Story Of Fatal Accident Carved On Old Tombstone
Sixty years ago, the late Dr. Alfred S. Warthin, then a student in the University's Medical School, took a photograph of a curious tombstone in an old cemetery on the site of what now is Felch Park. The stone attracted his attention for the reason that besides a conventional (and somewhat uncertainly spelled) inscription in German, it bore a pictorial "accident report," carved by the stonecutter, of the manner in which the grave's occupant met his death. Given To Dr. Novy Dr. Warthin gave the photograph, an old-fashioned blue-print, to Dr. Frederick G. Novy, now dean-emeritus of the University Medical School. The picture, together with a transcription and rough translation of the verse appearing on the stone, is reproduced above. The sculptured "accident report" appears above the name on the stone. It shows that Johann Georg Mueller, 28 years old, was killed in a logging mishap. He was hauling logs with a team when his horses shied or tried to bolt, with the result that the front set of wagon-wheels was pulled out from under the load. Down came the logs, and the driver, falling beneath them, was fatally hurt. This was on a June day more than 90 years ago. Moved In 1891 From 1858 until 1891, Johann Georg Mueller remained in his "final" resting-place just south of where the Nu Sigma Nu medical fraternity house now stands, at 1015 E. Huron St. In that year, the city of Ann Arbor purchased the burying-ground from its owner, Charles Whitman, for $1,300. The two-and-a-half-acre plot was designated a public park, and was named after Alpheus Felch of Ann Arbor in commemoration of his 90th birthday. The Ann Arbor Board of Public Works was instructed to "remove the remains from all marked graves in a careful and respectful manner," for re-interment in Fairview Cemetery, west of Pontiac St. at the north end of Wright St. It is probable, then, that Johann Georg Mueller still lies in his second resting-place at Fairview, though so far as is known his headstone has never been rediscovered. JOHANN GEORG MUELLER geb. 29. Dec. 1829 gest. 1. June 1858 Gattin, Kind, Geschwistern, Freunde Gedenkt an meinem Grab Der Todt hat kein erbarmen Riss mich aus euren Armen Zu frueh ins kuehle Grab JOHN GEORGE MILLER born 29 Dec., 1829 died 1 June, 1858 O wife and child, kith and kin, Think of me under mould. Pitiless Death hath wrested me Too young, from the arms of family Into the grave so cold.