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PETERS' PILLS. TRUTH HAS PREVAILED. PETERS' Vegetable Püls have now been ten yeárs before thé public; During thnt period they have obtaineda celcbrity unpartilleled in the bfitofy of the most popular medicines which have preceded them or hnve followed in their track.- The happy combination of" vegetable ngrediems towhich these pillsowc their efficacy, is the reult ofye.irsof enrnest study and experiment, directed by long previous experionce in the properties of medical subs;ancs, the pathology of disCiise, the-nature and modus operandi of the various fltiids wlnch minister to the support and sustenance of the huimin budy. andorganization by which dioso fluids re prepared, modified and distributed. The triumph oï skill, and patiënt experiment has been complete. Throughout the length and breadth of our lanfl, in líritish Americaand the West InHies, and or the continent of Europe, the carative virlues of Peter's ! table Pilis, are gratefully acknowJedged. They ' may ba cniledTHE medicine par kxcellknce, of the Southern States. Tl.eirconeumption south of the Poiomac, is enormous, and continually on the ncreasc. No other pill ygoesdown" therè, Tiowever EUgnred over wiih hired pulls and home manufacturad certifícales. Peiers' Vegetable Pi Ü3 may be termed a umrersal medicine, for ibere is scrcely any dera:jgement or obstruciiou ot' the organs and t functton9 of the hunun machine whieTi they will 'j not allevia'.e or remove when administered in the early stages of congestión of the stomach orbowela, fheypeedüy relax those organs, reduce the r aucmlnnt fever. and restore the suffererio health. f Comaininii no ïrrilnting or drastic substances, their exhibition is never followcd by that prostraiion of üie bodily powers which characterize the opcration of most other coihnrtic!, ai:d they ïnaybe administered without theslightest fear of pro'ducing local inflainmatioii, so frequontly caused by the punient compositions vended by the quncks and charlatans of the dny. In nlmost all stages of disense, Peters' t ble Pilis will be found of benefieial effect, bui e they should ahvays bc resoned to when the lirst a symptom mnkes its npptarance. The conques! o of the cömplnint will then be easy and immediate. In bülious disorders, remittant or C lanteyer. dispepsia, dysentery. cholera, cholic. ii diarhoeo. dropsy, sour or f(ded eruclaiions, 1 lnrgement of the spleen, sic!; headoehe, all n piaints growing out of imperfect or too rapid a gestión, torpor of the bows's. feniale obs;ructions, tl habitual costivenes?. and ali other disenses in n which a purgativo medicine js proper. Peters' Vegetable Pilis wül be fouhd tihrival'ed in the ti 6peed, certairüy and :entleness of their p tion. It Í3 asked upon what principie these extraordinary effects are produeed? Ve rcply that _ ters Vegetable Pili aeis os a purifíer of the blooJ. by purifying the chyie and other fluids of which blood is composed. Chyle is a milky fluid depnsited by ihe digesüve matter on 1 the coats of the tntesiineë; and which when J combiued witfi tho billiary secretion, id C ed into the veins an.l becomes the principie of !! life. This medicine acts directiy upon the chylel tl lrom whtcli it espels all acrid particles, and al. te humors detrimetual to n heult hy circulation. It cleanses thejuices and fluids beforo the cherrucal ir changa takes place which fits ihetn fo.' ihe n' dinteiiurposc3 oí vitalny. 'J'his is bezinning at g1 the beginning. To embue the streams of life e: with health, it is necessary to purify them at h their sourecs. Suètï is the mdical mode in which this medicine performs i(s cures. Testimoniáis which w&uld fill volumes (mnny of them from Jiigh ir ecientific authoriiy) are iis vouchers, and it is S used iri ihe practico oif the fiist Physicians here and abroad. T For sale by F. J. B. Crone, W. S. A. J. W. áj Mnynard, J. il. Lund, rJarris, Pariridges & Co 1 S. P. & J. C. Jcwett, Davidson & Becker, H. Becker, Christian Eberbach. G. Grenville, D. P D. Waterman. C. J. GarlanJ, E. Williams. E Ann 4rbor; Georgc Warner & Co., D. C. Whitwood, J. Miilard & Son. N. ÍI. Wing. Dextcr; M. Jackson, Lzoni; P.-111Í Raymond. JacJiSon; Brofhcrson 5b Eicf, Rlanchcstsr; D Keys, Clinton; D.S Haywood. Saline; Stone, Iïabcock & Co., Ypsilanii; Scattercood & Co, Plymoutli; Pierre i'eüer and T. M. Eaton & Co. P Detroit; ulso in Adrián, Tecumseh, Brooklyn, uí Pontiac, Chicaso. an-l almost every wliere else. - Ann Arbor, Jan. 15, 1844. 27-1 y TAIL0R1NG ESTAJBLISÏ-IMENT. ( JR. WALKFR would announce to his an friends and the in g?neral, that he ÍÍ is now in the receipt of the fu!l and winter pc ions for 1343-1, wbicli have tx;en selected and al furuished by twoof the iiest estabiishments in the ot United Stnics, on the first of the present month, be after the kinds of goods and fashions for the ar eon had become permanëntiy cstabliehed, which dj Í3 beautifully illustrated by two of the most ar eplendid fashion plates ever presented to this commnnity. Any genUem'én who wish to have the ra ''simo.v pure." can find it herc furmshed at n Beason when there can be no mistake as to what _ is or 3 not fashiohablé. Gentlemen, plecse cal! and examine for yourselves, and if wecannot exhibit something that will satisfy you that ihe style of goods and fashion of garments are chaste and beautiful, then we are much mistaker. Mr. Walker woukl takethis opportunity to return his sincere thanks to all who have hither'o favored him wiih their paironogc. and hopes he has given general satisfaction. All who feel disposed to have an easy. at the same time a ■ ionable garment, can be gratified by calüng at C the shop of J. D. Insh, one door south of Beach a & Abel S old store, where for the convenience ' ofhimself and cuotomcis be h?is iocaied for the season, where all densniyis in his line will be e.ccuted with neamessand despatch. on reasonnble terms for cash or country produce, but posiüvdy . no credit. " N.' B. Cutting done, and warranted to fit ii properly made p. October IJ, 1843. 27-tf. _ - - Y Eristol's Sarsaparilla. co Til ld vaiual.le medicine so jusily celebra'ed ( as a certain cure for Scrufuh or -■ Evil. or any disenso ariíing from impunty of the JL blood, bas become soweil knpwn n3 to nted no w) publcation of. the nuincrcus certiiicaies now in ' our possession. of the extraordinary cures lately pcrfcirmed by it. but fearing there may be some - persons afiecled who have been gulled by using j the mitations gol up by otherí, we would reepcctfully request them to cali on tis and satisfy themselves of i;s mnny cures in similar cases. - By purchasing of ustliey can rely upon the genuineness of the article, which they should be gcareful to do, as we are lold ihere is n spuriou? ï nrticle of the same name for sr.!e in ihis viciniiy. Be careful to obsrrve that "JJristol's Extract of Sar8aparil!n, BufTjlo," issiampel npon the O; tles, and iSC. C. Bristol" written in his own an hand over tlje Cork. - W S. & J. W. MAYNARD. en Ann Arbor, Dec. Ï5. 1843. 36 an MARC U'S STEVENS $ SÁSÍUEL ZUG, " HAVE taken the rooms in the Iowcr end ri 'the White Biock, directly nppositc the Mi T chigan Exchange, wïiere tiiey will keep an Jl tensive assortment óf ce


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