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"ffUSTreceived at the Farmers' and Mechanica' Store, a general assortment of Fancy and stap] e Groceries, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, &c. &c. which will be sold cheap and for ready payonly. C. J. GARLAND. Ann Arbor, Upper Town, Nov. 20, 1843. N. B. ?s usual, any Goods purchased of him not givin satisfaction in price and quality, the purchaser has the privilege to return thein and receive back his mony. 32 C. J. G?BLwSND.TICTORY ■ I The Fever and Aguë used up- Dr. Banïster's Pilis DR. BANISTERrS CELEBRATED FEVER AND AGUE PILLS- Pukely Vegetable. - A sa'e, speedy, and sure remedy ibr fever and ague, dum ague, chili lever, and the billious discaes peculiar to nevv countries. These pilla are designed for the afTections of the liver andofher in(ernal organs vvhich altend the diseases of the new and miasmatic purtions oi our country. The unparalleled success that has atiended ihfi use of these pills, induces the proprielor lo belicve that they are superior to any remedy ever offered to the public (or the above diseases. They are pitrely VEGETABLE and perfeclly harmless, and can be taken by any person, m.Tle or female wiih peilcct safefy. The pills are prepared in two separate boxe?, marked No. 1, and No. 2. and accompanied with full directiöii3. A great numher of certificates might be procured in favor of ihis ncdicine, but the proprietor has thought fit not to insert them, in as niucii as he depends upon the merits of the same for its reputation. The above pil l is Uept consiantl} on hand by tle proprietor and can be had t wholesale or relail at the Store of J. Beckley & Co., Ann Arbor, Lower Town. Orders from the country promptly attended to. L. BECKLEY, Proprietor. January 17, 1844. 3m.LOWER TÖWN mESSRS. DAVIDSON & BECKER, have just re--"■■- ceived f rom New York a large and splendid assortment of Fancy and Staple # Also, a large quantity of Di y Groceriesj Crockery, Shelf Hardware, Nails, Boots and Shoes, Men's and Boy's Caps, Paints, Dye Stuffs, and Medicines, &c. &c. &c. which tliey willsell lower thau has ever before been offered in this place. For 3iíiculars cali at their Store, No. 3, Brown's Block, (formerly occupied by H. Becker.) The highest Market piice will be paid in Goods for most kinds of Produce. { Remember that they will not be undersold.) Ann Arbor, Lower Town, Nov. 13, 1843. 29-6mRAIL ïi O A D TEMPERANCE HOUSE. TiiE undersigned would respecUull3' iníorni the friends of Temperance. and the public generally, that the aben e nnmed House, formerlyknown as the Temperance Hotel, and situated 011 the comer of Michigan avenue and Washington sireet, near the Central Ilailroad Depot, lniving undergone thorough repairs and very great addiuonal improvenients, is now rcady forihereception oí' all those who may favor him with a cali. The accommodations, in every respect, are not inferior to any Temporáneo House in the country, and every attention will be given to 3uch as bestow thcir patronage upon this laudable enterprise. N. B. Carriages always in rendiness to convey passengers to and from Boats and Cars. . WM. CHAMP. Detroit. May 9, 1843. 4-ly WOOL! WOCL! CLOTH! CLOTHÜ npHE Subscriber8 would inform the Public X thnt persons having wool to bemanufaefured, can have il done at their Manufactory within a short time, as the large quantity of wool furnished them by farmers and others the past season is ncarly completed, and will be finished within a few days. Weyhavc manufactured cloth this season for about oree and twcníy -fice customers. to whom we have reaeon to believe, we have given general satisfaction. - With this encouragement, we hope íor future patronage. TER MS. Half the cloth the wool will make, or 37J cents per yard. We will also ezchange Cloth for Wool on recsonable lerms. Wool sent by Rail Road to Scio will be properly atteuded to. SAMUEL W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, Washtenaw Co., Dec. 25, 1843. 3fi-tfADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. npHE undersigned, having been appoinfed by -L the Judge of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, adminiEtrators on theestate of Asa L. Smith, late of snid couñty, and having given bonds as requtred by law, horeby givo notice to all persons indebted to said estáte to make inirnediate payment to them, and all persons having claims against said estáte to present theni properly attested for adjustment. SYRENA SMITH. Administratrix. WILLIAM M. SINCLAIR, Adininiatrntor. ! Ann Arbor, March f, 1844. 45-6vRAIL ItOAD HOTEL 1843. BY 1843. PATBICfi & ANDRE WS. OPPOSITE THE WESTERN AND NORTHERN RAIL ROAD DEPOTS, DETROIT, MICH. nnHE above Hotel has been greatly enlargcd X and fitied up in a style equal to any public house in Detroit, for comfort uncí conveníenco. Rs loca t ion aína healthy and pleasant part o the city, being situated on the Public Square and in the imrtiediaie vicinity of the Centialanc ! Northern Rail lloads, and convenient to the principal STAGE ROUTES divergingto the djíierent parts ot' the State. TitAVKi.KRs wíshing to tnke the Cars or Bonte cannot find a more convenient place than this being near the Cars on both Rnil Roads, and in immedintc connection withthe Boats. The Proprietors assure the public, thal no pains will be spared to furnish their TABLF with the best the Market aflbrds, and their customerewith evervattenlion in their power, rcquisite to their comfort. CA RRIA GES S? BAGGAGE WAG ONS nlways in readinesa (o convey Passengera to and from the Boafs and Cars free of charge. TERMS - 75 ceñís per day, or 25 cents per nieal. PATRICK & ANDREWS. Nov. 6, JS43. 28-6m. Sristol's Sarsaparilla. THIS valuable medicine su justly celebra'ed as a cerlain cure for Scrofula or Kinge Evíl, or any disenso arising from impurity of the blood, has become so well known as to need no publ catión of the numereus certiíicates now in ourpossession, of the extraordinary cures lately pf-rlormecl by it. but fearing there may be sonie persons afiecicd who have been gulled by using the imitations got up by othei-È. we would respectfully request them to cali ón us and satisfy thcmseive8 of ís many cures in similar cases. - By purchasing of usthcy can rely upon the genuineness of the article, which they should be careful to do, as we aro told there ís a spurious article of the same name for snle in this vicinity. Be careful to observe that "Bristol's Extract of Snrsaparilla, Buffalo," isstomped upon the bottles, and "C. C Bristol" writlen in his own hand over the Cork. V S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Ann Albor, Dfn. 25? 1843. 36 WOOL AND WOOLEN CLOTPIS. I will exchange woolen cloths of every width and quality for wool, to be delivered in May ar June, or afier shcaring time. My stock of jlothis complete, quality good, prices low, &c. F. DENISON. Ann Arbor, Februnry Ist, 1843. 41 . N. B. It is important that wool be dono up n jood order, ann nnv -'íformation will bogiven ivhcn asked F D.ABBOTT $- BEECHER. DETROIT WHÖLESAIiE AND RETAÏL DALERS IN DOMESTIC STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODSJUST received n largor Stock thati ever of Heavy lírown Sheetings, Shirtingsand Drilliriír8, Bleachcd Goode, Culicocs, Aprun Cliecks, Baggings, Burlnps, Diapcrs, Crath, Muslin, Fustiarts, Mole Skins. Sattinets, Shcep'a Gray Clotb, Buckskin Cloth, Fancy Cassimeres, Wolverioo Coatings, Alapaoa Lustre. Changenbic Stripe Do. Fancy Al-tpines, Crnpe DelainesJndiaCloih, Mouálm De L.iines, Parisiana. Cbusane, Shawls. Rob Roys, Cardinals, Dntnask Shawls, Black, Blue Black. Brown, and Blue Brond Clothe, Feit nnd Pilot Over Coatings, Blankets, Flnunels, and Superio BE AVER C LOTUS, Leather, Cottoiï Yarn, Tea, Sugar, Coffee, Rice and Tobacco. AU of whicii Goods wijl besold at tbc LOWÉST PRTCES thnt tbey can be bought for West o(' N?w York Cirv, and we wish our Frionds to give US a Cali beföre Bnyinsr. WANTED. POT ASH, WOOL AND FLOÜR, For wbicb we wilt pav tbe higbest pnces either in CASH or GOODS, nt lbo CHE A PEST CASH PXICES, íío. Í44, JeiTerson Avenue, Corner Bates Street, Detroit. Detroit, Nov. 13. 1843. 29-rf. PETERS' PILLS. TRÜTII HAS PREVA1LED. PETERS' Vegetable Pilis have now been tun years before the public. During thai period tiiey have obtninedn celebrity unparalleled in the biötory of ihc most popular medicines which haveí preceded theni or have iollowed in their - Tbe happy combination of vegetable ingrediente to which these piilsowe their elïicacy, is the result ofyears of earnest sludy and experiment, directed by long previous experience in the properties oí medical substances, tlie pathology of disease, the nature and modus operandi of tlie various fluids which minister to the support and sustcnance of tbe human body, and organization by which those iluids are prepared, modified and distributed. The triumph of skill, nnd patiënt experiment has been complete. Throughout the length and breadth of our land, in British Amorica and the West Indies, and on the confinen! of Europe, tlie curntive vir'.ues of Petcr's Vegeiable Pilis, are gratcfully acknowledcjed. They rpoy be caliedTHK medicine pau i:xck[.i.k.vce, of the Southern States. Their consumption south af the Potomac, is enormons, and continually on tbeincrease. No other pill "goes down" there, liowever sugared over with hired pufls.nnd homp nnnufactured certificates. Petera' Vegetable Pilla may be ternip.d a universa medicine, for there is scnrcely any derangement or obstruction of the organs nnd functions of the human machine which ihey will not allevia'.e or remove when administered in the early stages of congestión of the stomach or bowgIs, they specdily refax thoso organs, reduce tbe. ittendant fever, and restore the suiïorerio health. Containing no írritating or drastic substances. their exhibition is nevor followed by ihut prosiratiun of the bodily powers which chaiactcrizc the operation of most other cathartich-, and they may be administered without theslightest fear of sroducing local inflammation. so frequentl) jaused by the purgent compositior.s vended by the quncksand charlatans oí the day. Jn almost all stages of disease, Poters' Vertajle Pilis will be found of baneficial effect, bir they should alw;iys be rosorted to wher. tbe first symptom mnkes its appearance. The conques: jf the complaint will then be easy and imniediíte. In billious disorders, remiitant or intermitlant fever. dispepsiu. dysentery. cholera, cholic. :liarho3a, dropsy. sour or fajted eructations, enl-irgement oí the spleen. 6Íck headnche, all coniplaints growing oi;t of iinperlector too rapid digestión, torporof the boweis. femaleobstructions. linhitual costiveness. and all other diseawí; ni which a pursatlve medicine is proper. Peters" Vegetable Pilis will be fonnrl unnvaüed in the =peed certainty and gentleness of their operaiton. It is osked npon what principie these extraor :linary cfTecis are produced? We rej'ly thnt Pelers Vegetable Pili -acts as a purifier of the blood, by purifying the chyle and other íluids of which blood ,is composed. Chyle is o milky fluid deposited by the dicestive matter on the coats of tlie intestines: and which when combined with the billiary secretion, is conveyüd into the veins and becomes1 the principié of hfe. This medicine acts directly uuon the cbylel Iroin which it expels all acrid particles, and al. hutnors detrimental to a healthy circulation. lt clcanses the juices and fluids before the chemiciil change takes place which fits them lor the iminediate purposes ol vitahly. This is bezinning ai the beginning. To embue the streams oí liftwith hculth, it is necessary to purify them ai their sources. Such is the radical mode in whicli (bis medicine performs its cures. Testimoniáis which vvould fill volumes (mony of them from high sciontific autliority) are its vouchers, and it is used in the practico of the first Physicians hcre and abroad. For sale by F. J. B. Crane, W. S. A J. W. Maynard, J. H. Lund, Harris, Partridges &, Co S. P. Sc J. C. Jewntt, Dav'.dson & Becker, B. Becker, Christian Eberbaeh, G. Grenville. D D. Waterman. C. J. Garland, E. T. Williams. Ann Arhor; Gcorge Warner & Co., D. C. Wkitwood, J. Millard & Son. N. II. Wing. Dexter; M. Jackson, Loo?ii; Paul Raymond. Jacksov; Brotherson & Kief, Manchester; D Keys, Clinton; D S Flaywood, Salive; Stone. Kabcock & Co., Ypsiltmd; Scattergood & Co, Plymovth; Pierre Teller and T. H. Eaton & Co. Detroit; also in Adrián, Tecumseh, Brooklyn. Poniiac, Chicago, and almost every where else. Ann Arbor, Jan. 15, 1844. 27-lyCELEBRATED CHEMICAL PLASTEB. THE following is one frorn among lbehu meroue testimoniáis from persons of the highest respectabilüy, which the proprietorshave rece i ved. LETTER FROM JOHN S. CARTER. Druggist avd Ajwthècary Erie, Fa. dated July 2nd, ltí40. Messrs. H. Harris & Co. - Gentlemen: In reply to your favor ot the Jst instant, it aflbrds me pleasure to state, that I have during the last ihree yenrs sold innny dozens of E. Dearis Chemical Piaster, and it has almost universally givensmisfnction to (he purcha&ers. It has done womJers to my certain knowledge both in Chronic and Inflnmmatory Rheumatism. An old genllemar. who had heen aíTlicted with it for years remarlccd to me ihat he had expended more ihfin thirty dollars with doctors without benefit, when he was directed to try the plnster, from one box of which he says he reccived more reief than frorn all his physieianB. The piaster ïas also given good saiisfaction in Fever Sores and Itifla.nmation of the Eyes. I could say more. but the bearer of this is waiting. Respectiully yours, JOHN & CARTER. [CFFor the diseases in which this Piaster is ap plicable, see advertisement in another column o this paper. E. Dean'sChemical Piaster is for sale in Ann Arbor, (Lower Town,) by J. H. LUND, and W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Upper CHRISTIAN EBERHACH, Town 49-lyJAMES GL BIRNEX, ATT O RN E Y AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. SAGANAW CITY, MICHIGAN. JG. B. wH nlso act as Land Agent in the Land District in which this (Saganaw) County is; hc will irmke investments for others ands, pay over for non-residents their taxcs, and ivc information genorally to pereons interested i tbis part of thecountry, br dcsirousof becomng immigrante to it."TO THE VÍCTOR BELNGThf SPOILS." ati ALTHOUGH many prepnrationsin the lor, of "POPULAR MEDICINES." ha been before the public, claiming to give reliif and even euro the most invetérate diseases vot none have eo well nnswered tho. purposo nn T, feS MED1CATp2t?N0E; COÜGH L02ENGES" cure tiie most obstinate casea of Coueh in n V hours Thcy havecurcd ..]„„ „fc? sons who have been g.vcnup by their physicfnM and friends, and many who have been SES to thererge of the grave by soiuinJ li f Consumption and Í lectie Fevcr ÏÏI lood, have had the rose of hoalth restored ioSi"8" gard cheek. nnd now live fo S f í h ' praises ol this invaluable medicine Dr il inan's ' ' csuer"WORM LOZENGES have been provedin more than 400,000 cases to be infnlhble, in faet, the only certaiñ Worm dl stfoymg medicine ever diecovered n.iWr wil! eat them when they cannot be Wceí ó ÍZ any other medicine, and the benefit derivf the administrationof „edlcine tot fn form is great beyond conception. Thev hni! ncver been k.iown to fail. Dr. Slierman' "CA1VIPHOR LOZENGES" rohevo Hendache. Nervous Sick-head'uchc pi p.taiion of the Heart, and sickness in 'ver, few minutes. Dr. Shertrnn'e "POOR MAN'S PLASTER" is ncknowledged by all who have ever used t to be ihe best sirengthening Piaster in the woJld nnd a sovereign remody for painsand weakneïin the back, loms, 81de, breast. neck hZT joints, rhoumatism, lumbago, &c. Be caref.,1 to procure the nbove nnd nll other medicines o Maynard's, and you wil] be snre there wU be no nnstake in quantity or charge W.S. &.T. w. MAYNARD. Ann Arbor. February 5, 1844. 41 THE TRUE PAIN " ESXTHACTOXi SAX.V3B ";H curesMéii cliaim aJl HLlÍNShy l.Tnt hIlwaler' Hlul CTery exc-nal SORE I PAJN, INFLAMMATION, ACHE or ÍTCh" im, ever yet found upon the human fanaíyí to which it has been applied, must always bc uueht gcnuuie fron. Comstock and Co., of New YoTk or their nuthonzed ngents. All a.-c cautioned ngiimst nny spurious aiticiea, which mny alwava' bc avoided by knowing the one you buy comi-s trom Comsiock & Co , who are now the only proprictors and manufacuirers. Inquire for Con - nel s, which is warranied to do nll it ever wonld whencalled liy any other nunie, or thepricoshall be relundcd in nny cn$e ii it does not plonsc. To place it within rench of a!l. the price hn8 been rediiced more than four folrl, and is now sold for 25 cents, the former price being tno exorbitant. The 50 cent size now contnins four times iis mueh as the tonner, and the $1 6ze nenr ten times ns much. No iamüy trial has nny tille to humanily. wil] fni! to have QoKHE&g Pain Extractor Oiiitment always ;it hand. to snve life, allscars. and reduce hII agony from nny hum in five tninutc, providc.() they have eeen it used, or will believe thote w!io have used it. COMSTOCK &, CO., 2?. Counlnnd Street. tTT Be surc, thcrefore. and ask foi Connel's, ns our phie with Dalley's name en it luis ber.n sioien, and the tipuriotis may nppcar wiih ihat name on it. Know. therofore, that it comes directly from Comstock & Co., or shun it. VVM. S. & J. W. MAYNARD. fi A sent for Ann Arbor.CLOCKS! CLOCKSÜ rriHE subscriber hoving just receivrd pvoinl -L cnses of BRASS and WOOD CLOCKS', ui vnrious (lescripttons. is prepnred to sell ihein Chcnp for Cash. AIso. n general assonmem of J E W S3 1 B. "2" , consisting in pnrt of Gold Fingcr Rings, nnd BoS'MTi Pms. Ilenrts and Crosses. Silvcr nml Cötntnon Thimbles, Waich Chains and Keys, Pen'ííl Caes: also. Spoons, Sugar Bovvis. ÏJit tier Knives, Toolh and Ilrir BriisLe, Ponkei Books, Violin Strings. Nèedles, Pms. [Jooks, and Eyes. Spocaclcs. Fine Con. bs, Dressing Conil, Side Combs, Br;ck Combs. Pocket Combs. Water Painis. Marking Cottun. Steel Pens. anti Twensers. Snuif & Tobncco Boxes. Elastics, &c. All of which will be sold ds cheap as at any oiher estalilish'r.eni this side of New York. N. B. The snbscriber thnnkful for so large a plmre of pnblic pnironnire. still solicittüi continnence of ihe snme. CLOCKS AND WATCHES of e.very dc.scripiion ropaired and wnrrnnted. AIso. JEVVEI.RY rcp;iired on shoit notirc- Shop at his old stand directly opjiositc the Couri House. C. BMSS. Ann Arbor, Nov f!, 1843. 2-ly. THE loüowing indispensable fmnily reinrtües mny be lound nt Mayxard's Ürnggist Store, in Ann Albor, where none will he sulil unless ki.invr to be of the best kind imd no counlerieit article ever ofte red. patent medicino invariably procured of the origm I inventor or his regular successor: [HF ATo famllj should bc a week will.out thes tétáédies,Lf BALDNESS. Balm of Co'umbia, for the Huir, whicli wil stop it if lalling out, or restore itonbnld places; and on ëhil'dfèn make it grow rnpiflly. or on tliose who havo lost thehair from nny ciiii?c. ALL VERMÍN (hatinfest the hemls of children in schools, are preven'ed or killed by i' st once. Find she name of COMSTOCK on it or never try it. F cm em her t!is alicays. PILES, &c. are wholly prevented, or governed if tlie aVnck has come on. ií you use the only truc Hats' Likimknt, (rom Comstock & Co. All SORES, and every thing relieved by it that ndmits of an ontward application. It actslike a choim. Use it. RHEUMATI8M AND LAMENESS positively cured; all shrivelled musclcs and limbo ara restored, in the old or young, by the Judian Vtg' ttablc Elixir and Ncrre and Bon e Linimcnt-kM ncver without the name of Coni3tock & Co. oi it. KOLMSTOCK'S VERMIFUGE willoradicate all WORA1S in children or aduhs with a certainty quite astonishing. TOOTH DROPS. Klixes- cures eflectually. Ann Arbor, Feb. 5, 1344. . 41 DltítíULUTlOiN.- The Partnership herotofore existing under the firrm of .t)aJl'ld sons & Becker was by mutual consent diseolved on '.he 3Oth day of March. All notes and accounts of said Firm will be settled by R. and J. L. Davidson, who will still carry on tb business at the old stand. ROBERT DAVIDSON, JOHN DAVÏDSOX, C. R. BECKER. Ann Arbor, March 30, 1344. 3w50 EQTSLAY NOTICE is hereby givcu iiw't a yoke of four year old steers broke into my nclosure in. ihe township of Superior. Wnshtenaw county, Instfall, one brown, a little white on the tip ot thetail, the tip of the horns black, tho otner red with a line back and belly, some white on ni face. and a white tail. The owneris requested to cóme and prove property and pay dnmoges,. and take them away. _„. FÉLIX DUROSS. March 5, 1844. 8w46_ " b ooKBïwDËinr. AT THK 1MVÍ-H MILI. (l.lUVKR TOWN) AKK ARBOIl. EBOOTH would respcctfully inform tli inhabitanisof Ann Arbor and vicinity tha6 he continúes the business of BOOK BINDING, at the old utand. in the Paper Mili. Old Books will be neatly rebound on short notice. All kinds of RULING done to oreer.Country produce taken in payment. April 19, 1S43. j_I_L. CHARLES H. STEWART, ATTORNEY ANO COUNSELLOR AT LAW ANO SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY. JEFFERSOK AVENUE, PETROIT. 4L-tf.


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