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We ïentioned last week that the Democratie Tariff Bill, tnodifying, altering and reducing the Whig Tariff of 1842, had been laid on the table by a vote of 105 to 98, thus continuing the presenf Tariff another year. - Of the yeae, 28 were Oemocrats, of whtch 10 were from New York, and 77 Whigs. The nays were Whigs, 1- Demócrata 97. All our Mich members voted against laying the new bili on the table, and according to the uuderstanding, this was equivalent to voting for its adoptiori. We congratúlate the Whig and Democratie parties on the striking evidence of a pleasing coincidence of views on this subject of contention. The Tariff of "42 was passed by very small majoritie8 in each House, and then only by the help of a portion of the Democrnctic party. It has been taken up at the present session, deiiberated uponfor a long time, and then fully opproved by a Democratie House, by laying the only substitute proposed for it, upon the table! Does not this show a striking nnamninity of views? When the bill was passed, there was a large Whig majority in the Honse; now it has been continued by a Democratie House - the Democrats having about 140 members, and the Whigs 78. Does not thie confirm the position we havs taken for a long time, that ihere is no essential matter of difference iu con test between the iwo parties? The Senate have removed thé injunction of secrecy respecting the Texas treaty, and have passed some jud#ment on Senator Tappan, of Ohio, for promulgating the treaty and documenta, contrary to the rule of the Senate. The Conamiitee of the Senate have reported against reducing the pay of the officers of the Army, kc, and the bill will be postponed. Mr. Niles, of Connecticut, has taken his seat in the Senate. In the House, the question about censuring White and Rathburn for their recent fight, was laid upon the table - ayes 8% noes 73. Mr. Tylor's movement in behalf of Texas, by land and sea, created a great sensation in Washington. An impeachment of the President was talkcd of. The bill fixing on the Tuesday aftcr the first Monday of November as the day on which the people of all the States shall voto for President, paseed Ihe House - ycas 14 J, nays 34. It will doubtless pass the Sennte. Jn tho House, the Cotnmittee on the Post Office Law rep'orted adversely upon the Senate bill, to reduce the rates of postage and for other purposes. They propose that the present rátes of postage shall be reduced as follows; For distances now paying 6, 5; 12J, 10 cents; 18, 16 cents; and 20 and L5 cents for grpater distances.


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