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MESSRS. DAVIDSON& BECKER, have just received from New York a large and splendid assortment of Faiicy and Staple AIso, a large quantiiy of Dry Groceries? Crockery, 8helf Hardware, Nails, Boots and SIioes, Men's and Boy's Caps) Paiiïts, Dye Stuffs and Medicines, &c. &c. &c. which they will sell lower than has ever before been offered in this place. For particulars cali at their Store, No. 3, Brown's Block, (formerly occupied by H. Becker.) The highest Market pricc will be paid in Goods for most kinds of Produce. # Remember ihat they will not be undersold.' Ann Arbor, Lower Town, Nov. 13, 1843. 20-6m victorF The Fever and Ague used up Dr. Banister's PulsDR. BANISTER'SCELEBBATED FEVER AND AGUE PILLS.- Pükely Vegetable. - A saí'e, s'peedy, and sure remt-dy for fever and ague, diim ague, chili fever, and the billious distases peculiar (o nevv countries. - These pills are designed for the aflectionsof the liver andolher internal organs whjch altend the diseases of the new and miasmatic portions of our country. The unparalleled succees that has atlcnded the use of these pills, induces the proprieíor to believe that they are superior to any remedy ever ofiered to the public ior the nbove diseases. They are purely VEGETABLE and perfeclly harmless, and can be laken by any person, male or female vvilh perfect safety. The pills are prepared in (wo separate boxes, marked No. 1, and No. 2. and accompanied with full direction,. A grcat number of certificates might be procured in favor of this medicine, but the pröprietor has thought fit not 1o insert them, in as much as he depends upon the merits of the same for its repulation. The above pill is kept conslantly on hand by the propriefor and can be had at Wholesale or retail at the Store of J. Beckley & Co., Ann Arbor, Lovver Town. Orders from the country promptly attended to. L. BECKLEY, Proprietor. January 17, 1844. 39-3m.JUST received at the Farmers' and Mechanica' Store, a general assortrnent of Fancy andstaple Groceries, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, &c. &c. which vvill be sold c-heap and for ready piyonly. C. J. GARLAND. Ann Arbor, Upper Town, Nov. 20, 1843. N. B. ís usual, any Goods purchascd of liim not giving satisfaction in price and quality, the purcliaser has the privilege to return them and reccive back his monfy. 32 C. J. G.ZRL.#ND.RAIL. ROAD TEMPERANCE HOUSE. THÈ undersigned would respecttully inform the friends of Temperance. and the public generally, thattheaboe named House, formeriyknown as the Tompernnce Hotel, and situated on the corner of Michigan. nve.nue.iind "Waabingtnn streef, near t)ie Central Railrond Depot, having undcrgone thoroiígh repnirs "and very grent addilional improvemenrs, is.nów ready for ihe roception of all those who may favor liim with n cali. The acconimod.'iiions, in evcry respect, are not inferior to any Teniprrance House in tiió country, and every attention will be eiven to such as bcstow thcir patronage upon this laudable enterprise. N. B. Curringes niways in fcadíness to convoy passengers to and from Boaís and Cars. WM. CiJAMP. Detroit, May 9, 1343. 4-1 y WOO&! WOOE.! CL.OTH! CLÓTH!! THE Snbscribers would inform the Puh'lic that persona having wool to be mamifactnred, can have it done at their Maniïfnctory wtthin a short time, as the largo quantity of wool furnished theifi by farmers an oíncs ihe p'asl season is nearly completed, and' will be finishcd within a few days. We have manufactured cloth this season for about ona hundrcd and twcntij-fificcustamcrs, to whom we have rcason to beliove, we have given general satisfaction. - With this encouragernent, we hope íor fuíure patronage. TER MS. Half the cloih the wool will mnko. or 37J cenls' per yard. Wc will aleo cxchange Clofh fur Wool on recsonable lerms. Woor. sent by Rail Road to Scio will be properly attended o. SAMUEL W. FOSTEIi & CO. Scio, Washtenaw Co., Dcc. 25, 1843. 36-tfADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. npHE undersigned, having been appointed by i the Judge of Probate for tho Connty. of Washtenaw, administrators.on iheesiato of Asa L. Smith, late of said county. and having .given ionds as required by law, hereby give noti'ce to ill persons Jndebted to said estáte to make iniTiediate payment to them, and all persons havng claims again9t said estáte to present thora iroperly attested for adju6i,rnent. SYRENA SMITH, Adminisiralrix. WILLIAM M. SINCLAIR, Adinininlrator.. Ann Arbor, March I, 1Ö44. 45-6wRAIL ROAD HOTEL1843. BY L8-3:3. PATRICK & 4NDRËWS. OPPOSITE THE WESTERN AND NORTHERN RAIL ROAD DEPOTS, DETROIT, MICH. f I iIIE nhove ílotel has been greatly enlarged JL anfl fiticil up in a siyíe equál to nriy public house in Detroif, for comfort nnd conveniencc. - Its Iocation is in a beahhy and pleasnnt part o the city, heilig sit-uated on the Public Square j nnd in the mrncdiato vicinity of the Genual anc Northern Rail lloads, and convenient to tht i principal STAGE ROUTES , 4 divergingto the diílerent parts of the State. Tr.AVKí.Kps to takc the Cars pr Boats cnnnot firíd a more conyéñiérit place than tliis ig neár the Cnrs on both Tlm} Roads, and i; immediate connection wiih the Boats. Tlie Proprietors assurc tbc public, thaf no pnins will be spare.) to furnish their' TABI..E wiÜMhe best the Mnrket aflbrds, nnd their customcrswith everv attention in tiicii power, rcquisiic to meir comfort. CABRrn&Ë $ BAGO AG F. WAGONS always in readiness to convey Passensers to and ; from the Boats nnd Cars free o f charle. TERMO- 75 cents per day, or 25 cents per mea!. PATRICK &. ANDREWS. ISov. G, 1843. , 28-(5rn. Sristol's Sarsaparilla. nniilS víduablo medicine 60 justly cclcbra'ed -. as acertatn cure fbr Serofula or Kinrs Evil. or any disenso arising from jnipurity of the blood, lias become'so well 'k'nówn na to rieed no publ:cation of the nurnercus cerlificaies now in ourpos.s.essio.n, of tlie extrnordinary cures lately períornied by it, but feanng there may be .some persona aíTected who have been gulled by iisiñg the imitations got up by others, ve would respeclfully request them to culi on us nntl.satisfy thcmselves ol i;a innny curca in sunilnr cases. - By purchasing of usthey can rcly npon tlie genuineness of the article, which thcy shonld 'be carefnl to do, as we are told there ís a spurious article of the same name for arde in ihis vicinity. Be carcful to observe triat "Bristol's Extract 8í Sarsaparilla, Buf&lo," iastamped upon the bottles, and "C. C. Bristol" writlen in his own hand over the Cork. W S. '& J. W. MAYNAPJ). Ann Arlíor, Dec. '.'5. 1843. ?,fi WOOL AND W00LEN CLOTHS. I will exchange woolen cloths of every vvidth andquality for wool, tobo delivcrcd in May or June, or after shearing time. My stock of clothis complete, quality good, prices low. &c. F. DENISÓN. Ann Arbor, February lst, 1843. 41. N. B. Íti8 important that wool be rïoneup in good order. amí any informaüon wH be j;iven when aekod. F OABBOTT $ BEECHER. DETROIT WHOIaE ÜIE AND RETAIL BALERS IN DOMESTIC STAPLE AND FANCTc DKY GOODSJÚST recéivcd a lavger Stock tlir.n ever of Heavy Bvown Sheetinga. Sliirtingaand-DrillingS! Bleached Goods, Calicóes, Apron Ciiecks. Bnggings. Burlaps, Dinpnrs, Cratli. Muslin, Fustians, Mole Skins. Snttinets. Sie;p's Grny C'Ioili, JJnokslun Clotli, Fancv Cnssimcrcs, Wolverine Continga. Alnpaca Lustre. Changpable Stripe Do. Fancv Alapinës, Crnpe Oelaines.lndia Cloih. M'iuslm Do Lninps. Parisian?, Chusans. Shawls. Rob Roy?, Carrlinals, Dámnsk 91iawls,: Black. Blue Black. Brown. and Blué; Broa'd Clotbs. Feit arrd Pilot Over Coatinsis. Blmkets, Flnuncls. nnH Superio BEAYER CLOTHS, Leathci Cotton Yarn, Tea, Sugar, CofFee, Rice and Tobacco. A of'wliieh Góods will besolrl at ih'e LOWEST P1UCES iliat they can bo boucht for West pf Ne%r York Citv, and we'wish our Frinds to trivé us a Cali before Buyin'g. WANTED. POT ASH, WOOL AND FLOUR, For wliinh we will fiav the highest pnces cither n CASH oí GOODS. at the CHEAVEFT O A SU P MI CES, JSo. 144, Jfítferson Avenue, Córner Bales Streot. Delroit. Detroit. Nov. 13. 1813. 29-tf. "petersHpills. TRUTII HAS PREVAILED. PETERS' Vegetable Pilis have now been ten y ears before the public. During that pertod Uiey have obtained a celebrity unparalleled in the hiètory of the moet popular medidnos which have preceded them or have followed in their' trnck- The happy combination of vegetable ingredients to which these pills owe their efiïcacy, is the rcsult ofyears of earnest study and experiment, directed by long previous experienre in the proporties of medical flubstances. the pathology oí disease. the nature and rpodiisoperandi ot the various fluids which" minister to the'support and sustenance of the human body, and organizntion by which those fluids. are prepared, modiiied and distributed. The tritimjih of skill, and patienl experiment has been complete1. Thronghout the lengt.h and brendth ol our land. in British Amorica and the West Indios, nnd on the continent of Europe, the curativo virques of Peter's Vegetable Pills. are gratcfully ncknowledged. They may-be cnlled tíik medicine par kxcei.t.kxcj;, of the Southern State?. Their consumpiion son t h of the Potomac, is enormous. and continually ori :he ín crease. Noother-pill ''goesdown" there, jowever sugared over with hired pufTs and home mnnuiactured certificatfis. Prets' Vegetable Pil Ifi may be termod a universal medicine, for there is scnrcely any dcrangement or obstruction of the organs and "unctions of the hutrun machine which ihoy wit! not nllcvia'.e or remove when administerod in the enily stages ol congesiion of the stomach orbawels, they siieedily relax those organ?, reduee.the ittendant fcver. and restore the suilurerto health. Containing no irritating or drnstic suhstanc.est. théir exhibitron is hevér followcd by that prortratiun of the biüly powers which 'characterizc the opcration of mö'st othèr cathartics. nnd they nwybe administcred without thoslightcsr. (car of producing local infiammation, frequcmly cnused by the purgent composnions vended by the quncks and charlutans of the d;iyIn almost all stages of discase. Peters' Vegetatie Pilis will be found of beneficial effect, bui they should always be resorted to when the first symp'OTi makes its appenrancc. The conquesi of the complaint will then bc easy and immediatc. In billious disorders, rctnittant or intermiti'onTTevef, dispepsia, dysentery, cholera, cholle, diarhoen, dropsy, sour or fented eruclationg, enlargènVént óf 'rlve spleen, si'ck hendache. all complaints growing out of impeibctor too rnpid diaestion. torporof the bowels. femnlcobstructions. habitual costiveness, and all otlicr discases in which a purcrative medicine is proper, Peters' Vegetable Pilis will be 'fonml unrivaüed in the speed, certainty and gentleness of their operaiton.It ïs'osked upon whnt principie these extrnördinary eflcnts nrc produccd? We reply that Pcicrs Vegetable Pili acts as a purifier of the blond, by purifying the cliyle and other fiuids of which blood is composed. Chyle is a milky fluid deposited by the digestí ve on the coals' of the intestines; and which when combiiied with the billiary secretion, ia convoyed into tho veins an becotnes the principie o' life. This medicine ac.s directly upon the chy!e! Iroin which it expels ail acrid partióles, nnd al. hu mors .niniontal to a henll'hy circulation. Ii cleanses the juices and íluids "befare the chemica chsngctakcs. place which Tfl tliem fov the imnic'liate purposes oí vitálity. This is bezinning ai the heginnihg. To cmbne the streams of lifo with health. it is necessaiy to purify them at their sourecp. Such is the 'radical mode in which tliis medicine performs íts Testimoniáis which would ñll volumes (many of them Trom high scien tifie nuthoriiy) nre iis vouchers, and it is ased in the practico of the first Physicians hert and abroad. Forsalehy F. J. B. Crane, W. S. A J. W Maynard, J. II. Lund. TTarri?, Partridges & Co S. P. & J. C. .Tewctt, Davidson & Becker, H. Becker, ChrÍ8tian Eberbaeh. G. Grenviüc, D D. Waterman. C. J. Gnrland. E. T. Willinms Ann Arlör; George Warner & Co., D. C Whitwood, .1. Millord tik Sort, N. M. Wing Dexicr; M. Jnckson, Lr.oni; Paul Raymond Jackson; Brofhorson ó Kief, Manchester; rD Keys, Clinton; D S ilaywood. Saline; Ptone Babcock ■&. Co.. Ypsilanii; Scattergood &■ Co Plymouth; Pierio Teller nnd T. H. Eaton &Co Detroit; also in Adrián. Têcurhsén. Brooklyn Pontiac, Chicago, and almos! every wher p!sc. Ann Arbor. Jan. 15. 1841. 27-ly CELEBRA TED CHEMICAL PIASTER. TPIE following is One from amóng :the nu rnerous teitimonials fiom persons of ihc highest reerjectabilily, which the proprietorshavc received. ' LETTER FROM JOHN S. CARTE-R... Druggist aiul Apat.hccary Eric, Pa. datctl Julii Zni] 1840. Mksstïs. II. Hartus &) Co. - Gentlemen : In reply to your favor o! the Ist instant, it affords rhe plca8urc to state, that I have during the last thrce years soid many dozens of E. Dcan's Chemir.nL Piaster, nnd il alinost nniversall} given satisfaciion to the purchaers. It lias done wonders to my certain knowlcdgc both in Chronic and Inflanimatoiy Ilhenmatism,, . A.n old gcnlleman who had been aillictcd with it for years remarked to methat hc had expended mofe ihan thirty dollars with doctors without benefit, wheri he was directcd to try the piaster, iioni one b.ox.of which he says ho received more relief than from all his jihysicians. The plaslei has also giveri good sntisfaction in Fever Sores ond Inflammation of the Eyes. I could say more. but the be.ircr of this is waiting. - Respectlully your?, JOHNf!. CARTER. KFFor the diseases in which this Piaster is np plicable, sec advertisement in another coiurnn o this pa.per. Ë. Dean'sChemicnl Piaster is for sale tn Ann Arbor, (Lowèr Town,) by .1. H. LUNÜ. nnd W. S. & 3. W. MAYNARD, Upper CHRISTIAN EBERUACH, Town A9-ly JAxllES O. BIRIVEÏ Al-TORNF.Y AND COUNSELLOR AT LA W. , YÍrjfI SAGANAW CITY, MICHIGAN. ,- G. B. will nlso act ns Land Agent n the J Land District in which this (Saganaw) County is; ho will makc investmenta for others ande, pay over for non-residents their taxes, and givc ioformntion gcncrally to persons i nterested n tliis pirtof tliecountry, or desirousóf becomr; ;inÍFfe(íínt8-tóií.YPSILANTI ACADÍmy," H. H. GRIFFEN. Piuncipat Mr. CHAS. S. WOODARI), Abbiwíw THE next term of tius instilution Wli ' ménee on Monday, Feb 12, L?l i m ue 1 1 weeks. While this school is e,,uau o"tlnall of both, who wiah to ncquiri f" ''] education, purticular attcntion wlll oe , 00t'. thosc who are preparing to teach. The V0 sive and unintcrrupte-J attcntion of tlle n .ex?Jwill bc giveh to iriïpart a practica! knoivU?CIp r the English branches. Ue -occuoin ", edg? of hn hour doily n leeturing, wtl, the Jd of V f paradis, mineraia". or otherwiso. 'inenpAjm'auatus.- The Institution ifi r„ , , wilh Chcmicnl, Plnlosophical, and A. , rnifill!( npparati Surveying Jnstrumcnts. gÏ!"1 solids. &c. to the amount of n metriCfiJ Cabinet of Minerals wonh $50. ' ' a Lood ■ Toitiok in the common Engli9hbrá& clueüng,: Composition „and iJcclamaïï 'f " 2,00 io 3,50. In PhiJorophy. Ci"èS fr?m tronoiny. History, Rhétoric, 30nn 1 T' ,A8" Geometry. Surveyingr, &c. from StA ViwliPr „ ' Mezzotinto and Chinesp or T'Z'! '00$3.00 each ior 12 leuoi, tanght by ftfSS'The tnition is to be paid at the mi(Mln „r , term. T?o deduction Tor absence wil bc 1 X} except forprotiacted sickness, and tj0 Oïip -u be icccivcd forless tlian fiveand a hal-f weeks Books may be had of tho principal at ]W prices. eiroit Board. Inclnding room nnd washinir r, feo to $1 50 per wo,k: m& inquire of the principal. Rooms can v-! cheap for scholars to board themselvps Rcv. I. M. Wenn. Tlev. H. P. power, t, E. Crane. J. Fairchild. M. Ö J r 'am V' M.D, G.&.E. M. Skinner, Esqrs S MUH l' have kindly consented to form a vjsitjnV MS H to be present at the Week revS 'n Jchooi the PUblÍC eXamina!i" f Z YpKlanti, Oct. 16, ISIH. 5__. -EXTRACTOR SALVE XriliUli cures l.kua ciiarm ail liURNyív TT ine or water, and every externa'l SOüi1 ,PAJN; LNFLAMMA.TJON, ACIJE r fS IxNG yet found upon the human familv. to which u has been appheri, must sought genuino from Cotnstock and Co.. of'Ncw Folk onlieir nulhonZed agCn!s. All are cautioned agnmst nny spunous artiulcs, hicl.mny almixt bc nvoided by knqiwng the one you buv cornea from & Co . who are' now t'hc 'tmv propneto's and manufacturen. Inquire for Connel's. which is warranied to do all it ever would wiu'ti callee) by any other name. or the prictsluill be reiundcd in any case if it does not pienso To plnce it -within reach of all, the price hn been redneed more than four fold. and is now sold for '25 cents, the formerprice being tn0 exorbitant. The 50 cent size now coniaina fonr times is much as the lormer, and the $1 siz& near ion times ns nmch. No fanjijy tba.t has nny title to humnniiy. wiU fail to have Connki.'s Pain Extractor Ointmem nlwnys at lifiml, to save life, all senrs. umi re'duwi all r.gony from nny b'nrn in five oiíniif'es, provided they hnve .een it nsed. or will believe dioso who have used it. COMSTOCK & CO., 21. Counlnnd Strppt. (Tl Be Bmë'i tliorrfore. nnd ask foi C'oiV.vf.i.'s, as onr pino uith Daüey's name on ii h8 b.e.ei) Slolen. ntwi üo. gpurioiiB may nppenr wiih ihat name en it. Know, thereforc, that it comes direcily Aom Comsíonk A CO., or shnn it. WM.S. & J. W. MAYNARl), 30 . Agent for Ann Arhur. CLOCKS.' CLOCKSM ■npHE subscriber hnving jnst reccived sevpral -L cases of BllASS and'WOOl) CLOCKS, oi varioua dcperipiions. is p'repáred to soll tViem Cheap for uash. Also. a genrral assorinifüi: of consisting in part of Gold P'inger Rings, nnd Bo8orn Pins. Henrisand Croeses. Silvernnd Cortunon Thimbles, Watch Chaina and Kevs, Pencil Caes: also, Spooti9, Siignr Bowls, Butler Knivos, . Tooth and Hpir Brushes, Pocket Books, Violin Strings, Needies, Pins. Hooks,UUU J Wh. Spcctncles. Fine Comlis, Dressing Comb?, Side Combs. 13nck Combs, Pocket Combs. Water Painis, Markine Cotton, Stool Prn?? anc? Tweasers. Snuff& Tobáceo Boxps. Elástica, &e, All of whicli vill bc soltl as ehcnp as at any otlier establishment this side of New York. N. B. The subscriber thankful forso largo n sharo of pnblic p.-rtronnse. siill solicifsn continyence of the same. CLO.CKS AND WATCIi. ES oí every description repnired nnd wnrranted. AlsoJEWELRY repaired on short nntiec- ' Shop at lus old stand directly opposito th Conrt . c. mm Ann Arbor, Nov fi, T94X 28-1 rTHE following indipperisáhlc fnmily remedia moy lc found at Maynard's Druggist Store, in Ana Albor, where none will be sokl unless krosvn t'ü be of the best kind nnd no connfcrTeit nrtielo ever oilered. paieiu medicino invnriably procured o( th origmil inventor or his regnhir snecoysor: 017 Ñfl favnly sliould bc a xnedi without thae BALDNESS:' Bulm of Co'umlna. for the Huir, whicli wil stop it if iallinn out. or restore it on Imld piucos: and on children rnnke it grow mpidly. or on those who Iwve lost thchair from rmy cause. ALL VÊRMIN that iufest the lieads ol children in schools, iire prevenled or killed by it at -once Find he ïiatne of COMSTOCK on it or never try it. fíememher this alicays. PILES, &c. are wliolfy preveiited, or governcd f the nVack hri3 come on, ií yon use the only true HYS T3mimknt. irom Comstock & Co. All SOjRES, and every thing relicvcd by it thal adtnits of nn ontward applicatio ii. Jt actslike a chtiim. Uso t. IIHEUMATJSM AND L AMENES S gositively cured: all shrivelled musclcs and limlisHro restorcd, in the old oryoung-, by iheJ-ndifin Vcptt'ihlo Elirirnud Nr.rre und Bove niniment-büt ncver without the nomc of C'om.stock & Co. on KOLMRTOCK'STER-MIFUGE -vill cradieato all WOJIA1S in children or aduli with a coriainty qniie astoriishing. TOÖTH DROPS. Kmsks- cures cffectually. ■ i Ann Arbor, Feb. 5, 1844. 4t MBS. BUFFINGTON RESPEGTFULLY infbrmsthe ladieaoF -AnnArbor and its vicinity, thát she bas just.received her latest Palterns lor Hats.Caps, C.loake,aud Oreases; and she reppectfutly invites them to cnll nnd examine for themselves. " She Iikéwise rendnrs ihem her sincere tbanks for tliair DMrpnVge for the nasi year, nnd begs a continua tion. J Ier esfnbii'shmcnt will bcTound midway between the Upper and LowerTown. Ann Arbor. Nov. 2. 1843, T__ESTHAY NOTICE i.g jieieby givo uiüt a yoko.ofoF yoar o]d steers broke into my cnclosurc in the township of Superior, Woshtennw eomuf, Inst íall, one brown. a Jittle white on the np of Í c tail, the tip of the hoins black. ' . ■■c' red with a lino back and bclly. somr; 'ion nis fiico, and a white tail. The 'owner ïp rcqwam tocóme and prove property and pay damag( and talce them awny. _ FÉLIX DUROSS. March ö, 1841. ;airiT. 8yj6_ "BOOK BINDËR7' [ at tmk ï'.M-i.H Htf.'r, (ï.ovvKn town) ann AnBon. EBOOTH would respectfully inform ihe inhnbitanlBof Ann Arbor and vicinity that he continúes the business of BOOK BINDING, nt the old tand, in the Paper Mili. OH Bookí will be neatly rebound on short notice. All kinda of RULING done to order.Country produce taken in payment. April 19, 1843. - 52lL, BLANK DEEDS. MORTGAGES, EXECUTIONS, SUMMONSES, p. &■ printed and for sale at the ÏÏTSIGNAL OFFICE. $ Hè. "


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