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VN1TY Of INTEREST. NOBLE AND SPRAGUE, WOULD cali the attention of the chizcns of Ann Aibor. and ihe community ia general to the fact that they. believing that two head are better than one, have formeJ a co-portnership tor the purpose of carrying on the TAILORING BUSINESS, n all its branches. They will be always on hand, two doors West of the Woshtenaw. in the J.ower Village of Ann Arbor, where all wliv favor them with their patronage may beure of sfciisfaction. No pains will be spared !n making iheir garments fashionable. comfortable, and durable. They feel confident from past experjence, nnd froni the attnntion which they pay to tbeir buiess. that they cnnnot fail ól giving universal atisfaction, and they are determined not to ba jutdone byany establishment westof New York. N. B. CUTTING done on short notice. and tnct attention will be paid to the orders of the ustpmer. P. S. We like to have forgot by die way to r.ention, thnt we too are in the receipt of the Vew York and Boston Fashions, for the Fall and Winter of 1843-4. 28-3:n. NOBLR & SPRAGUE. Ann Arbor. Lower Town, Nov. 3, 1843.NATüRE'S GRAND RESTORATIVB THJS %'alunbJe vegetable medicine stands unrivalleci (or the ibllowing complaints, vizDispepsia or Indigestión, Dieeosed Liver Biious Disorders, Dropsy. Asthma. Costivenew, Wonris and loss of Appetite, and hy cleansinr he stomach and bowele. cures pains in the side Stomach and Breasr, Colds and Coughs of inng iianding, Hoarseness. shortness of brenth. Ner;ous complaints, &,c. w-hich is frequently th ofèct of diseasc. lts virtues surpasa any thinr ïeretoforeknown in removingSt. Vitus' Dance; - two botties have been known to cure this aflicting disease, after havïng baffied evcry exerlon for íüur years. It has a most powerful iniuencc. in removing nervous complaints. It is ilensant to tnke, uiul so easyjn its operation, that t may bc administered to üie iniani with safetr For sale by W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD, „ Anh Arbor Aamerous certificates might be given were ii eemed necessary. Let the following sufliceCERTIFÍCATE. This certifies that I have tested the beneficial Hects of "Holman s Natura Grand Restarave. in niy family, (having used it Ibryears,) na witnessed rs healing properties ín numerous ïstancesamoiifirothers. I most cheerfully reromïend it usan mvalunble medicine; and f by sa otng thedisensed are induced to try it, I har ie satisfaction of believing that I have rendered lem an important service. G. BECKLEY. Arm Arbor. Nov. 24, 1843. 32-3w.Eristol's Sarsap orilla. rHIS valuadle medicine sojustly celebra'ed as a certnin cure for Scrofuln or Kings 'vil, or any disease arising from impurity of tho lood, has become so well known as to need no ubl caiion of tlie numcrcus certifícales now in ur possession. of the extraordinary cures lately erformed by it. but fearing there may be sonio ersons oflected who have been gulled by using ie imiiations got up by others. we would re" :ectfu!ly request thïtn to cali on us and satisfy lemselves of its many cures in similar cases. !y purehasing of usihey can rely upon tho genineness of the article, which they should b ireful to do, os we are told there is a spurious rticle of tho same name for sale in fhis vicinity. e carcful to observe that "Bristol's Extract of arsaparilla, Buffalo," isstamped upon the botes, and "C. C. Bristol" written in his own ind over the Cork. W S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Ann Arbor, Dec. 25, 1843. 36 WOOD! WOODÜ lTANTED immediately, any qnantitv of tm. DRY WOOD in l'oyment for th Sijna! Liberiy. Coma aoon.


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