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Fourth Of July: Friends Of Jackson Co., Listen To Us!

Fourth Of July: Friends Of Jackson Co., Listen To Us! image
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Jackson, Aprii. ISth, 1844.Ata meeling of the Committee, appointed to cnll a CoBvention of the citizens of JackBon County, for the purpose of making arrangements for the moral and religieus observanee of thè Fourth of July, af the village of Jackson, convened on the iSth instant, it was Resolved, That a meeting for the above pnrpose, be held on the first Wednesday in June, nt the Session House, in said villaje, at S oclock P. M. This is thcrefore, earnestly to entreat the friends of Liberty, Sabbath Schools and Tem perance to meet on Ihat iay, either to make arrnngemente for the proper observance of the 4th, or lo appoint a Committee fur that purpose, and to attent! to any other business whtch may be deemed important to the occasion. Sons of the pilLrms - friends of tha bond and the free- lovers of your country, come -and prepare for the triumph of freedom. Look pon your children, seated around yoü in the Sabbath School. The epirit of elaverv. vvith brozen chains in hand, is in hot pursuit of them. Let i hém, on the Fourth, in thronging crowds, come andjeam the f'ear of the Lorti and the science of freedom, and drink in the grateful and hallowed recoilection of the piety and prayers, and tears, and sncriöcea of treasurps and blood, the .price of their present privileges and joys. Remember too, the inebríate. Freedom 'ne tastes uot- joy he feels not- hope cheers him not - pour down yourpympatlnes on his desolate heart, and warm him inlo hope and confidence. Gnidge Dot the t wo or three days of you r S65 Days and years, thft poor elave has none. Ba active, friends of Jackson Cotinty, in preparation and exccution, and the coming Fourth -may be the dawn of a new nnd more joyous independence than eword or carage ever wen.


Signal of Liberty
Old News