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LB,ILB PXÏaLS. 28 PlLT,S FOK 23 CKNTS. THE Brisk Pilis answer the purpoFc more effcctunliy tor any dise se Iorwlrch any other ill-isieeominendöd, and supcrsede them alio eether in 'medical excellence amt vinue. II you doubt this-just try wiil cost you only uvu hiilwgs- and ihen you. wit!) me, wi.l be sausfio'i. Ifthey are not what I recoinmend Shem to"be denounce them and put theni down. lui J cinnöt conscientioiiBly recoinmend ihem Tor o cure all tbr every thing. Uut this I do say, wiihout fear ofcontradicuon, tliat no pills are their cqual n removing disoases an&auins in lic stomach er bowc'.s. For liver and btlious disr.-es. bucliasduin ngise, fever aiid ague. uuermfltniu and remhtani feversj the Bnsk litis possess peculiar propenins for thcir spcedy removal; From ten years expeneuce as a practusing physP cian I am convinced (hat none can cqual theni.- Ilead what other pills are good lor. and what diev will cwre. and if tïie Jirisk are not superior u. themail, ihen discurd their jts Do not believe allahatissmd abo-n an infalible p !l-rhnt ncver fail. to cureuny disense-but uy die Briak I it -the chcapest pills in usc-2 pilla for 25 cents _and tbeq you will have a chance to j uigo o ,heir inent ordeinerit. As n blood deanaer, and a Durifier to -ibe disëosedsystenu thcy perhans supersede every pitl in uso. 'I'hey are quick and ery in the operation. giving iiJe and tone to all the lorpid organs; llirovvin off impnre mattere orhumors: leaving the systom hcahhy and clean. This is all that any one medicine can do.notwi !.- standinöthe grent show ófwordsand lioiüionscer tTicatcsT We are determined to lot these puls stand üpon thevr owit repmaiion. winor loose. Al! weaski, fora fair and imparual tra . lhey. can be taken by old nnd young. nt any time with perfect safety. They are an excellent mediciné for children, for wornia, &c. In a word, they possess all the qualiues of an aperieni pil! for rafmly use. Thcy have cured niany diseases vvhicli no other medecine could remove. In conclusión Isav. do nat givenp ordespair ol a cure umïl you'have trred the Brisk filis, for they do posBcaspectilihrproiwrtiesanuviriiiea. For &a!e by S. P. & C. Jewetf. C. Eborbach. Ann Arbor; D. H. Rewjand, Northv.üe; J S Scattergood, Plymbnth: J. Dean. Poriiïac: i' B Dickson, Ml. Clemens: Maitland & Co.. Romeo; Sprngue & Co. Rochester; Churcb & B'irchard, N. P. Jacobs, J. Owen & Co., M troiu 1Q-Gm TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. JR. WALKFR woold announce to his friends and the public in genera!, that he is now in the receipt of the full and winter lashiona for 1 L43-1, wbjdi'hay,ë been selected and furnished by twoof the best estabiishments in the United Staies.'on the first of the present month, after the kinds-of goods and fashions for the seaon had become permanently established, which is beauiifully illusUated by two of the most splendid fasliion plaiésevcrpresented tothiscommunity- Any gentlemen who Wish to have the "iuiON pckk," oan rlnd it here furnished at a Beason whén there enn lic no inistakc as to svhai s or h not fashionable. Gentlemen, pleaso cnll nnd examine tbr yonrselves, and if wecannot cxhibitsometliing that wiJ! satisfy you that üiesiyle ofgoods and fashion of garmenis are chaste and aeautiful, then we are much mistaken. Mr. Walker would take this opportirnity to reiurn his sincere thanks to all who have hither'o favored hira with their patronage, and hopes he ios given general satisfaction. All who feel disjosed to iiavean eaiy, at the same time a fashionable garment. can be gratiiied by calling at ihe shop of J. D. Insfc ono door sou'.h of Beach Sc Abel's old store, w.hcre for the convenience jf himselt nnd cuotomers he has located for tho eaaqfc where all demands in hisjgj will bc exïcutwith neamessa.nd rJespnicbion reasonable erms for cash or country produce; but posiilvihj ;3 credit. , N.B. Ctuting done, and warranted to fit if ; jroperly rnaue tip. Octoberií.im 27-tf. ( " YP8ILANTI ACADEMÏ,Tl A N D - H. H. Principal. , Mr. CHAS. S. YVOODARD, Assktantv npilE winter term of thísinstiiutíon will ({ A. menee on Moaday, Nov. 20, and continue 1 1 weeks. While ihïs school is equaliy-open lo nll of both sexes, who wish to r.cquire a goot) cducation, particular nttention wlll bc given lo " tiróse who are prepsriug to Uack. The Í' sive and uninterrupteü aitentiou of (he principa] ll wiH bQ given to impart a pmciical knov.'ledse of IT the English brancbes'j He cecupies aiiout half s an iiour daiiy in wiih liie aid ofilieapparatus. minerals, or oiKenvise. Apparatls.- The Ins'iuniun is farnishcd ) witb:Ciierhitil, Philosophicil. and Astronomieal 'I ■. Surveying lustrurnenis. Geonietricnl v solías. &C.. to ibëlambiint of $300; aiso, a gooci tl Cainet of Minerals worth $50. s Turrios ín the common Lr'j s!i wunches. a cluding Comnositton nnd Declaniarion 'jít.i 2,00 io $3.50: In Phüosophy. Cherüiáiry. .'-.- a trononiy, History, RhètJrïc, Bornhy, Algebra, . Geometry, Surveying. &c. fro.m $4,50 to 5,00. si Mezzotinro and Chívese or Theprem paintng. '■■ g3.03 eacli ior 12 lessons, taught by Mis. Griffen. The tuition is to be paid at ihe iniclüe of th'e _ term. No deduciion for absence yill be innd-, s.xceprt for protiactcd sickness, and ' no one wQI be leceived for iess Iha'n livèand a half weeks. - Bjoks may be had ot the principa át Dctroi: prices. Board, TiicTiiciirVg roon and wasliíng. fron) T Í.OO to $], 0 p6t week: ferfurther páríicüTñfp inquire of the princip-s!. Rjomscan be hired !í ;heap for schol nrs to bo.ird Ives. Ie Rev. ï. M. Wwfi. Hov. f!. V. Pv;re. Rev. 3. F. Nonh, J. FairchiU!. M. D.. J. C. AÜon. M. D., G. and E. M. ËHtrarner, Estjrs. havo kindy consenied to form a vi-siiin;; ootninitipe. to bi ireseni at ihe Week reviews on T-hiirsday, and ut the public exam'r.iation o( the school. Ypsilanti, Oct. 16, 1S13. 5-1 y wnni .ir ntTHE su'oscribers would ijblbriii rtic nubhc ihl t thej' are now ñiíinúfácturirig WÓOLE1N CLOTII with a degree ot' suecessequal to ihch most s lüguine cxncctations. TVitii ibc rnncliin ery they now have. they are able lo mnrjufiicini'.é from 75 to 100 pounds of wool per day. The cloih they have r.iade-for the Isst tlirce inontlists of the best qual'ny. and dm made in luttffe wíl! be similar. They have entirely overeóme the tiirTicultic6 of siarting an esiablishment of ibis. kind in a ríew cuuiury. Thoir terms are 37 ceñís per yard forfulied cloili Gnishód; or lialf th: cloth the wool wilj innkc. I! n ïy aiter.üion of the terms should be dote.ynined on, public notice will be civcn. AH -.vool röceivéd beföre' such notice ia given wil! be workcd on the abovc m terms. If t.ny wish to have ihcir wool woiked without mixing it with otlscr wool. it wilt be done, provided they ossorl it theniselves, nnd turnish i: in quantities of 100 pounrfs of one q'.ialfty of wool. It is much be'trer to ?ew up wool in sneks thanto tie it up ín blankets; the clótU ehould bc stronjr. Trovisions of all kinds will bc i'Lceivcd in payment for maoufacturing ! the amount roquirë'd tor the confiumption of the establishment. Wool !n ent by riiilroad to Scio. wiü be nnpcrly of edto; the number of pounds shnuld be mnrkcdon ih thesack withink; alao the weiiht of the saek. - rn The woot wiH be worked in tuin os il comro in. e; as nearly as can be done with feierence to tho ín different qtfaütie?. di (Cr" Many Farmers have expressod to 'is thoir gratification in consuieration of onr sturung this S branch of business, and many hñve eñcoiiraged n-; by theirpatrormgeduring tin lósl ye:ir. Vo ioiv n invite a!l to bring their vool. to ihc amonnt of C 25,O('O pounds. andrefeeivéthe bbnefil of the véry rensonable terms on wliich weofl'erto mnnuf-jctureit. Tiie esuibüshment ia 2J milesf weöt'öf Ann Arbor, on the Huron. f?. W. POSTER. & CO. A Scio, April 30.1843. 1-tf Ai#iwivi wiiv vi uur uiiciuhijre 01 me suscriuer JD on orabotu the night of ihc'28th uit. a smal! ï gray Mare. four ycars oUK not shod. Any ,J son who wíl] givc noijcc tq the pwnexfiy letter or c otiieiwise where said Mare may be fbund, bhaJ! al be rewardcd by „t CHARLES HUDSON. in ïiorih, Lake, Wash. co. Oct. 14, 1843. 4G-3w ,nCELEBR ATED CHEMICAL PLASTEE, The most effcctuul remcdy yet discovercd for fflieuvi'itismï fr'ever tiorcs, White Sivellings, hijlammuüon 'in ike Lic3f 3 wel led Th r out in Scar' lel Fevcr, Quinscy, 4-c. $c, THE CHEMICAL PL ASTER is an important remedy k-r ihose whu me riiiliotcd with elironic and inlianmiaioiy cornplainis, ly is easini pain. counteracling inflamtcft-aon, and giving speedy relict" ly its active, sirengthenirig, anodyno. (iinphoiLüc ërtuaterirrituiu propei ties - an eiiècluol remedy for Chronic nnd {inflnmnmtüry üheünintismj Agüe in ilie Brenst, Scalds, Ijiirns. L;n!Ííi.'S; Scrofula, Ule-ers, Old Suics ol .lino?! cvoiy dcscripüon. Curikercd nnd Swellid 'l'hroat arïsïng frorpcarlet Fever. Felons, White Swelling8, Chilblnlns, cc. Persons suflèring Irom Liver Couiplainb, Pulmniiary diseases, Jnfiamraaupn oi the Limgs. uiih pnia in the sidc, i.-!ck or lirnhs. wül lind relief" ly üie use oí tlus Piaster. 1 all cases it ir.ay be used yith pnrfeel safety. E. DEJ1NS CIIEMICAL PLASTER is put up in boxes at iiliy cents and one dollnr e.ich, with ín II directions nccoinpnnying ench box. Mnnufncf.ired and söld Avhplssale by H. 1 1 A íl- RIS &, CO.. Ashtnbuln. Ohio. solc j)iopiictois, to vlior4i ait orcteis sluuiid bc nddressed. Suld also l)y rheir Agejits ilnuugliotu tfie country. - QZ'A liberal discount uiado to de.ulers and physicians. For testirftonials and cftnificntes from persons of tiie lugheat r.eapécu6i)ííy, who have used the Chemical Piaster, see another col u in of this paper. For sale fiy the ollowinij Agcnts in Michigan: H. W. Rood, iiles,J. C. Larri more. ;' C. Slíannhan. E'Ownrdsburgh. Win. O. Aiistin. White Pieon. Isaac Ben harp. .Ir.. Cpnatnntine. Danl. L. Kitiiberly, Schonlcráffi II. B. H oston, & F. March.jr PM Kalamazoo. James V. Cutiiren. P. I. Galf-sburgh. T. L. Boütcom. P. M, Uanle Cfeak', James M. Parsons, P. Al. Marshall. Paul Rnymond. Drupgist. Jnckson. Wra. Jacksóri, P. M. Leoni. Hale and Smith, Grass Lake. John C. Witians. Sylvan. J Millerd &. Soii, oester, Thomas P. örlay, Jr. Plymouth, Perin JL' Hall, Northville, Mead & MCtirííiy. Farmington, Peter Van Every, Franklin, .Tuliiis Dean. Pontine, Slack & Sprogue. Rochoster, James Sïephens. Ütica. E. C. Gallup. Mt. Clcmens, G. &J. G. Hil!. 1 n . John Owen & Co. (, DeiT0ltDr. Thos. M. Sweeny. Dearbornvüle, E. Satnson. Ypsilansi. J. LUND. ) W. S. & .1. W. MAYPiARD. Ann Ajbor. CHRIST1AN EEERI3ACH.' ) 49-ly - ■"- ■ - ..... .- ,. _ai I N tl "beady um mmmir p HALLO CK $ RAYMOND $ TTE7"ÜULD respectfuliy inform the citizens of q? VV Ann Arbor, aml t;.c State gencraüy. thnt 'bey have now on hand the LARGJËST and j CIIEAPEST stock of g READY MADE CLOTHING" l o ba found at any establishment in this State, .vliich they; are det.errnined to sell at ptices loirer han werc befure oflcred, and they confidently o nvite a!l persons in want ol' i:Réady Made, ?tolh'ng," visitmg Dotroit. to ciill at ihfir j abüsfanient. "Comer of Jeffcrson and a card Arcnuts," in the new brick hiock, Phocilx Bvildiiigs. where ilicy wiil fihd every t ioiy ofgarments suit;ib!c for entleinen's Fall or Vinte'r v.-ear, nnd tliey heiieveat prices from 15 r o 25 percent cheaper than they can obtain them n any other way. -r, Also, a very clioice selection of n, 'Brosd Cioths, CJassisneres, and YestiEigs,"" vhich they oTe to manufacture to order n a suporior nianner and style not to be exceKed il ihe Cdy of Nic York or elscwhere. Garnents alsvays vvarraiited tj üt and -pecase orno ■Me!) Alvo, a very heavy Stock of 3OMESTIC CLOTIÏS. FILOT and BEA7ÉR CLOTHS. BKLGÍC CLOTHS, SATriNETS. VINTER TWEEDS, and every arifiy and'descriptijn oí goríds-suítnbie ior í lemeri3s vrenrirv; appafel. all of which p!ki! be ;■! i binjlüio for casli. or exchanged ior Produce C it niarket prícee. ': All th(;se v:s}!Íii2; Bargains in any of the nhove ' inicios nvi'j'f] to culi ni the ' iBLE CLÜTIUNG EMPÓRllMF' of tlip Di nbscribsrs. Cor. of JeíFerson and Woodward n .vfinucs, Detroit. ( HALLQCK&RAYMOND. n Detroit. Sept. 23, 1343. 23-tf C hMjYUFJCTüRERS JlJVD g? CHJLXTS. U; JJE re i;ow rccciving", at tlicir Br stores. 188 JcfFífsnn Avenue, aml corner ui" i5c ndolph and Woödbridge strecis, Detroit, a ïe and general stock of - ►YE-WOODS AND DIE-STUFFS. 15 ions LotoorK FÜátic. Liniewood, - rairua. ijypernic Woud, in the stick, R SO eroand Cunuoocl, 50 do Fustic 20 do Log.wöoHj t? 03 do Rechvoods, i 20 rlo Alnrn, O fi bh Is Gopperas. er 4 do ïilüö V i triol. " j 4 pi;;es Ombre and Crop Madders prime, iOO ibs K::t!Tn-i Jouwood. 500 do Engal, Midrasánd Cnraccas Indigo, Niug lils. ( Alicppo, ) 250 do Po-.vdcrei! Cúrcuma. íliÓ do Vertlisris. 10 CarUoys üil Vitriul, 6 do ACjin Fortis. 4 do Spirus Sen Salts, 4 lo Niiric Acid, 2 cases Lac Dye. m Ibs, Biuiuo Tin, ?.';0 do Cream Tarthr, 300 do Q.ifreciron Bark. J'ogoilicr with a completo assorlment of all the uur natieles in i'no trude. to wit: Less Èapers, Tenzles, Urusiies, Jücks, Tent IJooks. Dye Koitlea, Pickera, Burling Jrons. Nippers, Prussintepf notns!i. Sa! Aihoniac-, Sa! So'la, Suf{nr of Lead, Steel Reeds. Gard Clean'rsj MACHINE CARDS, Satinett. Warps. Shears, &c. Pilis entirp stock !?'ih hoon purchnsc-d within the t tv,-o woeks, n.'id selcctéd personally by one titc concern, wlio has !?een n the business for ; lnst eleven years, and tbey hnvc no hef.itation sayiiiL' that llie quality of tlioee trooils :s unïeptionablo. Tliey will positiviy besoid at the vest New York jobbing prices, wit'h the of transporiation only. Tlie subsc.ribêrs hnve the solc Agency in this ]0 nie for the sale pf FAIISON'S SIIEARI.VG MACHJ7KS." ,„ n' t he celebro led f i LEK' ES TER MA CHJX E a „ iRDS," dHÍíioíJ!y the i:e?-t ín tisé. _ft THEO. H. EATON, & CO. April Jl. 18!3. 51 tf % asTTOR NE Y A N D C O UNS E LOR AT LA W. s SAG.rvAW CITY, MICHIGÏN. G. B. wili also net ns Land Agent in the cl L id District in whicli this (Sagnnnu) iiiuy ís; wül make investments for othcre IV ids, pay over for non-resident their taxes, nn-j re infornvition gonernlly to persons in terested this part of the country, or deeirousof becoml immigrantB 10 it.Peters Pilis. "!'is íun theysay to get well wiiJi ihcrn, ALL mankind ihrougbout thoir ividc and immense chctiluiion, ihnt ever-lry ihem con-iinue to buy iliem. Peters' Pilis are purely vegetable; tliey work no nnracles, nor do ihey profess t cure all disensos, because they ore the scitíüi fie compound oi' a regular pbysicinn. who has made his nrofession ihe study oí' hís life. Dr Peters is a gradúale o( Yale College, also ofthe Maesflchuseuts Medical College, und has soniewhaulisiingiMshed himselías u man oí science and genius Miiong il:e fatnily of the ate Gjv. Peters. Putcr&' Vegetable Pilis are simple intheii ire;iaj;:iiiun, nn!l n ihcir aenon, thorbugh iu ihcir operation. and unnvalied in tlioir resulta. - The town and coiunry are alike fiücd svith ilu-ir praise. The palace and lic poor house alike echo with ihcir virtues. In all climates they w 1 1 1 reiuin their wonderful poweis and exeit theni unaltcied by age or siiuution. and this the voieeol'a grateíul communiíy proclainnd. - Peters' Pilis prevent - keep off disoases il' timely used, and have no rival ín curiu biüious t'ever. lever and agüe, dyspepfia. liver comjilainls.croup. áick headadie. jaundiee, asihma.drop.y. rheumatism, piilaígement of.the splen, piles, colie, feniale o!is:i uciion, heart burn, furred longue, nausea, distemion ofthe stomach andbowels, incipiont dianhoea, flatulenco, habitual costiveness. l.iss of appetite. bloched. or sallow coiüplexion, índ ti all caseï of torpor of the bowels. where r. cothartic ur aperienf is indieated,. producing neitlior nausea, griping or debility; and h'c repeatail who buy them continue tu try tlicin. The most triumphunt success bas ever attended their use and enough is already knovi ui tl:em to immortalize and hand tliem down to pos terity with tlieiinprovements oí the age in med cal seience. Dr. Petera v:is lired tu the heaing art, and in order to supply (Iemands, he has jriginoted and cal led to li is aid the only steani ;lriveü machincry in ihe world for pill woiking: Tis perfect, and its process imparts to the pill jssentiai virtue. becnuse by being perièetly - do you hear thnt! while a host can testify hat they believo they owe llieir salvation hom lisease ttnd deatli to' Pil!, and ii" calomel uid knivesare eeuihg partially into disuse we ire only mistaken. Ckktificatks. - This paper could henlied with hem by residents of Michigan, by your friends md neigiibors - ask óuragents. It is now wcll inown thnt the pcoplc will have Peters' PiPs, nd to Iiifxier woitld be toatop the rushing wind. 'rice 25 or .r0 cents pe-r box The rcsistlcss force of these truth? - their niersal réoeption-, tiúde'd to the testimony of milluns, "keep it hefore the poople'' must and will ie henrd throughout (his vale of tears. Their happy intiuencc on joung ladies whi.íe uffering under the usual chauges of life as diected by the laws of natare, they impnrt a buoyncy of heart, feeh'ng and aetion. an elastic step, elvet cheek, lillyand carnation coinplexion by lieir nction on ihe chyle, X:c. and ladies in del;atesituations always admit their power and ín ocenco, atid tnke them two or three at a time ,'ithou'. in the slightest degree ipctitrincf the )iazrd of an abortion; whichfacts are ofthe utm st nportance. Pimples; a younsr lady sent her ve to Dr. Peters, and snysshe feels more gratejltohim for tho'restoration of her beauty than he had saved her life. 'Tis fun to eet well 'ith Peters Pilis, for iliey cause the blood tocourse jltmpid and gentle ihrough the veins as a vrïounn'n rivniel; 3 or'4 is a cornmon dose. henee the ïticnt 3 not comclled to make a meal. TROüBLE IN PLUTO'S CAMP. ,uite. aslonislíed Oíd Pinto enmeto New Yr,rk. Iearing Peters Uad got his Pill Bngiiie at work. j o resign his commission, his hour glass and scythe; liave come to deüver themall up to yon - ir. my calling is over - my business isthrough; have iicen fo'r tinco years in a terrible siew. nd Ireally don'i know what on eartli l'ain to do; - ot of your riíighíy sire do I come to complain. ut a tamal New Yorker, one PETERS by name; he diseases my aids, in this war o f mankind, re subdued by this Peters, what help can we find? would yield hitn N. York, sir, if there hc wou UI stay; ut, sir. Peters will have the whole wold for his sway. 'hile musing in council what course to pursue. hat Engine of Peters broke forth into view. The Ktngof tenors looked a while, As though liis soul was tur ed to bile, At that unsparing scourge ofills, By all men known as Peters' Pilis. These Pilis of Peters' stop the slaughter. And leaves theblood as pure as water. Now Peters makes, I'veheard him say, F(ve hundred thousand pills a day; So ihat tiie ciiance is very smaíl Of people clyins therc at all; For soon the cheeks. so markcd for doom, Begin likc any roso to Lloom. ,oolc hzrc! uil tcho try them continue to buy ih",vt. Forsale as iollowp. by Mesprs. Beach& A beú r. Grenvilio. F. .1. B. Alaynard. A: Co' 'r. Ward, S. P. & J. C. Jewett, J. U. LutuL [. Becker. Dick-nson & Cogsivell, and S. Iv. ones, Ann Arbor: Geo. Wainer& Co-, oryj .1 Iillerd & Son, pexte'r, ÏÏm, A. L. Show. Liia; .1. C. Wuians, Sylvnn, Hale, A; S.mitji rass Lake; r. Jackson. Leoni: D. T. Mcni. ian'. Jackson; M. A. Shoemaher. Micjíigáp entre: Brctherson óc Co.. L. J). Kief & GiL crt. Manhester; D. S. Kaywood, Saline; Snow 6 Keys, Clinton; J. Scattergood & Co., Plymuth; Stone. Babeock it Co,, andJulins, Movis&-Co., Ypsilanii; Pierre Teller, Detroit; J. v J. Bidwcll. and Dr. Under'pod; Atlrion; iart &b Mosher, Springvüle; Harmcn & Cook. rooMyti; Smith & Co., Jo.'iesville; L. M. oyce, Chicairo - and Iinost every Oef. 19. 1-12 S7-!yATTENTION, Ca'V receivcd rit the General Depot. for the sale of Cloüiicrs Stock. Maehinery, Dyf. uü'i, &c. ftc, No. 139, Jeffpjion Avenue. 'trotl, tiie fbllmving largo, well assorted, ano refujly sc!ecicd stock, yiz: 100 bbls. St. Domingo Logwood, Cnt, C 'i'ons '; :; in Stiel:, 150 bbls. Cubü Fustic, Cut. rv 5 Tons li ■' in Stick. J 50 bbls Waoil.hipped, - n 50 " Lima Wood, '""í-' río Red WooH, f , ' 12") '' Grouml Camwood, „ 10 " Queiciu-on Balk, o, 5)0 Ibs: Nutgiíílá, 10 Cisses Extract of Eogwood, j- 300 Ibs. Lnc Dye, ad 2 Ccroons Snnntsh Indigo, 'c0 300 Ihs. Sumac SicÜy, cn 3 CnsKs MariJei-. n'( 3 Ciieks lüne Vjulol, c0 5 Ca?ks Alum, 2 Ba'rrefs Red Tsrtnr. bj 2 Bffrrels Creatn T;irtar, 'J Carboys Aqua Fortis, v 5 " Gil Vitriol, 3 " Muriatic Acid, 500 Ibs. Yirdigris. 50 (í Block Tin, Teascls, Twinc, Cöpper Kett'es, all sizes, Pnrson's Shenring Macliines, Curtis' " " Screws and Prcas Piafes, Grafiks. Press Pnper. Steel Reeds, n Worsied Harness. Temer iiooks, Emery, all No's.. Olive Oí!, . . Clothicrs' Jacks. Snttinctt Warp, ' Cluthicrs' Brusheë. Shuttles, re Pickcrs, Gard Cienners. &c. &c. The abtfve, wilh n variety of other anieles l cnging to the iratlé, have been pnechnsed r" immer by the subscrihnrs ftom ManófeciurerL an id First Hands in tb e New York. L hiladclplïi;,. n ' :d Boston Markets, and every tliing having i)e ived his personnl insoection. he cali with the ne inostronlidenne offjr them to purchaeers as iUc Lti st and mes' ro'tlie stck'm the country; nnd j it 3 his fixed detenninaiion (by the lo-.v rntes or which he wil! sell) to nrevent ihe necessi'y ot ir Clothicrs and Maniifh'-'urern leav:ng the ate to makc their purchases, h. wonld merely y to the trade, CALL. examine tlie goods and certnin prices before you soy you can buy Pi' icaper uny xcJicre else. th He ia also prepared to contract for CARD1NG ACHINES mude in his State or Enst. A PIERRE TELLER, Sign of the Golden Mortar, 139, Jefferson Avenue, [17-tf.] Detroit.LOWER TOWN MESSRS. - DA VIDSONS & BECKEll, have justreceived f rom New York a large and splendid assortment of Faucy andStapIe Also, a Iarge quantity of Dvy Groceriesj Crockery, ÊShelf Hardware, Nails, Boots and Slioes, Men's and Boy's Caps, Paints, Dye Stuffs, and Medicines, &c. &c. &c. which tliey wili sell lower t lian has ever before been ofïered in this place. For.pnïticulars cali at. tlieir Store, No. 3, Brown's Block, (formerly occ-upied by II. Beckrr.) The highest MaiketjDiice vviXl bc paid in Goods for most kinds of' Produce. $#= Remcmbcr ihat they will undersold.-C Ann Arbcr, Lower Town, Nov. 13, 1S43. 29-Gm "gfUSTreceived at the Farmers' and Mechanics' Store, a general assortment of Fancy andstaple Groceries, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, &.c. &c. which will be sold cheap and for ready p ay only. C. J.; GAMLAND. Ann Arbor, Upper Town, Nov. 20, 1843. N. B. As usual, any Goods purchased of liin not giving satisfaction in urice and quality, the purcliasor has the privilege to return them and re:eive back his'money. 32 C. J. GABLAND, --i -Hü.-jguejgaBMwajaiiw"iiimfijimiUii m mii'iii i niiiiaiiiuj.iiiMiMLjt),jjajwMBiBaiJitw4iiiijiiv.ui5RIVER RAISIN INSTITUTE. ( rHE winter term of this insütmion wül j niencé the iirst Wednesday of November iext. and continue 15 weeks. Ii is pleóslmily ituaied in the town of Raisrn, one mile east of' h e direct rond ff om Tecumseh to Adrián. Rooms. - 'J here are now on the premisos suitble rooms for the occorhmodation of forty c lents. whïcb nre designed to be occupiéd ibr priatestudy andlodging. Oibcr 'nccessary buildngs are provided for recilaiion nnd boardmg.- klost studoms will probably board the sel ves. Expenses. - Tuition lor tifteen weeks, coninon branches 'A dollars, HFigher E'ugtish branchs. inclüding Greek and Latin. 5 dollars. Room ent 8 cents per week. Incidental expenses 50 enta per term. Suulents are expected to furrföh whnicver ihcy wisli to use in thcir rooms xccpi andirons. Kiudcnts who have lo bny tlieir books will do veil io defer so doing, and buy them here. "3'lie echoul is open to oll appiicants of suitable go and moral cliaracter irrespective of ' on or condición. Il is very desiroble that all who design, to c end school should bc rèady to commenco with ie term, otherwise tlere ci.nnot bc a regular (, lassiíication of t lie studenta. and witiiotit siich , lassificaiion coinparativcly liitlfi advancement ] an be mado in study. Any further information . especting the [pstution can be obtained hy resin?, post paid. JOHN PATCHÍN, ] ial. Raisin. Leiawee Co.. Mich. Raisin, Ocu 3, 1843. ' 24-3w. AííewlioBa, Invalids. WHO bas tried the Persíax and 3cv David' s or Híbkew Pi.astkr. and is nqt ■ eady to testify that tliey are decidedly tlie best nedicines now in rse? The above medicines mve been before.:he public toine four yuars, nnd L ihysictans ai fhe Enst h'avè nsed'tíiem extensively { n thcir practico, and v.xre :hey hero. t!:ey cquld ell you of the excellent qunlities of tliese tr.edi:ines. Ri:vL'Kid ] lave you ever used them? l ■on have not. ask tho'se who líávé.if théy aic not i viint we recommend tliem to be. Tfiey are the 'Jhci'2zst as wel as the best. A box of piaster ion"tüin8 sufficien} tow spread 8 or ]0 piasters - 1 irice fiO conts. lhe large Hoxes oí' Pii.t.s ain 7o puls for fi:) cents: the srr.ali boxes 35 piils br ol cents. No peions should condemn ;hem t n til rhcy have tfred them. and tiicn we are sure hey wül not. These medicines are for sale by njpiicagcms in al! vühiixesandcities in the Jniied States. Calino the agent, and he will rive any Information' warn'eíE For s'nie iiv.J. H. Lund. S. P. & J. O. J. ■- iú. C. Elierbach. Ann Arbor; D. M. Lr,d:l. !: oH: M. C. Uakin. Novi; D. M. RowíÓnd. STo!ihvil!eí J. Scanenrood, Plymoudr. P. V'aVrvery. Frank! in; J. Dean. Poniiac: J. Millerd. t Son, Dexter,: Dr.nger, Jackson. 10-.Giii. - __. . - : ! - _ EMPEMNCE HOUSE. { 1HE underaifíned would respcctiully i : . the fncncls of Teiiipernnct'. and the p.i ïeially. thnt tíie'abcne rinmed House, w cnown as the Teni)Oi-anc .í-]otl. nuil situatcd the corner of Víiciiiga'n avenue nul C i street. near 'hé Cèjntral ïlnilroad Deriot, havr undergonc thoroiisji repairs and vë'r'y ireái liional iinproveinents. is now rentiy forthe reition of all those who inay favor hini 'n a -3 1. The acconimod.'iiions, in cvery respect, are t mlerior to any Tempírnnce Houso m t!e intry. and every attention will be itiven to :h as bcsrow thcir patronage upon Uiis laiidaenterprisp. Nr. B. Carriages always in reatliness to conl ppssetigers to and from Boüts anri Cars. N ÏÏM. CHA MP. Detroit) ITnv . IIH. 4-1 y C ELE B RAT Eb f', ÊHÉ;MiöAli PLáSTER. "' "1MK fullowing is onc trom aniohg tle nu Co . ir.crobs testimoniáis from persona of i';:v H: ;host respcclabiliiy, whieh the proprietoishave eivc;d. na FRO.VI SAM'L D. KINGSBURY. ,jr LI. Harius &. Co. - Sirs: 1-Javing been so usly afllicte(vitii inflamrha(ion of" the Eyes. 1 hearing oí E. Denn's Chemioa! PI isier f had _ ox procured. and on the iifst nppiication I exienced great reücf. and in foui ü.ivs a icrinüit cure. So efïbciual was the appjicatioo and altnost immediale relief re&uhing ilicrefrom. t in similar cásea I fed great pleasure f mending it as .1 remedy worihy of patronage. . v Respect fully yourt, &c. ai: TL ï). KINGSBURY. .7 Sniffsville, O. June 9. 184Ó. 35. P.c CFFor the diseases in wbich ibis Piaster is ,al ;able, see advertisement in auother column of 1 s pnper. bc E. Dean'sChemical Piaster is lor salo in Aun ir bor, (Lower Town.) by dr J. H. LUND, and r W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD. ? Upper . CHRISTÍAN EBER13ACH, Town ra 49-ly IIJLOCKS! CLOCKS! rl IE subscriber linving just recdved severa] s cases oí' BRASS and VVOOD CLOCKS, ' ! vnrious desenpiions. is preparad to sell ihem Vicup for Cusk. Also. n gcñe'ral nssorïinè.n': oi ' onsisring 'm pWrt of Gold Kiuger Rin?s. and ] Bosom Fins. ilenris find Crosses. Siiver and Comiñon Thimbles, Waleh Clir.ins and Keys, Pendil Caaes: aUo. Bpfransy Sugar Bowis. Buiter Knives, Tnoih and flair Brusbés, Pocket Buoks, Vioüa St rings. Needies, Pins. í íooks. i nndEyos. Spectncles. Fine, Dressing ConitV, Sido Combs, Back Combs. Pocket Comls, Water P;iin;s. , Marl; ing Cortón. Steel Pms. and j Snuift Tobncco Boxcs. Elnstics. &c. ill of wHich v II be sold as chenp ns at any othr establishmenr this side of New York. ' N. B. Tbc snbsriü)er tlrinkfnl for so large [ shnre of pnblic patronrir. sr.W solrcitpn continence oíilic same. CLOCKS AND WATCHIS of eveiy dftscripiion rcpnired and wnrranted. riso, JEWEI.RY repaired on short notice.- hop at lus old stand direcily oppositc the Court lousc. C. BLISS. Ann Arbor, No 6, 1843. 28-Iy. Cash and BsrterS tere. C. J. CARLA ND, HAVINGpurcha8cd the entirn Stock in trade of Godirey and Allnn. wiil be happy to .'ai i'üpph' éuch as'wilfgivi (urn a cali, fli.toi:k oonsists oí a een eral assortment of goods. i nd will be sold chcap. nndfor rcady pay only. WANTED, '' In pxchnnfrolor GOODS, most kinds of counry produce, nnd LOUR BARREL SI' AVES & HEADING, or which a fair price wül be paid. Ann Arbor. April 19, 1843. 52-if. ; íüsMieery & lress itïaliïng;. M r s. C. B ü F FFINGTON, QESPliCTFULLY announc(!S to the inS- li:ibi!anls o Ann Arhor and vicir.iiy,thii! ie hns opeliéd a shop, inkhvny, between the . ipper nnd löwër v]liges,vhere the business of , MILLIJYERY $- DRESS MJ1KIJYG i'ül bo carried on, in al) ifs brnnches. with iunciii.i!i!yrclespatch, uiuJ in the best and mos! , áfliioríabie sl"lc. , Ann Arbor, April G, 1S43. 50 1)'TII.K P.M' KR .MI1.L (l.UAKllTöiVK) A. AKSdR. (' p BÜOTH '..oü'd respceifuily inlh-m die n L iiihabiianlsoi' Aim Albor and viciniiy iliai ! contjjiyes the busijHisso ll the old atand, in the' Paper Mili. Oïd Boofcs .! lie:ioní!y rebound on sliortnotice. Al! kinds of RULING done to order.- ] uritrj produce taken in payment. J April" iy.. 1843. 52-tf. u ■ ' ; f( C!heee. TOR Sale by C. J. GARLAfïD. L Ann Albor, Upper Town. May 5. '43. v "c pi WGQ'&WQWLTÏVS HOT' L. - ,,, 3irriIERX, EASTER?, AND SjOUTHEKN 'u STAGE IIOTJSK. üf HHE undersigned reüpooiiully annonnces. to _ ïhe Pi'.Mic. iliat lie ir now ihc Prooi ie lor ol ' ïs vdl krföwn ësianlislirnent. 'I'he I 'e' ving been thoroughly oVcFliinlcd, yn; refited a líiíinner cnlci.l.i'.ed to prpmp'e the coinfon Oi citizens and he travelting p'nblic. P' The hotisfr.omipies ni eliille posiiion, on the raer of Woodbridyc n: Ilandolpli strects, in a 9) siness pnrt of (hc city. p1 Those wl)o mny honor hini with thnir '" nee, ma y be assured tliat no expejise or : l'' n ii'.'his power, wül bc spnred. te maUc their o urn in Detroiiareeriblennrl sitislnetory. "3 [46-ly] S. D. YVOODWORTH. '' WILLIAM WILKINSON ■"U..AJÍVJS the attention of Uu; inhabitnnls o!" y Ann Arhor and llie surrounding country. d inform8 thum he bas located "Irmself the V rih side the square, ncar iho Post Olliee, in si;c the rear of ihe Court House, where he is .vays on band to wait o;i Omse wlio wish to v iigè him .wj'th apafl. Tlie frjrrners are sure fj suited 'with good comforiab!c fits. All who 3 more fashionably nclined can be aeeomittoted. havirigrcoeived tiie .Mes: Fachiong forFall d Winter. Cutting done on the shortest notice, and -% nted to fit if made up by experienued hands. Ann Arbor, Oct. 1, 1843. 23-tf.RAIL ROAD HOTEL 184:3. BY 1343. PáTRICK & AN0REÏVS. 3PFOSITE THE WESTERN AND. NORTHERN RAIL 11OAD DEl'OTS, DETROIT, MICH. THE nbove Hotel hns been greatly onlarged. and titicd up in a style oqual to ;iny public íouse in Detroit, for comfort nnd convenience. - [ts lócation is in a henhhy and plensant parto! :he city, being situaied on tlie Public Squure. nid in the immediate viciniiy. of the Ci;nlrnl and NTon!iei-n Rail Roads, nnd convenient to tljc inncipfil STAG-E BCUTB Jivergingto tlie diiii'ieiH pnrts oí ihe Stnte. Thavki.kus wishing 10 t.ikc tlie Cars or Coats ?Rnnoi find a more convonient place thon th is. ■löing near tho Cars on both Kai! Ror.ds, and in m medíate connection wiih tlie Boats. The Proprictors nssure tlie public, thnt no )nins will be spared to furnish their TAJ31-TC .viih ihcbcst ihc JMarket aíTordfl, iind their cusomérèwith everv attention in tlieir power, requiiie to tlioír comfort. CA Ti R f A G ES fBAGGAGP WA G ONS ílwaye n reailiness to convey Passengera lo and rom the Boats nnd Cars free of charce. TERMS - 75 cen:s per day, or 25 cents por ncal. PATRICK & ANDREWS. Nov. 6. 18 13. 28-6m.


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