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Communications: For The Signal Of Liberty: Lay Sermon: Numbe...

Communications: For The Signal Of Liberty: Lay Sermon: Numbe... image
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"Suffer me Jírst lo go and bury my Fatker." Moral. - The claims of God shotild never give woy to any others. While, then, as sure as the links of a suspended chain hang one upon the otlier, and tJje upper one supports the whoie, every syslem of wrong is linised togethet, and if, perch-mce, n moral man, a man of fair deportment, or a professing chnstian is in such a chain, he m forever made the aupport of t ho whole. While this is true, if any man claimB that he holás Siaves ond yet follows Christ, I forget theman that wjshed to go and bury his father r foron a christian who will support wronr, hanga the whole horde, down to Pedro Blanco, and consequeatly the awfuJ reaponsibility of being the stay of the system.While Ecclesiastical bodiea nnd Cburches. Ministers and Members are in f!i eight and hearingof the wrongbotb in principie and practice of American Siavery, when they re toldfo break everv yoke- to lift np their voice ike atnimpet, fcc, and yet keep silenceand delay for fear of disturbing their Church or prejudicing the interest of iheir prculiar sect,or of injuring their own personal popularity, or on any prettncc tliat can be made, I forget th& man that wished to have time to bury his father. While a host of ardent apologista, stand' by os admon ilion and reproof is soundcd inthe ears of the Church that has ",in ita bosonr Slaverj ; while when Christ could purge the Jewish Temple, by driving out the nefariou clan that defiled it, they eay thaf if we adtnit that the Church is the faulwark of Slavery, we must, of couse, say that it should betor down. While, when Christ and his doctrines were rejected and condemned by the Scribea and Pharisees, (and even when Paul invited Jews to his room, so strong were their preju- dices ihat he could not get a hearing) men thrust in the aseertion tnat they are nraid or ihe doctrines of the Aboülionists and that ministers are af raid to tnke their papers, fcc. Stc, when they are really asking for delay, and a more convenient season, I again loose sight of the mnn who wanted to bury his father. While it is a duty to reprove, rebuke, exhort, kc, and by no means Bufiêr sm ipon brother; and yet, the ir.ajority of the Churchesof America fellow shipSlaveholders, unreproved and evtn unentreated, while rhey are called good brethren, who ought to be pitied, and are excused as piously holding Slaves, and as needing and deservïng time to repenf and forsafee their pious wrong; whüe this is true, and more, while these men are high officers in the and while they put up a flaming Sword to g-tiard their sacred institution- comparieon with the man whoasked only to bury his f%ther, is perfectly ridiculons.Wuile the banefuT horrïd efiects of Slavery are feit i every avenue of Church and State, of families, and individuals, white in one word in the United States cf America- in our National Capital- in Amerrcan Chvrdies - -among American Ministers, Slavbry exists, is it wonderful, tbat zeal éats us up, is it wonderful, that we are ultra, rat her do not yon, friend S. Y. E., wonder tbat any truoeis a6kcd, nny time o tepent wanted, or apoJogy made for not at once putting out these immolating fires; where under Christian rule, a man may not Btop even to burjr bis father when Chrislien dutj demands somethinfl:


Signal of Liberty
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