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SWHOJLESAL.E& E TA. I. STAP LE AND F ANC Y rïiii, Subicribers keep constanily on iiamJ Ifi.rge and choice siuck of DRY GOUDS. iÖOTS AND SHOES, DRY GROCEll ES, SfC. fs. whicli have been seleeied are, and are of ihe newest siyles and best quilics. As they are deienninei! not to be ónderold, they solicit the patronnge of these viahirie i puichase. Aniongother thipgstoo numerous to mentiun. hoy have fi !argc and cxcclleni assbrtmM?i of ?HEETINGST DRILl.IWGS," ïUMMKRSTUFFS, CALICÓES. JLLlil) CLOTiSS, SATINKTS', i JROAD CLOTIIS, CASSIMERES, ■ iAMRROONS, LÍNEN.S, ' ;ambrics, muslins, HANDKERCHIEPS, fcc. c. Bomicl Ribbovs, a very beuutifi,il r.ssortmont. Si.atrfs. Broche. SilU, and Thibet, of itu icliest p.'iilerns. Parasols; of all kinds, qunliiies. and Huse 'and' Hoss, Coiton and VVoited. Bonnels, Leghorn, Ttisan and Stiaw. The nbove nssortment of COODS wil] be so!! , a cheap, or chcaper iban can be purchased iii Detroit. o Woo], Potash, Flour, sn ind all kinds of PHÜÜUCE will bcieceived ii: ' laynient. ABBOTT &BEECÍIER, 144, Jeiferson Averille, July, 12. 1843. (12-tf.) Detroit.[EEP GOING AHEAD. ; ïow is the Tiine for O-reat ; Bargains, and no Mistak . ! R. BANÏ5 "S7OULD lespectfully iiilbnn his oldcuslom f i ■ ers mul others visiJng Dctro.i, th'at li is removed to thè corner of Jefl'ürson Avenue id Griswold stree!, opposile Michigan liisi:nec where lie h;is on hand a larjjo Stook of READY MADE CLOT HING, msisting in pnvt of Over 'Coais, Box Coai?,. ress and Frock Coais, Vtists. Ptinis. nnd every licle in the clothing line, chenper tliaii the ( ieapet. A quick sixpence is better ihnn rj ; ow shilling. Only give us a cali nr.d we wil! t iiisfy every one; tba't is our inaxim. Detroit. Öct. 7, 23-3m. i I T. LAM BERT, 5GS lenve to inform the ijihnbitanis of i 3 Ann Ai!or. and the surrouncíing ! y. i hat hiiviiitr loeated h'im'Bölf ifiT.'hé LuroVillago, wilh the viw of canying on the ove business in all its branches, (somc ! " which nro HOUSE. SÏG&, nnd ORNAMENTA L PA TNT ING, ILD1NG and GLAI'JING. GRA1NJNG, . ' uttfjiWi of ill Woods. MÁTJBLEIZJNG. RANSPARENCÍES, BANNCRS. &c. spcetfuüy solícita n slmrc of public pntronre. ns his pvicea shall be low to conlonn to e times and his work done in the besl i ;r. T. ÍS. ivould say to Farmers íl;at lie is pnr■iilnrly desirous to nttend to their ca!!?, as odücc is the üest kind of vav. AnnArbor, LowerTown, Maröli (5. 143. uk - ly. i : ]3R. BANISTER'S CELEÍÍRATKDFE - " VKR AGÜE PILLO.- Pun ly lege■bit, A s;ife, fpeéñy, and sino remedy lor ver and ngue. duni agüe, cliill fever, nnd llie lious discnsus peculiar lo ntw coriitrus. T Thesc pulsare desígnect ror t lie nfFectioiis o( eliver :ind other interun) orgnns wliidh p id ilic disenses oí tke new and núasmatjc t írtionsof'our cou'ntry. si Tlie propvictor liaving iried iliem ir. a Icat variety of cases coníiden'.ly bcÜ.-ves tjiat ey are stipeiior to aiiy remcdy ihai lias ever a on oflcied to the public ibr the übove disBCS. Itispnrely VégétaílA' títid pe:fect]y i 3s. and c:in lie t;íken hy anyperson, muleor i. male wiili perfect safety The pills nrë prepared in two sepárale I. , inarkr.d No. 1 aiul No. 2. and S ned,wkh fu 11 diveciiuns. A grent nuniber of certifica tes might he q ocured in favor of this íMfdicine. lut ihe J] oprieter has tl:oi::ht fit notto insert theni. p, ns much as he Sepelios upon tiie merits oí' el e snme fer its 'eputation. The al)ove pill is kept constanliv on hand r the proprieiPr and enn he liad at wiiolesale id r cil n í 1 at the store of Beckley & Co. Orirs fiüüi the country nromptly attended to. Ann Arbor. ílower town) May2( 1842. 9 L. BÉCKLEY: 3OIB IPIBHSTIFiSt I )F 11 kinds neatly exccuted at :ie íSiynn. Oflice, at thc sliartesi notico, and on thr . ast rensonaMe (erni9. JBooks Famphets Cñrculrs J WU ue P"iïted io order,7 j tuno, wiihihc utmost accurncy. TT Orders by mail promptly fiílcd. ; i í SAL ERATüS. A' 7E7IIOLESALE und Rotail. by 'V II. BECKER. Ann Arbor,.Aug. 2, 1843. 15-tf.MORTGAGE SALE. DEFAULT having boen mude u the pnymen of a certoin tuin oí mongy wuh ihe interes 1 tliereon, socured ro bepaid by a cert;iin QJtmispm of Morigoge,bearing date llie ihirty-firatdaA oi Ociobiír, n the ye;ir of onr Lord one thousauo r eight hundred und forty, executed by Eí Grnger, of Scio. in the couniy oí .Washtenaw and ihc Suiie of Michigan, to Samuel GWicue of Lima, in (he and State nlorcsaid, Whïtfi ; .Mortgage was recorded in tlie ftegister's office ofthe county of Washtennw aforesaid, on theaec' ' ond day oí "April, A. D. one thousánd. eieht hundred and forty-two, in Liber ter. of JVJoitgae ; es, at poge one hundred and si.;yoi;o. umi do lault having be n niado in iJie coñdiiü of aaid mortgage, and no euit or procce(liiir nt !nw haring been insiituted to recover the whule or anv pan of ihe money novv ciue on said inun-are -- By virtue of which defauít there ís now cltiimed 5 (o be due on said inongngc, the smn .of thiee hundred and fi'ty one dollars and twenty cents fjr nrincipnl and interest. , ' Noiice is iherefore hcreliy given. that in nnr ; suance of a power oí sale in. said Jndeniure „f - morignge contamed. w.l! bc sold al public nuction - nt t),e front door ol ihc Court Hoiue in the vil ■ lageofAnn the coumy aforesaid, on the sevonth day of l'ebruary lcxi. at ten o-'eíork ihe forenoon of said day, all tf10 èrefc des I cribed ín said morfgngé, ór so muc'h thereof á may be necessary to sal sfy ihe ;,,nount duelo? i' principal and. mierest on said norigage as wcll' nscosis (ór fqreáloéíhg the snme.and describet) ns follows: lAll thatcenain tractor pared oflantf lyingr in the Siate aforesaid, kopw,,, bounded nnd - described ns follows, tu wit: The souili hi.lfof th' south wcst quarter of section seven in towrf !wró south, of rnnge íivo e#sji except filteen ocrea" on the north sde of said qunrtcr seciion befo one hfilfmile ín l'ength" running cus't and wost '' Dased at Ann Albor, this sixth day ofNovcnv ber, JS43 f p n SAMUEL CLEMENS, Morree, By O. Havvkins, his Attorney. " 29-12 wMORTGAGE-SALE. jTYEFAULT having been made in the pay. LJ inent of a.certain sum oí y wjrf, the iitercst ihcreon, secured lo be pajel by a ceruun idor.turc ol Mortgage, bearing date 'the iwentith dny of November., in ihe ycar ofour Lordone bonsand oigln hundred nnd thirty-ejght. e.ecunrd by Eli Granger of Scio. in'ihe coiiniy 0"f Vnslücnaw, awi State of 'Michigan. ífí Khoda 'hclps of the sntne niacc; wlicli"moitg:ige wns ecorded in thorpgisicr'soiljai ol the coimty of Vnshteiiaw, aforesaicl, on ihe twt;ity-ïixili day ■ f J.-iniiai-y. A. D. p.n.e tlrousand.cight lumdtcd nd ibiny-nine, in Liber munbci sevcn of uion;ages, fit page ihrcé lumdrod nnd sevomy fou.-t - nd ddniilt having been made in the coniJïnpn of imi mortgnge, nnt) no snit or procceeding at lnw inving been instili.ted lo recover the wholc or iïy pnrt of the rnoney ñowduo. on snid Mort■nse, by virltie of whicli defnult thcro is now l.iinied u bc due on said Mortcngo. thosiiin ol' me Ivuiulred and dollars nnd filty-cix :enis lor .riucip;il and interest, whicl) inortgago ins been duly aasigncd { Samuel Clcniei;s Not ce is thereforè hereby givcn. that in purnance of n power of snle in said indenture of nortg-pe conmine, wil) bc "sold at t!;c front ior oftlie Couri House, in the villasrc of Aun V.bor. in ihe coimty nibresoid. on the sevenih lay of Fcbniary ne.t. ai ten o'clock in the foreïoon o.féaid diy. nt pul)lic anetion. all the premses desenliad in snid lijden) ure oí AItngoe, or 10 .much thoreofas rnay,b.e necessary to sDtis'y he nrnounl dne for principal ano' miereet, on said nórigagevasvell ascosts for foreelosinc tlio snnia, md (lefc]ilcd as follows, lo wit: the souih halfof lie west half of the sóuih-wcst quartrr of sectib'n even. town two sonth of range five east, connininff fort y acres, bc ihe sanie moic or less. Datcd, Aun Abor, November fi. 1843. SAMUKL CJ.F.MF.NS. Assicne. of RU ODA ÏIELPS, Mortgee. By. O. ÍJa wk INS. liis Attomey. 2i)-l2w


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