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Due dates available on your calendar of choice!

by Allison B

If you are the kind of person who depends on your electronic calendar to keep you up to date, AADL has a great feature for you. Due dates, automatically synced to your calendar!

Check it out: On the page where you check the status of your book (the My Account tab), under your current checkouts, there are two little buttons: "iCal" and "RSS". (Don't worry if your calendar of choice is not iCal, other calendars generally accept this format.)

If you have your calendar installed on your device, you should be able to just click the button and select your calendar program and it should load right away.

If you access your computer purely through the internet and don't have the program installed on your device, you will have to copy the URL. To do this, you would right click on the iCal button and press "Copy link location". Then you would find the location in your calendar where you can add calendars: It would be something like "Add by URL", probably on your calendars bar. Then copy the link into the box that asks for the URL and presto! You're in.

If you need help with this or any other tech problems, please feel free to ask at the reference desk or call in.

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