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THE TRUE PAIN EXTRACTOR SALVB, WillCfcf cures ükoa charm nll BURNS biflor water, mui cvery externtl SORE, PAIN. INFLAMMATION, ACHEorlTCHING ever yct found upon the humniv fumily. to which it has been applied, must alwnys be sought genuine lroni Comstock and Co., of New ïok. or iheir aulhonzed ogeiits. All n.e cautioned ag.iinst any spurious orticlea, which may always bc avoided by knowing the one you buy cpmffl from Cometock & Co ,■ who are now the o;ily proprietora and nianufticturerè. Inquire for' Connel's, wfiich is warranled kj do all it ever would when cailed by nny uther name, or the pric&shali be rcfuiidcd n any cr.e if it does not piense. To plnce it wittiin reach of all, the price hns been roduccd iiioro than ibur folJ, and ís now eold for 2ö cents, the fornerprcc being oo exorbitant. The 50 cent sizr; now coniains foüjj time ns müch as the Jornier, and the $1 size; reír ten times as much. No fnrrtiiv that has any tit'e to humanity, wiü fail to have Connel's Pajn Extractor Ointraent olwnys at hnnd, to sive life, al! seáis, and reduce nll agony from any burn m five minutes, provided ihcy have peen it used, or will Lelievc those who have used it. COM3TOCK & CO., 21 . Courtland Street. BTT Bo sure, thercfore, and ask foi ConubjcI's, as ourjilite with Dalley's name on it has been stolen, and the spurious may appear with thn: nnme on it. Know, therefon?, that it comes drectly from Comstock & Co., or shan it. WM. S. & J. W. MAYNARD, 36 Agent for Ann Arbor. PETEH' FBLH8. TRTJTH HAS PREVAILED. PETERS' Vegetable Pilis baye now been ten years befpre the public. During thatperiod they have obtbineda eoiebrity upparnlleled in thuhistory of the most popular medici nes which have preceded them or have followed in their track. - The happy combinación ot' vpgèlabfe ingredients to which these pillsowe their eHïcacy. is the result of years of earncst study and experiment, directed by long previousexperience in thèpropertie8of medical substanceo. t!ie pntliology of disease, the nature and modus oporandi of the various fluids which minister io the sapport and eu8tenance of the human body, and organizatioh by which those fluids are prepared, modified and distribnted. The triumph of skill. and patiënt experiment has been complete. Throughöin the length ftnd breadth oí our land, in Briiish America und the West Indies, and on the continent of Europe, the curativo vir.ues of Peter's Vegetable Pilis, are gratefully acknowledged. Tney may be caüedniK medicine par uxckt.lf.mck, of the Southern' S;aes. Their consumption south of the Potomac, is enormous, and continunlly on theincrease. Nooüierpül "" there, however sugared over with hired puffs and home manufüctured certifícales. Peters' Vegetable Pilis may be tonnod a universal medicine, for there is scurcely any f rangement or obs.'ruction of the organs and functions of the human machine which they will ' not allevíate or remove when admití istered in the enrly stages of congestión of the sloniach or ■ els, they speeíiily relax those organs. reduce the ; attendant fever. and restore the gufFererto heahh. , Containing no irritating or drastic Gubstances, ' their exhibition is never followod by that ' traiion of the budily powers which characterize the opcration of most other cathartics, and they may be adtninistered without the slightest fear of producing local iiiflammation, so frequently '' caused by the purgent composttions vended by the quacksand charlatans oí the day. In almost all stages of disease, Peters' ' ble Pilis will be found of beneficial efTec:, but they should alwnys be resoried to when the iïrst ' symptom makes its apearf;nce. The conques!. ' of the complaint will th'en be easy and ! ate. In billious di-'orders. romiltant or ntermittnnt fever. dispepsia, dysentery, cliolera, cholle. i diarheea, drppsy.. sout or foated ernctalions, enlargement of the spleen, sick beadache, all '. plaints growing out of imperfect or too ropid digestión, torpor of the bowéts, feinale obstructinns, f habitual costiveness, and all o:her diseases in which a púrgatiye medicine is proper. Peters' Vegetable Pilis will be fonnd unrivslled in the speed, certainty and centlenoss cf their operation. It is asked npon wnat principie these extraordinary eflècts are produced? We reply that Peters Vegetable Pili aels s a puriñer of the blood, by purifying the chyle and other flinds of which blood is composed. Chyle is a milky fluid depnsited by ths digestive matter on the coais of the iniesn'nes; and which when combined with the bilüary secretion, is conveyed into the veins an j becotneq the principie o' life. This medicine acts directly upon the chylel from which it expels all acrid particles, and ál, humors detrimental tr a henlihy circulación. I' cleaiises thejuices and fluids before the chenncal change takes place which fits them for ihe immedinte purposes of vitahty. This is becinning ál the beginning. To embue the streams of life with heahh, it is necessnry to purify them a? their sources. Such is the radical mode in which this medicine perfonns its cures. " Testimoniáis which would_ nll volumes (ininy of them from high ecientific audioriiy) are iis vouchers, and it is used in the practico of the Physicians here fd abroad. For sale by F. J. 13. Crane. W. S. iV .T. W. aynard, J. H. Lund. f larris, Tartrulzes &, Co S. P. & J. C. Jewett, Davidson & Becker, H. Becker, Christinn Eberbaéh, G. Grenviüe. D. D. Waterman, C. J. Garland. E. T. Williams. Ann Arbnr; Geore Warner &. Co., D. C. Whitwood, J. Miljard & Sön. N. H. Wing. Dextcrf M. Jaekson, Leo ni; Pon! Raymondj á Jockson; Brotherson & Kief, Manchester; D S Keys, Clinton; D S Haywood, Saline; Stone, Babcock & Co.. Fpüiáníi; Scatlergood Sc Co, . Plymouth; Pierre Teller and T. H. Eaton c Co. tí Dttroi!; aisi in Adrián, Tecumseh, Brooklyn, L Pontiac, Chicago, and almost every wber else. c Ann Arbor. Jan. 1ü. 1HJ4. ' or_i„v&iuaDle School Books. TWO of the best, and most useful and necessary SCHOOL BOOKS, are the foljöwing, whieh have reccived the sanciion of the best judges in the Sia'e oí New York, and have heen exteisively introduced info the Cominon Sc!ino!s and Academie3 of that Stare. Tliey have likewise been approved by the .Superintendent of Pub lic Insiruction of Michigan. [Dr. Comstoek.,] ar.d selecteil by him to he used in lie Conunon Schools of this Siate, viz THE AMERICAN CLASS READER, ontaining aseries of Icrsons in rending-. wïïh introductory exercises in Aniculaii-n, Jnflection. Emphasis, and the other essentia! clcmenis oi correct natural Elocution; designed for Academies and Common Schools - By Giiorgk Wilsox.. formerly Trincipul of the Conandaigua Academy. and Inte Principal of the Livingston County High School. [The design of the American Class Reader is to Vííieh scholars to rcn-l. It is not sufficient foi this purpose, tliat a book be iustructive and entertaining; and the se!ec:ions chaste andclassical in point óf (üciion; t should be aleo properly adapted to exercise the reader in all the varied tone3 inücciions. and othcr requisites that belone to correct natural elocution. The Rev. J. Speifcer, of Brooklin, N. Y. an experienced Teacher gays. ;I have very scarcely examined the American Ciase Reader by Gfeorge Wilson, and have no liesitatiün in c.xpressins; tny opinión 'of its excellence. I conaider it the best work, for the purpose for which it is designed. that I have ever seen, and Icannot but delire ilaímmedíate adoption in our Académies and Schools." Similar recommendations from hundreds of others. have been receivcd. ] oAIRAGT1CAL AND THÈORETICAL SYSTEM OF AR1THMETIC, coniaining eeveral new methodsof operation, and i newsystem of Proportion; with Theoretical e.vplanalions or all the principa'! rules. Also. a Treaíiseon Mensuration, nnd n brief practical system of Book Keeping, by the auihor of the American Claes Reader. OThe above are for sale at the Michigan Book Store, by the dozen or singly.- Teachers, vvho hav.; not nlready examined them. canrcceivc copies gratis, by caliing at 143 Jefferson avenue. Detroit. -= m MORSE. LT The above bnoke can be had at the Book Store of WE R. PERRY, Ann Arbor, Lowcr Vil lage. JanuaryJ5. 1644. 3S-2mNOTICE. ALL thoae tndobted to the firm of J. Br.cxlet & Co. are requested to mako poymcnt immtdiately. Oct. 23, 1Ö43."REABY MABL SLOTmQ ! ï IIJJLLOCK $ RAYMOiïD WOULD respectfuily nibrm tlic citizens of Ann Arbor, and t!:e State pn0ra!ly. thnt ihey have now on hand the LAHGEST and CHE A PEST stock oi" READY MADE CLOTHING" to ba found at r.ny establishment in this Stnto. which ihey are deterrriinéd to sc-ll at piicesr;ire ■than wei e befo re oiïói cd. oñd'.'thcy confidenil; invite all persons in want of 'Tlr.utlij Made Clolh'ng," visitihg üotroit. to cali at tlieir astriblishnierit. "Corüefqf.Jrffnrson and Woodteartl Arcnitts," in the now b riek block, Phocnix Builtlings. where they wil! Ijiid eyery va" ricty ofgarmeuis suitablo foi gólnlleuiens Fall or Winier wear. and ihey beüevo at prices from 15 to 25 pcicent chcdjier ihon they can obtain th'e'm u op.v othcr wny. 1-í;. a very ehoice so'ectjon of "groad Clotfos, Cassimercs, and Vestings which thcy nrc prepored to manufacture to orrW in n superior nnnner and styie not to be excclicd in the City of Nets York or clscwin-re. Gartncnis alwnys vvananied L3 fit and pícase or na saldi Alo. a very heavy Stock of D.OMESTÍC CLOTfTS. TJLOT nnd BEA■VER CLOTHS. BF.LGIC CLOTHS. SATTIET:3. 'WINTER TWEEDS. and every vaiiety anddescription of goods suitiible ior genllemen's wenrinir apparel, all of' which shail be sold vsryiöïc for cash,, or exchanged lor Produce at market prices. All (hose wísiiinít Bargaivs in any oí fhe Bbove -irticlrs ar.-r jnvited to cali nt ihe "FASHIONABLE CLÖTHINQ ÉMPÖR1UM" of the subscribërs, Cor. of Jefi'erson and Woodward Avenues, DetroitHALLOCK & RAYMOND. Detroit, Sept. 28, 1843. 23-tfKZ&9 CaSK ÍEBK3 , ESkSK jgBO CELEBRATED CHEMICAL PL ASTER, The most effcdual remedy yet discovered for Jiheujufitism, Fever Sores, White Swellings, Injlatnmnlion, in the -Eyes, Swelted Throat in Scarlel Fever, (uinsey, THE CHEMICAL PLASTER is an important rémedy for ibose who are afilicted with chronic and inflammatory complaiiits, by iis ea&iog pain. counteracting inilamma''.ion, and givlng speedy relief by ila activo, sirengthening, anodyne. diaphoretic countcrirriiant proporties - an eitectuul remedy for Chronic nnd iinflammatory ltheumarism, Ague in the Brenst, Scalds. Burns. Bruises. Scrofula, Ulcers, Old Sores of altnost every descripiion, Car.kered and Swelled Thront arising trom Scarlet Fever, Felons, White Swcüings, Chilblains, &c. Persons sufloriiig froiTiLiver Complahus, Pulmonary diseases. Jnflummation of the Lungs. v.'ith pain in the side, bnek or limbs. will find relief by the use of this Piaster. ín all cases it may be used with perfect safety. E. DEANS CHEMICAL PLASTER i& put up in bü.ves at filiy cents and one dollar ench, with íuil directions accompanyins eách box. Manufactured and sold whoiesale by H. HARRIS & CO.. Ashtabüla. Ohio. sole proprietors, to whom all orders shculd be nddressed. Sold also by theïr Agenta ihrougliout the country. ÍETA liberal ditcotint made to dealers aud physicians. For testimpnials and certificatcs from persons of the híHiest respectibiüty, wJio have used the Chemical Piaster, see another column of this paper. For sale by the following Agents in Michigan: H. W. P.ood. les, J. C. Larrimcre. " C. Sfeanahan, Edwardsbu.rgb.. Win. O. Austin. White Piceon. Beuham. Jr.. Conat'intine. Danl. L. Kimbèrly, Schoolcraft. H. B. Jluston. & F. March, jr P ÏVI Kalnmazoo. James W. Colhren. P. M. Galesbursh. T. L. Bo'.kcom, P.' M. Battle Creelu James M. Parsons, P. M. Marshall. Paul Raymond. Druggist, Jackson. Win. Jackson, P. M. Lconi. Hale and Sinith, Grass Lake. John C. Winans. Sylvan, J Miílerá & Son, Déxièt: Thomas P. Mny. Jr. Plymouth, Pcrin & Hall, Norlhvjlle, Mead& MfÖarthy. Farmington, Peter Van Every. Frnnklin, Julios Denn. Pon;inc, Mück & Sprague. Rochcster, James Stc-phens. Utica. E. C. Gallup, Mt. Clemens, G. &J. G. Hill. } , ■ John Ovven & Co. J stroitür. Tlios. M. Sweeny. Dearbornville, E. Samsnn. Ypsilanti. J. H. LUND. ) W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Ann Aibor. ' CHRISTIAN E13ERBACH,' ) 4 9-1 yATTEWTIO M JUST reets: ved at the General Depot, for the I sr.le of Cloïhiers Stock, Michinery. Dye Siuffs, fcc. &c, No. 139. Jeflkrson Avenue, Detroit, the following large, well assorted, and carefully selected.stock, viz: 100 bbls. St. Domingo Logwood, Ciit, 5 Tona ' " ia Stick, 150 bbls. Cuba Fustic, Gut, 5 Tons " i{ in Stick, 50 bbls. Nic. Wood. Chipped, 50 " Lima Wood, " 30 " Red Wood, " 120 ;' Ground Cainwood, 10 " Quercitron Bark, 5')0 Ibs. Nutgalis, 10 Cases Extnict of Logwood, 300 Ibs. Lac Dye, 2 Ceroons Spanish Indigo, 300 Ibs. SumacSicily, 3 Caska Madder, " 3 Casks Blue Vitriol, 5 Casks Alum 2 Barrels Red Tartar. 2 Barrels Creara Tunar, 3 Carboys Aqua Fortis, 5 " Oil Viirio), 3 L Muriatic Acid, 500 Ibs. Virdigris, 51 " Block Tin, Teasels, Twine, Coppcr Kettles, all sizes, Parson's Sbenring Machines, Curtís' " " Screvs and Press Piales, Cranks. Press Paper, Steel Reeds, Worsied Uarness. Temer Hooks, Emcry, nll No's.; Olive Oi), Cloi'niers' Jacks, Saitinett VVarp, Clothiers' Brusinjs. Shutiles, Pickers. Cnrd Cleaners, &c. &c. Tiic above, wiili n varicty of othcr articles belongiug to the Irode, have been piirchnsed tbis summer by the subscribnis from Manui'octurers and First iJandsin the New York, i hüadelphia. and Boston Markets, and cvery tiiing having received hís personal nspöction. he can with the utmost confidence ofF-3r thetn to purchnsers is ihe best and most compli.'.c stoel; in the country; and as it is bis fixed determination (by the low rates ai which bc will sell) to Drevent the necessity o) our C'.oihiers and MannrTurer6 leaving the State to mnke thcir parchases, h! would merel' say to the tradc, CALL, examine th3 cfoods and ascertain pricos before you say you can buv cheaper any icherc else. He is nlso propared to contract for CARD1NG MACHINES made 'm (lus Stare or Enst. PIERRE TELLER, Sign of the Golden Mortar, 139, Jeflerson Avenue, [17-tf.] Detroit.Attention Ladies. SPINNING WHEELS, QUILL WHEELS. REELS and SPOOLS, for salo by C. J. GARLAND. November 18, 1843. 30 iFASHIONABLE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. JR. WALKFR would announce to h friendo and the public n general, that h is nüw in the receipt of the fiill nnd winter fosh ons for 18So-4, which have been selecied anc furnished by twoöf the best establishmenis in tl: United Stdies, on the first of the present inontl áftér the kinds of goorls and fasliions for the sea son h id bècómo përmanently established, whic 3 beautifully iüustrated by Vvo of the inos splodid iiishion rimes ever presented to chis coin mutiity. Any gentlemen who wish jo have th simón PÚRK," can fiiid it herc fun is'ied at suason vyhen there enn bc no inistake as to wh; is or is hoi fashiondble. Gentlemen, piense ca uk! examine ior yourselves, nnd if wccannotex hibit something that will saiisi'y you that thestyl nfguods nnd lashión of gannenis are chaste anc bciiuiful. ilnii we are ïnuch mistaken. , Mr. Walker would takc this opportunity to re turn Ii is sincere llianks to all who havo hit her favorecí hún wii-h ihcir patronage, and hopes h has piven general satisfaetion. All who fcel dis pösed to h;ivc an easy. at the same time a fash ionablo g.-.rmc-nt. c-n be gratiíled by calling a the siióp of .T. D. Insh, one doorsouih of Beac & Abei's oíd store, wherè for the conveniene ofhiniselt and eucaomers he has locaied for th íéason, where n!l demands in bis line will bc cxeeuted witli neatnessand despatcli. on reasonnbl terms for cussh or country produce, but posït'.vsl no credit. N. 13. Culting done, and vvarranted to fit i prbperly made np. ücto'ber 11. 1SJ3. 27-tf.; w ii o l esa"l1ë& retail. , BG0KSELIERAN3STATI0NER, 8 MA HTS J3LOCK, 187 JEFFERSON AVEJCE, DKTROIT K'jeps constanily or sale a complete Jissorimcn oí' Misccllaneous. School and Classical Bóoks; Letterand Cap Paper, plain and ruled, Quills. Ink. Sealing Wax, Cu;lery, Wrapping Paper. Printing Paper, uf oil sizes: and Bock, Newsnnd Canister ink. ot varinus kinds. SLAxrs boozs; Full and hall bound. ol every vnriety ol Ruling, MEMORANDUM BOOKS. &c. To Merclian's. Teachers, and others, buying in quantities. a nrie discount mnde. SABBATH SGHOOL & BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSiTOR 51-tf. - 35. DEAH'S CELEBRA T EB CHEMICAL PLASTER. rfWE folio w! ng is one froin among the nu JL iTjerous testimoninls froin persons of the highest respeclability, which the proprietors have receivcd. FROM SAM'L D. KINGSBURY. H. HüBRis &. Co. - Sirs: Iiaving been seriously afllictcfi with inflammaiion of the Eyes. and hearing of E. Dcan's Chemical Piaster I had a box procured, and on the first application I expeiienced great relief, and in four d.iys a permanent cure. So efíectual was the appücation and the alinost im media te relief resuHing therefrom, ihat id similar cases I feel great plensure in recommending it as a remedy worthy of patronage. Reipectfully yours, &c. SAM'L D. KINGSBURY. Kinesville, O. June 29. 18-10. 35. [O'For tbe diseases in which this Piaster is npplicable, see advenisemer.t in anoiher column of this pnper. E. Dean's Chemical Piaster Í3 for sale in Ann Arbor, (Löwer Town.) by N .1. H. -LUND, and W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Upper CMRISTÍAN EBERBACH, ] Town -19-lyWIÏOÏiESAiiE & KETA1L. STAP LE AND F A JVC Y rtTSiiv Subscribers keep constantly en hand s X Inrse and choice stock of DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, DRY GROCERIES, fyc. Lc. which have been selected whh care, and are of the newest styles and best qualities. As they nre detennined not to be undersblds they solieit the patronage of these wishing to purchase. Among o;!ier thingsioo numerous to mention. they lidve a iarge ond excellent nssortmeiH of SHEETINGS, DRILLINGS, SU M MLR STUFFS, CALICÓES, FULLEO CLOTHS, SATÍN feiTS. BROAD CLüTHS, CASSIMERES, GÁMBROONS, LINEÑS, CAMBRICS, MUSL1NS, HANÜKERCHIEPS, fcc. fac. Bonnet Ribbons, a very beautiful cssortment. SficatDÏSj Broche, Silk, and Thibet, of the richest pniicrns. Parasols; of all kinds, qualilies, and prices. Rose and lirclf Hosc, Coiton and Worsted. Bonncts, Leghorn, Tussan and Straw. The above nssortment of GOODS will be sold is clicap. or ckeaper iban can be purchased in Detroii. k? "Woel, Potasfc, Flour, ro and all kinds oí PRODUCE will be received in payment. ABBOTT & BEECHER, 144, Jefierson Avenue, July, 12. 1843. (12-tf.) Detroit. T. L A MB ER T, BEGS leavb to inform the inhabitanis of Ann Arbor, and the? surrounuing country, ihat : having locaied himself in the Lower Vülagc, witli the view of carrying on the above business in all ïts branches, (some of wViïch .re I-IOÜSF,. SÍGN, and ORJYJJMEJYTAL PAINTIJVG, GILDING and GLAZING. GRALMNG, iinitatiöri of nll Woods, MARBLKIZING, TRANSPARENCIES, BANJVERS, &c. respectfully solicirs n share of public patronnge, as his prices shall be Jow lo conform to the times and his work done in the best manner. T. L. (vould say to Farmers thatheis particularly desirous to altend to their calis, as produce is ihe Ijest kind of pay. Ann Arbor, Lower Tosvn, March 6. 1843. 45.- ly. NEW GOODS!! HAVING retired, notfrom business, but to the old siand of G. Ward, 1 will sell GOODS Ckcap. My stock is entirely ncw. ond emhrnccs a good variety, well selected, and the goods eannot f'ail to satisfy thosc who wish to purchase. I have spent most of the summer and part oí ihe fait', in Nzw England. where the Goods are inadö. and Í have been able to purchase siich goods as I wanted; and at such prices, as will enable me to se!l them about as low ns they have leen sold in New York, from Jobbing flouses luring ibisseason. Espeoially Icansell Woolen Cloths, frorn the conrsest to superfine. 3-4 & 6-4 Cloths. Savinetis, Cassimeies, fcc. fcc. at low prices. More: I have on hand a good stock of Combs. Tbrend. Pins, Needies, fcc. fcc. which I can! and will sell to auy, who wish to buy by the quantity at very low rnteö. I will take ASMES and BLACK SALTS, or PEARLASII at my Ashery; and will sell SALER.ATUS in quantities to snit imrchasers. TERMS-- Cash, Produce, -r nood Credit. I arn, Genilemcn and Lndios Resprctfully youre. F. DENISON. Ann Arbor. Upper Town. Nov. 7, 1843. N. B. Cash paid for FLOUR, or Pot and Pcnrlnsh, or advanceed on the same and sold as usual. 29- tf. WOO! WOOBÜ WANTED immediately, any quantitv of DRY WOOD in payment for the Signal of Liberty. Com soon.VÏCTORY The Fever and Ague used up- Dr. Banister's Pilis DR. BANISTER'S CELEBBATED F EVER AND AGUE PILLS.- Puuely Vegetable. - A sa'e, speedy, and sure remedy for fever and ague, dum aue, chili fever, and the biliious diseases peculiar to new countries. These pills are designed for the añections of the liver and olher infernal organs vvhich altend the diseases of the new and miasmatic portions of our country. The unparalleled success that has attended the use of these pills, induces the proprielor to believe that they are superior to any remedy ever offered to the public ior the obove diseases. They are purely VEGETABLE and perfectly harmless, and can be laken by anv person, male or female vviih perfect safety. The pilís are prepared in two separate boxes, marked No. 1, and No. 2. and accompanied with f uil directions. A great number of certificates might be procured in favor of ihjs medicine, but the propiïetor has thought fit not to insert them, in as much as he depends upon the merits of the same for its reputation. The above pill is kept constantly on hand by the proprietor and can be had at Wholesale or retail at the Store of J. Beckley & Co., Ann Arbor, Loiver Town. Orders from the country promptly attended to. L. BECKLEY, Proprietor. January 17, 1844. 39-3m.MESSRS. DAVID SON & BECKEJl, have just received from New York a large and splendid assortment of Fancy and Staple Also, a large quantity of Dry Groceries, Crockery, Shelf Hardware, Nails, Boots and Shoes, Men's and Boy's Caps, Paints, Dye Stuffs, and Medicines, &c. &c. &c. which they willsell lower than .has ever before been offered in this place. For particulars cali at their Store, No. 3, Brown's Block, (formerly occupied by H. Becker.) The highest Market price will be paid in Goods br most kinds of Produce. ö# Reracmber that they wil! not be undersold.=J Ann Arbcr, Lower Town, Nov. 13, 1843. 296m "■"UST received at the Farmers' and Mechanica' Store, " a general assortment of Fancy and staple Groceries, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, &c. &c. which wiü be sold chcap and for ready pnyonly. C. J. GAÏiLAND. Ann Arbor, Upper Town, Nov. 20, 1843. N. B. j]s usual, any Goods purchased of him not giving satisfaction in price and quaüty, ths purchaser has the privilege to return thein and re2eive back nis monfv. 32 C. J. GBLND.R A I L. R O A D I : FEMPERANCE HOUSE. ' rHE undersisrned would respectlully inforní tlie frícnds oí" Temporáneo, and the public enerally, ihat the cibo e nanicd House, forinerrknown as the Temperance Hotel, and situnlod n the comer of Michigan avenue ond Washingon slreet, nearthe Central Railrond Depot, ' ig undergone thorough repairs and very great l dfü'ional improvements, is nowready íbrihe J epiion of all .those who may favor him with a i íll. The accommodmions, in every respect, are ot inferior to any Temperance House in the j ountry. and every nttontion will be given to I uch as bestow thcir patronage upon this I le cnterprise. N. B. Carriages al'wayé in readiness to , . ey passengers to and from Boats and Cars. WM. CHAMP. Detroit, May 9, 1843. 4-1 y - ' - i WQOX! WOOZa! CL.OTH! CLÓTH!! TniIE Subscribers would inform the Public JL that persons having wool to bemanufacturd, enn have it done at their Maniïfactory vvithi a short time, as the large qmiiitity of wool f urniahed them by farmers and otliers the past eason is nearly completed. and will be finished vithin a ícw days. We have manufactured j loth tliis se6on for about one, hundred and s cciitij-fii'c customers, to whom we have reason j o believe, we have given general satisfaction. - irVith this encouragement, we hope for future a atronage. TER MS. Half .the cloth the wool will mako, or 37 cents 't er yard. We will ilso excliange Cloth for , Vool on recsonable terms. Wool sent by Rail ltoad to Scio will be roperly attended to. K SAMUEL W. FOSTER & CO. c Scio, Washtenaw Co., Dec. 25, 1843. 3G-tfL - i . c OF all kinds neatly execüted at 'Jie Signn. Office, at the shortest notice, and on the nost rensonable terms. Booksw Pamphets OircularS' , fcc. will be printed to o;der,av ny timo, wnh the utmost aocurncy. HU Orders by mnil promptly filted.I RAIL ROAD 1343. BT 1843. PATRICK & AWJÖHE WS. OTPOSITE THE WESTERN AND NORTHERN RArL ROAD DEPOTS, DETROIT, MICH. THE abüvc líoiet has leen greatly fínlarged, and fitted up in a style cqual to ny public house in Detroit, for comfort and conveniencc. - , lis localion is in a healihy and pleasant part ot the city, being situaied on the Public Square. I and in the immedíate vicinity of the Central and Northern Rail Roads, and convenient to the i principal STAGE ROUTES divergingto the different parts oí the State. i Tkavki.krs wishing to take the Cars or BorUs cannot find a more convenient plnce than this. being near the Cars on both Rnil Roads, and in Lmniediate connection with the Boats. The Proprietors nssure the public, thal no pains wil! be spared to furnien their TAB1-TC with the best the Markct alíorde, and their cue tomerewith evervattention in their power, requisito to ilieir comfort. CARRIAGES # BAGGAGE WAGONS always in readinessto convey Passengers to and frotn the Boats and Cars free of charge. TERMS - 75 cents per day, or 25 cents per meal. PATRICK & ANDREWS. Nov. 6, 1843. 28-Gm. 'i : e LEA THE R. THE undersigned has just received from tho j Manufacturen nnd will continue te t ílied with a General Assortmentment of E í ERN TANN1CD LEATPIKR, which he will I sell at dccidedly Low Prices, fjr CASH or HIDES. fio will conlinually Imve on hand Spanish uid SInughter )f Light, Middle and Heavy Weighls; Upper Leather.Oak and Hemlock Tanned Calf Skins, J Patna and Slaughter Kips, Harmss nnd Bridle l Leather. Jiindings, White and Colored Linings, Í 3hoe Thread, &c. . c All persons desirous o( purchnsin nre reI Tuested to cali at the ONE STORY BRICK Í BUILDING, No. 39, Woodward Avenue, and l Dxamine the quality and prices bcforc purchasing L ïlsewhere. ' N. B. The liighest Market Price will be paid ] n CASH FOR HIDES. l J.D. BALDW1N. i Detroit, Nov. 13, 1843. 29-6m. í SAL ERATUS. WHOLESALE andRetail, by H. BECKER. ' Ann Arbor, Aug, 2, 1843. 15-tf. mUWITY OF INTEREST. NOBLE AND SPRAGÜE, WOULD cnll the attention oi the citizcne of Ann Arbor. and ihc community in i al to the fact that they, believing that two heads are bel ter thau one, have formed a co-partnerehip for the purpose of cnrrying on the TAILORING BUSINESS, m all ts branches. They wilt be nlwnys on hand. two doors West of tiie Waahtenaw. in the , er Village of Ann Arbor, wbére all wIip favor , tliem wilh their patronage may be sure of faction. No pains will be spared in mailing , ihcir garmeflts fashionable, comfortable, and durable. They feel confklcnt from pnst expeneace. and from the aitfintion which they pay to their ncss, that they cannot fuíl ol giving universal salisfaction, and they are deierniined not to be outdone by any establishment westof New York. j N. B. CÜTTING dcne on short notice. anrl strict attention will be paid to the orders of the cuBtomer'. P. S. We like to havcforgotby the way to mention, that we too are n the receipt of the . New York and Boston Fashions, for the Fall and VVintor of 1843-4. 28-3n. NOBLE & srRAOUE. Ann Arbor. Lower Town, Nov. 3, 1843. ABBOT & BEECHER. DETSSÖST WHOLESALE AND RETAÏL, SSAX.SRS IN DOMESTIC STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODSJUST teceired a largor Stock tban ever ol Heuvy Brown Sheetings. Shiriingsand Drillings. Bleached Goods, Calicóes, Apron "Checks, Baggings, Burla)s, Diapers, Crath, Muslin. Fustians. Mole Skins. Sattinets. Sheop's Gray Cloth, Buckskin Cloth, Fancy Cassimeres, Wolvorioe Coatince, Alapaca Lustre. Changeable Stripe Do. Fancv Alapines, Crapo Delaines,IndiaCloih. Mouslin De Laines, parisiians, Chusans. Shawls. Rob Royp, Cardinals, Damask Shawls, Black. Blue Black, Brown. and Blue Broad Cloths, Feit and Pilot Over Coatinss. Blankets. Flannels, and Superio BEiTER CLOTHS, Leather, Ootton Yarn, Tea, Sugar, Coffee, Rice and Tobacco. All of which Goods will besold at the LOWEST PRTCES that they can be bought for Wes' of New York Citv, and wc vvish our Frknds lo give us a Cali before Buying. WANTED, POT ASH, WOOL AND FLOÜR, For which we will pav the highest prices cither in CASH or GOODS, at the CHE A PEST CASH PRTCES, No. 144, JeHerson Avenue, Corner Bates Street, Detroit. Detroit, Nov. 13, 1343. 29-tf. TO C&OTHIBRS, MA1VUFJ1CTURERS J1ND MEIiCHJUVTS. THE subscribers are now receiving, at their stores, 188 JefFerson Avenue, ancí corner of Randolph and Woodbridge streets, Detroit, a large and general stock of DYE-WOODS AND DIE-STUFFS. 35 tons Logwood, Fustic, Limewood. Nicarraua, Hypernic Woud, in the stick, 130 ground Carnwood, 150 do Fustic 120 do Logwood, 100 do Redwoods, 20 do Ahun, 6 hhds C'opperas, 4 do Blue Vitiiol, 4 pipes Ombre and Crop Madders, prime, 500 lbs. Extract Logwood. 600 do Bengal, M dras and Cnraccas Indigo, 300 do Blue Nutgalls, (Allcppo,) 250 do Powdered Cúrcuma, 200 do Verdigris, 10 Carboys Oil Vitriol, 6 do Aqua Fortis. 4 do Spirits Sea Salt?, 4 do Nitric Acid, 2 cases Lac Dye, 300 lbs. Banquo Tin. 250 do Cream Tartar, 500 do Q lereciron Bark. Together with a complete aaaortment of all the minor anieles in the trade, to wit: Pvess Papers. Teazles, Brusbes, Jacks, Tent Hooks, Dye Kettles, Pickers, Burling Ironu, Ñippers. Prrissiáie of "otash. Sal Amoninc, Sal Soda, Sugar of Lead," Steel Reeds. Cnrd Cleaners, MACHINE CARDS, Satinett Varps. Shears, &c. This entire stock has been purcha;ed wit'nin the last two weeks, and selected peisonally by one of the concern, who has been in the business for the last eleven years, and tbey have no hcMtntion in sayintr that the quality of these goods r unexceptionable. They will positivly be sold at the lowesl New York jobbing prices, with the addition of transponation only. The subscribers havo the sole Agency in this Sfaie for the sale of "l'ARSON'S SHEARING MACHINES." and the celehnjted "LEICESTER MACHÍN I. CA1WS," dectdedly the best in use. THEO. H. EATON, & CO. April 11, 1843. 51 tf C L O C KS"! CLOCJKS! npHE subscriber hnving just receiyod several cases of BRASS and WOOD CLOCKS. ot' various descripiions; is prepared to scll theni Cheap for Cash. Also. a general assoríment o JSWELR7, consisting in part of Gold Fingcr Rings, and Bosom Pins. Hearrsaud Crosses. Silverand Common Thimbles, Walch Chains and Keys, Penoil Cases: also, Spoons, Sugar Bowis. Butter Knives, Tooth and Hair Brushes, Pocket Books, Violin Strings, Needies, Pins, Hooks, and Eyes, Spectacles. Fine Combs, Dressing Combe, Side Combs, Back Combsg Pocket Combs, Water Paints. Marking Cotton, Steel Pens, and Tweascr8. SnufF& Tobacco Boxes, Elnstics. &c. All of which will be so'd as cheap as at any other establishment this side of New York. N. B. The suhscriber thankful for so large a sharo of pnblic patronnae. still solicitsa coutiuuence of the same. CLOCKS AND WATCHES of every dnscription repaired and warranted. Also, JEWELRY repaired on short notice.- Shop at his old stand directly opposite the Court House. C. BLISS. Ann Arbor, Nov 6, 1843. 28-1 y. Bristol's Sarsaparilla. THIS vnluable medicine so justly celebra'ed as a certain cure for Scrofula or Kinge ' Evil. or any disease arising from impurity of the blood. has bccome so welt known as to need no publ'cation of the numorcus certificates now in our possession. of the extraordinary cures lately performed by it, but fearing there inay be sonie ' persons affected who have been gulled by using the irnitations got up by others. we would respectfully request them to eall on us and satisfy themselves of its many cures in similar cases. - By purchasing of usthcy can rely upon the genuineness of the article, which they should be '. careful to do, as we are told there is a spurious article of tho same name for pale in ihis vicinity. Be careful to observe that "Bristol's Extract of Sarsaparilla, Bufialo," isstümped upon the hottles, and "C. C. Bristol" written in his own hand over the Cork. W S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Ann Arbor, Dec. 25, 1843. 36 JMORTGAGE SALE. DEFAULT having boen made in ihe payadora certain eiun oJ money with the imTr " hercon. secured 10 bepaid by n ceriain ajnjuop!! )f Mortgage, hearing date the thirty-first dnx a Dctober, in the year of our Lord one ihonelu? ïight hundred and forty. executed by Fli Gi er,ofScio, in the county of Waditenaw and he Stme of Michigan, to Samuel Clemein f L,ima, in the couniy and State aoreeaid wl ' t, Vlortgage was recordad in the Rcgisier's'-offiei. l thü couniy ot Wnshtenaw aforesn H „ .1 ' ,nddiiy of April, A. D one CsZ Lu ïundred and forty-two, in Liber ter. of Mort , at page one hundred and sixty.'one an dd? ault having bc n made m the condilion of J?,? nortgage, and no suit or proceedinj? at InJkiT ng been insmuted to recover the whole o anv inrt of the money now due on saïd m ,. y 3y virtue of which defoult tbere i8 "ow El o be duo on said morignge, ihe .„TT1 n-ndredand fir.y one dolt. and S$&? or nnncipnl nnd interest. " v-t'"ls Notice is therefoie hereby given that i nance of a power of sale in snid indent "" nongage contained. will l,e solr1 nt m.M; 6 ,t tb e front door of ,he Cpurt HoL TH nge of Ann Arhorf in the coumy 1 " ' Vl1" he sevontb dny of Februnry re" n7oresa;(i n the forenoon of said düy, all ihe nris. ?k :ribed in said moftg.rt&itajRggJeg r.ay be nccessary .o snt sfy the an.uunt duc lol ir ncipal and interest on said Tsl% SC08.8 for foroclosing e same.nnd descr bVd n ■ollows: -'All that certain trnct or parcel ófLl yïhg in theS.n.e aforesaid. knoW„PïoU. l 1 a ioscribed ns Collows, to wit:' Thesotuh Sf , louth west quárter of seciion seven, in t vi vvo sou th, of range five casi, excent filtcV. ,n theno'rth-side'of.áid SSáelS )no half mile in length rur.ning ensi and west ' ,er i'3 ' r UliS SÍXlh da' Ol Nüv" ByO.1ñSSS 29-12 w MORTGAGE SALÉ" r DEFAULT having bcefl n.a.le i„ t)ie psr, ment of a certain sum of n,oi„ y vi,h tL riierest thereon, secured to be paid !,y a cèrtain ndenture o Mortgage, hearing dat thè ffi 3th dny of iNovember in ,ie yenr oVo„r Lord n. housand o.ght hundred and thirtv-oight, cxecü ed byLh Grangcr of Scio, inthefcoUnS Wnshienaw ami State of Michin. 1' nLZ Phelps ot the same place; whichn.ongewS -eco.dedm thoregisier's office of the county "f Washtenaw , aioreSil,d, on the twemv-smb doy jfJamjary, A. D. one , housand eigh, haS ind thuty-nme, m Liber numbersevcn of lnEpges, at pagethree hundred and seveniy fouf! ind de ault havm; been made in the condition of said morignge, anti no snit or proceeeding at Inw liaving been instin.ied to recover ilie wholt or iny p;irt of the money nowdue, on said Mort Ernge, by virlue of which there is now ::lnimetl be (iue 011 snid Mortgage. the sim of :ne hundred nnd thirty-ihree doílars'and fiity-ix pents for .rincipnl and interest. wl;ich iiiDrtMjie has been duly asaigned to Samuel Clfcinfns. Noiice is tlierelore hereby given. ihat in pursuance of a power of aalt in snid ndenture of liiórtgage eontainëd. will be sold at the front Joor ofthe Court House, in tbc village of'Ann Arbor. in the county aforesaid, on the seventh :iay of Februaiy next. at ten o'clock in the forenoon of snid day, al public auction. all ihe prem. isesdescribed in said Indénture of Alongase, or so much thereof as may he necessury to mfty ihe amonnt due for principal and tniertju. on said well as cosis for foreclosing the san:, and described as follows, to wit: the soúíh iinlf of the west half of the sonth-west quarter of section seven, town two sou th of range five east, codtaining forty aerrs. bc ihe same more or less. Dated, Ann Arbor, November (. I84.T SAMUEL CLF.MKNS. Asnienee. of RHODA PHELPS, Mortgaree. Ry. O. H.vwkinS; bis Attorney. 29-1 2wChanccry Sale. Philip H. Reeves. ? Daniel H.' Scully, I IS ë&N&fi 2n circwt. ;md Mary Scully. $ In pursunnce of a decretal oider iscned out of the Cuurt of Chancery. in and ior the State of Michigan, I shaJ! exposé to snip, tr. the higlictt bidder., at the Court House, in the villnee of ynn Arbor, VVashienuvv counly. on the fifw emh dny of Janunry next, nt 10 o'clock. A. M. of tlm day. the foliowing degcrilied premisos. ';to wit:" "Ail thnt certaln ttact or paicei of limd lying in "Websier, and described ns follows. "to wit:" 'The west halt of ihe sourh cast quarter of src':tion thirty six. in township one south. of range "five east, containing eighty ;icres. more or less. "Also theeast half of the north east quarter oí "section thi'ty six, in township one souih, of "range five east, containing t-ighty acres, more "or less," or so much thereof as may be eiifficient to raiso the nmountdne to the oornplninnnt for his principal, mierest and cosis in this cnuss. GEO. DANFORTI. Musterin Chancory. Gko. Mtr.Ks, Comp'ts. Sol. Nov. 24. 1843. 31. YPSILANTI ACADEMY, A N D TSACH1SIS? SffiHEIWAE7 H. H. GRIFFEN. Principai,. Mr% CHAS. S. VVOODARI), Assistaht. TliE next term of tliia institución wslicmmenee on Monday, f1 eb. 12, and continue 11 weeks. White this school is equally oin to all of both sexes, who wish to acquire a good education, particular litt'eñtiorí wlll be t;on io ihose who nre preparing lo The ejolu sive and uninterrupted atfention of the principal will be given to 'unpart a practical knotWctlí of the English branches. ÏJe ooenpics nbui linlf anhour daily in lectnring. wiih he aid ui Jje npparatus. niiiicrnls. or otherwisc, Appakatus. - The Jnstinuion is furnilird wiih Chemical; Pliilosophical, and Asjn nomical appsratuS; Surveying Instrument?. G'eomètrichl solids, &c.. to the-arnóunt of.ïOÜ; also, a gooti Cabinetof Miher-ols wonh S;"0. Tujtion in the common EngHsh brunches, including Cqpfpósition and Declaniaiioii 'nwn .',00 to $3,50. In Philopophy. Cnemistry. Astronomy, i] story, Hlietoric. üonny, Alpuhra'. Geometiy, Surveyin;,-, cc. from $4,50 to $5,00i Mezzotimo and Chinese or Theorem painiingr $3.00 cacli for 12 lessons, taught by Mrs. Griffen. The tuition is lo be paid at the middie of theterm. No dcduciion for absence wiN be niadcr except for protiacied sickness, and no one will be receivcd ior less than five and a half weeks.- Books may be had of the principal at Detroit prices. Board, Including room and washing, from. $.1.00 to $1,50 per week; for further particular inquire of the principal. Rooms can be hired cheap for scholars to board themselves. Rev. I. M. Weaa, Rev. H. P. Powers, Rev E. Crnne, J. Fahchild, M. D., J. C. Allenr M. D, G. & E. M. Skinner, Esqrs, S. Murdockr havekindly consented to form a visiting committee, lo be present at tho Week reviews on Thursday, and at the public examination of tn school. Ypsilanti, Oct. 16, 1S43. f-}? woopwoaTH's hötolT NORTHERN, EASTERN, AND SOUTHERfT STAGE HOUSE. rpi-IE undersigned respectfully announce to X the Public, that he is now the Proprietor of rhis veil known establishment. The Houee hoving been thoroughly overhauled, and refittea in a mnnncr calculated to promote the comfort of citizens and the travelling public. The house occupies an eligiblc position, on th corner of Woodbridgc and Randolph streete, in k business part of the city. Those who may honor him with their coantenaneo, may be assured that no expense or attenlion in his power, will be spared. to make their sojourn in Detroit agieeable and sntisfactory. [46-ly] S. D. W00DW0RTH. Notice. AM. NOBLE would respectfally romind his customer3, that as he hns takena partner, and i? making new arrangements in bia busmess, he wishes for an m medíate eettlement with all who are indebted to him. Ann Arbor, Nov. fi, 1843. 28-3m. BLANK DEEDá. MORTGAGES, EXECUTIONS, SÜMMONSES, &. i printed and for sale at the KT8IGNAL OFFICE. XI


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Old News