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NEW BOOE STORE. (ANN ARBOR, LOWER TOWN.) THE Sub8críber has juat reccivert a genera) assortmRnt of SCHOOL ÖOOKS, such is are in use in Common Schools in thia Staic. togethcr with a variety of Religious, Stienlific and Miscelloneous works, such ns Qtiarto Bibles, Polyglot & Common, do. Pocket Ediiion, Family, do. School, do. Pocket Tesiaments. 3 sizes, Prayer Books, 4 sizes, The Peal mist, a new Bnpiist Hyrnn B-jok, Methodist Ilymn Book, Watis' Psalms and liymns, Annuals for Irt44, Cowpers Poems. Ossians, do Campbells. do. Burns', do. Milton'a Work, Scólt's Works, Albums. Tales of n Jrnndfniher, Scotl's Napolecn, Beau'iful New Ycor'o Presems. View of all Religions. Moihera FriehdJ Fi resille Piety. Genis of Picty, Meditntion on Prayer. :i valnable work, The Task, Berquins V'orks. Christian, Baptist, Church, VVashingtonian and Farnicra' Altnanacs, Boston Acadrmy. Sacied Lyre and Mnnhaitan Colleciion Singing Buol.s, Blank Day Books, Ledgers, Journals and Bloiters, "Justices' Dockeis. T-y Bibles, Primers. ]00 kinds, SongBo!.k5.20kim!p. and vnrioi s oiher Bookf. togeiher vyuh Wafers. Sealing Wnx. Ink. Qnills, Slee! Pens. Letter Pnppr. (nn excellpiit artic.'e.) and common. Cap Paper, Irik Piands. Lead Pencils, Drawing P-nciU. B. B. & II. B. and Propared India Rubber. All of which will be sold at Detroit prices for Cash. The subscriber hns mnde his arrangements so that almost anything in the lineof Books ind Stationary which is not on hand can be furnished at a short noihc. He iniends to make the 6ale of Books a permanent business and will thereforc do whot he can o keep his assoriment Don't foret the place, Ann Arbor. Lower V.llagc, n ca H y oppoaite the Flouring Mili. WM. R. PERRY. January P. 1844. 37-3m.WOOZ.! WOOX,! CJLOTH! CLOTHÜ THE Subscribers would inform the Public thnt persons having wool to be manufactur ed. c;m have il done at their Manufactory within a short time, as the larg quantity of wool furnished tliem Ly farmers and others the past season s nea-ly compkted. nnd will be finished wittiin n iesv days. We' have manufactured cloti this eenson ibr about one hundrei and twciilij-fice customers. to whom we have reason to believc. we have given gcncTal satisfacüon. - With this eiicouragement, we hope for fuiure patronage. TERMS. Half the cloth the wool will make. or 37 centp per yard. We will ylso exchange Cloth f ir Wool on recsonable lerms. Wooi. sent by Rail Koad to Scio will be properly attended to. SAMUEL W. FOSTER & CO. Scio. VVüshtenaw Co., Dec. L5. ]843.ABBOT & BEECHER . DETROIT WKOItJESAXtE AND RETAIZ. BEÜXSBS IN DOMESTIC STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODSJUST Tsceived a larger Stock iban ever oi Heavy Brown Sheetings. Shirtinpsand Drilliners. Bleached Güods, CalicoejT, Apron Checks. Baggings, BurJopa, Dinpers, Crarh. Muslin. Fustians. Mols Skins. Satifncts. Shecp's Gray C.'oih, Buckskin Cloth, Fancy Cassinieres, Wol veri oe Coaiings, Alapaca Lustre, Changeable Sttipe Do. Fancy Alnpines, Crape Delaines.India CJoih. M'.iuslin De .L-iines. Parisiana, Chüsans, Shawls. Rob Roys, Cardina'.s, Damask Shawls, Black. Blue Blnck. Brown. and Blue Bmad Cloths, Felc and Püot Over Coatings, Blankets, Flannels, and Superio BEAYER CLOTHS, Leather, Cotton Yarn, Tea, Sugar, Coffee, Bice and Tobacco. All óf which Goods will hesold at the LOWEST PR1CES thnt they can be botight for West ' :f New York Citv. and we wish our Frisnds to jive U8 a Cali before Buying. WANTED, POT ASH, WOOL AND FLOUR, For which we will pav the highcst prices eiiber n CASH nr GOODS, at the CUE A PEST CASH PP.ICES. No. 144, Jefierson Avenue, Corner Bates Street, Delroit. Dctroif, Nov. 13, 1843. 29-tf.THE TRüE PAIN EXTRACTOR SALVE, WHICH cures likca charra all BURNS by fire or water, ond every esternal SORE, PAJN. INFLAMMATIOJSr, ACHE or ÍTCHING ever yet found upon the human family. to vvhicli it has been applieri, must uhvays be éought genuino from Comstock and Co., of New Yoik,, ar theirWwühom.ed agentó. All a:e cautioned ngainst any spurious arricies, which may always jc avoided by köowïng tlie one you buy come3 from Comstock & Co . who are now the only iroprietors and manufacturers. Inquiie für Conïel's, which is warranied to do all it ever would ivhea called liy any other natr.e, or the pric& shall e refundcd in any case i_f it does not pleasc. To place it witliin reach of all, the price has ieen roduced more thnn four fold, and is now old for 25 cents, the forme r price being too exirbitnnr. The 50 cent size now con mms four mes as mueh as the tormer, and the $1 size ' :ear ten times as much. No fnniily that has any title to humanity. will ú to have Connei.'s Pain Extractor Ointment e Kvays at hand, to save lif'e, all scars. and reduce ' .11 agony from any btirn in five minutes, J ed they have seen it used, or will belicve thosc ' fho have used it. ' COxMSTOCK & CO.. 21. Courtliuid Street. l HTP Bc sure, therefore. and ask foi Co.n-nkl's, l s our plite with Dalley's name on it hns been loien. and the spurious may appear with thnt ame en it. Know, thereforc. that it comes _ sctlv from Comstock & Co., or slmn it. VM. S. & J. W. MATNAJtDi 36 Agent for A nn A rbor. PSAJLUKA IVtí. Wholesale: and RETAiLby F. DENISON. ' December 20. 1643. 35-tf. STONE-WARE. ! 3 F Enstern manufacture, for salo cheap. Wholesale or Retail. by , E. DENISON. J Dec. 20, 1343. 35-tf. t c FIREÍ FIREÜ FIREÜ! j '"i D. Hill, Agent of the .Etna Insurance Co., i ÜT will insuro property ngninst loss or t amage by Fire on reasonable ternis. I Oct. S, 1843. 27- tf Weslcyan Hymn Books. FUST received and for sale by G. BECKLEY. Ann Arbor. 18, 1843. 30 c


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