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'The Time Of The End.'

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-George Storrs, inthe Midnight Cry of the 21st inst,. says, 'Brother Miller tokl us atFranklin Hall a few evenings 6ince, that his time would run out in eleven days more;1 and ihat he had 'no olher time to set; but that his for the Lord would not beabated if he did notcome.within that period - he eboitld expect hirn daüy till he did come, fully satisfied that he is novy at the door.' Storrs further eays 'bevond the latter part of April, or month of May I can see no time, and yet it is possible time may continue a short period longer; but that poim I cousider the last lighl house!' J. V. Ilimes, ra the same paper says, 'We have no new light on the prophetic periods. Our time ends with this Jevvish year. If time be continued beyond that, we have no other definite period to fix upon.' Mormonistn is on the increase al the West. - Claremont Eaglc.{ïr To make voorn for corresponderás, we have crowded out the Congressional department. We shall bring it up in full next week. The Massachusetts resolves on s7ave reprcsentation have been disposed of - 127 voting that they ought to be "promptly and decisively condemried" - 41 in the negative. Our "Democratie" delegation all voted to sustain this property representation - of course. {tr Gen. Van Fossen, of the Ypsilanti Sentinel, [Whig,] in his estímate on the probable vote of the Staie next fall, puts down the Liberty party at 3,500. - This would giye us a gain from last year of 724. We are obliged to the General for his favorable judgment; and though always "thankful for small favors," we shall try, by activity and vigorous action, todo far better than that. For three years past, on an average, our vote has doubled annually. Surely this is not the year to begin adiminution of the ratio.ÍCr'The State Journal thinks Mr. Clay does not entertain the same views oí slavery he did in 1839, but supposes they must have been modified by the results of West India emancipation. We have no evidence of such a change of sentiment, and w'ero we to ask for his opinions, he would doubtless reply to us as he did to Mendenhall, since 1839, "rnind your own businessl my slaves are fat and sleekl" But such application is unnecessary. - The Emancipator says: "Mr. Clay wrote, last summer, to J. P. Willisten, of Northampton, that his views on the subject remained they were in 1839; and he referred particularly to his speech in the Senate, delivered that year." QC? It is estimáted that the late rise of goods,and increased demand for manufactures in Massachusetts have added $80,000,000 to the wealth of that State.OThe article of "Senex," is altogether too lengfhy for our columns. - Corresponents must be brief. Several poetical articles are under consideration. 05 Mr. Calhoun, Secreta ry of State, wrote to a Texas Committee in Kentucky, Feb. 8, that it tvas vvell known that he had been' from the first in favor of the annexation of Texas.


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Signal of Liberty