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FOItWARDJNG MERCHANTE, DEALERS íjy DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, fyc. AT TITE RAIJ.-ROAD DEPOT, GKASS LAKF.. M1CJI. H. H. BINGHAM. G. CHArMAN. 43-3m. Sëéds. WANTED.- Twemy-Five pounds Lontr Blood, Lnrgo Red. nnd Wbite SucaV Beet Seed, nnd Twcnty pounds Cucuniber Seed. for which a liberal price will bc paid in goods. f delivered soon. Aiso. Tweniy bushels Red and Wliitc Onons, delivered in April riext, and Twenty bushels Red and Blood Bects. &. B. NOBLE. Ann Arbor, Feb. 8, 1R44. 42-6w SOO,EOO Fcet PINE LÜMBER. npHE subscribers ofier for snle. Five hunjL dred Thóúsánd Fect SEASONED PINE LÜMBER, which hasbeen put up in the best possibic mnnner. and is of every qualifjr nnd tliickness. Per. son? wishinw to purch.ise Lumber thht is fií for tatmediato usa, will do well to mire usa cali, before purclmsinrr elsowhere. HAZELTON S PATERSON. Formerly Agents for Beöcb & Co. Flmt, January 2?, 1844. 40-Gm.WOOL AND WOOLEN CLOTHS. Iwill cxchan?e woolen cloths of cvery width and quality for wool, tobe dclivered 'in May or June, or a fier sheniïng time. My stock oí cloth is complete, quality gooii. prices low, &c. F. DEN1SON. Ann Arbor, Fcbruary lst. j843. 41. N. B. It is important tiiat wool bc doneup in good order, and nny Information will be ven when asked. F. D. %imW 3OOIC STOK.B. (ANN ARBOR. LOWER TOWN.) TIIE Sufescriber hrs just receivecl a general . assortmrnt of SCHOOL BOOKS, such ns are in use n Common Schools in this Staie. toge:hcr wiih a varièty of Religious. Sciendfic and Miscellar.cous woi ks, such as Qiiarto Bibles, Polyglot & Common, do. Pocket Editton. Family, do. School, do. Pocket Testanients. 3 sizes, Prayer Books, 4 sizes, The Psalnvist, a new Bnptist H.ymn Book, Methodist Hyinn Book, Waus' Psnlms and Hymns. Animáis for 1H-J4, Cowpers Poems. Ossians. do Camp. bells, do. Burns'. do. Milton's Work?, Scott's Works. Albums. Tóles of n Grnndfather. Scott's Napoleon, Beau'iful New Yoar's Presents. View of alJ Religions. Moihera Friend. Fireside Piety, Gems of Piety. Medrtatiori on Prayer. a valuablc work. The Task, Berquins Works. Chrisrisn. Baptist, Church, Waahíñgtóniari and Farmers' Almanacs, Boston Academy. Sacred Lyrennd Mnnhattan Collection Singing Books, Blnnk Day Books, Ledgers, Journals and Blolters, Justices' Dockets, Toy Bibiea, Primers. 10D kinds, Song Books.20 kinds, and vnriors oiher Books. togeiher with Walers. Sealing Wnx". Ink, Quiüs, Steel Pens, Letter Paper, (nn excellent arricie.) and common. Cap Paper. Ink Sjnds. Lead Pencils, Drnwing P.ncÜL. B. B. & II. B. and Preparcd India Rubber. All of wbieh will be sold at Detroit prices for Gaah. The gubscriber has made his arrangements so liiat almost anything in the line of Books and Stniionary wlnch :s not on hand can bc furnished at a short noti:e. He intends re make the sale of B,ookö n permanent business nnd will therefore do whot he to keep his assortment ffood. Don't forget the place, Ann Arbor. Lower V.llagc, nearly opposite tht Flouring Mili. WM. R. PERRY. January S, 18-1-J. 3m.23. B2SA1FS CELEBRA TED GHEMiöAL PLáSTER. nriIJE following is one f'rom among the nu JL merou6 testimoniáis frum persons of tht highest respectability, which the prcprietors have receivcd. FROM S. T. SMITII. Willoughbt, Lake Co., O.. June 8, 1840. II. Harris & Co. - Sirs: This is to Lnfori you that for the last cight years I have been a flicied with the Inflammatory Rheuinntism, an( t times so sevcre that T had no use of my le or three or four weeks. I tried all the remeies that I could hear of with but I i t tic eilect. - t lengtli I heard of and was ndoced to jnake s rial of E. Dean'8 Chemical I'lnsier - .1 [nirínsed a box of Doctor Gibbs, your Agenl in lis place, some. three montlis ngo when I had an attack. and npplieii one plnstor which verj soon "ave lelief and 1 have had no return of thi complaint since. I thereiörc would recommend all to try it. Yours, fcc. 43. S. T. SiYIITH. tCFFor the disenses in which this Piaster is ap plicnblc. see advenisement in anothcr coiumn of this pnper. E. Donn'sCIicmical Pinster is for saie in Ann Arbor, (Lower Tnwn.) by J. lí. LÜND, nnd W. S. & J. W. AIAYNARD. ? Upper CfiaiSTÍAiV EBERIJACFJ. Town -19-1 yStray Cattle. CME into the enciosure of tho Subscriber. livinr neir Fosier's Mills, in Scio, en or about tho Isf "f December last, ONE LTGIIT RED STEEF, .ome white stripes on lijm. und left horn a líale upped, and isabont four yenrs old. Alsa, TWO STAGS. One is red, wiih a white Xuctíi ilic fther dork cd, mixed wtl I r ï n d I o. and supposed to bc bont tlu-ee ye;irs o!d. The owner is requestcd o prove proporiy, pay charles and take ibetn way. JOHN FÜLLER. Scio, January29, 1844. " 40-8vv. BLANK DKEDS. 3VÏ0RTGAGES. EXCUTIONS, SUMMONSES, &c. &c printed and for sale at the ÏÏTSIGNAL OFFICE, jjiTO FAMILIES AND INVALIDO TM E follöwirig indispensable fomüy remedies niny be found at Mayvakd's DruLr?isL Store, n Anu Arbbr, where none will be ?old unless kr.tiwn to be of ihc best kind and no countcr.reitarticlc ever offered, paient medicino nvruiabiy procured of the origin 1 inventor or his regular successor: tCT tfo ftuiilj should be a iccek without thesg rcmadi:s.j BALDNESS. Bulm of Co'umhia, for the Hoir, which wiíí stop it if telling ou!, or restore h on balcl places; and on childrcn make it grow rapidly, or on tliose who ruvs lost thehnir from nny cause. ALL VERMIN that infest the hcads of chiP dren in schools, are preveiiied or lulled by it ai once. Find she nnme ofCOMSTOCK on it, or never try it. Rcmcmber this alwaijs.PILES, &c. nre wholly prevented, or governed if tho attack has come on, ifyou usc the irueKAVi' in- iMKNT, írom Comstúck & Co All SORES, and every relieved by it thnt admits of art nuf.vard apphcaüoji. ft acts Iikc a cbarm. Ustï it. RHEUMATISM AND LAMENESS positivcly cured: al] shrif elled musclcs and limhs ar restored, in the oíd r younp, by the Indian Vcg- a-Me. EUrirand Nerre and Bont, Liniment - but nevcr withuut üjonarae of Comstock & Co-, on it. KOLMSTOCK'S VERMIFUGE WUíoradcato all VVOIliMS in children or adults with a certainty quite astonishing. TOOTH DROPS. Kr.isKs-cures effectuaflv Ann Arbor. Feb. 5, 1844. 45, PORTRAIT OP JAMES G. BIRNEYi, THE eubscnberhas just finished a portrait of tliis genilerriiin.froni wbich he internis to havè an engrnving made in the finest style o) the art. I-J e ia opening a subscripción which will shortly be placed into the hnnds of all the pitblishere of L.berty papers in the free States, where thoso who vi?h to avail ihem&elves ol a correct iike- nes3 of this cnlightened phüanthropist. and can!idate of the Liberty Pony for the hlgbest office in the gift of tbe People. can have the privilege ofsubeeribing. No person will be compelled te take the portryit nnles3 it is pionounced good.- The piice will be $1,00 eacli forsinle copies E. W. GOOD WIN. Albany. Dec. 1,1843. HFBeckley & Fosfer are soíe agent3 for thö Srnte of Michigan, nnd will stipply all who may wisli for the portraits at one doHar cach. payablfl on dcüvery. Persons desirons ol'obfainingthetrt enn malie nppiication through the agents or tho Signal of Liberty, who are authorijied to1 receive subscriptions. An ii Arbor, Jan. 1, 3844,"TO THE VÍCTOR BËLONG THÊ SPOILS," A LTIJOUGM many preparationsin the lorm J. of "POPULAR MEDICJNES." have been before t!ie public, claiming to give relief" and even cure the most invetérate diaeases, vet none hnvo so well answered thn purpose as Dr SliERMAN'S MED1CATED LOZSNGES, Dr. Sherman's "COUGH LOZENGES" cure the most obstinate cases of Congh in a feW hours. They have cured a large number of persons who have been given up by their physiciana and (rienda, and many who have been redneed to the verge of the grave by spitting blood, Consumption and Hecfic FeVer, by their nsö have had the rose ofhealih rcsto'red to the haggard cheek. and now live to speak forth the praise3 of this invaluabJe medicine. Dr. Shof' inan's "WORM LOZENGES" have been provedin more than 40C.O0O cases to be inl'ülüble. in fact. the on ly certain Worm destroying medicine ever discaarered. Children will ent ihem when they cannot be íorced to tak any other medicine, and the benefit derived irom the administration of medicine o them in thie form is great beyond concepiion. They havs ncver beun k lotvn to fail. Dr. Sherman's "CAMPHOR LOZENGES." relieve Hendache. Servaos Sick-headache, Pal pitation of the IJeart. and sickness in a very few minutes. Dr. Shern'an's "POOR MAN'S PLASTEE" is ncknowledged by all who have ever used it to be the best strengthening Piaster in the world, rmd a sovereign remr.dy for painsand weakness in ihe back, lom?, siáe, brenst. neele, imbs joints, rhenmatism, lumbago, &c. Be carefuï to procure the above and all other medicines of Mmpiard, and you will be snre there will be na raistake in quantity or charee. Ann Arbor, February 5, Í844. 4]Michigan Eook Store. 142 JEFFERSOX AVENUE DETROIT. rpHE pnb'io are informed ihat very large ndJL diiiohs havo been made to fhis establishment during the past summer, and recently, embracing a very extensive assortmcnt of works irt the varions (iepartnienis of Science nnd Literatiire, Moráis, and Reunión: and also, a most complete stock of Letter and Foolscap Paper, Stutionary arricies, Cinssical and School ooks; Blank work. &c. &c. all of which are oflered to the public wholesalc or reuiil, ns cJieap as can be had at any Bookstore veet of New York city. The nssorlment of Juvenile Books ís very larga and well worth ihe nttention oi parentsand óthers, who mny wish to put good books inlo the hand of childrcn. Family Biblias - a great varíety; Pocket do; Prayer Books. ijne and cornmon: Pialms and liymns, various collcctions: Ursulinfe Manual, Caiholic Piety, Flowers of Piety, Chrrstian Sacrifico, Christian Guide, Catholic Melodies, &c. &c. Books for Libnnies, in subst3ntinl bindteg may be found here'in great abundanee. Ladies' Albums, u fine assortraefit; Portfolios, witli and wiihout locks; fine editionffof the Poets. !nrge &small. Dissected MapsBattle Doors. Birds. &c &c. Pleasecall and examine. C. MORSE. January 14, 1844. 38-tfÍ)R. OSGOOD'S AMONG ihe .most valuable qualities of this medicine, is its restoring injlucnct upon. constitinioñs impnired and injured by previoua attacks of billious íever, or fever and agüe: or fiy a longresidence in tbose climatee which produce them. Thcre are many constkmions which becomo gradually undennincd by a thiasmal influence. withoúl even a doy's actual confinement. ín such cnses, thc Chplagogue acts like a charm - tlie saiiow complcxiou, loss of appetile, íanguor, weariness and depresèion of spirits, with othcr unpleasant symptoms whith render life a burden, all viel,] to tliis remedy when faithfiilly used acoording to the direcrions of the nccompanying pamphlet. It is ontirely a vegetable prep . arationj and may bc taken w'th perfect stfety uuder all circumstances of Uie systera. For sale by 3G W. s. .t J. W. MAYJÍARD, sole Agent, for Ann Arbor and vJcinity. BY the Barrel, for snle by C. J. ÖARLAND. Ann Arbor. Upper Town, Jan. 17, '44. S9 tJASHÉI)AID for WHEATand TIMOTHY SEED . b-vA , T C. J. GARLAND. Ann Arbor, Upper Town, Jan. 17. '44. 19 Attention Nadies. w . ,n C. J. GARLAND. JNoveniber 18. 1843. 30 FIRE! FIREÜ FÍREÜÍ rj. D. Hill, Agent of ie 4tnó JnsurancfiCo., a u '"Te propeny ngainet losa or damage by i ire on rcaaonable lerms, Uct. aö, I843j 2?- tf"


Signal of Liberty
Old News