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ATTENTION CLOTHIERS! Jü'ST received at the General Depot, lor the sale of Clothiers Stock, Mnchiiiery, Dye Stuik, &c. &c, No. 139, Jefferson Aveuue, Detroit, the following large, well asaorted, and carefully sclected stock, viz: 100 bblö. St. Domingo Logwood, Cut, 5 Tons " " D Stick 150 bbls. Cuba Fustic, Cut, f Tona " " in Stick, 50 bbla. Nic. Wood, Chipped, 50 " Lima Wood, " 30 " Red Wood, " 120 '♦ Grouiid Camwood, 10 " Quercitron Bark, 5U0 lbs. Nulgalls, 10 Cases Extract of Logwood, 300 lbs. Loc Dye, 2 Ceroons Spanish Indigo, 300 lbs. Sumac Sicily, 3 Casks Mndder, 3 Casks Blue Vitriol, 5 Casks Alum 2 Bárrela Red Tartar. 2 Crcnm Tartar, 3 Carboys Aqua Fort is, 5 ': Oil Vitriol, 3 " Muriatic Acid, 500 lbs. Virdigris, 50 '' Block Tin, Teaseis, Twine, Copper Kettles, all sizes, Parson'8 Shcaring Machines, Curtis' " fl Screws and Press Platea, Cranks, Press Paper, Steel Reeds, Worsted Harneas, Tenter Hooks, Etncry, all No's., Olive Oil, Clothiers' Jncks, Sattinett Warp, Clothiers' Brushes, Shuttles, Pieker?) Gard Cleanera, &c. &c. The above, with a variety of other articles belonging to the irade, have been purchased thia sumiiier by the subscríbela from Manuacturers and First Hands in the New York, Thiladelphia, aml Boston Markcus, and evcry thing having received his personol inspection. he cdn with the utmost confidence offer them to purchasers as Uu best and most complete stockin the country; and as it is his fixed determination (by the low rates al which ho will sell) to Drevent the necessiiy oi our Clothiers aud Manufii'urer6 leaving the State to make their purchases, h. would merely say to the trade, CAJjL, examine the goods and ascertain prices before you say you can buy cheaper any tcherc else. He is also prepared to contract for CARD1NG MACHINES made in this State or Enst. PIERRE TELLER, Sign of the Golden Mortar, 139, Jeflerson Avenue, T17-tf. 1 Detroit. 3NTX2W BOOK STORES ( A NM A RU UJi, L U I VEli TO WN. ) rrifIE Subscriber has just receiveci a general .1 assort.ii.iit of SCHOOL BOOKS, sucli )s are in use in Coinmon Schools in this State, together with a variety of Religious, Scienlific and Miscellar.eous works, suchas Quarto Bibles, Polyglot & Common, do. Pocket Edition, Family, do. School, do. Pocket Tostaments. 3 sizes, Prnycr Books, 4 sizes, The Psalmisr, a new Baptist Ilymn Book, Methodist Iïymn Book, Watts' Psalms and Hymns, Annuals for 1844, Cowpers Poems. Ossians. do CanipbeJIs, do. Burns'. do. Milton's Works, Scott's Works, Albums. Tales of n Granüfather, Scott's Napoleon, Beau'iful New Year's Presents, View of all Religions, Mothers Friend, Fieside Piety, Gema of Piety. Meditaticn on Prayer. a valuablc work, The Task, Berquins Works. Christian, Baptist, Church, Washingtonian and Farmer' Almanac8, Boston Academy. Sacrod Lyre and Manhattan Collection Singing Books, Blank Day Books, Ledgers, Journals and Blottera, Justices' Dockets, Toy Bibles, Prim era, 100 kinds, Song Books.20 kinds, and vnrione other Books. together with Wafers. Sealing Wax, Ink, Quille, Steel Pens, Letter Paper, (nn excellent article.) and common. Cap Paper, Ink Stands. Lead Pencila, Drawing Pencils. B. B. & H. B. and Prepared India Rubber. A.11 oí which will be sold at Detroit prices for Cash. The subscriber hns made his arrangements so ihat almost anything in the line of Books and Stationary which :s not on hand can be furnished ata short noti zo. He intends to make the sale of Books a permanent business and will therefore do what he can to keep his aasortment good. Don't forget the place, Ann Arbor. Lówér Village, nearly opposite the Flouring Mili. WM. R. PERRY. January 8, 1844. 37-3m.DR. OSGOOD'S INDIA CHOLAGOSUE. AJV1ONG the most valuable qualities oí thie medicine, ie its restoring injlnence upon constitutlons impaired and injured by previotis üttRclts ot bülious fever, or fever and ague; or iy n long residence in those climatés wliicli produce them. There are many constitutions which becomc gradually undermined by a miasmal influence. without ev-en a day's actual confinement. ín siich cases, the Cholagogue acts lilce a chnrm - diesallow complexion, loss of appetitc, languor, weariness and depression of spirits, whh other unplcasant symptoms which render life a burden. all yield to this remedy when faithfully ueed according to the directions of the accompanying pamphlet. It is entirely a vegetable prep aration, and may be taken wuh perfect scfety under aü circumstances of the system. For sale by 36 W. S. t J. W. MAYNARD. sole Agent, for Ann Arbor and vicinity.RAIL ROAD HOTEL 1843. BY 2.843. PATRICK & ANDRE WS. OFPOSITE THE WESTERN AND NORTHERN RAIL ROAD DEPOTS, DETROIT, MICH. THE above Hotel has been greatly enlarged, and futed up in a style equal to any public house in Detroit, for comfort and convenience. - Its location is in a heahliy and pleasant part of the city, being situated on the Public Square, and in the immediate vicinity of the Central and Northern Rail Roada, and convenient to the principal STAGE ROUTES divergingto the different parta oí the State. Tkavei.ers wishing to take the Carsor Boats cannot fmd a more convenient place than thia. being near the Cars on both Rail Roads, and in immediate connection with the Boals. The Proprietora assure the public, thaí no pain8 wiü be epared to furnish their TABl-Tv with the beet the Market afïórds, and their customere with everv attention in their power, requisite to thoir comfort. CARRIAGES êBAGGAGE WAGONS always in rcadincssto convey Passengere to and fr om the Boats nnd Cnrs free of charge. TERMS - 75 cents per day, or 25 cents per meal. PATRICK & ANDREWS. Nov. 6, 1843. 28-rm. ASA JL. SMITH'S ESTÁTE.- The undersigned, having heen appointed by the Hon. George Sedgewick, Judge of Probate, of Washtenaw County, Commissioners to examine and allow claims against the Estáte of AsaL. Smith. deceased ; said estáte having been represented insolvent - and six months are allowed to creditora to bring in and prove tbeir claims. We therefors give nolico thot we will meet for the purpose aforesaid at the office of Wm. R. Perry, in the villago of Ann Arbor, on the 13th t!ay of June, 13th day of July, 13th day of August and the 13th day of September next, at ten of the doek in the forenoon of each day. WM. R. PERRY, } R. P. SINCLAIR, CommJesioners. JAMES G1BSON, S Dated, Ann Arbor, April 19, J 844. 6w52E. DElütS'S CELEBRATED CHEMICAL PLASTER, The most tjfeclual remedy yet discovercd f dr Jtheumntism, Fever Sorè$, White Swellinga, Inflaviinntion in the EyeSf Swelled Throat in Scarlet Fever, Quinsey, THE CHEMICAL PLASTER is an important rcmedy for those who are afHicted with chronic and inflamniatory complaints, by ite easing pain, counterac'ing inflammatioTi, and giving speedy relief by ts active, strengthening, anodyne, diaphoreticand counterirritantproperties - an effectual remedy for Chronic and Imflammntorv Rheumatisin, Ague in the Breast, Scalds. Burns, Bruises, Scrofula, Ulcers, Old Sores of nlmost every deacription. Cankered and Swelled Throat arisinstfrom Scarlet Fever, Felons, White Swellings, Chilblains, &c. Pereons suflering fromLiver Complaints, Pulmonary diseases, Inflammation of the Lung8, with pain in the side, back or Jimbs. will find relief by the use of this Piaster. In all cases it may be used with perfect safety. E. DEANS CHEMICAL PLASTEtt h put up in boxea at filty cents and one dollar each, wuh f uil directions accompanyingeachbox. Mnnufactiired and sold wholesale by H. HARRIS & CO., Ashtabula. Ohio, sole proprietors, to whom all orders should be nddreesed. Sold olso by their Agents thioughout the country. O A liberal discount mado to dealers and physicinns. For testimoniáis and certificates from persons of the higliest respectibility, who have used the Chemical Piaster, see another column of this paper. Forsnle by the following Agenta in Michigan: H. W. Rood. INilcs, J. C. Larrimore. " C. Shannhan, Edwardeburyh. Wm. O. Austin, White Pieeon. Isaac Benham, Jr., Conatantine. Danl. L. Kimberly, Schoolcraft. H. B. Hueton, & F. Marchjr PM Kalnmazoo. James W. Cdthren. P. M. Galesburgh. T. L. Bolkcom, P. M. Battle Crcek, James M. Parsons, P. M. Marshall. Paul Raymond. Druggist, Jackson. Wm. Jackson, P. M. Leöni.-"' Hale and Smith, Grass Lake. John C. Winans, Sylvan, J Millerd &- Son, Dc-xter. Thomas P. May, Jr. Plymouth, Perin & Hall, Northville, Mead & MoCarthy. Farmington, Peter Van Every, Franklin, Juliu3 Dean, Pontinc, Mack & Sprague, Rochester, James Stephens, Utica, E. C. Gallup, Mt. Clemens, G. & J. G. Hill, } ri... John O wen & Co. $ Detroit. Dr. Thos. M. Sweeny, DcarbornviNe, L. Samson. Ypsilanti. J. H. LUND. ) W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD, Ann Arbor. CHRISTIAN EBERBACH, ) -19-1 y RAIL. ROA D TEMPERANCE HOUSE. THE undersigned would respecthilly inform the friends of Temperance. and the public jenerally, that theaboe named House, formery known as the Temperance Hotel, and situated n the corner of Michigan avenue and Wasbingon Street, near the Central Railroad Depot, havng undergone thovough repairs and very great idditionnl improvements, is novvready for the re:eption of all thuse who may favor him with a :all. The accommodntions, in every respect, are ïot inferior to any Temperance House in the :ountry. and every attention will be given to iuch as bestow thcir patronage upon this laudajle enterprise. N. B. Crriages always in readiness to convey passengers to and from Boats and Care. WM. CHA MP. Detroit, May 9, 1843. 4-1 y A Farm for Sale, SITUATED fn the town of Ingham, Ingham County, Michigan. Said Farm contains ane hutidred and fifiy acres handsomcly situased In the midst of a thriving settlement. - The land is what is usually called timbered Land, in Mlchignn, the timber being sugartnaple. whitewood, beach, ash, oak, &c. all kinds of timber peculiar to the timbered land in Michigan. Thers is on this (arm obout forty acres of good improvement: a good part of this is Enelish Meadow. A'so. n good LOG HOUSE AND NEW BARN, framed, 34 by 42 ieet, well finished. There are also on the place larming utensils. such as Chains. Ploughs, Drog. Cart, Fanning Mili. &c. which will he sold with the place. TERMS OF SALE. One quarter of purchase money down; the romainder in ten years, if necessary, with annual interest For pnrticulars enquire of the subscriber in Dexter village. JULIUS RANNEY. March 20, 1844. 48-tf. Bristol's Sarsaparilla. THiS valuable medicine so justly celebrnted as a certain cure for Scrofula or Kings Evil, or any disease arising from impurity of the blood, has become so well known as to need no publ'.cation of the numereus certih'cates now in our possession, of the extraordinary cures lately performed by il, but fearing there may he some persons aflected who have been gulled by using the imitations got up by othere, we would respectfully request them to cali on us and satisfy tliemselves of its many cures in similar cases. - By purchasing of usthey can rely upon the genuineness of the article. which they hould be careful to do, ns we are told there is a spurious nrticle of the same name for sale in ihis vicinity. Be careful to observe that "Bristol's Extract o Sarsaparilla, Bufialo," isstamped upon the bot tles, and "C. C. Bristol" written in his own hand over the Cork. W S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Ann Arbor, Dec. 25, 1843. 361844. WHOLESALE & RETAIL. JË. JflJFJRHRJEJV, BOOKSELLERANDSTAT1ÖNER 8M-ART8 BLOCK, 137 JEFFERSON AVENUE, DETROIT Keeps constan tly for sale a complete assortmen of Misccllaneous, School and Classical Books; Letter and Cap Paper, plain and ruied. Quille. Ink, Sealing Wax, Cuilery, Wrapping Paper, Printing Paper, of all stzes; and Book, Neweand Canister Ink. oi varinus kinds. BLANK BOOKS, Full and hal) bound. ol evcry vartëty 01 Ruling MEMORANDUM BOOKS, &c. To Merchnnts, Teachers, and others, buying in quantities. a large discount made. SABBATH SGHOOL & BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITOR 51 -tf. WOOL AND WOOLEN CLOTHS Iwill exchange woolen clothe of every widt and quality for wool, to bc delivered in Ma or June, or ofter sliearing time. My stock o cloth is complete, quality good, prices low. &c F. DENISON. Ann Arhor, Febrnary lst, 1843. 41. N. B. It is important that wool be done up i good order, and onv :nformation will bc give when asked F D. BINGHAM ác CHAPMAN FORWARDING MERCHANTS, DEALERS JJV DRY GOODS, GRO CERIES, fc. AT THE llAir--KOAD DEPOT, OKASS UKE, MÍCH. H. H. BISGHAM. G. CHAPMAN 3m.ABBOTT & BEECH ER. DETROIT WHOLESALE AND BET All, DALERS IN DOMESTIC STAPLE AND FANCY b DRY f JUST received a larger Siock ihuit ever oí j Heavy Brown Sheetings, Shirtingsand Drillings, Blenched Gooda, Calicóes, Apron Checks, Baggings, Burlaps, Dinpers, c Crath, Muslin, Fustinns, Mole r Skins, Suttinets, Sheop'a Gray s Cloth, Buckskin Cloth, a Fancy Caesimeres, i Wolverioe ( Coatings, Alapaca Lustre, Changeable Stripe ï )o. Fancy Alepines, Crape Delainü3,India Cloih, é Moushn De f Laint-s, Parisiana, r Chuaarts, Shawls, Rob Roya, Cardinals, DninaBk ) Shawls, Blnck, Blue Blnclc, Brown, { and Blue Broad Cloths, Feit and Pilot s Over Coa tin gs, Blankets, Flannels, and Superio , BEATER CLOTHS, „eather, Cotton Yarn, Tea, Sugar, Coffee, Rice and Tobacco. , A!l of which Goods will be sold at the LOWEST PRICES that they can be bought for Wem r f New York Citv, and we wish our Frknda to , give us a Cali before Buying. WANTED. POT ASH, WOOL AND FLOUR, "or which we will pay the highest pnces cither n CASH or GOODS, at the CHE AP EST CASH PRICES, i No. 144, JefTerson Avenue, j Corner Bates Street, t Detroit, j Detroit. Nov. 13. 1843. 29-tf. i PETERS' PILLS. TRUTH HAS PREVA1LED. PETERS' Vegetable Pilis have now been ten years before the puMic. During that period ïey have obtaineda celebrity unparalieled in the listory of ihe most popular medicines which have ] )receded them or have followed in tlicir track. - ] ""he happy coinbination of vegetable ingredients o which these pillsowe their eificacy, is the uít ofyears of enrnest stüdy and experiment, ected by long previous experience in the rtiesof medical substances, the pathology of t ose. thé nature and modus operandi of the í ious fluids which minister to the support and ustenance of tlic human body, andorgnnizntiun i y which those fluids are prepared, modified and i istributcd. The triumph of skill, and pntient 1 xperiment has been complete. Thronghout the ength and breadth of our land, in Biitish l ca and the West Indiea, and on the continent j f Europe, the curative virlues of Peter's able Pilis, are gratefully acknowledged. They ; lay be called the medicine vak kxcei.i.knce, of i ie Southern States. Thcir consumpiion south f the Potomac, is enormoua, and continually on ( leincrease. Nootherpill "goes down" there, { ïowever sugnred over with hired pufis and home manufnetured certificates. ( Peters' Vegetable Pilis muy be termed a , ersa i medicine, for there is scnrcely nny dcangement or obstruction of the organs and 'unctíons ol' the hunun inachin'e which they will ot alleviaíe or remove when adminislered in the r arly stages of congestión of the stomach a Is, they 6peedily relax thoso organs, reducá the t ttendant fever, and restore the suffererto health. t Jontaining no írritaüng or drnstic substances, ieir e.xhibition is never followed by that prosration of the bodily powors wliich characterize - ie opcration of most other cstharticR. and they may be adminisiered without the sliglitest fear of f roducing local inílammation, so irequently aused by the purgent compositions vended by f ie quack8 and charlatans of Ihe day. ( ín aimost all stages of disease, Peters' Vegetale Pilis will be found of beneficial effect, bui ïey should always be resorted to when the first c ymptom makes its appearance. The conquest f the complaint wtlj then be easy and immedite. ín biilious disorders, retnittnnt or. intermitant fever, dispepsia, dystntery, cliolera; eholic. iarhoea, dropsy, eour or fcetod oructations, enargement of the spleen, sick headache, all conidaints growing out of imperfect or too rapid dijeBtion, torporof the bowols. femaleobstructii)n8. ïabitual coetiveness, and all other diseapes in which a purgative medicino is proper. Peters' Vegetable Pilis will be found unrivaüed in the peed, certaimy and gentleness of their operaon. It is sked upen v.!iat principie these extraorinary effects are produced? We reply that Peers Vegetable rill acts oa o purifier of the lood, by purifying ihe chyle and other fluids of vhich blood is composed. Chyle is a nilky fluid deposited by the digestive matter on be coats of the intestinos: and which when ombincd with the billiary secretion, is conveyd into the veins an:l becomes the principio of ife. This medicine acts directly upon the chylel rom which it expels all acrid partióles, and al, lumors detrimen'al to n henlthy circulation. It leanses the juices and fluida before the cbemicol change takes place which fits them for ihe immeliate purposes oi vitahty. This is bezinning at he beginning. To embue the streams of life with health, it is necessaiy to purify thern at hei rao urces. Such is the radical mode in which this medicine perform8 its cures. Testimoniáis which would fill volumes (many of them from high scieneific authority) ore iis vouchers, nnd it is U8ed in the practica of the first Physicians herc and abroad. Foraaleby F. J. B. Crane, W. S. J. W. Maynard, J. H. Lund. Hai ris, Partridges St Co S. P. & C. Jewett, Dav.dson &. Becker, H. Becker, Christian Eberbaeh, G. Grenville, D D. Waterman, Q. J. Garland, E. T. Williams. Ann Arhor; George Warner & Co., D. C. Whitwood, J. Millnrd & Son. N. H. Wing, DexUr; M. Jackson, Leoni; Paul Raymond, Jackson; Brotherson & Kief, Manchester; D Keys, Clinton; D S Haywood, Saline; Stone, Babcock fe Co., Ypsilanti; Scattergood &Co, Plymovtlc; Pierre Teller and T. H. Ëaton & Co. Detroit; also in Adrián, Tecumseh, Brooklyn, Pontiac, Chicago, and aimost every where else. Ann Arbor, Jan. 15, 1844. 27-1 y CELEBRA T E D CHEMICAL PLASTSR. THE füllowing is one from among the nu merous testimoniáis from persons of tht highest respectability, which the proprietor6 have received. LETTER FROM JOHN S. CARTER. Druggist and Apotkecary Erie, Pa. dated July 2nd, 1640. MESsns. PI. Hakris & Co. - Gentlemen: In reply to your favor oi the Ist instant, it aflbrds me pleasure to state, that I have during the last three yenrs sold many dozens of E. Dean's Chemical Pluster, and it haa aimost universally givensatisfaction to the purchat-ers. Ithas done wonder8 to my certain knowledge both in Chronic and Infiamniatory Rheumatism. An uld genlleman who had been afflicted wilh it for years remnrked to me that he had expended more ihan thirty dollars with doctors without benefit, when he was directcd to try the piaster, from one box of which he soys he received more ielief than from all his physicians. The piaster lias also givcn good satisfaction in Fever Sores and Inflatnmation of the Eyes. I could say more, but the bearerof this is waiting. Respecllully yours, JOHN S. CARTER ETFor the diseases in which this Piaster ia ap plicable, see adveriisement in anoiher column o tbis paper. E. Dean's Chemical Piaster is for snle in Ann Arbor, (Lower Town, ) by i, H. LUND, and W. S. &. J. W. MAYNARD, ? Upper CHRISTIAN EBERBACH, Town 49-ly JAI?1ES . BIRWEY, ATT O RN E Y AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. SAOANAW CITT, MICHIGAN. JG. B. will also act as Land Agent in the Land District in which this (Sagannw) County is; he will make investments for othors lands, pay over for non-recidents their taxes, and give information gcnerally to persona intorested in this part of the country, or desiroueof bocoming immigrants is :'.."TO THE VÍCTOR BELONG Thp SPOILS. nh A LTI1OUGH tnany preparationsin iJ.p L. A. of "POPULAR l been before the public, claim ing t0 cj've ■rif nnd even cure the most invetérate diseases none have oo well answerod thr nurnoo. Z "COUGH LOZENGES" cure the most obstinate cases of Conrt, ;„ t hours. They have cured a larje nUmL " ? ftW sons who have been given up by S f -f Per' and friends, and mony whohav. i P y8IeiMW to ,he vorge of the grOve lTTn '" Consumption and Hectic Fever i I blood have haá the rose of healih re8[0're7,ftl V" gard check, and now Uve lo "nc-k V Í praisesofthisinvaluable medicine n!'!11"1 man's ' r boer. "WORM LOZENGES have been provedin more than 4l)t nnn be inï.11 ble, in fact, the onlv rtaV,?wCaieVQ stroying medicine ever áCOvereá A?. ' will eat them when they cannot be , Vhll(ílen any other medicine, and the benefit H 'f ,'ko the administrntion of rnedicine toíB ' ffoni form is great beyond conception ffi,!11,11"6 never been kiiown to fail. Ir. Sherman' Vi "CAMPHOR LOZENGFS" 8 relieve Hendache, Nervous Sick-headU,. t pitation of the Ueart, and s ckncü in .' few minutes. Dr. Shermnn's VMy "POOR MAN'S PLASTER is acknowledged by all who havr . i be the best strengLningVïï n'tb.' wi? and sovereign remedy for pains and wkn Í n the back, loms, side, breast, eek l, jo.nts; rhcumatism, lumbago, &V Be ft to procure the above and n óther mSeffirf Maynarcl's, and you will be snro there Sí mistake in quantity or charge. no W. S. & J. W. MAYNAnn Ann Arbox, February 5, 1844 AR? THE TRÜE PAIN" "" W EXTRACTOR SAI.VE WICH cures liitcu charm uil BlfRNSbv lire or water, and everv extpm-l np PAIN.. INFLAMMATION, AcK ficË ING everyetfound upon ihe human farnily to u has been applied, must alwaya be ÓmR genuine from Conaiock and Co., of New Yolk or their authonzed agenta. All n:e cautioned agamst any apuriou anieles, which mr Iwav. bc nvoided by knowing he one you buy comía from Cometock & Co , who are now L 0"?y propnetors and manufacturera. Inquire for Connel e, which is warranled to do all it ever would wnencnllcd by any other name, or the prio ehall be refundcd in any case if ii does not please 1 o place it wiüiin reach of all, the price has been reduced more than four fold, and is now sold for 25 cents, the former price being too exorbitant. The 50 cent si-ze now contains four times ns mueh as the tonner, and th $1 8ize nenr (en times as much. No family that has any title to humanily, will fail to have Cokkel's Pain Extractor Ointment always at hand, to snve life, all scare, and reducn all agony from any burn in five minuies, provided they have seen il used, or will believe those who have used it. COMSTOCK&CO., 21, Courtlnnd Street. [TT Be sure, therefore, and ask foi CowNtt's, as our jilnte with Dalley's name on ii hns been sioieii. and the spurious mny appenr with tlmt name o;i it. Know, therefore, that it cornos di. rectly from Comntock & Co., or shun it. WW. S. & J. W. MAYNAItD, 36 AgPnt for Ann Arhor. CLOCKS! CLOCKSÜ nnHE subscriber hnving just receivcd sevcral J_ cases of BRASS and WOOD CLOCKS, ol various deacripiions, is prepnred to sell them Clieap for Cash. Also. a general nsBorinicni of JfiWE&A?, consisting in part of Gold Finger Rings, and Bosom Pins. Heartsand Crosses, Silvcrand Cornmon Thimbles, Watch Chains ond Kovf, Pencil Caes; also, Spoone, Sugar Bowls, Butler Knfvea, Tooth and Hair Brushes, Pocket Books, Violin Siringe, Necdles, Pins. Hooi;, and Eycs. Spectacles. Fine Coir,bs,Dre8$ing Comf, Side Combs, Back Conih, Pocket Combs. Water Paini. Marking Cotton, Steel Pen?, snd Twenser8, SnufF& Tobacco Boxes. Elngiics, && All of which will be sold as chenp as at any other establishment this eide of New York. N. B. The subscriber thankful for so Urge n ehare of pnblic patronage, still solicito continnpnee of the same. CLOCKS AND WATCUES of cvery deseviption repnired nnd warranted1. Also, JEWELRY repaired on short notice.- Phop at hi's old stand ditecily opposite th Court House. C. BLISS Ann Arhor. Nov 6, 18-13. ' 2fcMy. THE íollowing indispensable t'cmüy renWie may be found at Maynard's Druggix Srore, in Ann Aibor, where none will be sold unless krnwn to be of the bes: kind nnd no counterfeit articie ever oiïered, patent medicina nvorinbly procuied ot the origin 1 invenior or hisTegular snecpssor: ÏÏJF No fumilj shouldlc a week inlhout thtn remedies. rr BALDNESS. Balm of Co'umliia, for the Hoir. which wil stop it if rilling out, or restore iton bnld plico; nnd on children make it grow rapidly, or on ■ those whe h ive lost the hair from nny caue. ALL ViiRMIN thatinfest the hcüdiof children in scliuolfi, nre prevented or killed by it at once. Find üic name of COMSTOCK on il or never try it. Remember this alicays. PILES, &c, are wholly prevented, or governed iftho aMek has come on, ii you nse the only true Hats' Lipimekt, from Comstock & Co All SORES, and every thing relieved by it that admits of n outwardapplication. it actslikea chajm. Ui 1 'rHEUMATISM AND LAMENF.SSpoiitivcly cured; all ehrivelled musclcs and limbi ar restored, in the old or young, by the hidian Vg' itable Elixir and Nerre and Bov$ Liniment-wl never without the name of Comstóck & Co. on 'KOLMSTOCK'S VERMIFUGE willendicate nll WORMS in children or ndulu with certainty quite astonishing. TOOTH DROPS. Klikm- curea effectüally. Ann Arbor, Feb. 5, 1844 4i D1SSOLUT1ON.- The Partnership hcretofore existing under the firrm of üavidsons & Becker was by mutual consent amonta on the 20ih day of March. AU notes nd ae. counts of said Ftrrn will be settled by R. and J. L. Davidson, who will büU carry on Iht business at the old ."ERT DAVIDS0IÍ, JOHN DAVIDSON,C. R. BECKER. Ann Arbor, March 30, 184 4. 3wW_ NOTICE is nfrfby g.vcn .hat a yoka of four year old steers broke into my enclo.u r in the townabip of Superior. Waahtena - co ntj, i laat (all, one brown, a litllc white on th, etipoi thetail the tip of the home black, h. . othr red with a lino bock and belly, some wint o n , b face, and a white fail. The ownaria requotei to come and prove property and pay damg , and takethem away. DUR0SS ' Morch 5Lie44 _Ji BOOK BINDBSY. ATTHKVAPJCUMII.L (I.OWKR TOW) A.K! S EBOOTH would respectfully .n"r.,V? . inhabitanteof Ann Arbor and vJOiiiWWi he continúes the husmea f BOOK BINDING, at the old tand, in the Pnper Mili. &14on will bo neatly rebound on short noticö. All kinds of RULING done to ordef.Countryproducc taken in payment. April 19, 1843. BU ) CHARLES H. STEWART, , ATTORNEY AND COüNSEUOR AT LAW AND SOUCITDR IN CHANCERY. JEITBReOir A VENTTE, DETROlT'4gitft


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