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Seeds. WANTED. - Tweniy-Five ponnds Long Blood, Larpe. Rud nnd White fcugar Beet Seed, and Twenty pounds Cucuoiber Seed, for which n liberal price will bc puid in goods, if deljvered soon. Also, Tweniy bushels Red and White Onons, deljvered in April next, ond Twenty bushels Red and Blood Beeis. S. B. NOBLE. Aun Arbor, Feb. 8, 1844. 42-tíw 500,000 Feet PI NE LU MEER. THE subscribers oíTer íor sale, Five hundrcd ThousandFeei SEASONED PINE LUMBER, vhich has been put up in the best possible manier, and is of every qualiiy and thickness. Per sons wishing to purchase Lumber ihtt is fit 'or imvi ediate usc, will do weil to give usa cali, efore purchasin" elsewhere. HAZELTOUÍ &. PATERSON, Fnrmerly Agents for Beach & Co. January 2?, 1844. 4 )-6m. WOOL AND W00LEi CLOTHS, Iwill cxchanüc woolen rloihs of cvery width and quality for wool, to be delivered in May or June, or after shearirig time. My stock of cloth is complete, quality good. prices low. &cj P. DENISÓN. Ann Arbor, Fehruary Ist. 1843. 41. N. B. Tt ís important that wool be done up in jood order, ond any infonnation will beghen vhen asked. F. D. PORTRAIT OF JAMES G. BIRNEY. THE subscnberhas just finished a portrait of this gentleman. froni which he internis to have an er.graving made in the finest style ol the art. He is opening a subscription which will ehortly e placed into the hnnds of al! the publishers of L.berty papers in the free States, where those who wish to avail themselves ol a correct likcncss of 1 1 1 ï 3 enlitrhicned philfinthropist. and candidate óf ihe Liberty Puriy foi the hlghest office in the gift of the People. can have the privilege ofsubscribing. No person will be compelled te take the portniit uniese h is pronoun'-od good. - The price will be 1 ,00 each for sinsle copios. E. V. GOODVV1N. Albany.Dec. 1,1843. CTBecklcy & Foster are sole agents for the State of Michigan, and will supply all who mny wish for the portraits at one dollar cach, payab on delivery. Persons desirous of obtaining then can mnke application througlï the agenls o'" tl Signal of Liberty, who are auihorized to receiv subscriptions. Ann Arbor, Jan. 1, 1844.TO FAMILIES AND IÑtALWS THE following indispensable fnmÜy remedie may be found né Mayxakd's Druggi Store, in Anu Arbor, whefë none will be eo unlcss known to be of ilie best kind md n counterfeit articie ever oftered, patent mèdicin invariable procured of the origin -1 inventor or his regular 6uccessor: C Ño familj shouid bc a wcclc without tiiese remedús.jrw BALDNËSS. Halm of Co'umbia, for the. Huir, which vri stop it if f'alling out, or restore iton bald places and on children inake it grow rapidly, or o those who h,iyc, lost tlie híiir from any cause. ALL VERMIN that infest the héads of children in schools, are prevenred or killed by it at once. Fmd thVnnme ofCOMSTOCK on" it, or never try iu, Iicmcmber fiis alwdijs. PILES,' &c; are whoily preventcd, or governed if the attack has come on, if yon use the onlij true HaYs' Likiment, from Comstock &po.. All SORES, and every thing reliéved by it th'at admits of an outward applicatian. It actslike á ctiarm. Use it. RHEUMATISM AND LAMENESS positivelycured; all shrivelled musclcs and limbsare restored, in the old oryoung, by tbehidian Vcgit'ible and Nerre and Bovc LinimciU - bui never without ihe name of Comstock & Co. on it. KOLMSTOCK'S VeRMIFUGE wüleradicate nll WORMS in chiídren or adults with a certainty quite astonishiñg. TOO TH DROPS. Klibks- cures eflectually. Ann Albor, Feb. 5, 1844. 41 BJSW BOOS STORÜ. {ANN ARBOR, LOWER TOWN.) THE Subscriber ha.a just r.ècè.ivecl n general assortnfpnt of SCHOOL BOOKS. sucli ss are in use in Comman Sohtfols in this State, toge'rher with a variéty of Rcligious. Scientific and Misceliui.eous works, such ns Quarto Bibles, Polyglot & Common, do. Pocket Ediiiorr, Family, do. School, do. Pocket Testamenta. 3 sizes, Prayer Book, 4 aizefl. The Psalmist a ncw Baptist Hymn Book, Methodist Ilymn Book, Waiis' Psalms and Hymns, Annuais for Ifi44, Cowpc'rs Pnems. Osslans. do Campbclls, do. Burns', do. Milton's Works, Scott's Wojks, Albums, Tales of n Granafather, Scolt's Napoleon, Bcnu'iful New Yenr'ö' PrééeniS] View of all Iléligions, Woihers frieact, Fireside Pie'ty, Genis' oí Piety. Meditation oh Prnyer. a yalúable' work, The Task, Berquins Works. Christian, Baptist, Church, tVashinglonian and Farmers' Ahnanacs, Boston Academy. Sa-' crod Lyre and Manhattan" Collection Singing Books, Blnnk Day Bookfl, Ledgers, Journa'Is ;.r:il Blottérs, JuÊtices' Dockeis,Toy Bibles, Primers. ]ÜO kinds. Song Booitp0 lund?,' end vario ná odier Books. togeihcr vi th Wafers, Sealing Wax, tük; Quills, Steel Pens, Letter Paper, (an excellent nrticle.) ahJ commqrt, Cnp Paper, Jnk Stands. Léad Pencils, Draw'mg Peneiü. B. B. &, II. B. and Prcparod India Rubber. All of whiuh wifl be sold at Detroit príces for The subscriber hos made his arrangements so ihai -ilniost aryihiiiH ín the line of ■iooks and Staifoha'ry which ia Hof on hand can )e furnished Jit a short noti:è. He intends to make fhe sale of Books a permanent business nd will therefore do what he cs.n to keep his asortmsnt good. Don't forcet the place, Ann Arbor. Lowef VJIrfgé,' fiearly opposite the i'louring Mili. ÏÏM. R. PERRY. J.Ttunry f, 1844. 37-3m. Stray Cattle. AjVIE into the enclosure of the Su'bscriber, J livina' near Foster's Mills, in Scio, oh or joat the Ist of December last, ONE LIGHT RED STEER; oHne white stripes on h'im, and left hom a little opped, and isaboutfour yenrs old. Also," TWO STAÓS. )ñe is red; with a white face; the other dark ed, mred with brJndlc, and supposcd to be out three yea'rs old. The owner is rcqnested o provo property, pay charges and take them way. JOHN FULLER. Scio, Jariuary 29, 1841. 40-8w."TÖ THE VÍCTOR BELÖNtr'THÏT SPOÏLS." ALTI1OÜGH innny jr'eparationsin the Itfrm of "'POPULAR MEDICINES," ha,v been beforc. tbc .public, claimin to give relief .niel uven cure the most invetérate dieeases, vet' none nave so weil answerod the purpose as Dr. SHERMAN'S MEDICATED LOZiSNGES: Dr. Shenuan's "COUGH LOZENGES" cure the most obstirtnte cases of Cough in a few1 ïourö. Thcy hare cüred a large number of pier-' sons wh'ó have been give'n up by their physicians" and friends, and many who háVe beeft reityce' o the vergc of ihe grave by epiuing bióód," onsumpiion and Hectic Fever, by théjr' user ïavo had the roaë of hèalth restored to thè hnggard cheèk. and now live to spcak forth the' sraises of thí8 invaluable medicine. Dr'. Shcrman's "WORM LOZENGES inve been provedin more than 40(',000 cases tó )C infnliible, in fact. the only certain Worni detroying medicine ever discovered. Ch?ldreri( will eatthém when they cannot be íorced ro.tako nny otlier medicine, and hé benefit dfrive'd fronï' lic admiiiistratión of medicine lo thë.m in thie form is gre.-xt beyond corícojítfon. 'l'hey' hav5; never b"eèn k ïown to fail. Sherman's "CAMPHOR LOZENGES." relieve Headache, Nervous Sick-headnche, Palñtationof the Heart, aüd sickriëss in a' very ew minutes. Dr. Shern-an's . .... ''FOOR. MAN'S PLASTER" s acknowlcdged by all who have ever used it to e the best strengthening Piaster in the wprld, md a sovereigp remedy for pains'and .weájínV.ES n the backj lorna, side, . brëast, rie'cic, limbs; oints, riicumatism, Itimbapo,' &c. Be careTu'l. o procure the abovè and all other medicines df Maynard, and you willbe snre therë vtill'bé ritf mistake in'4qúian,tily or harpe.., Anñ Árbor. Fetruary 5, 1844." 41 Michigan Book Store. Í4& JEFPEKSON AVENUE DETKÓIT.' rpÍHE phb'ic are ntormed ihat very large a(JA. diiions have been made to this establishnent duiing tlie pasl summer and rccently, einracini a very extensivo nssortniênt of works in hc vririouB dc"parin)ent8 of Sclénce and Literaure, Moráis. ,and Religión: .and ajo, á'. most complete stock of Letior a.tid Fopfecap Pape'r; Stationafy artiples, Classïcal and Sehool Boöks;. Blank work.&c. .&'c. all of which are ofté'red o thé .public whol'esalé or retail, as cheap: ns can be had át áñy Bookstore west of New York city;, Thé öèsortment óf Juvenile Books is very lar;8 and weil worth the attention ol paren 16 and óyhérsy wlio mny wish to put good boöks into thé hariHs" of chiltlreh. . , Fainiïy Bibles - a great variety; Pocket' do,- Prayer Books. fine and . common: Psalms íirití ríymns, varions collections: Ufuline Manual," Caiholic PietVf Flowers of. Pictv, Christian Sacrifice, Christian Gtnde, Catholic Melodics, &e. &c. . .... Bóoks for Librnriés. in substantial bindiii'gs may bfl found here'in gfeat abundanec. Ladies' AlbHmf. b fine assortment: . Port-' folios, with and wiihout, locks; h"ne editiqnsl1 the Poets, large & small, Dissected Maps Battl Divora. Birda, &c &c.' Picase caU and exaniiriej C. MORSE.January 14, 1Ö14. 38-tfDR. OSGOÖDS INDIA CHOLAGOGUE. AMONG the most valünble qualities of thïé' medicine, ís its restoring influence upört constitutions impaired ahd injured by prcvióiïï attack8 ot bil!ioÖ3 fever; or fever nnd egfuér óY by n lortg residence in t'h'ose climaies wnich' pró'duce tliem. .Tlierè' are ma'ny constitütions wbléK becomc grndually underniined by o miasmal influence, without è'vèn a day'e actual confinemertt: In Buch cases, the Cholágogue acts like a charlé - the sallöW complexión, loss of appetitè, fanguor, wcariness and depression of epirff's, witfi other unpleasant syfnptoms which renqér fifé á burden; nli.yield to this remedy whe,n faithfiïliy' used according to the directions of thé áfóompa'nying pamphlct. ít is cntirely a vegetable préy aratirtri; and may bé taken tvíih perfect seféty Önfder ali circúmstanccs of the systeni. Fo'rsalè by ., . , . 36 . W. S. A J. W.MAYNARD; solé Agent, for Ann Afbor and vicinny;


Signal of Liberty
Old News