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We have but little of interest to insert in our Congressional Department. Tlie committee on elections in the House of Reprrsentaiives, have unnnimously reported a bilí to have the Presidential election held on the Tuesday after the first Monday in Noveniber, throughout the Union. It is thought this may pass. ,, We f tated lost week tliat the Twenty firet rule had been rescinded by a raajority of twenfy votes. Tbe Washington Spectator, Feb . 28, says : r 1 1 "A notice to reconsider the voto on the rules was givon, itnd on this qupption coming up to-doy, a rnotion wos made to l;iy thé whole subject on the tabié, and this motion prevailed by a single vote. So Ihe whole subject f the rules reported to the House is Vposed of; and the rules of the last Congres?, with the twenly-firsl included amongst thern, are tbe rules of the House." The Madisoniin thus announced the rejection of the 2Ist mJe: "ABOLITIONISM TRIÜMPHANTÜ! day the 25th mie, prohibitintr the reception of Aboütion Petition", wos ABOLÏSHED hy the VAN BUREN MAJORÍTY fN TUF, HOUSE OF REPRESENTA TI VES ! W e will not uttflmpt to express the indignation we feel - it misht be more prudont to endeavor to pour oil amonor the troubled waters in the South. The Constiuition, which has protected Southorn interests, is now to be directJy assailed with the sanction of Congress." So far as the Liberty party is concerhed, it will make little difference whellier the Rule is rescinded or retained. We must go to worlt to mnke our influence feit at home - and it will 6001) re.tch Washingion.


Signal of Liberty
Old News