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DRY GOODS, DRY GROCERIES. Feathcrs, Paper Hanging-s, BASKETS, &c. MAY be found at the lowesl cash prices, at Ratmond's Cash Store, 148 Jefferson Avenue. De'roit. The undorsigned hns just received a ful! stock of SPRING GOODS. of the moet desirable styles and pattorns, suitable for city or countrv trade. AWONG WHICH ARE: Freñch Lawns, Ginghatn Muslins, Musltn de Laines, Balzarines, Bal-zarine Muslins. Striped Swiss Muslins, Rich Calicóes, of all qualitiea, cotors aiKÍpátterns. Pantaloon and Coat Btuils, satth asf Gambroons, Sweclc? Cassimcres, Fancy Drillings, liinep Checks, Plaid Swedes. Fancy Englfeh Cassimeres,Broad Clotljs, Kentucky Jeans, &c. - ALSO- Blue Drills, do Linens, Fustians, Tickings, Checke, Linseys, Burlaps', Baggings, Padding, Canvass, Bro-Vn Sheetings' art'd Dïillinga, Bleachcd Cottons, Swiss, Jackonet. Book & Barred M'uslms, "VVide Laces and Lnce Edgings, of every description, Yestings, Bonnets, Ribbon9, Lincn Cambric, Cambrics, Haukerchiefs, Cravats, &c. &c. &c. Persona trading in the city are invired, at least, to cali and look at this stock, and if the pricos are not as low as elsewhere, patronage is not expoctcd. W. A. RAYMOND. 1 43 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit. May 20, 1844. 4:6m Feathers & Paper Haiigings THE subscriber will keep a supply of Geese Feathers constantly on hand. Also an as)frt of Paper Hangings, Borders. board Pajers, &c. W. A. RAYMOND, 1 18 Jeff. Avenue. Detroit. May 20. 4 LTNEÍSf SHEETING, two yards and a quar ter, and threo yards wide. at RAYMOND S CASFI STORE, 148 Jett". Avenue, Detroit. May 20. 4WOOXi! WOOX.! CLOTH! CLOTH!! THE Subscribers would inform the Public that they will continue to manufacture good 41? v&ááiMtihW %phW% Hit q H their Manufactory, two and a half miles wept of Ann Arbor, on ihe Huron, on the following TER MS. Until the first day of Janunry, A. D. 1845, the price will be 37è cents per yard, or half the croihthe vool will make. From the lat of January to the loth of May. 1845, the pricö will be 33 cents per yard, or nine twentieths oí the cloih the wool will make, ihatis, 45 yards out of 1 UO rnanufactured. The wool will be manufactured ín turn as it may come into the iactory, as nenr as may be with reference to the different qualities.. Any persan who will furnish one or more pareéis of wool from 80 to 100 pounds of one quality can have it manufnetured by itsolf. Wool will be received at Scb. Wool sent by Railroad will be attended to in the same manner as if the owner were to come with it - it should be careiully marked. We have monufactured cloth during the past year for a veiy large number of customers, to whom we believe we have given. very general satisfaction With these facis and the advanuiges offered by the low price at which we offer to manufacture cloth, we hope for a large share ol patron"ge. SAMUEL W. FOSTER &, CO. Scio, Washtenaw Co., April 25, Ï844. 3-tf TAKEN UP BY the subscriber on the fifteenth of Dec. a BLACK STAG, three or four years old, with a 8inall s-juare mark on the end of the left ear. Said Estrayhas been entered on Town Book,according to iaw. DANIEL DWIGHT. Scio, April 3, 1844. 8woO RAISIN INSTITliTION. Ml tl E public are hereby notified. that the X RAJS1N INSTITUT1ON, ín Lenawee County, Michigan, is now in operation, and will be conducted as a MANUAL LABOR SCHOOR, for Colorod People, and all others wishing to avail themselves of its advantages". About twenty-five scholars can now be accommodafed at the Institution. Our intention is toenlarge the Golony ao fasf as ve can. so as to hnve Mechanic Shops of different kinds estnhlished iff the'Colony. so that young men may learn mechanical arts and scie.ices while pursuing their siudie3. H. BIBB, Agent for ibe Raisin Institution. Franklin, May 7. 1844. tl' HORSES, WAGONS, BUGGIES AND HARNESS FOR SALE'. THE Subscriber offers for sale Uve goed hörees. one iwo horse wagon, two buggies.tfro setts dnuble harnees, one single harness and two saddles. The wagon, bnggies and harness were new last fall,and will be sofd cheap for cash oron short credit. H. PÁRTRIDGE. Ann Arbor. LowerTown. April 1 1. 1844. 5lf BASKtÍT WARE. TRAVE-LLING BASKETS, &c- at RAYMOND'S CASH STORE, 148 Jeff. Avenue, Detroit. May 20. 4 BROCHA, Stik. Murlin de Laine and oiher Summer Shnwls, mny be found at. RAYMOND'S CASH STORE. 148 Jeff. Avenue, Detroit. May 20. 4 MRS. C. BUFFINGTÖN, RESPECTFULLY announces to the Ladies of Ann Arbor and vicinhy. that slie has just received the latesf fashionable Pattkrns, for Ladies HATS, CAPS, BONETS, CAPES for Dresses snd The French Mantilla. These Patterns Vere selected by Mrs. Hill oí Ann Arbor, with the utmost care, from the moBt fashionable Shops in the city of New York. She also informa trre Larftee óf Ann Arbor nnd vicinity, that she will furnish tlrem with Patterns cut with the utmost care. She will likewise keep n good asaortment of . Hats, Caps and Bonnets, on hand. Ladies will do wcll to cali and examine for themselves before purchnsingcleewhore. Ann Arbor, May 12, 1844. 3tf


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