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An Artificial Man.- The Memorial Bordelais, says, thatnear St. Sevier,there Iives an oíd soldier with a false arm, a glass eye, a complete set of false teeth, a silver nose, covered with a substance resembling flesh, and a silver píate replacing parí of his skull. He was a soldier under Napoleon, and these are his trophies. Capital and Labor. - We see by the whig papers that they have in circulation. a "tract" upon "Capital and Labor." We wonder if it has reference to the capital and labor mentioned in the following extract from Mr. Clay's Mendenhall speech: {tj "I own aloutjíftyslaves, wJio are ■probably worth fifteen tliousand dollarsV'American Sheep Husbandry. - According to recent calculations, thero are at present 34,000,000 (.f sheep in the Uniled Statep; (or two sheep to every inhobitan',) exhibiting an increase of upwards ef 5,000,000 during the last five years. These animáis ac a moderate and raasonable compution, are worih ar least $70,000,000. The annua! amounl of wüoI is estimated at 90,000,000- about $40,000,000. Of the wliote number of sheep in the United States, New York owtis nearly one fifth. A very notorious tall young fellow, employcd as a cterkj wastoldhya wagthathis employer did not want him any longer Mach alarmed. he hastened to liis employor to demand the renson why, who replied that he considered hirn tall enough.The following toast was oflbred by a woman, on board the Princeton just before the explosión. 'The Jlmerican Flag - The only thin American which wears a star - The onlv thing American which will bear a slnpe.' She should have consulled the backs of more than a million of American Women be fore she said that. Duelling.- Two musquetoes, one morning met, on aleafin a garden. Both were filled with the blood drawn from their last nocturnal depredations. They were eilent, and "dumpy,'' cross and savage. One of them ran out his sting, and wiped it on his fore leg. The other thrust out his sling, and pointed towards the first musquetoe. this wns considered an insult. And so the ofFended mu6queto steps up to the other and says : "Did you turn up your sting at moT' Theanswer was - "I ran out my sting: you can apfjly it as you chose.'' 'Sir," saya the first, "you are impertmeni." Answer. - 'Sir, your remark savors of rascality.' "Hah!" exclaimed the other; "a down-nghl insuli!""No gentlemnnly musquetoe will submit to such treatment without (.'emanding satisfacción! Draw villain nnd defend yourself!" They rushed together and ruuing one another ihrough the body, died 'honorable' deaths . Among the Chinese, tliere ore seven grounds of divorce, omong which the loarth is talkativeness íq woiuan. From tlie New Orleans Courier. Mr. Clay addressed his wliig fricnds on Saturdoy, and 'on Sunday they marched in procession through the streets oj the ciHomeopathie Soup. - A great many good jokes have been cracked at the expense of the Homeopathist: but we do not recollect one more worth telling than the following receipe for making Homeopathie soup, attributed by theBrooklyn Adveniser to the late Poet,of this city: - Take two Btarved pigeons, hang ihem by a string ia the kitchen window eo that the sun will cast the shadow of the pigeons into an iron pot already on the fire, and which will hold ten gallons of water, boil the shadows over a slow fire lor ten hours, and then give the patiënt one drop ie a glaas of water everv ten days.' The Picayune eays that in New Orlen ns, the operations of merchante and muequitoes nicely divide the year. The bilis of the merchants come upon us in winter, and those of the moequitoes in the summer.' A Colhctivg Tiger. - Herr Driesbach. the Lion King, nowinone of the eastern cities, had a claim against a man not overpunctual in money mattere. He called on this man for the amount oí bis claim, and was told by the fellow that he could not possiblypay the billjust then, it would be more convenient at another time. Driesbneh. without more ado, went to bis menagerie and took out bis pet tiger, chained around the neck, with whom he proceeded to the man's house. He then opened the door of the room'in which the man was, and poked the head of the tiger into the doorway, holding him fast by the chain, and told the fellow that uniese he forked over, imnicdiately, he would let the tiger geit is needlcss to add that the moncy was iorthcoming in doublé quick time. ■■ ' - - Abduction of a Young Lady. - Charles H. Adolph, husband to thcglaIy who tclls fortunes, wnsarrcsted n Boston under a charge of abduction, or attempting to abduct, a young and very lovely girl, called Amannda II. Gammon. Mi.s G. like other fooUsh young lndies, went to have her fortune told; Monsieur Adolph saw, admired and kid a plan to get her inio his possession, wh'cli, liowever, wna frustrated by the mother of the young lady. He has been convicted. Solis of Intoxica! ing Liquors. - A bilí has been reponed to the Legislature cf Malanrl, which provides thnt in any word or election district, wherc a majority of the voters nay so decide, no licence for the sale oí inloxicating drinks shall be granted. The second section prohibió nll taverns. eating hotiscs, &e. from sclling on Sunday nny intoxicati'ng dnnks except to hoorders.It is raid that there ore 20,000 males in London emploved as draper's ossistantf, nnd 1,000 fp moles in the same capacity. They are oceupied 17 hours in &'. Half on hour is allowcd íhemforalllhe meals of the day, and they are not allowed to sit for a moment. When you sleep nt meeting, do it without disgirse or concrolment - a church is no place for hypocrisy, besides to 6leep ai your ease on snch oecnsions shows that your conscience does nol trouble you. The food of t!ie lnborer in this country is ns well iilustrated in the anecdote ofthcBaltimore anprentice. os by any ihing wo have met with. An sppremicecomplnined to n magistrate thathis masterwasstarving him. "indeed. wh,n does he give yon to eal?" "Why- why." lisped the fellow, "nothing but bread and potatoes, anrl 'oeef. nd m ut ton. and such ükel" "Well. what would you have?" "Why- wk-y- plum pudding, anrl cakes, and roast turkey. and such like! - Cultlcalcr. McConnell, of Alabama, the man xtho was tnrned out of the tlieatre for noisy and riotous conduct, while in a state of mtoxication, and who has nlready. thus early in the eession. appeared drunk-in his seat, notwithstanding ihi& inexcusable condnet, is a man of strong mielleci. and n fine specimen of phyetoal organization, six feet liigh, solidly built, and strong as a giant, shrewd, good naturcd, and honest even when inloxicated. Ho is very popular wiih the people of his district, an 1 has a pretty little wife. a strict Methodist. Her father refused to give his consent to the match; when McConnel forthwiih repaired to the house, took her on his shoulder. and am;d the chn8ing of the servanfs and the dogs, carried heroffin ttiumph and married her immediately. Mr. Wallace givcs the folio tving ns the week ly expendiiure of a farm laboier in Englnnd. whose famüy consisted of hïmself, wife and two children, and whose wages were 9s. weekly. ov about $2,25. Two pecks ofoat meal, lj 6d. Five pecks ofpotatoes, 2s. ld. Milk, Js. Loaf of bread. 6d. Hnlfounce of tea and hnlf pound ot sugar 5J. I Ib. oí bacon 6d, Fish. 6d. Coal, oil. soap, Is. ld Tobacco, 3. Rent, Is. Eating one8 meat with a silver fork, while the butcher'8 bilí has not been paid, is called genteel.Suicide is so corntnon in trance, that one man puta placard on lúa gnrdenwall : "All persons me forbiddtn commiuing suicide on these premises."


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