are much niistaken. Mr. Walker would take this opportiinhy to return his sincere thnnks to all who have hitheno fRvorcd him with their patronage, and hopes he has given general satisfaction. All who fcel dis posed to have an easy. st the snine lime a fash ionable garmèntj can be graiifíed by calling ai tho shop of J. D. lnsh, onc door souih of Beach & Abel's old store, whcre lor the conveience of himselt and cuotomers he has located for the senson, where all demands in his line will be e.vecuied with rieamessand despaich. on reasonable terms for cash or country produce, but posiÜvely ':.i credit. N. B. Cutting one, and warranted to fit il properly made up. Octoberll.1843. S7-tf. ' YPSILANTI AC ADEM Y 5 A ND TEAOHSES' SI1OSAE7 H. H. GRIFFEN. Piu.ncipal. Mil. CHAS. S. WOODARI), Assistant. THE winter term of this iastituiion wiil commence on Monday, Nov. 20, and continue 11 weeks. While this school is equally open to all of boih sxes, who wishto acquire a good education, particular attention wlü be given to tho6e who are prepcring to teach. The exclusive and uninterrupted attention of ihe principal tvíH be givea to iinpart a pmctical knowledge oí thc Engfish branch3. He oecupies about half an liour daily in lecruring. with the aid oÍLhe apparalus, minerals, or otherwise. Apparatus. - The Instituüon is furnrshed with Chemical, Philosophical. and Astronómica! npparatiis, Surveyíng Instruments, Geométrica! . solíds. &c. to the aniount of S300; also, a good Cabinetof Minerals worth $50. Tuition in the eummon Engl'sh branches, including Coinposition and Duclamation (rom igi'i.OíMo 3,50. la Philosophy. Chemistry, Astronomy. History, ñhetoric, Boinny, Algebra. Geometry, Surveying, fec. from 4,5ü to,5.00. Mezzolin'to and Chinese or Theorem painting, ,i3.03 each for 12 lessons, taught by Mrs. Griffen. The tuition is to be paid at the middle of the term. i No deduciion for absence wiil be made, except for protiacted sickness, and no one will be eceived for less than five and a half weeks. - Booka inay bc had of the principil at Detroii p rices. BoAitD, Jncluding room and washing. from S1.ÜÜ to $1,50 per week; forfurther particulars inquire of the principal. Rooms can be hired chenp for scholars to board theinselves. Rev. I. M. We;in. Rev. H. P. Powers. Rev. O. F. North, J. Fairchild, M. D.. J. C. Allen. M. D., G. and E. M. Skinner, Esqrs. havekindly consented to form a visiting comtnitloe, to be presen1, at the Weck reviews on Thursduy, and at the public examinaüon of the school. Ypsilanti, Oct. 1.6, 1843. 5-1 y woolën" THE subscribers would itiform the public that ihey are now manufaciuring WOOLEN CLOTH with a degree of successequal to their most sanguine expectations. With the machín ery they now have, they are oble to manufacture from 75 to 100 pounds of wool per day. The cloth they have made for the last thrce nionths is of the best qua'ity. and tlu:t made in future wiil be similar. They have emirely overeóme the tlifTiculties of starting an establishment of tliiskind in a new country. Their terms aro 37A cents per yard for ful led cloth finiohed. or half the cloth the wool will make. lf any alteralion of ihe terms should bc deternr.ned on, )ublic notice will be given. AU wool received before such notice is given will be worked coi the above term. If nny wish to have their wool worked without mixing it with other wool, it will be done. provided they assortit theinselves, and urnishit in quanüties of 100 pounds of onc oiality of wool. It is much better to sew up wool in sacks tlianto tie it up in blaukets; the cloth should be stronff.Provisionsof all kinds will be received in payment for inanufacturing to the amount rcquired lor the conaumption of the establishment. VVooI eentby railroad to Scio, wüi be properly attendcd to; the number of pounds should be marked on theaack withink; also the weight of the sack. - The wool will be worked in turn as it comes in. aa nearly as can be done with reference to the different qualities. O Many Farmers have expressed to us their gratificaron in consideration of our starting this branchof business, and mnny have eneouraged us by their patronage during the last year. We now invire all to brmg their wool, to the amount of 25,0('0 pounds, and receive the benefit of the vory roasonable termson whích weofTerto manufacture it. The establishment is 2 milest west of Ann Arbor, on the Huron. S. W. FOSTER, & CO. Scio, April 30, 1 843. 1-tf BROKE out oTtho enclosure of the subscriber on or aboutthenight of the 28th uit. asinall gray Mare, four years ohl, nol ehod. Any pereou who will give noiice to the ownerby letter or otherwise where said Mare may be found, shall be rewarded by CHARLES HUDSON. Jiorth Lake, Waah. co. Oct. 14, 1843. 46-3wCELEBRATED CHEMICAL PL ASTER, The most rffectual remcdy yet discowred for lihcumalism, Fcvcr Sores, White Sivtllings, Ivjlammniion in the JËyes, éwelled Throul in iScarlet Feter, Quinsey, )'-c. fyc, rpiIE CHEMICAL PLASTER san importJL ant remedy fer those who are afflicted witli elironic and in!]!imnintory coinjilainis, by iis easng pain, couiueracting inHa:iunaüon, and givitio speedy relief by its nctive, sircugtbening, anodyne, diaplioreticnnd counterirritaht propertics - an efleciual remedy iorChronie nnd Iniflammntory Jilioumntism, Agtfê in rhe Brenst, Scalds, Burns. Bruiscs, Scrofula, Ulccrs, Old Sores oí jilmost every description. Cankcrod and Swellcd Tliroat nrising from Scarlct Fever. Felons. Wiiitc Swcl!iigs, Chilbiains; &c. Persons suflbiing froinLiver Coniplaiius. Pulmonnry distases. Ji ilamma.non oi' tlie Luuga, wiih inin in iliü sidc, b.ick or "Iiinlts. will rind relief ly the use oi th'is P!a3tcr. In all cases it inoy bc uised with ppifeel salety. E. DEAN S CÏIKMJCAL PIASTER is put up in bo.xes nt lit:y cents and one dullur ench. witli f uil directions accompanyinr cach box. Mannihcmrcd md sokl who!-.ale by 1?. HARR1S & CO.. 'Ashtnbuln. Ohio. sole proprietois. to wlioni all orders sliould bo "jddreíaed. Sold nJsó ly the ir Arènrtlirojighoul tlie country. UTJ'A liberal discount mude to dealers and pliysicians. For testimoniáis and certifica tes from persons of the biuliest respeotibilily, who havo i:scd ihc ChemicalPlaster. see another column of lliis paper. Forsnle y the folio wing Agonts in Michigan: H. W. R.iotl. "iles,J. C. L:miüiore. " C. Sfeaiifihan. EiiwnrrlsbnTkh. Win. O. Aus'.in, White Piienn. Jsanc Bërthiin, Jr., Conaianiine. Dnnl. L. Kimbcrly, Schordcrnfr. II. B. Huston, & F. March.jr PM Kalamazoo. James W. Cothren. P. M. Gnlesburgh. T L. Bólkcpm, P. M. Baitle Crcek. James M. Pnrsdn's, P. M. Marshall. Paul Druggist. Jackson. Win. JacUson, P. M. Leoni. Hale mu] vSmitli. Grass Lako. John C Winnns. Svlvan, J'MilIcnhfeSün, De:ter. ThomtisP. Mav. Jr. Plymouth, Perin & Hnll. Norlhville, Mead&. MiiCarthy. Farniington, Pei er Var. Evoiy. Frank} in, Julhis Dean, Pontiac, Mack et Sprnguc. Rochejter, James Stephens. Ülica. E. C. Gnllup, Mt. Clcnicns, G. &J.G. Hill. íDetrot John O wen & Co. J uetroiu Dr. Thos. M. Sweeny. Dearbarnviüe, E. Sarrison. Ypsüanii. J. H. LU-ND. ) W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD. } Ann Aibor. CHRISTIAN EB EU B ACH. ) )9-ly "BEAOY MADE CLOTHtNQ ! ïï IULLOCK RAYMÓND WOULD ïespceifully inforni the citizens of Ann Arbor. and t_c State getierally. ihai they have now on hand the LARGÈST and CHE AP EST siock of "READY MADE CLOTF1ING" to bc ibund at nny esiablishmem in this State, vvhióli they are determined to sell atiiices loirc tlian were befure oflercd, aml they confidemly invite all persons in want ot' ':Rr.ady Made Cloth'wg," visiiing Dotroit. to cali at thftir eslablishriiént. 'lCorver of Jcffcrson and Woódicard. Acenucs," in ihe ncw brick llock, Plioc■nix Btiü'lhigs. where they will find every variety ofgarmenis suitable for gen'.lemen's Fall or Winter vrear. and they beüeveat prices from 15 to 25 pereent cheajjer (han they can obtain flfén) in any odier way. Also, a very ehoice selection of"Broad Cloths, Cessimeres, and Vestings," whicli tlicy ure prepared to manufacture to order id a superior mnnner and sfyíe not to be excel'.ed in '.lie City cf Nao York or cls wliere. Garments alvvays warranled tj fit and -picase or no sale!! AL-o. a very heavy Stock of D0MEST1C CLOTHS. PILOT and BEAVEll CLOTHS. BELGJC CLOTHS, SATTI.XETS. WINTER TWEEDS. and every varicty anddescription of goocis suítable ior gentlemcn's %rearinjí apparel. all of which shall be sold v&yloxo for cash. or exchanged lor Produce ai market prieee. All iliose wishing Bargahis in any of the nbove anieles are inviied to cali nt tlic "FASHIONABL1C CLOTHÍNG EMPORIUW of the subscribers. Cor. of Jeflerson and Woodward Avftnuü!-. Detroit. HALLOCK & RAYMOND. Doíroit. Sept. 28, 1843. 23-tf MANÜFJlCTUREIiS JHYD MERCHJ1NTS. rrH E subscribers are now receiving, at thcir X stores, 1-83 Jeflwrson Avenue, and comer of Randolph and Wootlbridge streets, Detroit, o larne and Hc-neral stock ol DYE-WOODS AND DIE-STUFFS. 35 tons Lngwoot!-; Ptisfic. liinewouc. Nicarraaua, Hjpernic VVood. in tlie stick, í 30 bbls. ground Camwood, ]50 do Fustic 120 do LogAvood, 109 do lledwoods, 20 do Ahun, C lilids Copperaa. 4 do Pilue Viti-iol, 4 pipes Onitire and Crop Madders, prime, 500 Ibs Extruci Liewood, 600 do -Ben sal, M idrasaifd Caraccas índigo, 300 do BlueNmgalls. (Allcppo,) 250 do Powdered Cúrcuma, 2Ú0 do Verdigris. 10 Carboysüil Vi triol. 6 do Aqtn Fortis. 4 do Spirits Sen Saltg. 4 do Niiric Acid, 2 cases Lac Dye, 300 Ibs. Banquo Tin, 2.',0 do Cream Tannr. f)00 do Qiercciron Bark. Togetlier wiih a complete nssortment of all the minor anieles in the trade. to vfrff: Pess Papers, Teazlep, Brusbes, Jncks, Tent Hooks, DyeKettles, Pickers, Burling Irons, Ñippers.. Pnissiaieof ", Sal Amoniac. Sal Soda, Sugar of Lead, Steel Reeds. Cnrd Cleaners,MACHINE CARDS, Satinelt Wnrps. Shears. &c. Tbis entiro stock has bccn purchased within the laat two weeks, nwd selected personally by one of the concern, who has bccn in the business for the last eleven yearp, nnd ihey have no hef-itation in sayinrr that the quality oí these froods is unexceptionoble. Tbey will posiiivly be sold at the loweet New York jobbing prices, with tlie addiiion of transportatioi) only. The subscribers have the sale Agency in this Stale for tbesale of "fARSON'S SHEARING MACHINES," nnd ihe celebnted tfLElOESTER MACHINE CARDS," dccidedly the best in use. THEO. II. EATON, & CO. April IJ, 1843. 51 tfJAMES G. BIRftEY, ATT O UNE Y AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. SAGANAW CITY, MíCHIGAN. JG. B. will nlso net ns Land Agent in the Land District in which this (Sagannw) Cour.-.y is; he will make investments Tor others lands, pay overfor non-residents theirtaxes, and ne informntion generally to persons interested n thi.s part of thecountry, or dosirousof becoming iinmigrants 10 it.Peters Pilis. "Tra íun iheysny to get well with tliem, ALL mankind througbout thcir wide and immense circulution, that ever try tliem contuiue ïhem. Poters' Pilis are purely vegetable; they work no niiracles, nor do they profess to cure all diseases, because they aro the scientific compound ola regular phyeictan, who has made his profesaion the study of his life. Dr Petéis is u gradúate ol Yale College, also of the Massai -hnseits Medical College, and bas somev.hat distinguished bimself as a man of sciencu and . among the ;,mily of the hite Cóv. Peters. Peters' Vegetable Pilis ure simple in :heïi preparatioh, mild in thcir aclion. thoroutjb. in iheiroperation. and unrivalléd in their resulte. - The town nnd country are ulike llüed wiih thcir proise. Tlie polaco and itte poor house olike echo with i!h Y vírtoe's. In all climaies they will retain thoir wonde:fut poweis and exen tliem unaltered by age or si tu at ion. and this the voice oía laielul community proelaimed. - Petoát' PÁIfs pjevent - keep ófF disensos il'timely ná-.l. r.nd have no rival in euring bilüous lever. ever nnd ngiie,dyypepsia. liver eom))lainte.croup. sick headache, jaundict'. (isthma.dropsy. rheumntism, enlargement of the sjiloen. ))iles, colii;. femaleobstruution. iieart burn. furred tongue. nnuso.i. (isteniion of the sumiach andbowels. incipionl diarrliOGa, fjatulence, habitual costiveness, loss of appetite. bloched. or snllow complexion, and in all cases of lorpor of the bowols, wheic a cathartie or apèrient is indieated. jirouucin ncithr nausea, griping or debility; and verepeatnll who buy tliem continue to try tliem. The most tiiurupliant success has ever attcnded their use and enongii is already known of them to i rn mortal ize and hand thern down to pos terity with the improvements ofthe age ni medical science. Dr. Peters was lircd to the healng art. and in order to supply demande, he has originuted and called to his aid the only steam driven machinery in the world for pill working. 'Tis perfec', and its process imparts to the pill essential virtue. becatise by being perfectly - do you lieur that! whilo a host can testify that they believe they owe thelr salvation froni disense find dèath to Peters' Pili, and if culome! and kuivesare getting partially into disusewe are órdy misinktn.Cí'.ktificates. - Tlu's paper conld befilled with rcsidcnts of Miclpgan, by your fricnds and neiglibors - ask ourayents, It is now well known th.'it the pcople will have Peters' Pilis, and lo hinder would betostop the rushing wind. Price 25 or 50 cents per box. The resistless forcé oí these truths - their universal recepíion. adc'-ed to tlie testimony of tnillioiis, í;keep it beíore í lie poople'" niustand will be licard ilirougbout this vnl.e of tears. Their happy influence on joung ladies while suficring under the usual changos of life as directed by the Inws of nature, ihey iuipart abuoynncy of íieart, feeling and nction, an elastic step, velvet chcek, lilíy atn! carnation complexión by their acfion on ihe chylc, &c. and ladies in delicate situations always admit tlieir power and in noeeriee, and tnke ihern two or three at a time without in the slightest degree incuiring the íiaz :ird of an abonion; which facts are of ihe utmost importnnce. Pimples; a young Jady sent her ove to Dr. Peters, and saya slie feels more gratefu' t o him Tor the restoration of her beauty than il he had saved her life. 'Tis fun to get well with Peters Pilis. for ihey cnuse the blood tocourse ns limpid nnd gentle through the veins as a mountnin rivulet; 3 or 4 is a common dose. henee ihe patiënt is not cpmelled to make a nieal. TRO U BLE IN PLUTO"S CAMP. Quite astonished Oíd Pluto catneto New Ycik. (. Hearing Peters had got his Pili ICngine at woik,) To resign his canunission, his hour glass and scythe; í have come to deüver them all up to yon - Sir. niy callingis over - my business isihrough; 1 have been for threc years in a terrible stew, And J rcally don't know what on earth J'am to da; - Not of your n-ighty re do I come to complain. Hut a tamal New Yorker, one PETERS by name; The diseases my aids. in this war of mankind, Are subdued by this Peters, what help can we ñnál I would yicld him N. York, sír, if therc he would stay; But. air. Peters will have the whole world for hit eway. While mu9Íng'in council what course to pursue. That Engine of Peters broke forth into view.The King of terrors looked a while. Asthough liis soul was tuned to bile, At ihat unsparing scourgc of ills, Byall men known as Peters' Pilis. These Pilis oí Peters' stop the slaughter. And leaves theblood as pure as water. Now Peters makes. I'vehcard him say, F(ve hu ná red thousand pi lis a day; So ihat the chance is very small Of people dying there at all: For soon the cheeks. so markcd fordoom, Begin like any rose to bloom. Look hare! all uho try them continue to hvy ttiém. For sale as íollows, by Meisre. Behch & Abel. G. Grenville. F. J. B. Crane, Mnynard. & Co.. G. Ward, S.P. &.J. C. Jewett. J.H. Lundj H. Becker. Dicknson & Cogswell, and S. K. Jones, Ann Arbor: Geo. Warner & Co-, and J. Millerd & Son. Dexter, Wm. A. L. Show. Lima; J. C. Wtnans. Sylvan, Hale, & Smiih GrassLake; W. Jackson. Leoni: D. T. Merri. man. Jackson; M. A. Shoemaher. Micliitrar. Centro; Brotherson & Co.. L. B. Kief & Gil bert. Manchester; D. S. Haywood, Snline; Snow & Keys. Clinton; J. Scattergood &. Co.,Plymouth: Stone. Biibcock Si Co.. aTidJulins. Movius&Co.. Ypsilanli; Pierre Teller. Detroit; J. '& J. Bidwell, and Dr. Undeiwood. Adrion; dart fc Moshcr, Springville; Mannen & Cook. Hrooklyn; Smilh & Co., Jonesville; L. M. Boyce, Chienffo - and altnost every whereclee. Öcr. 19, l-!2. 27-1 yATTENTION, JUST received at ibe General Depot, for the sale of Clothiers Stock, Machi nery, Dye Stuff, &c. &c, No. 139, JefFdrson Avenue, Detroit, tilo íúllowing large, well assorted, and carefuHy selecied stock, viz: 100 bbls. St. Domingo Logwood, Cut. 5 Tons u " ia Stick, 150 bbls. Cuba Fustic, Cut, 5 Tons " " in Stick, 50 bbls. Nic. Wood, Chipped, 50 u Lima Wood, " 30 " Red Wood, " 120 " Ground Camwood, 10 if Quercitron Bark, 500 lbs. Nuigalls, 10 Cases Extract of Logwood, 300 lbs. Lac Dye, . 2 Ceroons Spanish Indigo, 300 lbs. SumacSicily, 3 Casks Mndder, 3 Casks Blue Vitriol, 5 Cusks Alunru 2 Barrels Red Tariar. 2 Banela Cream Tartar, 3 Carboys Aqua Foitis, 5 ♦' Oil Vitriol, 3 " Muriatic Acid,500 lbs. VirdigrÍ8, 5J '; Block Tin, Teasels, Twine, Copper Kettlea, all sizes, Pnraon's Shearing Machines, Curtis' " li Screws and Press Plates, Cranks. Press Paper. Steel Reeds, Worsled Harneas, Tcnter Hooks. Emcry, ;ill No's.. Olive Oil. Cloihicrs' Jacks, Sattinett Warp, Clothiers' Brushes, Simules, Pickers, Card Cleaners, &c. &c. The above, with n variety of oiher anieles belonging to the trade, have been purchased thi? slimmer by the subscribers f rom Manufaeturers and First Hands in the New York, ["hiladelphio. and Boston Markets, and every thing haviñg received his personsl inspection. he can with thrutmostconfidence oflír theni to purchasers as the best and mosl complete stockin the country; and a3 it is his fixerl determinatión (by the low rates ' which he will sell) to Drevent the necessity ol our Clothiers and Manufa'urers leaving the State to make their purchases, h.n. would merely say to the trade, CALL, examine tho qoods and ascertain prices bef ore you say you can buy cheaper amj tcherc elee. He is also prepared to contract for CARD1NG MACHINES made in this State or East. ■PIERRE TELLER, Sign of the Golden Mortar, 13D, Jefferson Avenue, [17-if.] Detroit.LOWER TOWN F vij t i ' V-íi rS ' ."1-' 1 t BBÉ B?B qIb MESSRS. DAVIDSONS& BECKER, have jiistreceived f rom New York a large and splendid assortment of Fancy aml Staple Also, a large quantity of Dry Groceries Crockery, Sheli' Hardware, Nails, Boots and Shoes, Men's and Boy's Caps? Paints, Dye gtuifs, and Medicines, &c. &c. &c. whicli tliey wiil seil lower than bas ever before been ofíered in this place. For particulars cali at their Store, No. 3, Brown's Block, (formerly occupied by H. Becker.) The highest Maiketpiice will be paid in Goods for most kinds oí" Produce. Qt& Remember ihat they will not be undcrsold.4$ Ann Arbor, Lower Town, Nov. 13, 1S43. 29-6m "ffUST received at the Farmers' and Mechanica Store, a general assortment of Fancy and staple ' BMW &UOMS, Groceries, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, &c. &c. which will be sold cheap and for ready pdyonly. C. J. GARLAND. Ann Arbor, Upper Town, Nov. 20, 1843. N. B. As usual, any Goods purchased of lïirn not givin? satisfaction in price and quaíity, the purchassr has the privilege to return them and receive back his moruy. 33 C. J. GABLAND, IlillilUBMi-Sffiri'gwnmTTnWlPIIIII ■■IHIlnilil I il.l.I.l i li j_. .ijm.j i,... „iRIVER RAISIN INSTITUTE. THE winter term of this Institution Will commence the iirsi Wetinesday of November uext, nnd continue 15 weeks. lt is pleasantly situated in the tovvn of' Raisin. one mile east of the (irecl road from Tecumseh to Adrián. - '1 here are jiow on the premisos suitrible rooms for the acuommodntion of forty students. wliich are designed tobe ;cíupied for private study and lodging. Other nccessary buildings are provided ior recilation and boardiiig. - Most 6tudents will probably board theirselves. Expenses. - Tuition lor fifteen weeks, comrnon bmrtches 4 dollars. Hrgher English branches, inciuding Greek andXiatin, 5 dollars. Room rent 8 cents per week. Incidental expenses 50 cents per term. Students are expectcd to furnish whatever they wish to use in their rooms except andirons. Students who have to buy their books will do well io defer so doing, and buy ihem here. The school is open to al! applicants of suitahle age and moral churacter irrespeetive of complexión or conrlition. Jt is vcry desirnble that all who design to altend school should be ready to comnrence with the term., oiherwise there ciwinot be a regular classification of the students. and without such classification comparalively little advancement can be made in study. Any further ïnformation respecting the Instution can be obtained by addresing, post paid, JOHN PATCH1N, Principal. Raisin, Leiav.-ee Co.. Mieh. Raisin, Oct. 3, 1S43. ' 24-3w. AtteBitioiii, Invalids. WHO hns tried the Persian Pius and Jew David's or Hkbrew Plastj.r. and is not ready to testify that they are decidedly the best medicines now in use? The above medicines have been before :he public sonie four years, and physicians at the East have used them extensively in their practice. and were they here, they could teil you of the excellent quulities of these medicines. Reader! Have you ever used them? -lt' you have not, ask those who ha-e f they are not what we recommend ihem to be. They are the Cienpzst as well as the best. A box of piasier contains sufficient to 6pread 8 or 10 piasters - price 50 cents. The Iarge Boxes oí Pii,r.s concain 73 pijls for G3 cents: the sninll boxes 35 pills (or 31 cents. No persons should condeinn thcin until they have iried them. and then we are sure ihcy wil] not. These ti'.edieines are for sale by one or moreagents in all viüagesand ciiies in the United Siates. Cali on the agent, and he will 2ve any information wanted. For sale by J. H. Lund, S. P. & J. C. Jewe' t. C. Eberbach, Ann Arbor; D. M. Ladd, Milford: M. C. Bakin, Novi; D. H. Rowland, Northville; J. Scattersood, Plymouth; P. Vanavery. Frnnklin; J. Dean, Pontiac: J. Millerd, & Son, Dexter; Dr. Sager, Jackson. JO - 6m.R AIL RO A I n TEMPERANCE HOUSE. THE undersigned would respectfully inform thefncnds of Tcmpernnce. and the public gencrally. ihattheabtne nnmed House, fornierly known as the Teniperance Hotel, nnd siiuated on the corner of Michigan avenue and Washington street, nearhe Central Railroad Depot, having undergone thorough repairs and very great additional improvements. is now ready lor the reception of all tliose who niay favor him with a cnll. The accoinmodaiions, in every respect, are not inferior to nny Tempeiance House in the country, and every affentioïi' will be given to such as bestow thcir patronage upon this laudable enterprisc. N. B. Carriagcs always in readiness to convey passengers to and from Boats and Cars. WM. CHAMP. Detroit. May 9, 1843. 4-lyH. OSASff'S CELEBRA T EB CHEMICAL PLASTES?. THE following is one froin among tbc nu meroiis testimoniáis f rom persons of' k" highest respeciability, which the proprietors have rcceived. FROM SAMJL D. ÏQNGSBURY. H. IJaukis & Co. - Sirs: Hoving been seriously nfflictecl wiih inilaniinntion of the F.yes. and hearing ol E. Deon's Chomical' Piasier I had a box procured, and on the firstappliaation I experienced great relief, and in four d.iys a pernnnneiit cure. So efTecuinl was the npplication nnd ihe almost immediate relief resulting therefrom, that u similnr cases I feel gicat pleasure in recommending it as a remedy worthy of patronage. Respectfully.yours, fec. SAM'L D. KiNGSBURY. Kin gaville, O. June 29, 1840. 35. [D'For the disensos in which this Piaster is applicable, see advertisement in anoiher column -of this paper. E. Dean's Chemical Piaster is for sale in Ann Arbor, (Lower Town,) by J. H. LUND, nnd W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD, ï Upper CHRISTIAN ÉBERBACH, 5'Town 49-1 yCLOCKS! CLOCKS! THE liiu-iug jtist reccivcd severa] cases of BRASS and VVOOD CLOCKS, o vnrious descriptions, s prepared to sell iliein Ckcap for Vaak. Also. a general assoitment of JEWELRY, consisting in pnrt f Gold Finger Rings, nnd Bosorn Pins. Jleansarul Crosses. Siivcr and Common Thimbles, Watch Chains nd Keys, Pendil Cases: nlso. Spoons, Sugar Bowis, Buner Knives, ïoodi and Hair J3rushes, Pocket Books, Viulin Strings. Needies, Pms. Hooks, and Eyes. Spectaeles. Fine, Dressing Combs, Side Combs, Bnck Combs. Pocket Conibs. Water Paints. Marking Cotton, Steel Pons. and Tweasers.. SnuiF& Tobacco Boxes, Elnstics. &c. All of' which wil! be sold as clieap ns at any other estalil8h'nent this side of New York. N. B. The aubsciiber thankful for so Iarge i fihare of pnbüc patronage-. gijl solicitsa continlonce of the satne. CLOCKS AND WATCHES of every description repaired and warranted. Also, JEVVEI-RY repaired on short notice. - 3hop at hïs old stand directly oppositc the Conrt rlouse. C BLISS Ann Arbor, No' 6. 1843. '8-iy. Cash &nd Bartcr S tere. C. J. GARLAN D, HAVJNGpurehascd the entirc Stock in trade of Godfrey and Allen, will be happy to wait upon such as will give him a cali. His stock consista oí a general assorttnent of g-oods. and will be sold ckcap, and for rcadij jmy only. WANTED, In exchangelor GOODS, most kinds of country produce, nnd FLOUR BARREL STAVES & HEADING. for which a fair price wül be paid. Ann Arbor, April 19, 1S43. 52-tf.ElSillinery & Orcss ifïaking. Mns. C. BUFFFINGTON, "DESPECTFULLY announces to the in-j JLV habitants of' Aon Arbor and vicinity, thal she has opened a shop, midway, between tho upper nnd lower villages, where the business of MILLIJYERY & DR&S8 MAKING wil) bo enrried on, in all its branches, witli punctiuiütVjdespatch, and in the best and mosi fashiormble stylc. Ann Arbor, Aprils, 1843. 50 ly boos BiHrmsztsr. AT TH}; I'AI'KK MILL (.U.VKR TÜK) ANN ARBOR. EBOOTH would respecii'ully infcrm the inhabiiantsof Ann Arbor and vicinity thal lic continúes the business of IS'OOK KSItfDIKG, at theold stnnd, in the Paper Mili. Oíd Books will be neatly ret-ound on short notice. AH kind3 of RULING done to order.- Country produce taken in payment. Apni li), 18.43. 52-tf. Checse. FOR Sale by C. J. GARLAND. Ann Arbor, Upper Town. May 5. '43. 2 WÖODWORTH'S HOTEX.. NORTHERN, EASTERN, AND SOUTHERN STAGE HOUSE. THE undcrsigtied respectfully announces to the Public, that he is now the Prop'rfetor ol tbis -veil known estahlishment. Tho 13'óusf1 liaving been thorougbly overhnulêd, nnd refi led in a manner calculated to promotc the comion of citizcn8 and the travelling pih!ic. The house occupios an eligiblc posiiion, on the corner of Woorlbridgc and Randolph strecte, in a business part of the city. Those wh'o may honor him with their countonance, niay be assured that no expense or atteniion in his power, will be spared. to make their sojourn in Detroit ngir-eiible and sntisínctory. [4tí-ly] S. D. W00DW0RTH. TAI&ORIXirGWILLIAM WILKINSON CLAIMS the nitentioh of the inhabitnnts of Ann Arbor and the surroundin country, and informe them he lias located Jrmself the North side the square, near the Post Office, opposite the rear of the Court House, where he is always on band to wait on ihose who wish to oblige hirn wiili a cali. The fnrmers are suro to be suited with good comfortablc fits. All who are more fashionnbly inclincd can be accommodated. havingreceived the latcst Fashionsfor Fall and Winter. Cutting done on the shortcst notice. and warranlcd to fit if made up by experionccd hands, i Ann Arbor, Oct. 1, 1843. 23-tf.RAIL ROAD HOTEL. 1843. BY 1843. PATRICK & ANDREWS. OPPOSITE THE WESTERN ANO NORTHERN RAIL ROAD DEPOTS, DETROIT, MICH. rpiHE above Hotel has been grently enlarged, X and fuied up in a slyle cqunl to any public house in Detroit, for comfort and convenicnce. - lis location is in a heaJihy añil pleasant parí ul tho city, bejng situated on the Public Square. .mi! in tho inimediate vicinity of the Central and Northern Rail Ruads, and convenient 10 the principal ROUr S divcvging to the difiereni parís uf the State. Tkavki.hus wishing to takc the Cars or Bonts cnnnot find a inoro convenient place than this. beirig near the Cars on both Ilail Roads, and in inmediato connection with the Boats. The Proprietors ossure the public, thnl no pains will bo spa red lo furnish their TABIK with the best the Market aflbrdo, and their cusomere with everv attenlion in their power, requisite to ihrir comfort. CAR RÍA GES f B AG GAG E WAGONS always in readinessto convey Passengers to and froni the Boats and Cars free of charge. TERMS - 75 cenis per day, or 25 cents per uieul. PATRICK & ANDREWS. Nov. 6, IS43. 28-6tn. 1848, WHOLESALE & RETAIL. S&OKSELLERAN :- -STATIOMEB, SMART S BLOCK, 37 JEFFRUSON AVKNOE, DETROIT, íeeps constnntly lor sale a complete jissorinient of Misccllaneons. School and Classicul Books; Letterand Cap Paper, plain and ruled, Quills. Ink, Sealing Wax, Ctiilery, Wrapping Paper. Printing Paper, of ail stzes; and Book, News and Canister Ink, ot var'ous kinds Full and half bound. ol every vanety o Ruling MEMORANDUM BOOKS. &c. To Merchnn'8. Teachers, and oihers. buying in quantitiea. a larire discount made. SABBATH SGHCOL & BI8LE SOCIETY DEPOSiTOR 5l-ti. WHÓliESAIiE & RETALLÉ STAP LE AJ'D FAA'CY Tb fcjubscribers këép 'cbiíátáhfly on hand larcre and choice stock of DRY GOUDS BOOTS AND SHOES, DRY GROCER 'ES, i-c. fyz. vvhiciï have boen selected wilfi care, and are of the ncw.est slyles ar.d best quiliius. As they are detertnined to be underold, they solicit the patronage of these wielimg o purchase.Ámongothcr thmgstoo numcrous to rncntion. hey have a large and excellent nssonnicnt ot' SHEETINGS, DRILLINGS, SUM MKR 8TUFF8, CALICÓES, FULLBD CLOTHS, SATINKTS, BROAÜ CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, GAMBROONS, LINENS, CAMBRICS, MUSLINS, HANDKERCHIEPS, ' &c. fcc. Bonnet Ribbons, a very beautiful Rssonment Ü,atr,ls, Broche, Silk, and Thibet. of the richesl paücrns. Parasols: ot" all kinds, qualilies. and pric-cs. Hose and l.ilf Hosc, Cotton and Woicted. Bojinels, Leghorn, TíisSáh and Straw. The ubove nssoft'tnent of GOODS w!) be eold ís clicnj), or ck'japor than can be purchased ir. Detroit. E? 7oo3, Potash, Floar, Jü nnd áll kinds oí PRODUCE will be reccivcd ii, aynient. ABBOTT & BEECHER, 144, Jeíleraon Avenue, July, 12. 1843. (12-tf.) Detroit KÊÊP GOXNG AHEAD5ïo"w is the Time for O-reat Eargains, and no Blistsk . M . B A W K S 9 WOULD respectfully inform liis oldcustom ers and oihers visicing Detroit, tliat lú has removed to the comer oí JefFersón Avenue and Griswold street, opposile Michigan Insurance wliere he has on hind a lare Stock of READY M.ÜDE CLOTHIJYG, cónsisiing' in part of O'rer Coats, Box Coats. Dtcss and Froch Coats, Vcsts, Pants, and every nrtícle in the elpthing line, cheijer than ilu cheape3.t. A quick sixpence is betier thnn & slow shüling, Oiily give us a en! i and ve will satisfy every one; thnt sour inaxim. Detroit. Óct. 7, 1843. 23-3in.T. LA BI BERT, BEGS lcnve to inform the inliabitanis of Ann Arbor. and fh'é surroumiing country, iliat hoving located himself in the Lowcr Villagc, wiih the view of carrying on the above business in :ill its brunches, (some of wliich me HOUSE. SÏGtV, nnd ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, GILDING and GLAZING. GRA1NIXG, imitaiion of II YVoods, MÁRBLEIZJNG. TRANSPARENCIES, BANJNERS. &.c. respectfully solicits n share of public pntronnge. as liis prices shall be low to conform to ilie times and bis work done in ihe best manner. T. L. vould sáy to Farmers thalhcis particularly desirous to Q'tíéñd 'lo tlieir calis, as produce is the best kind of pav. Ann Arbor, LowerTown, Marcji 6. 143. 45.- 1 y. DR. BANISTER'S CELEBRATEDFIÍVER AGÜE P1LLS.- Purdy Vegctabli, A snfe, speedy. and sure remedy lor lever and ügue, duni ngne, chili fever, and the bilious disensos peculiar to ik-vv countries. The6e pulsare designerl ror the uffeciions ol tbeliver and other internal organs which attend the diseases of the new and miasmaiic portionsof our country. Tho proprietor having nied them in o sreat variety of cases coniidently believes that ihcy are superior to any remedy that has ever been offer ed to the public ibr the above diseases. It is purely Vegetable and perfectly liarmless, and can be taken by any person, maleor female vvith perfect safety. The pills nre prepared in two separate boxfis, marked No. 1 nud No.' 2. and acecompaniedwi'Ji full direciions. A grëiit number of certificatcs might be procnred in favor of this medicine, but the proprieter has thouiilu fit notto insert them, in as much as hedepends upon the mcrits of the sume for its reputation. The above pill is kept constnntly on hand by the proprieter and can be had at wholesale nnd rotciil at the store of Beckley & Co. Orders from the country prompilv attended to. Ann Arbor, (lower town) Mny29 1842. 9 L. BECKLETV(DIB ÍPBÍÍOT 1MO9_ OF all kinds neatly execuied at the Signa Oflice, at the ehoviesi noticc, and on the most reasonable tcrms. Books Fapiphcts iCirculars u' Wl" t)e Prilltecl t0 order, a any time, wuli the utmost accuracy. ITT Orders by mnil promptly lïlled. SAL ERATÜS. WHOLESALE and Rotail. by II. BECKER. Ann Arbor, Aug. 2, 1843. 15-tf.MORTGAGE SALE. DEFAULT liaving been made in the pnym of n certain Büm of inoney with the inter thereon, secured to bepüid by o certain tuniuoum f Mortgage, bearing date the ihiriyfirst dao October, in the yenr of our Lord one thousauft eight hundred and iorty, cxecuted by El Qra eer, of Scio, in the county of Washtenuw am? he StalcoF Michigan, to Samuel Clcmêiifl óf Sfinff, in the coimty and State aforesuid wíiiM, Mortgage was recorded in the Hegister's ofhY ofihe couniy of VVasluenawaforesaid, on tlie nnd day of April. A. D: one diousand Jlu hundred and forty-two, inLiber ter. of Mort' s. ;it page one hundred and sixty-one. anl tlf ault having bern made in the condition of nM nortgage, and no suit or proeeeding at law ha ng been instuuted to recover the who]o or n,Z part of the money now due on said mort By virtuc of which defaüll thcre ,s „ow L o be duc on snid mortgage, the snm „r [ drcd.and fife 0„e dolg J Sj or npincipal and interest. ' "-fc"kH is thereforc heroby given, thnt jn nup íuanceofapower.of sale m mid Jndeniurc 5 mortgage contained, will be solri at uubJi.n,, , n the front door of the Court House ñ ,1 ?,n ngeofAnn Arbor: in the county t' "ft Vl1' be seventh day ofFebruarv eíOSÍ ? n the forenoon of said day, ali tl,P n,„ ,cIc bed in iSvÏÏ,S!giSï uay be „cces.ary to sat sfy the amount due ,or mnc.pal and mteresl on said mortgage. ï Jï' 1S cos.s for forecloamg the same.nnd des rib eff ollows: -'All that certain iract or narl In i vuig in theStnte aforeaaid. known bóu, Lli Í Jcsoribed asfollows, wwit Thèso'u U ir fl sou.h west rner of SJjSBifïïïSi wo south, of range five cast, escbpt filtee on the north side of said quaner secion, bebS one half mile ai length running ensi and west ' ,er ití43U A"" Arbr SlXU' day otNem, ' SAMUEL CLEMENS.MortgagcoBy O., his Attorney. U S9-T2w MORTGAGE SALE. DEFAULT having been made in the pav, mem of a certain suin of mom y with thRnterest thereon, aecured to be paid bv n certaij ndenture of Mortgage, bearing date 'the nvenll 'thday of November., intheyear of our Lord ono honsand oiglu hnndred'nnd thinv-eirrht „,„ ed bv Eli GrangerofSdo. i.Mhe'tniy Tf Wnshtènaw, nnd State of iWichigan, l? Rhoda PhHps of .he same place; whiclÍ T recorded in thereg.ster's office of .he county of Woshtenaaforesaidi on ihe twenty-eix.h day )fJáñUDry,A. D. one thóü'sand eieht hundred ,nd thuty-nme, inLiber numberseVen of mortgages, at pnge (hrce hundred and sevcniy fou-, md defoult having been made in the condition o?" énid morignge, nml nd suit or proceredmg nt law having been instiii.ted to recover the wholc or iny part of tlfe money nowdue, on said Mort {rage, hy vi.riue of win'cb defniih theic is now ' claimed (o bc duo on said Mori.èngë, thesum of ne hiit.drednnd thiriy-Unee dollors'and filty-su cents lor . tincipal and interest, whfcti morigage ïae.beéri duly ussigned to Samuoj Clemens, 7otine is tiicrefoie hereby given. thm in purèiiancë of n power of s.ile 'ín saiil indenturo of mortg pe coninine.l, will be sóld at the front door ofthe Court House, in the villageofAnn Arbór. in the coun'ty aforesaid, on the sevcnih day of Fobruniy next. at ten o'clock in the forpnoon of said day, at public auction, all the promisesdescribcd in said Indenture of Morignge, or su raucb thereofas may be neocssary to saiis'y the amount due fpr principal and interest, on id rnortgage.ns M'cll ns costs for foreclosinc the sanie, and dcscrijiëd as follows, to wit: tlie south hnlfof the west Iiatf of the south-wcst quarier of section seven, town two eouih of range five enst. Üntáíning forty ncres. be ihe same more or less. Dated, Ann Arbor, November fi, 1843. SAMUEL CLEMENS. Aemenee. of RflODA PHËtïS, Moftgacee. By. O. IIawkins. hii5 Attorney. 29-J2wChaiicery Sale. Philip M. Reeves. Daniel ÍÍ" Scully. { 1S ". cuir. and Mar? Scuíljr. $ Tn pursuince of a decretal oider issuod out )f the Court of Chaiicery. in and tor ihe State of Michigan. I shal! exposé to sale, to the highest bidder, nt tlie Court House, in the villngeof Av.n Arbrtr. VVnshtcnaw county, on the fifteenth dny ol" Jnriiinry next, al 10 o'clock. A. M. of tlmt rjñyi the folio wi.n'g describèd premisos, "to wie" ':ÁI1 thnt certa in tract or parcel of land lying in "Websier, and deecribed as follows. "to wit:" ■'The west hnit of the souih eost qunrter of secion thirty six. in townshtp one south. of range 'Mive east, coiitaining ei glit y acres, inore or less. ':Also ihe east half of the north en.t quartcr ol "section thiuy six. in township one south, of ''range five east, coniniring eigbty iet?, moro :ior less." or so nnicli thcreof as muy be sufHeient to rnisn the nmountdue to the complninnm [or his principal, interest and cosis in -this cnme. GEO. DANFORTH. Musterin Chanccn'. Gf.o. Mn.Ks, Conip'ts. Sol. iNov. 24. 1843. 31, "NlWGÖÖDSM" HA VING retired, not from business, lut to the old stand of G. Ward. l will scll GOODS Chcap. My stock is tntirely mw, nnd embraces a good yarjety, well selected, aiuf the goods cannot fail to satisfy those who wish to pnrehase. ] have spent inost of ihe summer and part of ihe fall. in New England; wherc Uie Goods nrc :nade, aiul I have been Me. to purebase sucb noods as I wanied; and at auch prices, a wül onable me to f(i!l tliem abou ns low ns tlicy liave been sold in New York, from Johbinir Ilousea rltiring tbiseason. Kspecially fcansel!; Wooleai Cïoths, fnnii the coiisest. lo superfine. 3-4 & 6-4 Cloths, Sntinetts. Cassinietes. &c. &c. at low priecs. More: 1 lmve on hnnd a good stock of Combi, Thread. Pina, Needies. &c. &p. whïcli 1 cnnr and will sell to auy, who wish to buj' by the qunnti'V at very low rates. [ wül uike ASMES nnd BLACK SALTS, or PEARLASH at my Ashery; and will sell SALERATUS in qunnlities k, snit piirchnsers. TERMS.- Cnsh, Produce, ut good Credit, I ara. Gentlemen nnd Ivulies, RèBö' ctfiilly yours. F. üF'-iVlSON. Ann Arb'ör, Upper Town. Nov. 7, 18!.t N. B. Cash paid for FLOUR, or Pot nnd Pearjnsh, or advanceed on the same ondsold o usual. . "' leatheC THE undersigned has just reccived from tho Mpnaiacturër, and will continue w bosiptflïed with a General Assonmcntmeni ot i Ab Ir ERN TANNED LEATHKR. Wfep sel) at dccidodly Lovv Pricea, fir CAbH or flè1 w'ill continually have on hand Spanisb and Slaughtcr SOLÉ LEATHER of LightJ Middlennd Heavy Wcighls; Upper Leather. Oak and Heml ck Tanned C all Skins, Pama nnd Slaughter Kips, Hanu-ss ond Bndle Leather, Bindings, White ond Colorad Lmmgs, Shoe Thread. &c. All persons desirous ol purchnsine nr o requesled to cali at the ONE STORY BRICK BUILDING. No. 39, Woodward Avenue, and examine the quality nnd prices before purchasing elsewher'e. uu,;ii N B The hiphpst Market Pnce will be paw inCASHFOllI-llDES. j Detroit: Nov. 13, 1843. ___gL Anti-Slavery Books. AQUANT1TY of Anti-Slavery Books are for fmle nt this office, very cheup. soon, before they are gonc. 39OOO FLOUR BARRELS for sale Cheap Cor Cash. by C J. GARLAND. 2 Ann Albor. Upper Town. May 5. 184. CH%R1,ES H. STEiVABXjr ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERy. JEFFERSOÍ AVENUE, DETROIT'


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Old News