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BY the Box. for sale by n C. J. GA RL AND. Ann Arbor, Upper Town, Jan. 17, '44. 39 c BY tho Barrel, for sale by ; C. J. GARLAND. Ann Arbor. Upper Town, Jan. 17. '44. C9 : cash ; PAID for WHEAT and TIMOTHY SEKD. t by C. J. GARLAND. ' c Ann Arbor, Upper Town, Jan. 17, '44. C9 L _ c37S3W BOOK STORE. ( A NÑ ARBOR. LO WER TO WN. ) npHE Subscriber lns just receivcri n general X assortment of SCHOOL BOOKS. such ís are in use in Common Schools i this Siatr, together with a variety of Religious, Scientific ind Misccllar.eous works, such as Q.uarto Bibles, Polyglüt &, Common, do. Pocket Edilion, Family, do. School, do. Pocket Testamenta. 3 sizes, Prayer Books, 4 sizes. Tbe Psalmist, a new Baptist líymn Book, Methodist IJymn Book. Watts' Psnltns and Hymns. Annuals for 1844, Cowpers Poems. Ossians. do Canipbells, do. Burns', do. Milton's Works, Scott's Works, Albums,. Tales of a Grand father, Scou's Napoleon, Beaii'iful New Year'a Presents, View of all Religions. Mothers Friendj Fireside Piety, Gema of Piety. Meditation on Prnyer. a vuliiable work, The Task, Berquins Works. Christinn, Baptist, Chnrch, Washingtonian and Fnrmera' Almanacs, Boston Academy. Sacred Lyre and Manhattan Collection Singing Books, Blnnk Day Books, Ledgers, Journals and Blolters, Justices' Dockeis, Toy Bibles, Primers. 100 kinds, Song Books.20 kind?, nnd variors other Bookp. together with Wafers. Sealing Wax. Ink, Quills. Steel Pens, Letter Paper, (nn excellent anide. ) nnd ommon. Cap Paper, Ink Stands, Load Pen cils, Drnwing Pencüs. B. B. & II. B. and Prepared India Rubber. MI of which will he sold at Detroit pnces for Uasli. The subscriber hns made liis arrnnge nents so that nlmost anything in the line o! Söoka and Stationnry which :s aot on hand can e furnished ata short notno. He intends te nake the sale of Books a permanent business ncí will therefore do whnt he enn to keep his asortment good. Don't forget the place, Ann Vrbor. Lower Village, nearly opposiie tin riouring Mili. ÏÏM. R. PERRY. January 8. 1S44. 37-3m.FASHIONABLE fd HAT STORE. 3 cl XT BARNUM, WQÚld rcspectfully inronv ,u V the eitizens of Detroit, and surrounding q( intry that he lias constantly on hand a ,, 1 assorlrtiem of ,r, fats, Caps, Furs &c. j ich he offers for sale on the most rensonabk pn msiitïïo. 75. Jefierson Avenue. cai jBÑtlkmkn and Ladiks from nbroad on in ; tlie City wil! do wíII to give him a cali e purchasíng elsewherc. hc Detroit. Nov. lOth, 1 843. 2í)-6m ,K - - i . syrEstray Oxen. CAME into the inclosiiro oí' ihe subscriber on or about the sisth oí November lost. a pair o! STRAY OXEN. One ís a spotted red and white - the other red. and had on n small bell. They were partly shod - judged to be 10 or 12 yuars o!d. The sa:d Oxen have been duly entcrerl on t)ic Town Eook. and appraised accoidinp to thelaw. ADAMS J. CUSHING. Webster, Jan. 5, 184 l. 38-S-aSALERATUS. WHOLESALE and RETAIL r-y F. DLNJSOX. December 20, 1843. 35-F. j STONE-WARE. l OF Enetorn manufacture, íor sn!e ciieap. j Wholesale or Rctail. by f F. DENISON. h Dec. 20, 1843. 35-tf. c . c FIRE! FIREÜ FIREÜ.' f, GD. Hill, Agent of the JEinn Insurance Co., yi will Insuré property ngninst loss or tl lamoge by Fire on rensonble terms. Oct. 25, 1843. 27- tf c i ■ . :: Wesleyan Kymn Books, TUST received and for sale by G. BECKLET. Ann Arbor, Nov. ÍS, 1643. 30 iVVÍCTOR Y Tfse Fever and Agüe used up- Dr. Banister's Pilis yR. BANISTER'S CELEBBATED FEVER AND AGÜE PILLS.- --- Purely Vegbtable. - A sa'e, speedy, and sure rem'dy for fever and agüe, dum aguc, chill í'cver, and the billious diseaes peculiar to nevv countrics. These piil are designe;) for the híFectionsof the liver andother internalorgans whk-h at'en 1 tJie diseases of r[,e new a,n] miasmatic portions of our country. The unparalleleil fuccc.-s that lus at'endcd ihn use of these pil.l?, induces tiie proprielor 10 belicve ihat they are superior to any, remedy evr offereí to ihe public íor (he above diseaes. They are pmvly VEGETABLE nnd perfecily harpileps, and can be ta ken hy any person, m:Je or fcmale with peifect afety. The püls are prepared in ivo separate boxes nwked No. 1, an Nov 2, an] accompanicd with full direction. A great nmnber of cenificates ntight le procured ín favor of ihis med.i'. ciño, but thc proprietor has ihought ñt not lo insert them, in as much aa be depcnd.s upen the incriís of v same for its repulation. The above pul s Iccpt consfanlly on hand by tlie proprietor and can be had at vvholcsale or retail at thc Store cf J. Beckley & Co., Ann Arbor, Lovver Town. Orders from the country proirtptly nttenderl fo, L. BECKLEY, Proprietor. January 17, 1844. 39-3m.Valuable School Books. ' TWU pi the best. anrl most use.'ul and 1 Eary SCHOOL BOOKS. are (ho folïowv ] ing, which have receiverl tho sanciion oí the be?t - ju Iges in the Siate oí New Yurk. and havo been } extcisivcly introducen uro the Comhion Schools J iml Academies of thnt Gtnie. Tóey have wise been approved hy the Superintendent of ] .ie Inatruction of Michigan. [Dr. Comstouk.] and ] selected by hitn lo be used in ihe Comnion ' Scnoo'.s of this State, vizTHE AMERiCAM CLASS READER. 1 cmaiRing aseries of Icssóne in rcailin?. with in'troduetory cxerciiisin Ajiicula.ion, ïriöection. ■ Emphasis. and the otlier essential elcmems of correct nr.tural Elocotion: desia;nec íor Anaderaies and Common Schools - By Gkokgk Wti - sos, fornierly Principal of the Canoodaijun Academy. and late Prim-ipat of the Livingston Connty Hidi School, [The design of the American Class Reader ia lo tyteh srlnla-s to read. Ii is nol suiïïciont for this purpose, ihat a book be in3trctive and entertaining. nnd the selections clmsle andclassicnl in point of diction; it should be also prcperly adapted to exereise ihe n;ader in all the varied tones infieciions. and o:her rerjinsites ihat belong to correct natural elocuüon. Ihc Rev. J. Spencer, of Brooklin, N. Y. an experimced Teacher snys. ';I have very scarrely cxamined the American Class Reader hy George Wilson, nnd have no hesitation in expressins my opinión of its excellence. _ J consider it the lest work, for ho purpose ibr vvhich it isrïesisned. tJint I have ever seen. and I cannot hut desire its iinmcdiate adop'tion in our Academies and Schools." Similar recomrr.endaiions from hundreds of oihers. have been received.] A PRACTICAL AND THEORETICAL SYSTF.M OF AR1THJÍF.T1C, containing severa! ncw methods of operaiion, and i new system of Propoition; with Theoreiical esplanations o" all the principal rules. Also, aTrentiseon Mensuration, and a brief practical system of Bnok Keepin?. by the author of the American Class Reader. EFThe above are. for .=a!e at the Michigan Book Store, by th dozen or singjy - Teachers, who hayé not nlready cxomined=ihem. can recrive copies gratis, by calling at 143 Jefferson avenue. Detroit. C. MORSE. (CP The above book? enn be had at the B.iok Store of WM. R. PERR-Y, Ann Arbor. Lowcr Viünge. Januarv 15. 1844. r8-2mPETER'S PIL.LS. TRTJTH HAS PREVAILED. TETERS' Veget'nbje Pilis hnve now been ten JT yenrs before tbc public. During thai period tliey have obtaincdn celehrity imparnlleled in the history of the most popular medicines wliicli hnve preceded them or have fplJowed in their track. - The happy combination of vegetable ingredients to which these pillsowc their efïïeaey. is the result of yenrs of earncst study and experiment, directetl hy long prcyious espericnce in tlie properties uf medical pubstances. the pathology of disease. the nature and modus operandi ot the various fiuids wlnch minister 10 the support and us ton ;i nee of die human body. nnd organizatíon by which those fluids are prc[jrrod4 modified and iisiiibuted. The triumph of skill. nntl patiënt experiment has bren complete. Tlirongh'out the length and breaiJth t)f our land. in Brhish Amerc and the West Indies. r.n:l on the confinen! of Europe, the carntive vir'.ues of Peter's Vegetable Pilis, are grntefulíy ncknowiedged. They may be oalled tjif. medicine rAt; kxckm-f.ncf, oí the Southern Statef. Theirconsuniptii'n south of tho Potomac, is enormous, and eominiuilly on ihe incrcasp. No other pill ::goes down" thcre, iiowever sugarecl over uith hired puíls and homeimnutí.cture'J ccrtihcatos. Petéis' VegeiaMe Pilis may be termen a universal medicine, fir here i's sorcely nny ácra'.i geni ent or obstrucción of tfié -órgniia andfunctions of tiie humjn mnchine whích thcy will not nllevia'e or remove wiien adniinisrerrd in thc enrly stnges of congestión of the stomneh or bowel?, they spr-cdily relax those organs. reduce the altondnnt fever. arid restore ihe sufíererto health. Cjoiitüining no irrit.-uing or draslie their exhibition is never folluwcd by thnt prosraíi.m of ihe bodily powers which characterize iho operation of most othor cathartics. and. they m&y be administered without ilie sliglitcst fenr of pro'ducing local inflamnmtion. so frcqnently caused by the purgent composi'.ions vended by the quncksand charlatans of ilie dny. In nlmost all stages of dise.nsp, Peters' Vegetable Pilis will le found of bcneh'cial effec.'," bui ihcy should always be resorted to wher. ihe ñrst symptom makes its apptaránce. The conquesi of tl e complaint will then be easy and inimediite. In biliious di-orders. rcmittaní or intermitLmt fever. dispepsia, dysontery. cholera, cholic. Jiari.ajn, dropsy. sour or foted ernctations, ennrirenient of the spleen, sick headacho. all com3aints growing out of imperfect or too rnpid diJiesiion. torpor of ihe bowe's. female obsiructions, ■ labiiual costiveness. and all oiher disensos ín ■ .vhich n purrat've medicine is proper. Peters' Vegetable Pilla will be found nnrivalíed in the j ;peed. certainty and eeni!eiiís5 of their opciaon. -I: is asked 'ipnn véhnt principie these e.xtraorlinnry eflec;s nre nm!iicc I? VVe reply that Poers Vegetable Pili acts as a purifier the íleo 1, by turifying the chyle nnd other fluid of . hich blood íá co;:i[iosrd. Chyle is a íüky fiuid dfposíiod Iiy ihe diiresiive matter on io co:its of thc intcs!nes; and which when imbUied with t!ie bülhry secrerion, is conveyi uto the veins no (recomes tho principie of " ti. TI1Í3 medicine acts dhecüy uuon the chylcl - om which it oxpels all ocrid pnrticles, and al. f ■mors dctrimemal to a he.-ilthy circulntion. It eati8C8ihejuiccs and fluiils before the chemical íangn takes place which fiíe ihem iHp . ntepurposes oí vi:r.!ny. I'his is beinnin at o heginning. To enthtio the treams oMife ith healih, it s necessary to purify them at Q eir sources. k SiJch is (he radical mode in which this mc!ne performs i:a cures. Testimoniáis which mild fill volumes (many of them from high entific autliority) are its vouchers, nml it'is ;ed in ihe practice of the first Physicians here id abrond. - For cileby F. J. B. Crane, W. S. .T.. W. i isynard, J. H. Lund, Harri, Partridgos & Co-, " . P. & J. C. Jewett, Dav.dson & Beoker, H. iecker, Clirisiian Eberbaoh, G. Grenville, D. ). Waterman. C. J. Garland. E. T. Wiltiams, í?t?i Ardor; George Wnrncr & Co., D. C. iVbitwood, J. Miilard & Son. N. H. Wmg, Dexlcr; M. Jackson, Teovi; Paul Raymond, raciiscn; Brotherson & Kief. Mancheáttr; 1) Ceys, Clinton; D S Hnywood. Salive; Stone, 9 tabeock & Co.. YpsilarJif Seattergood & Co, "lymoutk; Pierre 'I ellc-r nel T. M. Eaton &, Co. Dtlroit; n!so in Adrián, Tecuinseh. Brooklyn, oniac, Chicago, an atmosï evcpjf where else. Ann Arbor, Jan. 18, 1344. 27-ly Michigan Book Store. 142 JEFFERSOX AVENUE DETROIT. THR pnb'ir are mlonned tliat vcry Jarge addiiions have been made to tliis establishment during the past summer, and recently, em'nracins! n vctv exunsive assortment of ?orka in he varions (Jepanmcnts of Science and Literature, Moráis, and Religión: snd also, a mpat crtmplele etock of Lc-tior and Footscap Papw, Stationary nrticles. Classical and Sehaol Books; Blank work. &c. &c. all of which are offèred to tiie pubüc wholesnle o-r retail, ns chear a enn be had at any Bookstore west of New York. cty. The assortmrnt of .Ttivenile Bookte is vory Inrge and well wor:h the attcniion oí parenf? and others, who mny wish to put good books into , the hands of rhildrcn. Fatnily Bible? - a great variety; Pooket do.' Praycr Bc o'a. fine and common: Psalms and Fiymns, various noüections: Ursnline Manual, Caíholic Pie'.y, Flowers of Pietv, Christian Sacrifice. Christian Guide, Catholic Melodies, &c. &c Books for Librnrie?, in substantial bindings, mny be found here'in grent abundance. Ladies' Albums, b fine assortment; Portfolios. M'ith and wiihmu locks; fine editionsof ilio Poets. Inrge csmall. Dissected MapsBattle Dnors. Birris. &c &c. Please cali and examine. C. MORSE. January ]4, 1814. 38-tfDR. OSGOOD'S IMDI& CHOZiAG-G&UB. AMONG the most valuabie qualities of ihi medicine, is iis restoring inftuenct upon cjnstitutions irnpaired and injured by previou nttecks of billicus fevcr, or fever and 'agüe; or by H longresidencu in those cümates whicli produce them. Thrre are mnny constitutions which hecorne gradually undermined by a vi'asmal infiuence. without even a day'sectunt coofinement. ín such cases, the Cholagogue acts üke a charm - the sallow complexión, loss of appetitc, languor, wearihess and depression of spirits, with oiher unpleasant symptoins which render üfe a hurden. all yield to this remedy wlien faithfully used according to the directions of tlieaccompanyirig pamphlet. It is ontirely a vegetable prep iration, and rhay be taken wUh perfect si.fety unier all cireumstnnces of the systeni. For ea'e by 36 W. S. Si J. W. MATNARD. eole Agent, for Ann Arbor and vicinity. JAMES . BII5NEY, A T'TOR NE Y AND CO UN S E LLOR AT LAW. SAGANAW CITY, MÍCHIGAÍV. JG. B. will nlso act as Land Agen{ in trt Land District in xvhich this (Sagnnaw) 'ouniy is; he wiJJ mak e investmentg for otheri uids. p;iy overfor non-residents their toxes, and ive infonnation genernlly to persons interested i this part of thecountry, or desiiousof becomv imniigrants lo it. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, F superior qaality, just piinted and for Salo at this Office. Ann A rhnr Wnv O 1511MES BUPriKTGTOM f) ESPECTFÜLL Y inferáis the ladies of Arm JJt Arbor nnrj its vicinity, that she has just received her latest Patterns for Kats.Caps, Cloakt, and üresses; oud she rcspectfuüy invites them to cali and examine for thcmselves. She Hkwise renders them her sincere thanks for thcir pivronage for the past year, and begs n continu tion. Jicr estabiishment will be found midway between the Upper and Lower Town. Ann Arbor, Ñov. 2, 1Ö'13. 2S-if. i. JPJETTM&OJTJ2, SDRVE7OR, MAP. MAKER, AiND LAND AGE.XT. Oííicc in Court House Square. Ann Arbor. June 19, 1843. ' g-tf. BLANK DEEDS. MORTGAGES, EXECUTIONS, SÜMMONSES, &o. uet, inntedanil for sale at the KTSIGNAL OFFIO&JX SHEEP SHBARS, ÏTOR Sale by " C. J. GARLAND. Ann Arbor. Upper Town, Mny 5, 1843. BEMOOIm BOOES EVERY variety of School Books in use in ibis State, for sile at Detroit prices nt th lew Book Store, Cor CASH. bv WM. R. PCRRY. December 15. 1843. 34. Attention Nadies. PINIÖN6 WHEELS, QUILL WHEELiS, J REELS and SPOOLS, for eale by C. 'J. GARLANEX November 18, 1843. $0 ÑOTICH 4 LL ihose indebted to the firm Vf J.' BkckJL i-r.Y &. Co. are requested to mnke payment nmediately. Oct. 23. 164?.


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