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- MtfS. &. BÜFFIÑGTOÑ, RESPECTFULLY" announcea to the Ladies of An'n Abor and vicinfty. thnt she has just received the latest fashionable Patterns, for La dies HATS, CAPS, BONÑETS, CAPES for Dresses snel the French Mantilla. These Patterns vrere selected by Mrs. il II ol Ann Arbor, with the utmost care. froifi the most fashionable Shops in the city of New York; I She alao inloniis the Ladtes of Ann Arbor and vicinity, t'hat she will furnísh thein wílh Patterns cut with tlie uimost care. She will ükewise keep a good asaortraent of Hats, Caps and Bonnêts, ; on hand. Ladiea will do well to cali and examine J for tbemaelves before purchasingelsewhere. p Ann Arhor. VTav 1i. lfi4. í?ifwoojlFwöol, r ! rpHE undersigned, b, en repeatedly solit -iied to make some arxanae. ments by ivhich the Wooi. Gkowers ol Wahieimv. and the surrounV c ins counrry ould dispose o: iheir ivool in a wnner would be mututually. beneficial 10 the Qrowor and ihe Buyer, would beg leave to av that 've have Just rcceived a uell s lecled and valuable stock oí Domestíc' and t rancy DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, 1 re'í frwN?W V.rk and Bosfon' wl)i(h we purpose to exchange for ! ah or Wool, on the most reaonabie terms. To our old custon.ers, and as mHny more as choose to sive us a cal!, we ive the assurance Ihat we can mpply yo.i with everv rtide necestary Zv? wnnT6 "" V 3S Can be b"Shr this side of Lak Erie' and receivé yonr vjUULin payment ta f,rice perfeclly satisfaclory. In adduion to o-.r usual .tock of Ful! Clotbs, Saiineit FJannels, we kiTds nf 4 m 'a'7lrf 'n priCe' flOm tvV0 tO Ien dollar C-"simere?J all kinds of Sumrncr C oths,&c. vvliich we propose to exchange as above To all who for r.chgo.ds ureal barcains and l.igh priceS for WOOL, we would say give us a call before purchasing elswwhere. Ann Arbor, LowerTown. 14, 184" & m SOMÏBTHIjyG NÉWrt JAMES GIBSON táfces this method of informin his friends and old customers that he has again entered the Mf-rcaniile busiress, and is now opening a general and splendid assortment of b & l GROCERIES, CROCKERY, SHELx HARDWARE, NAILS, &C. &C. all of wbich vvill He offerred to the public as cheap as the cheápest, fot Cash or Barter. Wool and most kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE ■will be taken in exchange for Good?. ö Take no man's word, but examine for vourselves af No. 4, Huron ülock, Lower Villaje.. Ann Arbor, May 15, 1844,I BR ficA M V3i [ " 5 i Eet v. 's i -1 ■' 'A. BF JwBI &3 viB fifi L ' - - ■' NEW BOOT, SHOE, AND LEATHER „ANN AEBOR, LOWER TOWN. i S v?iLCHJiaS moveíTliis establishment from the Upper fo fhe Lowef the undetstandings of every Man, Woman, and Child who will mve him a calí, ín tfte neatest, cheapest, and best ruanner that can be done in Mich1 LEATHEK and F'lJVDINGS of all" Icinds constantly on hand. CASH and FÍIDES, in any quantilies, for which (he highest prices wilí be given. x . %Let none purchase uníil iliey have called at FeichV No. 4 HurónAnn Albor, May 4, 1844, g_ly AT THE CASH STORE OF R. & J. I. DAV IBSOBS1, nn Jlrbor Lomer Yittage YÜST received at the above" establishment, a complete assortment of' Groceries, Crockerv, Shclf Hardtvare, Boots and Tuscart ánd Straw Bonnets, Flower-, &■. &c, aíl of which will be so'd as cheap as thev can. be bonglit at any otilar store in Michigan. Tiie above Goois were select-ed with gient cire, and we leel assured tliat we can convince pur.hasers of ihe truih of what ve say. The liighest price will be paid for Wool. We wil! also receive all kinds of produce in exchange for Goods at the liighest market price. Purchasers are respectfullj' invited. to cali and examine for ihemselves. Ann May 6, 1844. 3_tf "ffUST received at the Farmers' and Mechanics' Store, a general assortinent of Faiicy and stapte Groceries, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, &c. &c. which will be sold cheap aíid for ready pnyonlv. C. J, GARLAND, Atin Arbör, Upper Town, Nov. 20, 1843. Ñ. B. í?s usual, any Goods purehased of Iiim not givihg satisfaction irt irice and quuhty, the purchascr has the privilege to return Ihem and reeive back hts momy. 32i C. J. GABLANtt,


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