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Ernest D. Sutherland Farm House, December 11, 1936

Ernest D. Sutherland Farm House, December 11, 1936 image
Published In
Ann Arbor News, December 16, 1936
LANDMARKS FOR MORE THAN CENTURY: These three well kept farmhouses, shown above, located within a radius of one half mile in Pittsfield township, are all more than three quarters of a century old. The farms themselves have been owned and operated by the same family groups for more than 100 years. At the top is the home of Mrs. John Cody, a widow who lives with her two sons, Charles and Grant, on Textile Rd.; in the center the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest D. Sutherland, across the road; and at the bottom the William Harwood home, US-112.

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Donated by the Ann Arbor News. © The Ann Arbor News.