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L.OWER TÖWN IB ■33 isa H ' ■ V' i " i H kB ' í ''" +' - '- - - . ' ■... . , ■ , - - ■WHESSRS. DAVIDSON& BECKER, have just re.--'-■'' cei ved' f rom Jevv York a largo and splendid assortment of Fancy and Staple BUIT GOOD8. Also, a lare cjuantilv of Dry Groceries Crockery, .helf Hardware, Naüs, Boots and hoes, Men's and Bóy's Caps? Paints, Dye $uM; and JVIedicincs, &c. &c. &c. which thcy will sell lower than lias ever before been olie red in this place. For particulars cali at. their Store, No. 3, Brown's Block, (formorly occupied by H. Becker.) The highest Maiket piicc will be paid in Goods for most; kinds Of Prod nee. oSij (& Remember that they will not be undersold.=L$ l Anti Arbor, Lower Town, Nor. 13, 1S43. 29-GmThe Fever and Ague liseu np- Dr. Banisíer's Pilis _ L in i..r .. hui ,. I ■■■i.i. DR. BANISTER'S CELEBBATED FEVER AND AGUE PILLS- .- FufiELY YyaíktaMjK. - Ai; safe, speedy, and suré remedy lor fever and aguc, dum chili i'evor. and the bilJious diseases peculiar (o new couhtries. These pills are de.signed for tlic affeclionsof Ihe liver and oiher infernal organs vvhich aUcnd the diseases of tlie new aiifj miasmatic purüons of our countiy. The unparalleled.succcss tliat has atlended the use of these pills, induces he proprielor lo believe that they are superior to any reinedy ever olfered to the public ior the above cljseases. Thcy are purely VEGETABLE and perfectly harmless, and can bc taken by any person, male or feniale vviih perfect safely. The pills are prepared in Iwo separate boxee, mark ed No. 1, and No. 2. and accompanied witfi fulí directioní;. A great number of certificates might be procured in favor of ihis medicine, but the proprielor lias thought fit not lo insert ihem, 'm as much as he lepends upon the merits of the same for its reputation. Tli e above pill is kept conslanlly on hand by the propriefor and can be ïad at Wholesale or relail at the Store of J. Beckley & -Co., Ann Arbor, Lotver Toïvn. -AOrders from the country promptly af tended to. " L. BECKLEY, Proprietor. January 17, 1844. 39-3m.■ " i i i' I "J"USTreceived at the Farmers' and -Mechanica' Store, " a general assortment of Fancy -and sta pi e Groceries, Crockcry, Boots and Sboes, &c. &c. which will be sold cheap and for ready piyonly. C. J. GARLAND. Ann Arbor, Upper Town, Nov. 20, 1843. N. B. cs usual, any Goods purchasod of hiin not givlng satisfaction in price and quality, the purchascr has the privilege to return them and reccive back his monf y.K Alïi ROA D 18 gÜH 43. TEMPERANCE HOUSE. THE undeisifjned wouïd respecttully inform thefriends of Terapcrance. and the public generally, that theaboc namerl House, formerly known as the Temperance Hotel, and situaled on the corner of Michigan avenue and Washington street, near the -Central RailrondDepot, having undergone thorough repairs and very great addLjiona.l improvements, is now ready for the reception of' all those who may favor ram witli a cali. The accommodntions, in every respect, are not inferior to any T'ein pera nee House in the country, and every attention will bc given to such as bestow thcir patronage upon this laudable enterprise. N. 15. Carriages ahvays in reacliness to convey passengers to and from Boats and Cars. WM. CHA MP. Detroit. May 0. 1843. 4-1 y WOOL! WOOZ.! eiiOTH! CLOTH?! THE Subscribers would inform the Public that persons having wool to bn rrianufactiyed, can have it done at their Manufactory wfftiin a short time, as the large quantity of wool furniahed them by farmers and others the past season is nearly completëd, and will be finished within a íew days. We have manufactured cloth this season for about one hundred, and twentyjice customers, to whorrt we have reason to believe, we have given general satisfaciion. - With this encouragement, we hope for future patronage. TERMS. Half the cloth the wool will make, or.37i cents per yard. We will also ezcliange Cloth for Wool on recsonable lerms. Wool sent by Rail Road to Scio will be properly attended to. SAMUEL W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, Washtenaw Co., Dec. 25, 1843.ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE: THE undersigned, having been appointed by the Judge of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, administrators on thecstote of Asa. L, Smtth, late of said county. and having given bonds as requircd by law, hereby give notice to all persons indebted to said estáte to make iuimediate payment t them, and all oersons having claims against said estáte to present them properly attcsted for adjustment. ÖYIIENA SMITÍT, Administratrix. WILLIAM M. SINCLAIR, Administrator. Aun Arbor, March 1. 18-14. 45-GwRAIL ROAD HOTEL 1843. BY 1843. FATRICK & AWJDRE WS. OPPOSITE THE WESTERN AND NORTHERN RAII, ROAD DEPOTS, DETROW, M1CH. THE above Hotel lias beeri grcatly enlarged. and íittecl up Üh a style equal to any public house in Detroit, for comfort and convenience. - lis localion is in a henlthy and pleasnnt pan ai tlie city. being situated on the Public Square. rind in ihe mmcdiate vicinily of the Centialand Northern Rnil Roads, and conveñient to the principal STAGE ROUTES divergingto the different parte 6T the State. TRÁVEr.v,Rs wishing tö tnke the Cars or Bohfs cannot find a inore conv.enient place than this. being near the Cars on both Raí! Roads. and in immediale connection wíih the Boáts." The Proprietors assure the public, tlint no pains will be spared to furnislv their TABLH with the biest ihe Market aflords, and their cus' tomcry with everv attenttün in power, requieitc to their comfort. ' C A BR'IA GES SfJiAGGAGE WA G ONS always in readinessto convey Pa'ssengers to and from the Boats and Cars free of charge. TERMS - 75 cents per day, or 25 cents per meal. PATRICK & ANDREWS. Nov. 6, 1813. '8-6m. "NEW" GOODS '! T HAVING retireci, not from business, but to the oíd stand pf G. Ward.. 1 vvíll scll GOODS Clicap. My stock is entircly mío, and embraces a good variety, wcli selected, and the goods cnnnot i'ail to satisfy those wlio wish to purchase. I have pent tfWí of tticj summer and paft of' the fall. in JNew England, wliere ihe Goods nre made, and í have been. able to pinchase such goods. asi -waiued; ancí at such prices, as will enable me to seü them about as low na they have becii sold in New York, from Jobbing ílouses during tbisseason. Espoeially Icansell Woolen Clottii from thecoarsest to superfine. 3-4 & (i-4 Cloths. Satinetts, Cassimeres, &c. &c. at low More: I have on hand a good stock of Comba, Thread. Pins, Needles. &c. &c. which I can. and will sell lo auy, who wish to buy by the qunntity at very low ratea. I will take ASHES and BLACK SALTS, or PEARLASH at myAshery; and willsellSALERATUS in quantities to suitpurchasers. TERMS.- Cash, Produce, ur good Credit. I am, Gentlemen and Ladies, Respcctfully yours. F. DEN1SON. Ann Arbor, Upper Town, Ntív. 7, 1843. N. B. Cash paid for FLOUR, or Pot and Fearlnsh, or advanceed on same und sold as usual. ' 29_tf_"abbot&Jbeecher.. etköït1Shoi.e ale .' ANV RETAIL DALERS IN 1 DOMESTIC STAPLE AND FANC1 DRY GQODSJUST ráceived n larger Stock thnn ever of HeaJMJSliRSfl Shcenngs, Shirtings and prjU.-; ins, BlcacUed Goocls, Calicóes, Apron Checks. ]5;iKgins, Uurlnps, Di'npcfsj Crnth, Wuslin, Fustirins, Molo Skins. Satiincts. . Cloth, BÖCKsliin C'lótli," " Fanry Cassimêres, VVoIverinc Coatinfcs, Alópnpa Lustre. Chnngrahlo Stripe Do. Fañcy Alapinc. Onpo 'Delaincs.ïndia Cloih, JVJouslin Do I,.unefí. Parii-iinns, t Clnisnns.'Shnwls. Rob Roy., ■ Cnnlinnls, Dnmnpk Shawls, Blnck. Blue Bfack. Brown. and Blne-Brond Clothfc -Felr and Pilot Over Coatinss. Blankcts, Flnnhcl?, nnd Superio IJEAIER Cï,OMv Leathcr, Cotion Yarn, Tea, Sugaiy CoíFcc, Rice and Tobacco. All ofwhinh Goods will besold af the LOWESTPRICESilint theyetm bebonjilir for West of New York Ci.'v, nnd we wisk our Fricnds to rrjvc ué a Cali befare Biñ-mcrWANTED. POT ASH, WOOL AND FLOUR, Por which vve will pnv thc nignest pnces cither ia CASH or GOODS. atibe . CHgAPEST CASH PZ1CES, No. 14-1, íefferson Avenue, Corner Batea títrpot, Deiroit. Detroit. No v. Kl. 14 20-tr. TO CiLOTHIEBLS MJUVUMCTURJiRS MM9. MERCHJ1J'TS. nnriE subseribers nre now rcccivinc-, nt tíici X stores, 183 JeíForson Avem-v, ad comer o Randolph andWoodbridge streeis, Detroit, a larg-o and íreneral stock oí DYE-WOODS AND DIE-STUFFS. 35 tons Logwood. Justic. Limewood.. Nicar rnsua, Hypcrnic VVood, in die stick, 130 Dbla. grouml Camwood, 150 do" Fustic 120 dé Logwóod; 100: do Ilftdwoods, 20 do Alum, 0 lihds Copperns. 4 do ]5!ue Vit.ioK 4 pipes Ombre nnd Crop Madders, prime, 500 lbs. Extract Logwood, G00 do 'Bengal, Modrns and Caraccas índigo, 300 do Blue Nutíralls, (Allcppo,) 250 do Powdcred Cúrcuma, 2ttO do Verdigris. 10 Carboys Öil Vitriol. 6 do Aqun Fonis. 4 do Spirits Sen Salí?, 4 do Kitric Acid, ... 2 cases Lac Dyc. í?00 íbs. Banquo Tin. '250 do Créam Tartnf, 500 do Q'iereciron Bnrk. Togetber vvith a completo nssortment of all tlie minor articles in tlie trade, o wíi: Pvess Papers, Teazles, Brusbes, .l.nnks. '■ Hooks. DyeKettles, Pickers. Bnrling Jrons. Nippers. Prussinieof 1'otnsb. SalAinoniac. Sal Soda, Sugar of. Lrad. Steel Reeds. Card Clennerc, MACHINE C A RDS, Satinett Warps. Shears. &c. This entire stock has beei) purchaíed within the last two yeeks, and sclectcd personnlly ly orie f the concern, who hns been in the business for the last eleven years, and they have no hesitation n sayinir that the qunlity of these cood? is unjxceptionnble. They will positivly bc sold at the owesi New York jobbing prices, with the adiition of transportado only. The subpcribers have the solc Agency in this State for the sale of "i'ARSON'S SHF,ARI,VG MACHINES." ind 'tlie ceJebnited LFJOESTRn MACHINE CARJDS," docidedjy the best in use. THEO. II. EATON, & CO. April 1 1, 1843. 5itfATTHK l'Ai'J U MÏ1.Ï. (l.l)rt'KR 'l'ü W K ) ASH ARBOR. EBOOTH would respectfully inform the "irthnbitantsof Ann Arbor and vicinity that he continúes rhe bnsinfppnf BOOK BINDING, at tlieold Btand, inthe Paper Mili. Old-Eooks will be nently rebound on short ndtice. All. kinds of. RULING done to order. Country produce taken in payment. ■ April 19, 1843. 52-1 f. GREAT EAK.GAINS READY MAPE eLOTHiMe ! !" HALLO CK 8f RAYMQJVD TTfTOULD respectfully inform the citizens of V V Ann Arbpr, and tiie State generally,. that they have now on iiand the LARGÈST and CHE AP ES T stock of "READY MADE CLOTHING" to be found at any eslablishment in this State, which they are determined to sell at pi ices louci ihnn were before ofiercd, and they conikle.ntly invite all persons in want of "Raniy Made Clolhing," visiling Dolioit, to cali at "ihpir establishiüont. "Corner of Jrjj'crson and Woidtoard Avenues," inthe new brick block, Pliocnix Buildings, where they will tínd cvtry variety ofgarments suitable fov ccntleinen's Fall or Winter wenr. and they belicveat prices froni 15 to 25 percent ckeapcr than they can obtain them in any othei way. Also. a very choice selcction of Broad Cloths? Esssimer e and Vestings," w'nïcli they are preparëd to nir.nufacture to order in a superior mannerand stIe not to beexcePled in the Cify of Nero Vork or elsrwhere. Garments alwuys warranted to fit and virase or na sale'.! Afoo. a very heavy Stock of - DOMESTIC CLOTHy. PJLOT and BEAVER CLOTHS. BELGIC CLOTMS, SATTIiVETS, WINTER TWEEDS. andevery variety anddescription of goods suitable ior gentlerncn's wenring apparcl, all of which shall be sold vary low for cash., or exchanged for Produce at niarket pricee. All those wishing Bargains inanyofthe.abovr nrticlos are invited to cali at the "FASHIOXABLE CLOTBING EMP0R1UM" of the subscriben, Cor. oí Jeflerson and Woodward Avfiiiucs, Detroit. II ALLOCK -&, RAYMOND. Detroit, Sept: 28, 1843. 20-if. Bristol's Sarsaparilla. THIS valuablo medicine so justly célebra'ed as a certain cure for Scrofula or Kinjrs Evil, or any disease arising from impu.rity of tïie blood, has become so well known as lo need no publ'cation of the numoreus certilicates now in our possession, of the extraordinary cures lately performed hy il, bul feartng there may be gome persons afiected who have been gullcd by usihg tbc imitations got up by others, we would respectfully request them to cali on us and saüsfy theinselves of its many cures in similar cases. - By purehasing of usthey can rely npon the genuineness of the article, which they fihould be careiul to do, as we are told there js a spurious article of the samc'name for sale in this vicinity. Be careful to observe that "Bristol's Extract of Sarsaparilla, BufTalo," isstamped upon the bottles, and "C. C. Bristol" written in bis own hand over the Cork. W S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Ann Arbor, Dec. 25. 1843. - 36WOOL AND WOOLEN CLOTHS. Iwill exchange woolen cloths of cvery width and quality for wool, to be delivercd in May orJune, or after shearing time. jMy stock of cloth8 complete, quality good. prices low. &c. Wi DÈNISÓN. Ann Arbor, Febrnary lst. J843. .41. N. B. Tt is important that wool be done up in good order, and any infonnution wilt bc pivcn when asked. F, D.yPSILANTICADKSr TEACHERS' Sfflmr a.. II. H. GRIFFEN. Pru v" " Mr. CHAS. S. WOODArd a, TUK next term of this n.tiW AssiSTT. menee ön Monday, Fel 10 " wi" coni. ue 1 1 weeks. Whilc tlife schooi is ZS COr"all ofbot.k sexes, who wüh tó ,? ly "en o educatiorf, particular atteniion wíl) k"C ■ n thosc who are preparing t0 teack n?ig'ven l0 sive and umntcmipted attention ojT i e;teluwill bc givun to impart a praoiï i W'cipal Hfe English branches. iSÖWS an hour daily in lecturing, .Wjt tú ,about half paralus, minoráis, or otherwise ldofl'icap. Aimmratus.- The Institutie wit!. Chemical, Philosophical ' "h i? fl'rnisiie'ï appnratus, Surveying 1 nstnunem, rTtrnorn'cal solu!s: &c.; to hcnmount ofW'ion ,?0111etnenl Cnhinct of MnVèrals w'or'fh'SSö""' 9' a J T.;n-ioNin the cöomftf, i]nM] , cluding Compositiun and C -cIiSt nii2;00 to $:;.5(). In PitSL feat n, rrondmy, History, RI,et„Hb rtm L IStP'' ÁVGoomotry, Surveying, &' jfe Mczzpunioand Chinese or 'n, ' t0 3ÜM0. .p.O;) each lor 12 lessons, ..J.P" íen. "y Mrs. Gnf. Thetuition isio hepaidat thn , i ,, term. .PÏo deducion U nbsence Sf0 of axcept for protiactcd slckriess nnr? i be. mo, he leccivcd for less than fivcand a ] "ir ne, ;vil] chöap for scholars to bonrrl thrmu' e Inre(t Rev, Í. M. Wonn. Rov H pp E. Craner.T. Fauchild , M ir31 n!7T=a,anaatUiep,1,lceÍS-[?n Ypr.'lanti; Oct. 16, 1S13. f_ n AME inliSSïeT""; O living near.Fostir, M s ïSS about tïyt let of Drcombor ffii ' "" ?f OiYi? L7G7T RED'STEEIÏ some vvh.te stripes on Mm, and left horn a Intlé lopped, and lsabo„, f0Ur yin „IJ S "8 n . - TWOSTAGS. Albü'- One (8 red; ívílh a uli„e f,ru. lhe ol!)ev T ' . _c1oJJTani.nry29:JIP41_ 40-8v ;tiie trüëp,ün SXTIIACTÓR SALVE %A11HJ1) cures likoa charm II ÜUJiNSbv T T. lire or warer. and everv etprn-,l rini,?M: hNFLAMMATIO %Lgf liNG ever yet found upon the hunmn lamilv. to whieh it'hRs been appJifed, alwaysbesougbt gcnuine from Coinstock aii-1 Co., of New Y(,Tor their aúthon.ep agenta. All' a;e eamionerl agmnst aYiy spurious anides, which may ahvava bc avoidodby knpwing t!,B one you buy coxsie.á from Comstock & Co . who are now ihe only propnetors and manufuctilrcrs. Inquire forConnel's. whieh is warramed to do all i'. ever would whencallcd by any other name, or the Muil 1 be refundcd m any case rfi't does not plc: ■. To place it wimin reach of all, the piice ims been redoced more than four fold. and is now sold for 25 cents, the farmer price-being too exorbitant. The 50 cent size now conii'ins folir times ns much as the lonncr, and tlie $1 size irear ten times as much. No Ihmily ïhatlinsany tille to liumnniiy. will fail to have CpjCNKL's Pain Kxiracior Oiniment áíways'at' hand. io èfo4 life, all sears. and reduce all agoay from any burn in five minutes, provided they have seen il used, or will belicvc tlio6c who have used it. CO1ISTOCK & CO.. 21, Counland Street. HTf Be surc. tlirrpforr. and ask ft Co.nnki.'s, as our pin ie -vifli Dalley's nahie en it hau bepti stolen, and the spurious mny appear wiih tlmt nnme on it. Know, thereforc. that it comes directly from Comsrock & Co., or shnn it. WM. S. & J. W. MAYN-ARU. .'( Aent fnr Ann Arlmr.CLUUKS! ULUUJÍS! Ti 1 K subscriber tiñviug just receivod sevcrnl cases of' BRASS and WOOD CLOGKSj ol. various deseripiions, is prepared to scll ihem Cheap J'or Cash. Alsn. h crenrral nssorimentof JBWBLRY, consisting in part oí" Gold Finger Rings, nd - Bosom Pins. Hearts and Crosses. Silveraml Common Thimbles, Watch Chaina and Kcys, Pendil Ca-ës: siso. Spoons, Silbar Bowls, Bitttér ítnivea, Tooili and ÍJ;iir Briishcs, Pocket Books, Violiu Strings. Nccdlcs, Pins. Hooks, and Eyes% Spectacles. Fine Co ir, hs. Dressing Comí)?, Sule Combs, Back Co.mbs, Pocket Conibs, Water Pnints. Marking Cotton, Steel Pens. and Twensers. SnufF& Tobacco Boxes. Elistics, &c. All of which will be sold as cheap. ns at any other establishment this side ot' New York. N. B. The siibsciiber thankful for so large a share of pnblic patrbnnce. stHl soücitsa nontinuence of the sanie. CLOCKS AND WATCll ES of bvé'ry depcnptíóri repaired and wnrranleJ. Also, JEWEJ.RY repaired on short noticc- Shop at hís oíd stand direclly opposite the Cotirt House. C. BUSS. Ann Arbor, Nov 6, 184H. 28-1 y. THE following indispensable family remedies may be found at Maysarü's DruggÍ9t Store, in Ann Arbor, wliere noñe will be sold unless kriown to be of the best kind and no couriterfeit article ever ofTered. patent niedicino invariably procured or the originil inventor ör his regnlnr successor: ECJ" IVo familj should bc a rece!: without thest remedies. ( IIALÜNESS. Balvi. of Co'umhia, for the Hoir. whicliwii slop it if fiilling out, or restore iton bnld ploccs; and on childrcn make it grow mpidly, or on tliosc wlio havo lost thehair Dom nny canse. AI.L VERMIN thatinfést tho heads of childrcn in schools, are preyeined or killed by it at once. Fíríd ih'e name of COMSTOCK on it or never try it. Rcmembcr t!iis ahvays. FILES, &c. are wliolly prevented, or governed iftlie nMack ïas cornc on, if youuse the onlrjlrue Ha ts' ÈWimjí.nt, from Comstock fe All SORES,, ind cvery thing reli.eved by it that admits of anmtward application. Jt acts like a chajm. Uso 'rHEUMATISM AND LAMENESS posrtively cured; all shrivelled musclcs and limbsaro restored, in the old or young, by the Iridian Vegetable Elixir and Ncrcc and BoneLinimont- hut never without the name of Comstock & Co. on KOLMSTOCK'S VERMIFUGE will cradicate all WORMS in children or adulta witha certainty quite astonishing. TOOT H DROPS. Kmnes- cures cffectually. Ann Arbor. Feb. 5, 1844. __1L MRS BUFríÑGTON "QESPECTFULY informsthe ladiesof Ann _TV Arbor and its vicinity, that she hasjuBtreceived her atcst Patterns for IIat8,Cap8, Cloake, aud Uresses; and shc respectfully invites thom o cqll and examine for themselves. She likewiee renders thern her sincere thanks for thcir pV.rönageTor the past year, and begs a conünuaion. J Ier establishment will be found midway between the Upper and Lower Town. Ann Arbor. Nov. 2. 1843, 28-1ESTRAY. NOTICE is hereby given that ayokó of tour year old steers brokc into my enclosure in he townshjp of Superior. Wnshtenaw coiniy. nstfnll, one brown, a little white on the tip ot he tai!, the tip of the horns black, thö other ed with a line back and belly. 6Oine white on nis face, and a white tail. The owneris.requctea o comè and prove property and pay darflages and take them away. , , ■ -ü, FÉLIX DUROSS. March -5, 3841. 8w46


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