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Joseph Smith

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The distingiiished theologian, Jawyer, preacher, and prophet, has annoimced himself as a canáitíate for the Presidency. ButJo seph finds ts necessary to se the means o obtaining popular favor resorted to by th Gentiles, and bas come out wilh an addre.s to the people, in which he justíy belabors Ijis antog-onist, Mr. Van Buren, in his otvn dignified style, in English, Lalin, and Greek, as folio"Mr. Van Rurrr, Faid in his inaugural address, that he went 'hito t lie presidenlia chair tlie inflexible and uncompromising1 opponent of every attempf, on the part of Con gres?, to abolish plnvery ir. the District o Columbio, no-ainst the wishes of'íhe slaveholdingr states; nnd a!ío with a delermination equnlly decided to resist the sirghtest interference with it in tíie síates where itexisls.' Pom Jittlo Maity mude tliis rhapsodical sweep uith fhe fart befóle his eyes. that tl)e state of New York, his nanve state, had abuchee slnvery without a Ptrtifrgle or gronn. Great God, how 'independent! From heneforth slnvery is tolerated where it exists ; Constiniion oí no Constitution, People or no People,Kio'Jt OT Wrong-, vox Mum, vox Umnor - tlie voice of Mntty' - 'the voice of the Devil;' and perarlventurf, his grant 'Sub-treasury' clieme, was a piece of the same mind; but he man and his mensures In ve sócfa a etnking esemhlance to Ihe anecdote of the Welchnan ond his cart -tonino, that when the Contitmion was so lo)Lf that it sllowed elavery tthe capital of a fre? peoplp, 1 coni? not be ut off"; bul when it was so short f haf. it néeded a Snb-trcnsury, to pave thft fundsof the nation, it coitld be spit 'eed ! - Oh, Granny, Granny, what a long tail our p'iss has got! As a Greek might sajr, hysttron. protenm the oart before the horse. Buthis mig'hfy wbisk ihro' the great national fire. tor the pmsidcntial chestnute, burnt the locks nf his glory uith ihe bla ze of his own folhj"


Signal of Liberty
Old News