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Selections: Claims Of Henry Clay

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1. He has been a elaveholder for forty years, and now holds sixty persons as property. 2. He was one of the founders, and is now the President of the American Colonizaron Societv, tho grand antagonist of abolition. S. When the bil] for the admission of Michigan into the Union was under considera) ion in the U. States Senate, Mr. Clay gave u specimen of colonizotíon benevolencë towards free colored citizens, by mailing a motion to dëprive them of the right to vote on the qneslionofits acceptanccby tbe people. See Señale Journal. 4. His great personal and official inflnence, R-lien Spt;oker of United States House of Representa! i ve?, secnred 1 be ndmisMon of Missouri, into the Union, ns a &kve State. . 5. He gave his castingf vote, February 18, 1791, ín favor of perpetual slavery in Arkansas, at a time when that territory was aimost entirely uninhíibited: tbus 6triiffg-ng for the widest possible extensión of legolizee crime. 6. He first proposed the annexation of Texas, by a motion to tJiat efiect April 3, 1820. 7. He has earnrstly contended against the n')ol'ion of slavery in the District of Columbia, or in 'any Territory of ihe United Slatcs,' nnd introduced resolutions into ihe United Staf es Senite, denouncincr 'inierference of the cüizen8 of any of ihe Statef,' to effect eíher of lítese objeets. See kis resolutious, passed Muy, 10, 1838.3. He zealonsly opposod the caHing of a convention in Kentueky, a meosure ivithoul u-hich the cbolilio7i of slavcry ly luw, cannot TAKK PLACE II THAT StaTF. George W. Weispnger, vvho is associate editor of the Louisville Journal, ihe leading Clay paper at the West, in a letter dated Juk 6, 1833, says; 'Itis well Icnown that Mr, Clay is warmly opposed fo a convontinn. Wlule the Convention law was under discnssion, letters were received hom him, remonstrating ngainst the pas&ng-e of the law.' 9. Fobruary 7, J8SS, he made his fLroat spooch for- Soiifhorn votes, in which he.eaid: 'The Liberty of the dccendavls of Jl f rica in the Umted States,, is hicompulihle wiih ihe ïiberiy of the lïuropean decendants.'


Signal of Liberty
Old News