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MÜUTGAGE SALE. DEFAULT huving been mude in the pnymcr of a certain euiu of inoncy wiili ihe imerci thereon, secured 10 be paid ly a cenain ajnjuopu of Mortaage, bcaring date the jlürty-first da, oj October,"m the year of our Lord one thousauj; cight hundied and torty. executeil by Eli Gianger. ofScio, ia tlie county ut Wnshtenaw and the' State of Michigan, to Samuel Clemcns, ol Lima. in the couiity and State aoiesaid, wliicli Mortgage was retiorded in the liegister's olüc-e, or'thecoun(jy of VVnshtetiawaforesa d, on thesecofld day of April, A. D. ohc ijoti3ind, cight hundred and forty-two, 111 Liber ten of Aortg;iges, at page one hutidrcd and sixiyone, aneldoi&iilt having be n made in the eondition of said Hiortgage, and no suit or proceeding at !aw havmg been instttuted to recover the wliole or any part of the money 'nuw due on said mortgage. - By virtue oï" whicli deiauit tliere is noxv claimed lo be due on said mortgage, the sum'of three hufldred and, fi'ty one dollars and twenty cen for principal ;.nd interest. Notice is therefore hereby given, that in pursuanceof a power of sale in snid Indenture oí mortgage contained, will be sold at public auctioti at the front door of the Court House, in the villageof Ann Arhor, in ihe couniy áforesaid. on the sevwitb day of February next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of sniJ day, all the premises described in said mortgage, or so much thereof as may be necessary to snt sfy the amount due for principal aud interest on said mortgage, as well ascoats for foreclosing the -same. and described as follows: "Al! that certain tract or parcel ofiand ly'xng in the State aforesaid. known. boundedand described as foüows, to wit: Thesoatli halfof the south west quarter of section seven, in town two south, of range five east, except filtecn acres on the north side of eaid quarter seciion, being one Iwlf mile in fength running east and west." Daied at Ana Albor, this sixth day of Novem. ber, 1843. SAMUEL CLEMENS. Mongagee. Bv O. Hawkjns, bis Attorney. 29-12 wMORTGAGE SALE. DEFAULT having been made ín the pay ment of a certain sum of moni y with the interest thereon, secured to be paid by a certair indenture of Mortgage, bearing date the twentieth day of November, in the year of our Lord one t'höusand oight hundred and thirty-eight, executed by Eli Granger of Scio, in the county of Waslitenaw, and State of Michigan, tr Rhoda Phelps of the same place; which mortgage was recorded in theregisier's office of the county ol Washtenaw, aforesaid. on the twenty-sixth day of Jcnuary. A. D. one t'iousand eigiu hundred and thirty-nine, in Liber nnmberseven of mortgagee, at page three huudred and seventy four, and de.'au!: having been made in the conciition of sid mortgage, and no suit or proceeeding at law having been instituted, to recover the whole or any part of the mor.ey nowdue, on snid Mortpige by virtue of which default there is now clairaed to bedue on said Mortgage. the sum oí one hundred anti thirty-three dollars and fifty-six cents for principal and interest, which mortgage , has been duly assigned to Samuel Clemens. Notice is therefore liereby given. that in pursuance oí a power of sale in said ndenture of mortgage coiilained. wijl be sold at the front door of the Court fotise, in ihe viJlage of Ann Arbor, in the county aforesaid, on the seventh day of Februnry next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at public auction, all the premises de6cribed in said Indenture of Mortgage, or 80 much thereofas may be necessary to satisfy the amount duc for principal and interest, on snid mortgage, as well as costs for foreclosing the same, and described as follbws, to wit: the south halfot' the west half of the soiuh-west quarter of section eeven, town two south of range iive enst, containing forty acres, bo the same more or less. Dated, Ann Arbor, November 6, 1843. SAMUEL CLEMENS. Ansienee. of IIÜODA iaWf.r.PS. Mortgagee! By. O. Hawxins. his Attorncv. 29-] 2wH. H. GRIFFEN. Principal. Mr. CHAS. S. VVqODARD, Assistaht. THE next term of this instituiioii will commence on Monday, Keb. 12, and continue 11 weeks. While tiiis school is equally open to all of both sexes, who wislio acquire a good education, particular attention wlll be given to those wboare prepsring to icack. Tlie exclusive and uninterrupted attention of the principa! wiü bc given to impart a pmciical knowledge of the English branches. He oecupies about half an hour daily in lecturing, with the aid of ihe apparatus, minerals, or otherwise. Afparatus. - Tho lnsutution is furnished with Chemical, Philosophical, and Astronomical apparatus. Surveying Instruments, Geométrica! solids, &c. to the amount of .300; also, a good Cabinet of Minerals worth 50. Tomos in the common Engiish branches, including Composition and Declamntion hom f2.00 to $3.50. In Philosophy, Chemistry, Astronomy, History, Rheturic, BoTany, Algebra. Gsometry. SurveyiDg, &c. from $4,50 to$5.00. Mezzotimo and Cliinese or Theorcm painting. $3.03 each for 12 lessons, taught by Mrs. Griffen. The tuttion is to be paid at the middle of the term. No deduction for absence will be made, cxcept for protiacted sickness, and no one will be leceived for less than five and a half weeks. - Books may bc had of the principjl at Detroit prices. Boaud, Including room and washing. from $J,00 to $1,50 per week; forfurther particulars inquire of the principal. Rooms can be hired cheap for scholars to board themselves. Rev. I. M. Wcaa. Rev. H. P. Powers. Rev. E. Crane, J. Fairchild. M. D., J. C. Allen, M. D, G. & E. M. Skinner, Esqrs, S. Murdock. have kindly consented to f mn a visiiing committee, lo be present at the Week reviews on Tlmrsday, and at the public examination of the echool. ; Ypsilanti, Oct. 16, 1843. 5- lyWOODWORTH'S HOTEL. NORTHERN', EASTERN, AND SOUTHERN i STAGE HOUSE. rjlHE nnclersigned respectfully announccs to JL the Public, ihat he is now the Froprietor of this -veil known establishment. The House having been thoroughly overhauled, and refitied in a manner calculated to promote the comfort of cilizens and the travelling public. The house occupies oneligible posilion, on the corner of Woodbridge and Randolph streets, in a business part of the city. Those who may honor him with their counte nance, may be assured that do expense or attention in his power, vrill be spared, to make their sojourn in Detroit agreeable and sntisfactory. [46-ly] ■ S. D. WOODWORTH. BOOK BISïDEB.lT. AT THE PAPER MILL (f.0 ,ÏER TOWs) AKS ARBOR. EBOOTH would respectfully inform the inhabitantsof Ann Arbur and vicinity that he continúes the business of BOOR BINDING, at the old stand, in the Paper Mili. Oíd Books wiH be neatly rebound on short notice. AH kind3 of RULING done to order.- Country produce taken in payment. April 19, 1343. _ 52-tf. JA.TIE.S Ct. BIRIVEY, ATT O RN E Y AND COUNSELLOR AT LA W. SAOANAW CITT, MICHIGAN. JG. B. will also net as Land Agent in the Land District in which ihis (Saganavv) County is; he will make irivestments for others lands. pay over for non-residents their taxes, and . give information generally to persons interested in this part of the country, or desirousof becoming immigrants to t. SURVETOR, MAP' BIAKEn, AND LAND AGENT. Ofiice in Court House Square, Ann Arbor. June 19, 1843. ti. BLANK DEEDá. MORTGAGES, EXECUTIONS, SÚMMONSES, &c. &c printedand for sale nt the ÏÏJ-SIGXAL OFFICE, tr MARRIAGÊ CER.TIFICATES, OF superior quality, just primed and for öalc at this O.Tice. Ann Arbor, Nov. 2, 1813.VN1TY OF 5WTEEEST. NOBLE AND SPRAGUE. WOULD cali ihe attcntion oi the cinzms of Ann Ailior. nnd ihe communiiy in gem-ial t6 the. fuct tint ihey. bclieving thui tivo luads are botter tlian one, have formecf a co-pnrtnership lor the [Mirpoea ofcii-rving on the TAILORING BUSINESS, in all its branches. They will be nhvayson hand. twó (Joors West of the Wnehtenau-. ñ ihe 1aver Village of Aun Afhor, wjicie uil who Uivor tliem with thcir patronage nmy be sine ui' süii-slaenon. No fmíná will he spared u niiikitiu thcir garmcnts fashijimDle, comí'ortable, and durable. They fecl confidcnt from pasí e.períe:-ice. nnd fiorn the auontion which ihey pay to iheir busi ness, ■ that tliey cnnnot fnil ol givin universal &at3Íacton. and tliey are determmcd not to be outdonc bynnv esiablishnioiu est of New Yoik. N. B. CUTTÍN G done on short noiicr. and strict attention will le paid to the orders of tin customer. P. S. We like to have fornot by the ivny to mention, th;it we too are in the reccipt of ihc New York nnd Boston Fashions. for tbe Fallona Winter oflÖ43-J. NOBLI-: & STRAGUE. Ann Arbor. Lower Town, Nov. 3, 1843.ABBOT & BEECHER. DETROIT WHOZiESALS AND BETAÏZ. DEALEHS IM DOMESTIC STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODSJUST roceived a larger Stock tfaan ever o Heavy Brown Sheenngs, Shirtingsanii Drillings, Bleadied Gooqs, Calicóes, Apron Checks, B;iggings, Burlaps. Diapers, Crath, Muslin, Fostians, Mole Skins, Sattineis, Shcop's Gray Clotli, Buckskjn Cloth, Fancy Cassimeresj Wolverine Coatings, Alapaca Lustre, Chnnsreable Stripe Do. Fancy Alnpines, Trnpe Delaines, India Cloih. Moushn De Lainee. Pnrisïans, Cliusnns. öhawls. Rob Roy?, Cardinal Damask Shawls, Black.. Blue Black. Brown. and Blue Broad Cloths. Feit and Pilot Over Coatinss. Blankets, Flannels. and Superiu BEAVER CLOTHS, L,eather, Cotton Yarn, Tea, Sugar, CofFee, Rice and Tobacco. All oi'which Goods will besolJ at the LOWCST PRICES that they can be boughr for West f New York Citv. and we wish our Frinds to ive us a Cali before Buying. WAiNTED, POT ASH, WOOL AND FLOUR, ror which we vill pnv the highest prices either n CASH or GOODS, at the CHE A PEST CASH PÏICES, No. 144, Jeflerson Avenue, Corner Bates Street. Detroit. Detroit, Nov. 13, 1843. 2(J-tf.MJIJS'UFJCTURERS JlND MERCHAjVTS. T I 1HE subscribers aro now receiving, atjhcir X stores, 188 Je fferson Avenuo, and córner oí' Rnndolph and V00dbrid2e streets3 Detroit, o large and geneTal stock of DYE-WOODS AND DIE-STÜFFS: 35 tons Logwood. Fustic, Limesvood1. Nicarrasua, Hypernic Woud, in the stick, 130 bbls. ground Caniwood, 150 do Fustic 12'J do Logwood. 100 do Redwoods, 20 do Aluin, hbds Copperas. '1, 4 do Blue Vitrio!, 4 lijjes Ombre and Crop Madders, prime, ñ00 Ibs. Extract Logwood, 600 do Bensal, M idras nnd Caraccas indigo, 300 do Blue Nmgalls, (Aüeppo.) 250 do Powdsred Cúrcuma, 200 do Verdigris, 10 Carboys üil Vitriol, 6 do Fortis. 4 do Spirits Sea íSalts, 4 do NitricAcid, 2 cases Lac Dj-e. 300 Ibs. Banquo Tin, 2óO lo Cream Tartar. 500 do Q'.iercciron Bark. Togeüier wiíh a complete assortment of all the minor anieles in the trade. to wit: P.ess Papers. Teazles, Brushes, Jacks, Tent Hooks. Dye Kettles, Pickers, Burling Jrons. Nippers. Prussiaie of notash, Sal Amoniac. Sal Soda, Sugar of Lead, Steel Reeds. Card Cleaners, MACHINE CARDS, Satinett Warps.. Shears, &c. Tbis entire stock has been purchased within the lost two weeks, and sclected personally by one of the concern, who Iris been in the business for the last eleven years, and they have no he.Mtation in saying that tho quality of these goods ts unexceptionable. " ney will posilivly be sold at the lowest -New York jobbing prices. with the addition of transporlation oniy. The subscribers have the sole Agency in this State for the sale of "l'ARSON'S SHEARINO MACHINES." indthecelebrated "LEfCESTER MACHINE ' CARDS," decidedly the best in use. THEO. H. EATON, & CO. April 11, 1843. 5itf IJ-LOCKS! CLOCKS! Tl HE subscriber having just receivcd several J_ cases of JBRASS and WOOü CLOCKS, i various deseripiions, is prepared to sell them Oheup for Cash. Also, a general assorimen: ol JBWE1RY, :onsisting in part of Gold Finger Rings, and BosotuPins. Heansand Crosses. Silverand Commun Thimbles, Wafch Chnins and Keys, Pencil Cases: also, Spoons, Sugar Bowis, Butter' Knives, Tooih and Hair Brushes, Pocket Books, Violia Sirings, Needies, Pins, Hooks, and Eyes, Speciacles, Fine, Dressing Combs, Si de Cornos, Back Combs, Pocket Combs, Water Paints. Marking Cotton, Steel Pens, and Pweascrs. Snuff& Tobacco Boxes, Élnstics. &c. All of which vill be sold as cheap as at any'oih3r establishment this side of New York. N. B. The subscriber thankful for so lorge i shnre of pnblic patronnse. slill solicita a continueñce of tbc same. CLOCKS AND WATCIIES of cvery description repaired and warranted. Also, JEWEI.RY repnired on short notice.- Shop at his old stand directly opposite the Court House. C. BLISS. Ann Arbor, Nov 6, 1843. 23-] y. Bristol's Sarsaparilla. TiilS valuable medicine so just ly celebra'ed as a certaín cure for Scrofula or Kings . Evil. or any disense aiising from impnrity of the blood. bas become so well knówn as to need no publ catión of tlie numercus certificares now in our possession. of the extraordinary cures lately performed by i!, hut fcaring thsre rnav be sonte persons aifecied wbo have been gulled by using ihe imitations got tip by othera. wo would n-spectfully request tliem to cal! on us and satisfy :bemselves of i:s many cures in similar cases. - By purehasing of ustliey can rely upon the genjincness of the article, which they should be areful to do, as we are lold tliere is a spurious irticlc of ihe snnie name for Rile in ihis vicinity. Fe carèful to observe that "Brisiol'a Extract of 3arsapnri!la, BufTalo," isstamped upon the botles, and "C. C. Bristol" written in his own ïand over the Cork. W S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Ann Arbor, Dec.25, 1843. 36VICTOKY tës ÊÊ 00 tsSF jHk SS W The Fever and Agüe sed up- Dï Banister's Pilis T R. BANISTER'S CELEBRATED FEVER AND AGÜE PILLS jL Purely Vegetable. - A sa'e, speedy, and sure remcdy for fever and aeue, dum ague, chili fever, and the biJlious discases peculiar to nevv countries. The?e pilk are designed for the affectionsof Ihe liver and ofher infernal organs vvhich altend the diseases of the nevv and miasmatic portions of our country. The unparallelcd success that has atlended the use of these pill.s, induces the proprielor to believe that they are superior to any remedy ever oftered to the public for the nbove diseases. They are purdy VEGETABLE and perfectly harmle?s, and can be taken by arvy peison, mnle or female wilh perfect safety. The pills areprepared in Iwo separate boxes, marked No. 1, and No. 2. on-I accompanied witffull directionü. A great nutnber of cerlificates might be procured in favor of ihis medicine, but the proprietor has thought fit not lo insert them, in as much as he depends upon the merits of the same for its reputation. The above pill is kept conslantly on hand by the proprietor and can be had at vvholesale or reiail at the Store of J. Beckley & Co., Ann Arbor, Loivcr Töwni Orders from the country prompfly attcnded to. L. BECKLEY, Proprietor. Jannary 17, 1844. 39-3m.TMESSRS. DAVIDSON& BECKER, have just re-Lv-H- ceived fr om New York a lar e and splendid assortment of Fancy and Staple AIso, a large quantity of Dry Groceries, Crockery, ÍShelf Hardware, Nai!sr Boots and Shoes, Men's a"nd Boy's Caps? Paints, Dye StuffSj and Medicines, &c. &c. &c. wliioh they wiílseli lower iban has ever before been bffered in this place. For particulars cali at their Store, No. 3, Brown's Block, (formerly occupied by H. Becker.j The highest Market piice will be paid in Goods for rnoit kinds oí Produce. # Remember ihat they will not be Q$ Ann Arbor, Lower Town, Nov. 13, 1843. . 29-GmWUST received at the Farmers' and Mechantes' Store, a general assortment of Faucj andstaple Groceries, Crockery, Boots and Shóes, &c. &c. which vvill be sold cheap and for ready pnyonly. C. J. GARLAND. Ann Arbor, Upper Town, Nov. 20, 1843. N. B. J]s usua], any Goods purchased of hitn not giving satisfaction in price and quality, the purchascr has the privilege to return Ihem and receive back his money. 32 C. J. GJBLND.RAIL fiOAD HOTEL1843. BY aS-43. PATRICK & AIT0REW. OPPOSITE THE WESTERN AXD NORTHERN f RAIL ROAD DEPOTS, DETROIT, MICH. THE bove Hotel has been greatly enlarged, and fnietl up Ín a style equal to any public c house in Detroit, for comfort and convenience. - j Its localion is n a heaiihy and pleasant part of c the city, being situated on the Public Square. t and in the immediate vicinity of the Central and I Northern Rail Roads, and convenient to the ! a principal „ STAGE ROUTES c divcrgingto the different paris of the State. j n Tkavkmchs wishing to tnke the Cars or Boats c cannot find a more convenient place than this. I s being near the Cars on both Rail Roads. and iri j t immediate connection wiih the Boats. The Proprietors assure the public., thai no { pains vvill be spared to furnish their TAB1B vvitli the best the Marital affords, and their customere with everv attention in their power, - site to their comfort. CAJilUAGES $. BAGGAGE WAGONS always in readiness to convey Passengers (o and from the Boats and Cars free of charge. 1 TERMS - 75 cents per doy, or 25 cents per 1 meal. ' PATRICK & ANDREWS. Nov. C, 1843. 28-6m. ' "LEA THE Ê7 I THE undersigned has just reccived from iho i Manufacturer, and will continue te f plied with a Gnneral Assortmentment s ERN TANNICD LEATIIKR, which he will s sell at dccidcdly Low Prices, fjr CASH or c HIDES. . t He will conlinually have on hand Spanish t and Slnughter ] SOLË liEATHËJR ' of Light, Middle and Heavy Weighis; Upper Leather. Oak and Hemljck Tanned Cal f Skins, Patna and Slaughter Kips. Harncss nnd Bridle P Leaiher. Jiindings, White and Colored Linings, ' Shoe Thread. &c. All persons desirous of rr'hnsin2 nre P réd to cali at tlie ONE STORY BRICK BUILDING, No. 39, Woodwmd Avenue, and examine the quality and p;ices bcfore purchasing elsewiiere. N. B. The hishest Market Price will be paid in CASH FOR HIDES. J. D. BALDW1N. . Detroit, Nov. 13, 1843. 29-6m. SAL ERATUS. WHOLESALE and Retail.hy j H. BECKER. J Ann Arbor, Aug. 2, 1843. 15-tf.L ÜAIL HO A D a TEMPERANCE HOUSE. THE undersigned would respectlully inform -i the Criends of Temperar.ce. and tlie public ;enerally, that theabove named House, 7 y known as the Temperance Hotel, and situated n the corner of Michigan nvenue and Washingon street, near the Central Railroad Depot, havng undergone thorough repairs and very great tddnional improvements, is now ready for ihe , :cption of all those who may favor htm witli a :ail. The accommodations, in every respect, are l ïot inferior to any Temporáneo House m the . :ountry. and every atteniion will be given to n luch as bestow thcir patronage upon this a, )le enterprise. '' N. B. Carriages ahvays in readiness to n rey passengers to and from Boats and Cars. WM. CHA MP. ll Detroit, May 9, 1843. 4-1 y {' CLOTH! CLOTH?! t TpiíE Subscribers would irifonn the Public JL tlint persons having wool to be manufactur;d, enn huve it.donc nt their Manufactory .. i) a short time, as the large quantity of wool 'urnished tjiem by farmers and others the past 'n" ieason is nearly completed, anrl will be finishc.'l = vilhin a few days. We havo manufactured Í iloth tii ís season for about om hundred and i. wciilif-Jice cuslomcrs, to whom we have reason o believe, wc huve given general satisfaciion. - rViih this encouragement, we hope for future r )atronage. TER MS. Half the cloth tlie wool will make, or 37J cenls % er yard. We will also exchange Cloth fbr a' Wool on recsonable lerms. H' Wool sent by Rail Road to Scio will be iroperly attended to. L SAMUEL W. FOSTER & CO. E Scio, Waehtenaw Co., Dec. 25, 1843. 3fi-tfffD]3 IPIBIIBRflïSïSp OF all kinds neatly execuied at :lie Signa. P Ofiice, at the shortest notico, and on the u; ïost reasonabln terms. - Paiaapliets Circulara , will bo printed to order, ny unie, wjththe utmost accuracy. ÜTT Ordera by mail promptly fillod. olFASHIONABX.S TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. JR. WALK FR would announco to his frieads and the public in g?neral, thai he is now in the receipt of the fall nnd winter fash' ions for 1843-4, which have been selected and furnishcd by twoof the best establishments in the LTniied States, on tho first of the present month. aiïer the kinds of goods and fashions tbr the season had become pcnnnnently established, which Í3 bc: uti'ully illustrnted by two of the most Hjjlendid fashion piales ever presented tothiscomniunily. Any gentlemen wlio wish 10 have the 1 'simún pukEj" eau find it here furnisl ed nt o souson when therc can be no mietoke as 10 whot ia or Í3 not fashionable. Gentlemen, picase cali aiul examine for yourselves, and il" wecannot exhibit somelhing that will satisl'y you that thesijh of goods and (ashioTi ofgnrmcnts are chaste and beauliful, then we are mucli mistaken. Mr. Walker would tuke this opporutnity to return his sincere thnnks to all who have hithero favored him with their ])aironage; and hopes lic has given general satisfaction. All who fcel disposcd to have an easy, at the same time a fashonable g:trmént, can be graiifutd hy calling at the shop of J. D. Irish. one door south of Beach & AJiei I's old store, where for the convenionce ofhimseU and cuotomors he has locaied for tho season, where all demnnds in his line will be c.ccuted with neauicss and despaich, on reasonable terms for cash or country produce, but posiümly no credit. N. B. Ctitting done, and warranted to fit if properly ninde up. October 1 1 . 1-843. 27-tf.


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